(e) Briefly provide five reasons to the management of Bailey’s why financial rewards could be considered to improve motivation. (5 marks)


(e) Briefly provide five reasons to the management of Bailey’s why financial rewards could be considered to improve motivation. (5 marks)

更多“(e) Briefly provide five reasons to the management of Bailey’s why financial rewards could be considered to improve motivation. (5 marks)”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (c) Briefly describe five factors to be taken into account when deciding whether to use recruitment consultants.(5 marks)

    (c) An organisation considering the use of external recruitment consultants would make its decision upon the availability, level and appropriateness of expertise available within the host organisation and its likely effectiveness, together with the cost of using consultants set against the cost of using the organisation’s own staff. The organisation should consider the level of expertise required of potential employees and therefore the appropriate knowledge required of the consultants and the need for impartiality or security which may be of particular importance for some organisations. In addition, the views of internal staff as to the likely effect of using outside consultants must be considered, as is the effect the use of consultants might have on the need to develop expertise within the organisation.

  • 第2题:

    (c) Discuss the ethical and social responsibilities of the Beth Group and whether a change in the ethical and

    social attitudes of the management could improve business performance. (7 marks)

    Note: requirement (c) includes 2 professional marks for development of the discussion of the ethical and social

    responsibilities of the Beth Group.

    (c) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is concerned with business ethics and the company’s accountability to its stakeholders,
    and about the way it meets its wider obligations. CSR emphasises the need for companies to adopt a coherent approach to
    a range of stakeholders including investors, employees, suppliers, and customers. Beth has paid little regard to the promotion
    of socially and ethically responsible policies. For example, the decision to not pay the SME creditors on the grounds that they
    could not afford to sue the company is ethically unacceptable. Additionally, Beth pays little regard to local customs and
    cultures in its business dealings.
    The stagnation being suffered by Beth could perhaps be reversed if it adopted more environmentally friendly policies. The
    corporate image is suffering because of its attitude to the environment. Environmentally friendly policies could be cost effective
    if they help to increase market share and reduce the amount of litigation costs it has to suffer. The communication of these
    policies would be through the environmental report, and it is critical that stakeholders feel that the company is being
    transparent in its disclosures.
    Evidence of corporate misbehaviour (Enron, has stimulated interest in the behaviour of companies. There has
    been pressure for companies to show more awareness and concern, not only for the environment but for the rights and
    interests of the people they do business with. Governments have made it clear that directors must consider the short-term
    and long-term consequences of their actions, and take into account their relationships with employees and the impact of the
    business on the community and the environment. The behaviour of Beth will have had an adverse effect on their corporate
    CSR requires the directors to address strategic issues about the aims, purposes, and operational methods of the organisation,
    and some redefinition of the business model that assumes that profit motive and shareholder interests define the core purpose
    of the company. The profits of Beth will suffer if employees are not valued and there is poor customer support.
    Arrangements should be put in place to ensure that the business is conducted in a responsible manner. The board should
    look at broad social and environmental issues affecting the company and set policy and targets, monitoring performance and

  • 第3题:


    (iii) A firm of consultants has offered to undertake a study on behalf of Envico Ltd which will provide perfect

    information regarding seminar attendance during the forthcoming year.

    Advise the management of Envico Ltd with regard to the maximum amount that they should pay to

    consultants for perfect information regarding seminar attendance and comment briefly on the use of

    perfect information in such decisions. (5 marks)

    (iii) If attendance = 100 then management would opt for room size A which would produce a contribution of £832,000 x
    0·2 = £166,400.
    If attendance = 200 then management would opt for room size B which would produce a contribution of £2,163,200
    x 0·5 = £1,081,600.
    If attendance = 400 then management would opt for room size D which would produce a contribution of £6,656,000
    x 0·3 = £1,996,800.
    Therefore the expected value of perfect information would be the sum of the expected values of the three possible
    outcomes which amounts to £3,244,800. Thus, if the information is correct then management should be willing to pay
    up to £3,244,800 – £1,497,600 = £1,747,200 for the information. In practice, it is unlikely that perfect information
    is obtainable. The management of Envico Ltd are really buying an information system that will provide them with a signal
    which may prove to be correct or incorrect! For example, the consultants may predict that demand will be for 300
    seminar places, however there still remains the fact that there is a likelihood of actual demand being for either 100,
    200 or 400 seminar places. One should be mindful that imperfect information which may be, say only 75% reliable,
    might still be worth obtaining. Other than when the value of imperfect and perfect information are equal to zero, the
    value of perfect information will always be greater than the value of imperfect information.

  • 第4题:

    (c) Excluding the number of complaints by patients, identify and briefly explain THREE quantitative

    non-financial performance measures that could be used to assess the ‘quality of service’ provided by the

    Dental Health Partnership. (3 marks)

    (c) In order to assess the quality of patient care provided by the Dental Health Partnership the following performance measures
    might be used:
    – The percentage of ‘on time’ treatment of those patients who arrived prior to their appointment time would provide an
    indication regarding the effectiveness of the scheduling of appointments by the Dental Health Partnership.
    – the percentage of patient appointments which were re-arranged at the request of the Dental Health Partnership.
    Rearranged appointments represent the provision of a lower level of service provision to clients who may, as a result,
    switch to an alternative dental practice.
    – the percentage of patients who return for treatment after their first appointment would provide an indication that they
    were satisfied with the service they received.
    – the percentage of patients who were able to gain an appointment at their preferred date and time is an indication of the
    availability of the service to clients.
    Note: Candidates were only required to discuss three measures.

  • 第5题:

    (e) Briefly discuss FOUR initiatives that management might consider in order to further enhance profitability.

    (4 marks)

    (e) In order to enhance profitability management might take the following actions:
    (i) Increase the maximum capacity of the circus.
    (ii) Undertake a detailed review of operating costs which are budgeted at £239,200,000. Such a review might identify nonvalue
    added costs which may be eliminated thereby increasing profitability.
    (iii) Enter into a strategic arrangement with large hotels and travel agencies to offer travel and accommodation inclusive
    arrangements for visitors to Cinola Island. This might help to increase the number of visitors to the zoo thereby increasing
    (iv) Change the price structure and entitlement of tickets so that purchasers might visit Cinola Island on two separate days
    in order to attend the zoo and circus. Additional revenues would arise as a consequence of the increased number of
    visitors to the zoo, thereby increasing profitability.
    (v) Hold prize draws for free tickets to the zoo for families on an ‘all-inclusive basis’, including restaurants, photographs,
    souvenirs etc.
    N.B. Only four initiatives were required to be discussed.

  • 第6题:

    (b) Advise the management of SCC Ltd of THREE strategies that should be considered in order to improve the

    future performance of SCC Ltd. (6 marks)

    (b) The four quadrants of the Boston-growth share matrix summarise expected profits and resultant cash flows and recommends
    an outline strategy to follow which rather simplistically may be summarised as invest in stars, scrutinise the problem children,
    milk the cows and divest the dogs.
    Value Chain Analysis
    It is vital that the management of SCC Ltd undertake a value chain analysis of each of its divisions in order to identify and
    eliminate all non-value added activities, thereby improving profitability and cash flow without necessarily increasing turnover
    or market share.
    Divestment of the Footwear division
    Serious consideration should be given to the divestment of the Footwear division. This will enable resources to be redirected
    to divisions categorised as problem children i.e. the Industrial and Children’s divisions.
    Support the Stars
    As far as the Fashion division is concerned, it is obviously in a growth market and currently performing well. It is vital, given
    the forecast performance of the other subsidiaries that the management of SCC Ltd do not concentrate on the poor performers
    to the detriment of its only star.

  • 第7题:

    (b) Briefly discuss how stakeholder groups (other than management and employees) may be rewarded for ‘good’

    performance. (4 marks)

    (b) Good performance should result in improved profitability and therefore other stakeholder groups may be rewarded for ‘good
    performance’ as follows:
    – Shareholders may receive increased returns on equity in the form. of increased dividends and /or capital growth.
    – Customers may benefit from improved quality of products and services, and possibly lower prices.
    – Suppliers may benefit from increased volumes of purchases.
    – Government will benefit from increased amounts of taxation.

  • 第8题:

    (ii) Briefly discuss THREE disadvantages of using EVA? in the measurement of financial performance.

    (3 marks)

    (ii) Disadvantages of an EVA approach to the measurement of financial performance include:
    (i) The calculation of EVA may be complicated due to the number of adjustments required.
    (ii) It is difficult to use EVA for inter-firm and inter-divisional comparisons because it is not a ratio measure.
    (iii) Economic depreciation is difficult to estimate and conflicts with generally accepted accounting principles.
    Note: Other relevant discussion would be acceptable.

  • 第9题:

    (c) Explain the reasons for the concerns of the government of Happyland with companies such as TMC and

    advise the directors of a strategy that might be considered in order to avoid being subject to any forthcoming

    legislation concerning the environment. (5 marks)

    (c) The government of Happyland will be concerned by the negative impact on the environment. The growth in the number of
    children born in Happyland will have raised the demand for disposable nappies as is evidenced from the market size data
    contained in the question. In some countries disposable nappies make up around 4% of all household waste and can take
    up to five hundred years to decompose! The government will be concerned by the fact that trees are being destroyed in order
    to keep babies and infant children in nappies. The disposal costs incurred by the government in terms of landfill etc will be
    very high, hence its green paper on the effect of non-biodegradable products in Happyland. The costs of such operations as
    the landfill for such products will need to be funded out of increased taxation.
    It might be beneficial for the directors of TMC to develop more eco-friendly products such as washable nappies which, by
    definition, are recyclable many times over during the life of the ‘product’. Many parents are now changing to ‘real nappies’
    because they work out cheaper and better for the environment than disposables.

  • 第10题:

    (c) You have just been advised of management’s intention to publish its yearly marketing report in the annual report

    that will contain the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2005. Extracts from the marketing

    report include the following:

    ‘Shire Oil Co sponsors national school sports championships and the ‘Shire Ward’ at the national teaching

    hospital. The company’s vision is to continue its investment in health and safety and the environment.

    ‘Our health and safety, security and environmental policies are of the highest standard in the energy sector. We

    aim to operate under principles of no-harm to people and the environment.

    ‘Shire Oil Co’s main contribution to sustainable development comes from providing extra energy in a cleaner and

    more socially responsible way. This means improving the environmental and social performance of our

    operations. Regrettably, five employees lost their lives at work during the year.’


    Suggest performance indicators that could reflect the extent to which Shire Oil Co’s social and environmental

    responsibilities are being met, and the evidence that should be available to provide assurance on their

    accuracy. (6 marks)

    (c) Social and environmental responsibilities
    Performance indicators
    ■ Absolute ($) and relative (%) level of investment in sports sponsorship, and funding to the Shire Ward.
    ■ Increasing number of championship events and participating schools/students as compared with prior year.
    ■ Number of medals/trophies sponsored at events and/or number awarded to Shire sponsored schools/students.
    ■ Number of patients treated (successfully) a week/month. Average bed occupancy (daily/weekly/monthly and cumulative
    to date).
    ■ Staffing levels (e.g. of volunteers for sports events, Shire Ward staff and the company):
    ? ratio of starters to leavers/staff turnover;
    ? absenteeism (average number of days per person per annum).
    1 Withdrawal of the new licence would not create a going concern issue.
    2 May also be described as ‘exploration and evaluation’ costs or ‘discovery and assessment’.
    ■ Number of:
    – breaches of health and safety regulations and environmental regulations;
    – oil spills;
    – accidents and employee fatalities;
    – insurance claims.
    Tutorial note: As there is a wide range of performance indicators that candidates could suggest, there is always a wide range
    of possible sources of audit evidence. As the same evidence may contribute to providing assurance on more than one
    measure they are not tabulated here, to avoid duplication. However, candidates may justifiably adopt a tabular layout. Also
    note, that where measures may be expressed as evidence (e.g. trophies awarded) marks should be awarded only once.
    ■ Actual level of investment ($) compared with budget and budget compared with prior period.
    Tutorial note: Would expect actual to be at least greater than prior year if performance in these areas (health and
    safety) has improved.
    ■ Physical evidence of favourable increases on prior year, for example:
    ? medals/cups sponsored;
    ? number of beds available.
    ■ Increase in favourable press coverage/reports of sponsored events. (Decrease in adverse press about
    ■ Independent surveys (e.g. by marine conservation organisations, welfare groups, etc) comparing Shire favourably with
    other oil producers.
    ■ A reduction in fines paid compared with budget (and prior year).
    ■ Reduction in legal fees and claims being settled as evidenced by fee notes and correspondence files.
    ■ Amounts settled on insurance claims and level of insurance cover as compared with prior period.

  • 第11题:

    4 (a) The purpose of ISA 510 ‘Initial Engagements – Opening Balances’ is to establish standards and provide guidance

    regarding opening balances when the financial statements are audited for the first time or when the financial

    statements for the prior period were audited by another auditor.


    Explain the auditor’s reporting responsibilities that are specific to initial engagements. (5 marks)

    (a) Reporting responsibilities specific to initial engagements
    For initial audit engagements, the auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that:
    ■ the opening balances do not contain misstatements that materially affect the current period’s financial statements;
    ■ the prior period’s closing balances have been correctly brought forward to the current period (or, where appropriate, have
    been restated); and
    ■ appropriate accounting policies are consistently applied or changes in accounting policies have been properly accounted
    for (and adequately presented and disclosed).
    If the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence concerning opening balances there will be a limitation
    on the scope of the audit. The auditor’s report should include:
    ■ a qualified (‘except for’) opinion;
    ■ a disclaimer of opinion; or
    ■ in those jurisdictions where it is permitted, an opinion which is:
    – qualified (or disclaimed) regarding the results of operations (i.e. on the income statement); and
    – unqualified regarding financial position (i.e. on the balance sheet).
    If the effect of a misstatement in the opening balances is not properly accounted for and adequately presented and disclosed,
    the auditor should express a qualified (‘except for’ disagreement) opinion or an adverse opinion, as appropriate.
    If the current period’s accounting policies have not been consistently applied in relation to opening balances and if the change
    has not been properly accounted for and adequately presented and disclosed, the auditor should similarly express
    disagreement (‘except for’ or adverse opinion as appropriate).
    However, if a modification regarding the prior period’s financial statements remains relevant and material to the current
    period’s financial statements, the auditor should modify the current auditor’s report accordingly.

  • 第12题:

    (c) You have been making preliminary inquiries regarding matters arising from the previous year’s audit of Di Rollo.

    It has been revealed that no action has been taken in response to the management letter prepared by the previous

    auditors. Di Rollo’s management has explained that this was because it was ‘poorly prepared’ and ‘unhelpful’.


    Briefly describe various criteria against which the effectiveness of a management letter may be assessed.

    (7 marks)

    (c) Management letter effectiveness criteria
    Tutorial note: Candidates at this level must know that a management letter is a letter of weakness (also called post-audit
    letter). NO marks will be awarded for consideration of any other letters (e.g. management representation letters, engagement
    ■ Timeliness – a management letter should be issued as soon as possible after completion of the audit procedures giving
    rise to comment. This is particularly important when audit work is carried out on more than one audit visit and where
    it is a matter of urgency that management make improvements to their procedures (e.g. where there is evidence of
    serious weakness).
    ■ Clarity – wording must be clear so that recipients understand the significance of weaknesses that are being drawn to
    their attention. It is particularly important that implications are explained clearly in terms that will prompt management
    to respond positively (e.g. drawing attention to the risks of financial loss arising).
    ■ Illustrative – specific illustrative examples (e.g. of where controls have not been evidenced) should aid management in
    understanding the nature of the problem(s).
    ■ Constructive comments/advice – recommendations for improvements must be practicable (i.e. appropriate and costeffective
    in the light of the client’s resources) if the client is to take corrective action.
    ■ Conciseness – unnecessary volume will distract management from new/additional matters that require their attention.
    For example, matters adequately dealt with in the internal auditor’s report should not be repeated.
    ■ Factual accuracy is essential. Inaccuracies will not only aggravate the client and appear unprofessional but could, in rare
    circumstances, result in liability. Similarly, the letter should not criticise (or ‘cast aspersions’) on individual staff members
    if it is the system that is inadequate.
    ■ A suitable structure – for example ‘tiered’, where the report contains matters of varying levels of significance. By directing
    different classes of matters to the appropriate level or area of responsibility action by management can be taken more
    speedily and constructively.
    Tutorial note: An alternative structure might be one that sequences those recommendations that improve
    profitability/cash flows before those that deal with information systems.
    ■ Inclusion of staff responses – both to advise senior management of action proposed/being taken by their staff and to give
    credit to recommendations for improvements where it is due (e.g. where client’s staff have proposed recommendations).
    ■ Inclusion of management’s response – an indication of the actions that management intends to take is more likely to
    result in action being taken. Discussing findings with management first should also ensure their factual accuracy.
    ■ Client’s perspective – implications from the client’s viewpoint (e.g. in terms of cost savings) are more likely to be acted
    on than those expressed from an audit perspective (e.g. in terms of lowered audit risk).
    ■ Professional tone – should not be offensive. Comments that fault management’s knowledge, competence, motives or
    integrity are likely to provoke defensive reactions. Comments should be positive/constructive by emphasising
    Tutorial notes: Other points that candidates may include:
    ■ Inclusion of matters of future relevance
    ■ Cost effectiveness – minutes of discussions with management instead of a formal weakness letter
    ■ Not raising ‘people problems’ in such a formal communication (a confidential discussion is preferable).

  • 第13题:

    (c) Identify and evaluate other strategic options ONA could consider to address the airline’s current financial and

    operational weaknesses.

    Note: requirement (c) includes 2 professional marks (10 marks)


    (c) Within the strategy clock, ONA might consider both differentiation and focus. A differentiation strategy seeks to provide
    products or services that offer different benefits from those offered by competitors. These benefits are valued by customers
    and so can lead to increased market share and, in the context of ONA, higher seat utilisation. Differentiation is particularly
    attractive when it provides the opportunity of providing a price premium. In other words, margins are enhanced through
    differentiation. Air travellers may be willing to pay more to travel with an airline that offers seat allocation and free in-flight
    food and drinks.
    However, such a broad-based differentiation strategy may be inappropriate for ONA because of the need to service both
    business and leisure travellers. Consequently, the potential strategy also has to be considered in the context of the two sectors
    that the company perceives that it services. In the regional sector a focused differentiation strategy looks particularly attractive.
    Here, the strategy focuses on a selected niche or market segment. The most obvious focus is on business travel and building
    the company’s strengths in this sector. This focus on the business traveller might be achieved through:
    – Ensuring that flight times are appropriate for the business working day. This is already a perceived strength of the
    company. This needs to be built on.
    – Providing more space in the aircraft by changing the seating configuration – and the balance between business and
    standard class. ONA currently has a low seat occupancy rate and a reduction in seat capacity could be borne.
    – Fewer passengers in the aircraft may also lead to improved throughput times. Loading and unloading aircraft is quicker,
    minimising the delays encountered by the traveller.
    – Providing supporting business services – lounges with fax and internet facilities.
    – Speeding the process of booking and embarkation (through electronic check-in), so making the process of booking and
    embarkation easier and faster.
    – Providing loyalty schemes that are aimed at the business traveller.
    Although this focused differentiation is aimed at the business customer it is also likely that particular aspects of it will be
    valued by certain leisure travellers. Given the strong regional brand (people from Oceania are likely to travel ONA) and the
    nature of the leisure travel in this sector (families visiting relatives) it seems unlikely that there will be a significant fall off in
    leisure travel in the regional sector.
    In the international sector, the strategic customer is less clear. This sector is serving both the leisure and business market and
    is also competing with strong ‘no frills’ competitors. The nature of customer and competition is different. A strategy of
    differentiation could still be pursued, although perhaps general differentiation (without a price premium) may be more effective
    with the aim of increasing seat occupancy rate. This sector would also benefit from most of the suggested improvements of
    the regional sector – providing more space in aircraft, faster passenger throughput, electronic check-in etc. However, these
    small changes will not address the relatively low flight frequency in this sector. This could be addressed through seeking
    alliances with established airlines in the continental countries that it services. Simple code share agreements could double
    ONA’s frequencies overnight. Obviously, ONA would be seeking a good cultural fit – the ‘no frills’ low-cost budget airlineswould not be candidates for code shares.

    ONA’s perception of market segmentation, reflected in splitting regional from international travel and distinguishing leisure
    from business appears to be a sensible understanding of the marketplace. However, it might also be useful for them to
    consider on-line customers and commission customers (travel agents) as different segments. Perceiving travel agents as the
    strategic customer would lead to a different strategic focus, one in which the amount and structure of commission played an
    important part.
    Finally, whichever strategy ONA adopts, it must continue to review its operational efficiency. An important strategic capability
    in any organisation is to ensure that attention is paid to cost-efficiency. It can be argued that a continual reduction in costs
    is necessary for any organisation in a competitive market. Management of costs is a threshold competence for survival. ONA
    needs to address some of the weaknesses identified earlier in the question. Specific points, not covered elsewhere, include:
    – Improved employee productivity to address the downward decline in efficiency ratios.
    – Progressive standardisation of the fleet to produce economies of scale in maintenance and training. This should reduce
    the cost base.
    – Careful monitoring of expenditure, particularly on wages and salaries, to ensure that these do not exceed revenue
    Candidates may address this question in a number of ways. In the model answer given above, the strategy clock is used –
    as it uses the term ‘no frills’ in its definition and so it seems appropriate to look at other options within this structure. However,
    answers that use other frameworks (such as Ansoff’s product/market matrix) are perfectly acceptable. Furthermore, answerswhich focus on the suitability, acceptability and feasibility of certain options are also acceptable.

  • 第14题:

    (b) Discuss how management’s judgement and the financial reporting infrastructure of a country can have a

    significant impact on financial statements prepared under IFRS. (6 marks)

    Appropriateness and quality of discussion. (2 marks)

    (b) Management judgement may have a greater impact under IFRS than generally was the case under national GAAP. IFRS
    utilises fair values extensively. Management have to use their judgement in selecting valuation methods and formulating
    assumptions when dealing with such areas as onerous contracts, share-based payments, pensions, intangible assets acquired
    in business combinations and impairment of assets. Differences in methods or assumptions can have a major impact on
    amounts recognised in financial statements. IAS1 expects companies to disclose the sensitivity of carrying amounts to the
    methods, assumptions and estimates underpinning their calculation where there is a significant risk of material adjustment
    to their carrying amounts within the next financial year. Often management’s judgement is that there is no ‘significant risk’
    and they often fail to disclose the degree of estimation or uncertainty and thus comparability is affected.
    In addition to the IFRSs themselves, a sound financial reporting infrastructure is required. This implies effective corporate
    governance practices, high quality auditing standards and practices, and an effective enforcement or oversight mechanism.
    Therefore, consistency and comparability of IFRS financial statements will also depend on the robust nature of the other
    elements of the financial reporting infrastructure.
    Many preparers of financial statements will have been trained in national GAAP and may not have been trained in the
    principles underlying IFRS and this can lead to unintended inconsistencies when implementing IFRS especially where the
    accounting profession does not have a CPD requirement. Additionally where the regulatory system of a country is not well
    developed, there may not be sufficient market information to utilise fair value measurements and thus this could lead to
    hypothetical markets being created or the use of mathematical modelling which again can lead to inconsistencies because of
    lack of experience in those countries of utilising these techniques. This problem applies to other assessments or estimates
    relating to such things as actuarial valuations, investment property valuations, impairment testing, etc.
    The transition to IFRS can bring significant improvement to the quality of financial performance and improve comparability
    worldwide. However, there are issues still remaining which can lead to inconsistency and lack of comparability with those
    financial statements.

  • 第15题:

    (c) Comment on four reasons why the Managing Director of Quicklink Ltd might consider the acquisition of the

    Celer Transport business to be a ‘good strategic move’ insofar as may be determined from the information

    provided. (5 marks)


  • 第16题:

    (ii) Briefly discuss FOUR non-financial factors which might influence the above decision. (4 marks)

    (ii) Four factors that could be considered are as follows:
    (i) The quality of the service provided by NSC as evidenced by, for example, the comfort of the ferries, on-board
    facilities, friendliness and responsiveness of staff.
    (ii) The health and safety track record of NSC – passenger safety is a ‘must’ in such operations.
    (iii) The reliability, timeliness and dependability of NSC as a service provider.
    (iv) The potential loss of image due to redundancies within Wonderland plc.

  • 第17题:

    (ii) Briefly discuss TWO factors which could reduce the rate of return earned by the investment as per the

    results in part (a). (4 marks)

    (ii) Two factors which might reduce the return earned by the investment are as follows:
    (i) Poor product quality
    The very nature of the product requires that it is of the highest quality i.e. the cakes are made for human
    consumption. Bad publicity via a ‘product recall’ could potentially have a catastrophic effect on the total sales to
    Superstores plc over the eighteen month period.
    (ii) The popularity of the Mighty Ben character
    There is always the risk that the popularity of the character upon which the product is based will diminish with a
    resultant impact on sales volumes achieved. In this regard it would be advisable to attempt to negotiate with
    Superstores plc in order to minimise potential future losses.

  • 第18题:

    (b) (i) State FOUR reasons why payback period is widely used by organisations in the capital investment

    appraisal process. (2 marks)

    (b) (i) Payback period is widely used by organisations in the capital investment appraisal process due to the following reasons:
    – It is easy to calculate and understand
    – There is a lack of understanding of more sophisticated techniques which take into consideration the time value of
    – Payback may be expedient for organisations who need to recover their capital outlay quickly due to the fact that
    they are experiencing liquidity problems
    – Payback is appropriate for smaller investments which do not warrant the use of more sophisticated techniques
    – Payback reduces uncertainty by focusing on nearer and therefore more certain cash flows.

  • 第19题:

    (c) Briefly discuss why the directors of HFL might choose contract D irrespective of whether or not contract D

    would have been selected using expected values as per part (a). (2 marks)

    (c) The directors might select Contract D under which 360,000 kilograms of organic mushrooms would be supplied to HFL for
    each outlet. This is the entire capacity of HFL which would ensure that competitors would not be able to supply the same
    product and hence the competitive advantage held by HFL might be preserved.

  • 第20题:

    (c) Explain how the introduction of an ERPS could impact on the role of management accountants. (5 marks)

    (c) The introduction of ERPS has the potential to have a significant impact on the work of management accountants. The use of
    ERPS causes a substantial reduction in the gathering and processing of routine information by management accountants.
    Instead of relying on management accountants to provide them with information, managers are able to access the system to
    obtain the information they require directly via a suitable electronic access medium.
    ERPS integrate separate business functions in one system for the entire organisation and therefore co-ordination is usually
    undertaken centrally by information management specialists who have a dual responsibility for the implementation and
    operation of the system.
    ERPS perform. routine tasks that not so long ago were seen as an essential part of the daily routines of management
    accountants, for example perpetual inventory valuation. Therefore if the value of the role of management accountants is not
    to be diminished then it is of necessity that management accountants should seek to expand their roles within their
    The management accountant will also control and audit the ERPS data input and analysis. Hence the implementation of ERPS
    provides the management accountant with an opportunity to change the emphasis of their role from information gathering
    and processing to that of the role of advisers and internal consultants to their organisations. This new role will require
    management accountants to be involved in interpreting the information generated from the ERPS and to provide business
    support for all levels of management within an organisation.

  • 第21题:

    (c) (i) Provide three examples of personal financial planning protection products that would be of use in

    Henry’s situation. Justify your selections by reference to the type of protection provided. (6 marks)

    (c) (i) Protection products
    Henry is still working and has a mortgage to support. He therefore needs to protect not only his assets but also cover
    any debt, or the ability to repay. The following protection policies are relevant to Henry’s situation.
    Life assurance
    This is a form. of insurance that pays out on a chargeable event, usually death. The main types are:
    – Term Assurance which provides cover for a fixed term with the sum assured payable only on death. No investment
    benefits or payments arise on survival.
    – Whole of Life Assurance where the policy provides life protection. The sum assured is payable on death at any time
    and usually some form. of investment benefit will accrue in the form. of a surrender value.
    A qualifying policy will give a tax-free lump sum that could, for example, be used to repay the mortgage.
    Permanent health insurance
    Permanent health insurance policies are designed to provide the policyholder with a benefit if s/he is unable to work
    through sickness or if s/he needs medical expenses or long-term care.
    This would provide Henry with an income in the event of illness – again useful given his mortgage, and would avoid
    the need to liquidate other assets to pay the mortgage or ongoing costs.
    Critical illness insurance
    These policies provide a capital sum where a critical illness (from a large range listed in the policy) is diagnosed.
    For the same reasons above, Henry should consider this in conjunction with permanent health insurance.
    Note: Marks will also be given for other relevant protection products, e.g. specific mortgage protection insurance linked
    to an event other than death.

  • 第22题:

    (c) Comment on the matters to be considered in seeking to determine the extent of Indigo Co’s financial loss

    resulting from the alleged fraud. (6 marks)

    (c) Extent of alleged fraud – Matters to be considered
    ■ Details reported to police: The managing director may have made some estimate of the possible extent of the fraud in
    reporting the chief accountant’s disappearance to the police.
    ■ The minimum loss (assuming no insurance) would be sales for the three days before he left. If not known (e.g. because
    the only record of them was in the cash book) a simple estimate might be 3/20 × total recorded revenue for a typical
    ■ The pattern of cash bankings extracted from bank statements: A falling trend starting during the year might mark the
    time from which the chief accountant began to misappropriate cash.
    ■ Whether other managers have voiced their suspicions, if any, on the chief accountant’s behaviour. For example, if there
    was any marked change in his lifestyle. (what he appeared to spend his money on, the hours he worked, etc).
    ■ The prior year auditor’s report was unmodified. If this was appropriate the chief accountant’s alleged fraudulent activities
    may have only started in the current year.
    ■ The amount of fidelity insurance cover (i.e. against employees handling cash) that Indigo has taken out to meet any
    claim for fraud.
    ■ The likelihood, if any, of recovering misappropriated amounts. For example, if the chief accountant has assets (e.g. a
    house) that can be used to settle Indigo’s claims against him in the event that he is caught/successfully prosecuted.

  • 第23题:

    4 (a) The purpose of ISA 250 Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements is to

    establish standards and provide guidance on the auditor’s responsibility to consider laws and regulations in an

    audit of financial statements.

    Explain the auditor’s responsibilities for reporting non-compliance that comes to the auditor’s attention

    during the conduct of an audit. (5 marks)

    (a) Reporting non-compliance
    Non-compliance refers to acts of omission or commission by the entity being audited, either intentional or unintentional, that
    are contrary to the prevailing laws or regulations.
    To management
    Regarding non-compliance that comes to the auditor’s attention the auditor should, as soon as practicable, either:
    ■ communicate with those charged with governance; or
    ■ obtain audit evidence that they are appropriately informed.
    However, the auditor need not do so for matters that are clearly inconsequential or trivial and may reach agreement1 in
    advance on the nature of such matters to be communicated.
    If in the auditor’s judgment the non-compliance is believed to be intentional and material, the auditor should communicate
    the finding without delay.
    If the auditor suspects that members of senior management are involved in non-compliance, the auditor should report the
    matter to the next higher level of authority at the entity, if it exists (e.g. an audit committee or a supervisory board). Where
    no higher authority exists, or if the auditor believes that the report may not be acted upon or is unsure as to the person to
    whom to report, the auditor would consider seeking legal advice.
    To the users of the auditor’s report on the financial statements
    If the auditor concludes that the non-compliance has a material effect on the financial statements, and has not been properly
    reflected in the financial statements, the auditor expresses a qualified (i.e. ‘except for disagreement’) or an adverse opinion.
    If the auditor is precluded by the entity from obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence to evaluate whether or not noncompliance
    that may be material to the financial statements has (or is likely to have) occurred, the auditor should express a
    qualified opinion or a disclaimer of opinion on the financial statements on the basis of a limitation on the scope of the audit.
    Tutorial note: For example, if management denies the auditor access to information from which he would be able to assess
    whether or not illegal dumping had taken place (and, if so, the extent of it).
    If the auditor is unable to determine whether non-compliance has occurred because of limitations imposed by circumstances
    rather than by the entity, the auditor should consider the effect on the auditor’s report.
    Tutorial note: For example, if new legal requirements have been announced as effective but the detailed regulations are not
    yet published.
    To regulatory and enforcement authorities
    The auditor’s duty of confidentiality ordinarily precludes reporting non-compliance to a third party. However, in certain
    circumstances, that duty of confidentiality is overridden by statute, law or by courts of law (e.g. in some countries the auditor
    is required to report non-compliance by financial institutions to the supervisory authorities). The auditor may need to seek
    legal advice in such circumstances, giving due consideration to the auditor’s responsibility to the public interest.