听力原文:M: All you need to open a savings account is $20. But in order to earn reasonable interest you should maintain a balance of at least $ 2,000.W: I only have $ 200 but I'll open an account anyway.Q: What information does the man give the woman?(12)A.Th


听力原文:M: All you need to open a savings account is $20. But in order to earn reasonable interest you should maintain a balance of at least $ 2,000.

W: I only have $ 200 but I'll open an account anyway.

Q: What information does the man give the woman?


A.That she needs $200 to open an account.

B.That savings accounts earn low interest.

C.That she should not open an account.

D.That $ 2,000 will earn reasonable interest.

解析:男士说开定期账户只需要二十美元,但是对方若想"earn reasonable interest", 那账户里至少需要两千美元的余额,由此可推出选项D为正确项。