2 Traditionally, the only objective of a business was to make a profit. However, some writers have suggested that this idea is simplistic and that profitability is only one objective amongst many.Required:State and explain Drucker’s eight classifications


2 Traditionally, the only objective of a business was to make a profit. However, some writers have suggested that this idea is simplistic and that profitability is only one objective amongst many.


State and explain Drucker’s eight classifications of objectives.

(15 marks)

2 For the complex, modern business, the view that the single objective of business is to make a profit is regarded by many writers as simplistic. Peter Drucker has argued that for a business to be successful, it must address a number of objectives.
Drucker was one of the first writers to identify the dangers of the single objective of profit maximisation. Concentrating on a single objective (invariably profit) is not only unproductive but potentially harmful to the organisation and can endanger the survival of the business and seriously undermine its future. He argues that business organisations have in fact eight objectives, all of which must be addressed concurrently. These eight objectives are particularly relevant to management, bringing together as they do the need to address all the issues with which the organisation is concerned.
Market standing is the need to identify and maintain market share and to ensure the development of new products to maintain share. Without market standing, no organisation can succeed.
Innovation is the need to develop and find new products and processes; no business can survive on providing the same product or service over the long term. Innovation is fundamental to understanding growth; organisations grow by developing innovative differences to their competitors.
Productivity and ‘contributed value’ recognises the need for efficiency and the efficient use of business resources.
Physical and financial resources is a recognition of the need to use the correct and appropriate financial resources.
Profitability. The word ‘profit’ does not appear, but ‘profitability’. Here there are three important determinants, profitability as a measure of effectiveness (many businesses make a profit which in fact is a poor return on the effort produced), the need for profit so that the business can be self-financing and the need to attract new capital.
Manager performance and development is the explicit recognition that the business requires objectives and that management activity can be linked directly to those objectives.
Worker performance and attitude is recognition that it is vital to measure the performance of the workforce by such means as labour turnover. However, worker attitude is more difficult to measure, but should be attempted.
Public responsibility has become an issue in the twenty-first century. Any business needs to be aware that it is a part of the community within which it operates and is therefore part of a wider social system.
更多“2 Traditionally, the only objective of a business was to make a profit. However, some writers have suggested that this idea is simplistic and that profitability is only one objective amongst many.Required:State and explain Drucker’s eight classifications ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    What should be the objective of a sports team?

    A、To make money

    B、To develop skills

    C、To win

    D、To make friends


  • 第2题:

    Business report should be objective and factual.()


  • 第3题:

    The objective meaning implies that the subject of the sentence is the one affected by the action.()


  • 第4题:

    The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name.But Gregory Cochran is 1 to say it anyway.He is that 2 bird,a scientist who works independently 3 any institution.He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not 4 thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections,which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested.5 he,however,might tremble at the 6 of what he is about to do.Together with another two scientists,he is publishing a paper which not only 7 that one group of humanity is more intelligent than the others,but explains the process that has brought this about.The group in 8 are a particular people originated from central Europe.The process is natural selection.This group generally do well in IQ test,9 12-15 points above the 10 value of 100,and have contributed 11 to the intellectual and cultural life of the West,as the 12 of their elites,including several world-renowned scientists,13.They also suffer more often than most people from a number of nasty genetic diseases,such as breast cancer.These facts,14,have previously been thought unrelated.The former has been 15 to social effects,such as a strong tradition of 16 education.The latter was seen as a(an)17 of genetic isolation.Dr.Cochran suggests that the intelligence and diseases are intimately 18.His argument is that the unusual history of these people has 19 them to unique evolutionary pressures that have resulted in this 20 state of affairs.13选?



  • 第5题:

    A Good Idea

    No satisfactory way exists to explain how to form a good idea. You think about a problem until you're tired,forget it,maybe sleep on it,and then flash!
    When you aren't thinking about it,suddenly the answer arrives as a gift from the gods.Of course,all ideas don't occur like that but so many do,particularly the most important ones. They burst into the mind,glowing with the heat of creation.How they do it is a mystery,but they must come from somewhere.
    Let's assume they come from the"unconscious".This is reasonable,for psychologists use this term to describe mental processes,which are unknown to the individual.Creative thought depends on what was unknown becoming known.
    All of us have experienced this sudden arrival of a new idea,but it is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities,many of whom experienced it in an intensified form and have written it down in their life stories and letters.
    One can draw examples from genius in any field,from religion,philosophy,and literature to art and music,even in mathematics,science,and technical invention,although these are often thought to depend only on logic and experiment.All truly creative activities depend in some degree on these signals from the unconscious,and the more highly insightful the person,the sharper and more dramatic the signals become.

    Only great writers often write down their great ideas in their life stories and letters.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第四段“…the great creative personalities...written it down in their life stories and letters”的the great creative personalities是指富有创造性的天才人物,其中包括各个领域的人才。因此本句的表述是错误的。

  • 第6题:


    The Mystery of Clones

    Scientists have cloned goats,cats,cows,pigs and mice.Now it has been suggested by many commentators and scientists that it might be ethically acceptable to clone existing people in certain cases.One possibility is generating a replacement for a dying relative.All such possibilities,however,makes more and more people concerned that it would be possible that the clone is subjected to expectations and limitations based on the family's knowledge of the genetic"twin",so he or she would not be treated as an individual with independent personality.For the reason that human personality is only partly determined by genes,those assumptions might not be right.The clone of a shy person might behave quite differently if he or she is brought up in a family with encouraging atmosphere.Clones of writers,scholars,scientists or athletes are very likely to choose different careers because of chance event in early life.
    Some researchers have suggested the idea that couples,in which one part is infertile,might choose to make a copy of one or the other partner. But the notion raises the concerns that the child who is a copy of just one of a couple might not treat naturally,and it is not in the interests of the resulting kid.Moreover,the treatments of all known types of infertility are available nowadays;conventional therapies seem more ethnically acceptable to ordinary people's way of thinking,so the majority of population strongly opposed to allowing cloned human embryos(胚胎)to develop.
    However,the positive side of the cloning technology cannot be denied,for instance,cloning from cultured cells will provide essential medical opportunities.Scientists are trying to grow an embryo,cloned from a single cell of a human being with goals to design therapies for diseases which are currently untreatable.
    Of course,people's predictions about this new technology might be all wrong,because social attitudes change and unexpected developments take place.Only time will tell.But biomedical researchers who are dedicated to finding the potential of cloning have plenty to do.Maybe someday soon,a human will be cloned,and mankind will embark on a scientific and moral journey whose destination is not under his own control. Or maybe one day you will be happy to have a clone of your own.

    A person's personality is determined by_______.
    A:both their genes and the environment they live in
    B:their genes
    C:the environment they live in
    D:Not mentioned

    从文章第一段的第五句“human personality is only partly determined by genes”可以看出人类的性格只是部分由基因决定。接着又说一个害羞的人的克隆人若成长于一个拥有激励氛围的家庭,那么也可能会表现得截然不同,所以所处的环境也对人的性格产生影响。由此可以判断A正确。
    第二段第二句谈到被克隆出的孩子可能不会被父母以自然的方式对待, "it is not in the interests of the resulting kid",所以选B,意为“这对孩子没有好处”,not good for 和文中的not in the interests of意思一样。
    第三段提到克隆的积极面也不可否定,如“design therapies for diseases which are currently untreatable",所以选D。
    最后一段说到人们对这个新技术的预测可能都是错的,所以“Only time will tell",没有人能真正知道克隆技术的未来如何,只有随着时间的流逝,克隆技术所带来的影响才能逐一显现出来,所以A正确。

  • 第7题:


    The Mystery of Clones

    Scientists have cloned goats,cats,cows,pigs and mice.Now it has been suggested by many commentators and scientists that it might be ethically acceptable to clone existing people in certain cases.One possibility is generating a replacement for a dying relative.All such possibilities,however,makes more and more people concerned that it would be possible that the clone is subjected to expectations and limitations based on the family's knowledge of the genetic"twin",so he or she would not be treated as an individual with independent personality.For the reason that human personality is only partly determined by genes,those assumptions might not be right.The clone of a shy person might behave quite differently if he or she is brought up in a family with encouraging atmosphere.Clones of writers,scholars,scientists or athletes are very likely to choose different careers because of chance event in early life.
    Some researchers have suggested the idea that couples,in which one part is infertile,might choose to make a copy of one or the other partner. But the notion raises the concerns that the child who is a copy of just one of a couple might not treat naturally,and it is not in the interests of the resulting kid.Moreover,the treatments of all known types of infertility are available nowadays;conventional therapies seem more ethnically acceptable to ordinary people's way of thinking,so the majority of population strongly opposed to allowing cloned human embryos(胚胎)to develop.
    However,the positive side of the cloning technology cannot be denied,for instance,cloning from cultured cells will provide essential medical opportunities.Scientists are trying to grow an embryo,cloned from a single cell of a human being with goals to design therapies for diseases which are currently untreatable.
    Of course,people's predictions about this new technology might be all wrong,because social attitudes change and unexpected developments take place.Only time will tell.But biomedical researchers who are dedicated to finding the potential of cloning have plenty to do.Maybe someday soon,a human will be cloned,and mankind will embark on a scientific and moral journey whose destination is not under his own control. Or maybe one day you will be happy to have a clone of your own.

    What is people's concern about cloning a child for infertile couples?
    A:The child might not be treated kindly.
    B:It's not for the good of the resulting child.
    C:The couples would not accept the resulting child.
    D:It would be wild to have a clone of one's own.

    从文章第一段的第五句“human personality is only partly determined by genes”可以看出人类的性格只是部分由基因决定。接着又说一个害羞的人的克隆人若成长于一个拥有激励氛围的家庭,那么也可能会表现得截然不同,所以所处的环境也对人的性格产生影响。由此可以判断A正确。
    第二段第二句谈到被克隆出的孩子可能不会被父母以自然的方式对待, "it is not in the interests of the resulting kid",所以选B,意为“这对孩子没有好处”,not good for 和文中的not in the interests of意思一样。
    第三段提到克隆的积极面也不可否定,如“design therapies for diseases which are currently untreatable",所以选D。
    最后一段说到人们对这个新技术的预测可能都是错的,所以“Only time will tell",没有人能真正知道克隆技术的未来如何,只有随着时间的流逝,克隆技术所带来的影响才能逐一显现出来,所以A正确。

  • 第8题:


    The Mystery of Clones

    Scientists have cloned goats,cats,cows,pigs and mice.Now it has been suggested by many commentators and scientists that it might be ethically acceptable to clone existing people in certain cases.One possibility is generating a replacement for a dying relative.All such possibilities,however,makes more and more people concerned that it would be possible that the clone is subjected to expectations and limitations based on the family's knowledge of the genetic"twin",so he or she would not be treated as an individual with independent personality.For the reason that human personality is only partly determined by genes,those assumptions might not be right.The clone of a shy person might behave quite differently if he or she is brought up in a family with encouraging atmosphere.Clones of writers,scholars,scientists or athletes are very likely to choose different careers because of chance event in early life.
    Some researchers have suggested the idea that couples,in which one part is infertile,might choose to make a copy of one or the other partner. But the notion raises the concerns that the child who is a copy of just one of a couple might not treat naturally,and it is not in the interests of the resulting kid.Moreover,the treatments of all known types of infertility are available nowadays;conventional therapies seem more ethnically acceptable to ordinary people's way of thinking,so the majority of population strongly opposed to allowing cloned human embryos(胚胎)to develop.
    However,the positive side of the cloning technology cannot be denied,for instance,cloning from cultured cells will provide essential medical opportunities.Scientists are trying to grow an embryo,cloned from a single cell of a human being with goals to design therapies for diseases which are currently untreatable.
    Of course,people's predictions about this new technology might be all wrong,because social attitudes change and unexpected developments take place.Only time will tell.But biomedical researchers who are dedicated to finding the potential of cloning have plenty to do.Maybe someday soon,a human will be cloned,and mankind will embark on a scientific and moral journey whose destination is not under his own control. Or maybe one day you will be happy to have a clone of your own.

    It can be inferred from the text that_______.
    A:no one can tell the future of the cloning technology
    B:it would be common for a clone to make appearance on magazines
    C:a clone will have same personalities with the person he/she is created from
    D:a clone will choose the same career as the person he/she is created from

    从文章第一段的第五句“human personality is only partly determined by genes”可以看出人类的性格只是部分由基因决定。接着又说一个害羞的人的克隆人若成长于一个拥有激励氛围的家庭,那么也可能会表现得截然不同,所以所处的环境也对人的性格产生影响。由此可以判断A正确。
    第二段第二句谈到被克隆出的孩子可能不会被父母以自然的方式对待, "it is not in the interests of the resulting kid",所以选B,意为“这对孩子没有好处”,not good for 和文中的not in the interests of意思一样。
    第三段提到克隆的积极面也不可否定,如“design therapies for diseases which are currently untreatable",所以选D。
    最后一段说到人们对这个新技术的预测可能都是错的,所以“Only time will tell",没有人能真正知道克隆技术的未来如何,只有随着时间的流逝,克隆技术所带来的影响才能逐一显现出来,所以A正确。

  • 第9题:

    A company has a business application that provides its users with many different reports: receivables reports, payables reports, revenue projects, and so on.The company has just purchased some new, state-of-the-art,wireless printers, and a programmer has been assigned the task of enhancing all of the reports to use not only the company’s old printers, but the new wireless printers as well.When the programmer starts looking into the application, the programmer discovers that because of the design of the application, it is necessary to make changes to each report to support the new printers.  Which two design concepts most likely explain the situation?()

    • A、Inheritance
    • B、Low cohesion
    • C、Tight coupling
    • D、High cohesion
    • E、Loose coupling
    • F、Object immutablility


  • 第10题:

    使用Objective-C语言输出“This is a Objective-Cprogram.”正确的是()

    NSLog(@%s,This isa Objective-C program.);


    NSLog(@%@,This isa Objective-C program.);


    NSLog(@This is aObjective-C program.,%@);


    NSLog(@This is a Objective-Cprogram.);

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    For a clearer picture of what the student knows, most of teachers use another   1._______kind of examination in addition to objective tests. They use “essay” tests, whichrequire students to write long answers of broad, general questions. One advantage  2._______of the essay test is that it reduces the element of lucky. The students cannot    3._______get high score just by making a lucky guess. Other advantage is that it shows the  4._______examiner more about the student’s ability to put facts together into a meaningfulwhole. It should show what deeply he has thought of the subject. Sometimes,      5._______though, essay tests have disadvantages, either. Some students are able to write   6._______good answers without really knowing much about the subject, as other students     7._______who actually know the material have trouble to express their ideas in essay      8._______form.  Besides, on an essay test the student’s score may depend on theexaminer’s feelings at the time of reading the answer. If he is feeling tired orbored, the student may receive a lower score than he should. Another examinerreading the same answer might give it much high mark. From this standpoint      9._______the objective test gives each student a fairer chance.  Whether an objective test or an essay test are used, problems arise. When    10._______some objective questions are used along with some essay questions, however, afairly clear picture of the student’s knowledge can usually be obtained.

    1.去掉第二个of most可以直接修饰可数名词复数,若用of后面要加the。
    3.lucky改为luck 介词of后应加名词作宾语。
    7.as改为while/but 根据上下文可以看出这两个分句是对比关系。 express改为expressing
    have trouble doing sth.是固定搭配。
    9.high改为higher 此处应使用比较级,以便和前面的比较级lower构成对比。
    10.are改为is 主语为or连接的两个词时,谓语动词的单复数随距离最近的词而定。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    【参考范例四】PART 2Describe a happy person you have met. You should say:  who the person is  where the person lives  what makes him or her so happy  and explain whether other people have similar opinion of this person.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

    正确答案: I’d like to talk about a famous Australian motivational speaker Nick Vujicic. I get to know him through a lecture given by him when I was in college. Before I saw him I had never met someone so mind-blowing and miraculous. The special thing about this speaker is that he was born without arms and legs. He struggled and fought with these difficulties throughout his childhood. When he was 17 he started his own non-profit organisation Life without Limbs. He lives in Melbourne with his parents and can actually live an independent live. Although he’s in a terrible condition he’s the happiest person I’ve ever seen. He used to have complaints about life but he got over them and embraced his situation finally. He travels to schools, churches and a lot of places to inspire people who also have disability. Moreover, he started establishing funds to help more people. My friends and I were so attracted to his charisma and optimistic attitude. We think he’s definitely happier than most of us because he has a grateful heart. His happiness is contagious and some of my friends even write him letters.

  • 第13题:

    听力原文:M: The primary objective of financial reporting is to provide information useful for making investment and lending decisions.

    W: The information must be relevant, reliable, and comparable.

    Q: What is the primary objective of financial reporting?


    A.To make investment.

    B.To record data.

    C.To provide useful information.

    D.To understand some basic accounting principles.


  • 第14题:

    ______ only by one’s appearance, I’m sure, will have you get just half of him or less

    A. Judged

    B. Judging

    C. To be judged

    D. Judge


  • 第15题:

    in ireland,the president is only a symbolic head of state and does not have executive power. ()


  • 第16题:

    The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name.But Gregory Cochran is 1 to say it anyway.He is that 2 bird,a scientist who works independently 3 any institution.He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not 4 thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections,which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested.5 he,however,might tremble at the 6 of what he is about to do.Together with another two scientists,he is publishing a paper which not only 7 that one group of humanity is more intelligent than the others,but explains the process that has brought this about.The group in 8 are a particular people originated from central Europe.The process is natural selection.This group generally do well in IQ test,9 12-15 points above the 10 value of 100,and have contributed 11 to the intellectual and cultural life of the West,as the 12 of their elites,including several world-renowned scientists,13.They also suffer more often than most people from a number of nasty genetic diseases,such as breast cancer.These facts,14,have previously been thought unrelated.The former has been 15 to social effects,such as a strong tradition of 16 education.The latter was seen as a(an)17 of genetic isolation.Dr.Cochran suggests that the intelligence and diseases are intimately 18.His argument is that the unusual history of these people has 19 them to unique evolutionary pressures that have resulted in this 20 state of affairs.2选?


    从文章内容看,显然该空填入的词应该是用来形容Cochran是一个什么样的人的。从上文我们可以看到,他总是做一些常人不敢做的事情,显然这个词既要表现他这类人很少,同时要表达出作者对Cochran正面评价,突出其优秀性,四个词中只有D能表达这种语义,故答案为D。本题从另一个角度来说,a rare bird是一固定搭配,指一类人。其他三个词与bird搭配都不能指人,同样得出答案为D。

  • 第17题:

    Try to make your report as____as possible: only give us the facts, and not your opinions.



  • 第18题:


    The most important thing to understand about Americans is probably their_______(51)to "individualism".They have been trained_______(52)very early in their lives to consider them-selves as_______(53)individuals who are responsible for their own situation in life and their own destiny.They have not been trained to treat themselves as members of a tightly_______(54)family,religious groups or nation or other_______(55).
    You can see it in the way American treat their children.Even young children are given _______(56)to make their own decision and express their own opinions.A parent will ask a one-year-old child which candy bar he would_______(57),or_______(58)he wants to sits next to mommy or daddy.The child's_______(59)will normally be recognized.
    _______(60)this practice,Americans come to consider themselves as separate human beings
    who have their own opinions.
    _______(61),many American books on how to_______(62)kids state that the parents'
    objective is to_______(63)their kid a responsible,independent individual who,by the age of 18,is ready to_______(64)the parents' house and make their own_______(65),and this advice is taken so seriously by Americans that every person beyond the age of 20 is supposed to lead an independent life.

    C:no matter

    词义辫析题,devotion的意思是“热爱”。例如:His devotion to work is highly appreciated.人们很欣赏他对工作的热爱。trust“信任”、faith“信仰”、belief“信仰”均不合适。
    family , religious groups , nation都是collectivity,即“集体”的一种形式,所以选择C。
    这里需要一个表示在两者间选择的词,所以whether表示“其中的一个” 合适。本句的意思是“他是想坐在妈妈身边还是爸爸身边”。
    前面提到的是让孩子选择更喜欢什么或更想要怎么做,这些都可以用 preference来归纳。其意思是“偏爱”,放在此句中最符合逻辑。
    这里考查的是词汇的使用。此处是“关于如何抚养孩子的书”,raise意为 “养育”用在,这里是正确的。feed意为“喂养”,grow意为“成长”,而bring若要表示“养育”的意思,通常需要和up搭配。例如:It must have been very difficult to manage to bring up four children.
    前面提到在美国家长均志在培养出“a responsible, independent individual",所以根据逻辑孩子到了18岁就应该做好搬出父母家的准备。move out:搬出,符合句意。 withdraw:撤退,abandon:抛弃,give up:放弃,均不符合句意和使用习惯。
    固定搭配题。这里要表达的意思是“靠自己谋生”。 make a living为固定搭配,而其他各项均无此意,因此选C。

  • 第19题:


    The Mystery of Clones

    Scientists have cloned goats,cats,cows,pigs and mice.Now it has been suggested by many commentators and scientists that it might be ethically acceptable to clone existing people in certain cases.One possibility is generating a replacement for a dying relative.All such possibilities,however,makes more and more people concerned that it would be possible that the clone is subjected to expectations and limitations based on the family's knowledge of the genetic"twin",so he or she would not be treated as an individual with independent personality.For the reason that human personality is only partly determined by genes,those assumptions might not be right.The clone of a shy person might behave quite differently if he or she is brought up in a family with encouraging atmosphere.Clones of writers,scholars,scientists or athletes are very likely to choose different careers because of chance event in early life.
    Some researchers have suggested the idea that couples,in which one part is infertile,might choose to make a copy of one or the other partner. But the notion raises the concerns that the child who is a copy of just one of a couple might not treat naturally,and it is not in the interests of the resulting kid.Moreover,the treatments of all known types of infertility are available nowadays;conventional therapies seem more ethnically acceptable to ordinary people's way of thinking,so the majority of population strongly opposed to allowing cloned human embryos(胚胎)to develop.
    However,the positive side of the cloning technology cannot be denied,for instance,cloning from cultured cells will provide essential medical opportunities.Scientists are trying to grow an embryo,cloned from a single cell of a human being with goals to design therapies for diseases which are currently untreatable.
    Of course,people's predictions about this new technology might be all wrong,because social attitudes change and unexpected developments take place.Only time will tell.But biomedical researchers who are dedicated to finding the potential of cloning have plenty to do.Maybe someday soon,a human will be cloned,and mankind will embark on a scientific and moral journey whose destination is not under his own control. Or maybe one day you will be happy to have a clone of your own.

    Which of the following uses of cloning is justifiable,according to the passage?
    A:To have a clone of one's own.
    B:To replace a dying relative.
    C:To help infertile couples to have a child.
    D:To cure currently untreatable diseases.

    从文章第一段的第五句“human personality is only partly determined by genes”可以看出人类的性格只是部分由基因决定。接着又说一个害羞的人的克隆人若成长于一个拥有激励氛围的家庭,那么也可能会表现得截然不同,所以所处的环境也对人的性格产生影响。由此可以判断A正确。
    第二段第二句谈到被克隆出的孩子可能不会被父母以自然的方式对待, "it is not in the interests of the resulting kid",所以选B,意为“这对孩子没有好处”,not good for 和文中的not in the interests of意思一样。
    第三段提到克隆的积极面也不可否定,如“design therapies for diseases which are currently untreatable",所以选D。
    最后一段说到人们对这个新技术的预测可能都是错的,所以“Only time will tell",没有人能真正知道克隆技术的未来如何,只有随着时间的流逝,克隆技术所带来的影响才能逐一显现出来,所以A正确。

  • 第20题:

    A healthcare and life sciences client wants to maintain electronic patient records, including medical images, for two years after each patient’s death. How would the IT storage industry describe this business goal?()

    • A、Archive solution that requires event-based retention
    • B、Backup solution that provides version-based expiration
    • C、Business continuity solution that provides two years Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
    • D、Business continuity solution that provides two years Recovery Point Objective (RPO)


  • 第21题:

    If someone in Israel today needs a repairman in case of a power failure, _____.

    they can have if fixed in no time


    it’s no longer necessary to make an appointment


    the appointment takes only half a day to make


    they only have to wait half an hour at most

    正确答案: A
    细节推论题。文章倒数第三句提到“Now appointments are scheduled to the half-hour”,只有D项与原文相符,其余三项均不合文意。

  • 第22题:

    题目要求:  In this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas.Practice 1  (The candidate chooses one topic and speaks about it for one minute.)  A How to negotiate successfully when we are in business?  B In business, what important role does the communication take?  C What kinds of skills shall the technical writers have?

    正确答案: 【参考范例】
    If you choose A:
    It is a key skill in any business to negotiate successfully so as to reach agreements with other people or parties. The negotiation could be done with a buyer or a seller and it will always involve an element of compromise, no matter what. But, when entering negotiations, it is important to keep in mind that to negotiate and make agreements successfully is almost impossible unless you think you can afford to ‘lose’ or walk away from on offer. The result will be you avoiding asking more than what you suppose the other side will give without a dispute. Consequently, you will become a passive observer, while the other side will dictate the terms.
    If you choose B:
    Communication is one of the most important features in any business. Good communications are indispensable at any stage of the business process.
    Within individual company, internal communications happen at, and between the different levels. Directors will communicate with one another with regard to the company’s overall strategy. They communicate their plans to managers, and the managers then inform the other employees. Negotiations are usually conducted in terms of payment and working conditions. Managers try to boost morale and motivation with good communication. Employees also communicate with one another, over certain matters, for instance production and wages.
    Reliable and effective communication is instrumental when it comes to efficient management of a company.
    If you choose C:
    Firstly, technical writers should be able to write well, which means more than just knowing the basics of spelling, grammar and punctuation. The ability to condense, organize and generalize complicated information to make it easier to understand is also very important. A good technical writer must also be capable of handling tight deadlines. As far as career prospects go, with the valuable experience gained, many technical writers actually have the chance to take on management roles. Then they will be responsible for the work of other writers within a particular company; or they may want to become contractors, in other words, selling their services to companies at an hourly rate through an agency which employs many freelance technical writers.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    【参考范例一】PART 2Describe a child you like. You should say:  what the child’s name is   how old the child is  what the child likes or dislikes  and explain why you like this child.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

    正确答案: The child is my nephew, his name is Li Yiming which means being special and impressive. His parents chose this name for their son because they think he is the most beautiful baby in the world. .Now he is 5 years old. He seems to be quite a shy boy when you are not familiar with him. However, you’ll find him very talkative once you get to know him. He is a little ambitious and he likes to be the winner, but he will never bully other children. He is very funny and loves to play games with me so I love him very much. We really get along well with each other and when I think of him I am very delighted.