Banks will usually grant unsecured loans to ______.A.individuals with steady job held for yearsB.individuals with a good credit recordC.large commercial companies with a strong financial conditionD.all of the above


Banks will usually grant unsecured loans to ______.

A.individuals with steady job held for years

B.individuals with a good credit record

C.large commercial companies with a strong financial condition

D.all of the above

更多“Banks will usually grant unsecured loans to ______.A.individuals with steady job held for yearsB.individuals with a good credit recordC.large commercial companies with a strong financial conditionD.all of the above”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    听力原文:Commercial banks are mainly to provide short-term loans for the capital market with the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.


    A.Commercial banks mainly provide short-term loans for the capital market.

    B.The capital market mainly depends on the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.

    C.Short-term loans are mainly from the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.

    D.Commercial banks mainly depend on the capital market for deposits and the funds.


  • 第2题:

    Which of the following statements is true?

    A.Loans for buying houses are always secured in order to reduce the risk of nonpayment.

    B.Companies are more likely to borrow on all unsecured basis than individuals.

    C.The largest loans advanced by banks are always secured loans.

    D.Borrowers are more willing to repay the money if the loans are made on an unsecured basis.


  • 第3题:

    Who may supply business loans in a remote area if there is no financial intermediaries offering such services?

    A.The local bank in the area.

    B.Business companies.

    C.Brokers in the Federal Funds.

    D.Correspondent banks.

    解析:文章第二段提到If there are no...the local bank supplies most of these loans. 在一些偏远的地区,如果没有提供商业贷款服务金融中介机构,就由当地的社区银行来提供这些贷款服务。

  • 第4题:

    听力原文:M: Most banks tend to decline loan proposals which are highly speculative.

    W: I think because the banks expect the loan to generate sufficient profit and positive cash-flow for themselves and for the clients.

    Q: What will the banks usually do to the highly speculative loan proposals?


    A.The banks will disapprove them.

    B.The banks will approve them.

    C.The Bank will benefit from the loans.

    D.The bank will make profit from lending.


  • 第5题:

    听力原文:Under the documentary credit, banks are in no way concerned with the sales contract on which the credit may be based.


    A.Banks will deal with the documentary credit along with the sales contract.

    B.Banks take no care of the sales contract while dealing with the documentary credit.

    C.Documentary credit and the sales contract are both important to banks.

    D.Banks will care for either the documentary credit or the sales contract.


  • 第6题:

    There's been a steady drumbeat of warmings about a surge in risky corporate borrowing-but not much clarity serious the threat is. At issue is the more than S1 million market in leveraged loans. That's Wall Street jargon for loans to business with less than rook-solid finances, Federal Reserve and European Central Hank officials have drawn to the rise in corporate debt and the deterioration or lending standards. The loans are often bundled into securities ollateralized loan obligations (CLOs).
    Most of the watchdogs are carceful to say a repeat of the 2007-2008 crisis is unlikely because most of the debt banks. But that creates another problem Regulators focused on banks are largely in the dark when it comes to where the risks he and how they might ripple through the financial system when the economy turns down. A big over-indebted businesses could face severe stress and, in some cases, insolvency, threatening jobs and deepen downturn.
    The mechanics of the leveraged loan market will be familiar to students of the housing crisis.
    With interesting investors are willing to take greater risks to get higher yields. That makes lots of money available for lending. we makes it easier for less creditworthy companies to borrow .Rather than keep the risky loans on their books, lender them to asset managers that package them into securities -C1Ds-that are sold to investors such as insurers and hedge funds.
    Yields on the riskicst portions of CLOs can approach 9% a year. And the growth of leveraged lending has been post crisis bank regulations that helped the rise or shadow lenders financial companics that aren't regulated like market for levcraged loans has more than doubled since 2012.
    The risk taking could get worse: With demand by borrowers for levcraged loans declining this year, those still financing have been able to extract looser learns.
    About 85% of leveraged loans are held by nonbanks, according to Wells Fargo rescarch.
    But banks may play a larger robe than may assumc, according to Gaurav V asisht, drector for financial regulation at the Volcker Alliance, a good-governance group, Banks are involved in all stages of the process. They underwrite loans, sell them to the CLOs, invest in those securities, and then hedge those risks in the market.“One common narrative is that banks don't have much risk or aren't exposed 1o it. Vasisht said at the hearing, "Banks are exposed to it."
    Just beeause banks are safer doesn't necessarily mean the financial system is, says Karen Petron, managing partner at Federal Financial Analytics, a regulatory- analysis firm. Debt investors might not be as resilient in a crisis, and their problems could create shock waves. "Banking regulators are being a htte myopic when they 're looking only at the banking system for systemic risk," she says.- Sally Bakewell and Thomas Beardsworth.
    According to the article, which of the following statements is true?( d )

    A. The mechanics of leveraged loans are different from that of housing crisis.
    B. regulators admit that the financial crisis in 2008 might repeat.
    C. shadow lenders will be regulated.
    D. banks are not immune from the risks of corporate debt.


  • 第7题:

    There's been a steady drumbeat of warmings about a surge in risky corporate borrowing-but not much clarity serious the threat is. At issue is the more than S1 million market in leveraged loans. That's Wall Street jargon for loans to business with less than rook-solid finances, Federal Reserve and European Central Hank officials have drawn to the rise in corporate debt and the deterioration or lending standards. The loans are often bundled into securities ollateralized loan obligations (CLOs).
    Most of the watchdogs are carceful to say a repeat of the 2007-2008 crisis is unlikely because most of the debt banks. But that creates another problem Regulators focused on banks are largely in the dark when it comes to where the risks he and how they might ripple through the financial system when the economy turns down. A big over-indebted businesses could face severe stress and, in some cases, insolvency, threatening jobs and deepen downturn.
    The mechanics of the leveraged loan market will be familiar to students of the housing crisis.
    With interesting investors are willing to take greater risks to get higher yields. That makes lots of money available for lending. we makes it easier for less creditworthy companies to borrow .Rather than keep the risky loans on their books, lender them to asset managers that package them into securities -C1Ds-that are sold to investors such as insurers and hedge funds.
    Yields on the riskicst portions of CLOs can approach 9% a year. And the growth of leveraged lending has been post crisis bank regulations that helped the rise or shadow lenders financial companics that aren't regulated like market for levcraged loans has more than doubled since 2012.
    The risk taking could get worse: With demand by borrowers for levcraged loans declining this year, those still financing have been able to extract looser learns.
    About 85% of leveraged loans are held by nonbanks, according to Wells Fargo rescarch.
    But banks may play a larger robe than may assumc, according to Gaurav V asisht, drector for financial regulation at the Volcker Alliance, a good-governance group, Banks are involved in all stages of the process. They underwrite loans, sell them to the CLOs, invest in those securities, and then hedge those risks in the market.“One common narrative is that banks don't have much risk or aren't exposed 1o it. Vasisht said at the hearing, "Banks are exposed to it."
    Just beeause banks are safer doesn't necessarily mean the financial system is, says Karen Petron, managing partner at Federal Financial Analytics, a regulatory- analysis firm. Debt investors might not be as resilient in a crisis, and their problems could create shock waves. "Banking regulators are being a htte myopic when they 're looking only at the banking system for systemic risk," she says.- Sally Bakewell and Thomas Beardsworth.
    What is the main idea of this artiole? ( )

    A. lessons learned from the financial crisis
    B. the flaws of banking regulation
    C. the warnings of regulators
    D. the risks of corporate debts


  • 第8题:

    资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though.
    Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card.
    Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management.
    If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores.
    If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions.
    If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit.
    Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it.
    People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control.
    Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done.

    The main purpose of the passage is to______.

    A.teach people how to have credit accounts
    B.suggest ways for people to keep good credit record
    C.present a concern about people’s bad credit nowadays
    D.explain the differences between no-credit and bad credit

    【关键词】main purpose
    【主题句】第1自然段No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though.经常听到无信用、不良信用这些术语,它们之间容易混淆,但这些信用状态并不是一回事。

  • 第9题:

    资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though.
    Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card.
    Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management.
    If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores.
    If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions.
    If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit.
    Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it.
    People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control.
    Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done.

    It can be inferred that the potential lenders______

    A.will probably loan money bad-credit people as they still have open accounts.
    B.will probably loan money no-credit people as they haven’t made any financial mistakes.
    C.won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to no-credit person or bad-credit person.
    D.None of above

    【关键词】inferred;potential lenders
    【主题句】第3自然段Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management.潜在的贷款人会想知道你确定会偿还你所借的款项。他们应该不会冒险借钱或将信贷扩展到信誉度可疑的人,或者更糟糕的是,有不良的资金管理记录的人。

  • 第10题:

    资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though.
    Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card.
    Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management.
    If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores.
    If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions.
    If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit.
    Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it.
    People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control.
    Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done.

    Which topic has not been covered in the passage?

    A.Next steps to take for people in different categories
    B.How no credit and bad credit are different
    C.How no credit and bad credit are similar
    D.All the above have been discussed in the passage

    【关键词】topic;not been covered
    【主题句】第1自然段No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though.经常听到无信用、不良信用这些术语,它们之间很容易混淆,但这些信用状态并不是一回事。
    第2自然段Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card.无论您没有信用还是信用不良,有一件事是肯定的——您没有良好的信誉。没有良好的信誉,您在申请贷款或信用卡时都势必要打一场硬战。
    第6自然段If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.如果您属于无信用类别,则不一定是出现了什么财务问题。在这种情况下,对于无信用的人而言,创建信用记录的一种好方法是获取信用卡。
    第7自然段If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.如果您属于此类别且需要信用,则需要查找不良信用的信用卡。

  • 第11题:

    Making Yourself a Good Record

    If you are an American and you think you might need to borrow money someday,the best thing to do is
    start early.
    That'S because just as many employers want to hire only people with experience,banks and other
    creditors are usually reluctant to lend to those________(51)a proven track record of paying back,
    _________(52)time,the money they have borrowed.
    But if you need experience just to get a start,how do you get that start in the first place?
    With a little help from your parents usually,while you are still financially dependent_________(53)
    them.It is easy to get a credit card or student loan when you are in college,because banks figure your
    parents will bail you out if you fail to pay.
    So just as students take on internships to build up their resumes,one's university time can be a good
    time to work on another important personal record:the credit _________(54).
    Credit reports are a_________(55)of one's personal credit history,gathered by a credit reporting
    agency,or CRA.
    Banks and companies一___________(56)hospitals,landlords and insurance companies一regularly report to
    the three main CRAs in the US__________(57)how their customers are doing at paying back the money they
    Anyone with a"legitimate business need"has the right to order individuals'reports from the CRAs.
    Potential creditors usually compile the information in'the reports into a credit"score",ranking the level of
    creditworthiness.Lack of experience in borrowing in__________(59)to a bad record of doing so,can result
    in a low score.
    Even if you are not considering taking out a loan for such a large purchase as a home or car,your credit
    report can be important to getting through life.Landlords often ask for the reports to judge________(60 )
    a person can be trusted to pay the rent. Credit checks are necessary for getting a credit card,even for pur-
    chasing a mobile phone calling plan.
    People can obtain a copy of their own credit report,usually __________(61)a cost of around US
    Some consumer organizations recommend doing this once a year to allow one to catch any mistakes
    __________(62)have slipped into the record or,even worse,to find out whether any fraud has taken place.
    Though the system is controlled by laws __________(63)to protect people's privacy it isn't fool-proof:
    sometimes people take out bad loans in others'names,________(64)their records.
    In a society addicted________(65)credit,that can be a disaster.


    从意思上可以断定应该用without。雇主用工要求有工作经验的(with experience),银行 和其他借款人不愿意把钱借给没有还钱记录的人(without a...record of paying back)另外两个 介词on和by用法都不对。
    on time是个固定的表达方式,意思是“准时”,in time是“及时”。with time和by time这 里都不可能用。
    dependent后面只能跟on,表示“依赖······”的意思。of用在independent后面,意思正好 相反,是“不依赖······”的意思。另外两个介词都不用在dependent后面。
    依据上文这里需要的是一个名词,表示的是一种个人的记录,从下文的Credit reports are…我们得到提示,应该填入的是report。
    这里应该填入的是一个名词,这是毫无疑问的。个人的信用报告是个信用历史的归 纳。故应选summary。
    这里要注意几个选项在意义上的差别。own和owe在词形上很接近,很容易混淆,但意 思恰恰相反,own是“拥有”,owe是“欠”。这里的意思是“客户还钱的情况如何”所以应该选 owe。 possess和own同义,lend则是“借出”的意思。
    in addition to是个固定的短语,意思相当于beside, in contrast to的意思是“和······形成 对比”,in conclusion和in consequence都是短语,但后面不用to。
    这里动词judge后面有一个宾语从句,需要一个引导宾语从句的连接词,一般用 whether,表示“判断······是否······”。
    表示“花多少代价”英语里用at a cost of...,其他几个介词都不对。
    这里需要的是一个修饰名词law的定语,说明什么样的法律,所以要用的不是一个谓语 动词,而是一个作定语的分词,在两个分词形式meant和meaning中应该选meant。
    这里的选择基于对句子意义的理解。本句意思是:有时有些人用别人的名义借钱不 还,这样做的结果必然是毁了别人的信用记录。
    这道题考的是addict这个词的用法,addict后面一定跟to , addict to的意思是“沉酒, 对······上瘾”。如:He is addicted to drugs.他对毒品上瘾了。

  • 第12题:

    Credit unions on campus ______.

    are open 24 hours a day.


    provide the usual financial services offered by banks.


    deduct fees for normal transactions.


    are open on public holidays.

    正确答案: C
    根据关键词Credit unions可定位到原文最后两段。由倒数第二段的最后一句“In addition to normal banking and financial services(with no transaction charges), credit unions usually provide special services for international students”可以清楚的判断选项B是正确的。

  • 第13题:

    According to the passage, unsecured loans are granted on the basis of ______.

    A.the borrower's financial condition

    B.the guarantor's financial condition

    C.the guarantor's past record of repayment

    D.the borrower's pledged assets

    解析:文章第二段提到Unsecured loans…and financial condition,信用贷款是依照借款人的财务状况、预期收人情况以及过去的还款记录发放的。

  • 第14题:

    听力原文: Some banks offer other types of loans repayable by monthly installments, such as business development loans, house improvement loans, and farm development loans. These may be either secured or unsecured. Secured loans attract a slightly lower rate of interest than unsecured loans. Some banks offer revolving credit schemes. These normally involve loans repayable by regular monthly installments, but they differ from other loans repayable by installments in two respects. First, the borrower need not take up the full amount of the loan at the outset. Secondly, as his repayments reduce his indebtedness, he can "top up" his loan by borrowing more, provided that the total debt outstanding does not exceed his agreed credit limit. In 1967 some banks introduced a new form. of account called a "budget account". The object is to allow personal customers to spread the incidence of normal personal and household expenditure.

    24. Which of the following loans is not repaid by installments?

    25.Which of the following loans would attract a lower rate of interest?

    26.How does a borrower "top up" his loan?

    27.What is the objective of introduction of the budget account?


    A.Business development loans.

    B.House improvement loans.

    C.Farm development loans.


    解析:录音原文一开始提到Some banks offer...and farm development loans. 一些银行推出其他种类按月分期还款的贷款,例如商业发展贷款、住房改善贷款和农业发展贷款。

  • 第15题:

    What will happen if there is one commercial bank and no thrifts in a small town?

    A.The residents will deposit their money with the bank.

    B.The local bank will provide business loans to the commercial bank.

    C.Some large banks will transport money by check to the bank.

    D.People in the area will not deposit money with the bank.

    解析:文章第二段提到If there is one commercial bank...deposit their funds in the local bank.在一些偏远地区的小镇,如果只有一家商业银行而没有其他银行的时候,居民会把钱存入当地的银行。

  • 第16题:

    听力原文:M: What is a cheque card?

    W: It was originally issued in UK. British banks started to issue cheque cards in 1965, and as from 1969 all the main commercial banks in Britain agreed to issue a standardized form. of cheque card.

    Q: What happened to British banks in 1969?


    A.All the main commercial banks in Britain agreed to issue a standardized form. of cheque card.

    B.British banks started to issue credit cards.

    C.Customers of British banks may cash their cheques in European countries.

    D.Commercial banks in the United States began to issue cheque card.


  • 第17题:

    There's been a steady drumbeat of warmings about a surge in risky corporate borrowing-but not much clarity serious the threat is. At issue is the more than S1 million market in leveraged loans. That's Wall Street jargon for loans to business with less than rook-solid finances, Federal Reserve and European Central Hank officials have drawn to the rise in corporate debt and the deterioration or lending standards. The loans are often bundled into securities ollateralized loan obligations (CLOs).
    Most of the watchdogs are carceful to say a repeat of the 2007-2008 crisis is unlikely because most of the debt banks. But that creates another problem Regulators focused on banks are largely in the dark when it comes to where the risks he and how they might ripple through the financial system when the economy turns down. A big over-indebted businesses could face severe stress and, in some cases, insolvency, threatening jobs and deepen downturn.
    The mechanics of the leveraged loan market will be familiar to students of the housing crisis.
    With interesting investors are willing to take greater risks to get higher yields. That makes lots of money available for lending. we makes it easier for less creditworthy companies to borrow .Rather than keep the risky loans on their books, lender them to asset managers that package them into securities -C1Ds-that are sold to investors such as insurers and hedge funds.
    Yields on the riskicst portions of CLOs can approach 9% a year. And the growth of leveraged lending has been post crisis bank regulations that helped the rise or shadow lenders financial companics that aren't regulated like market for levcraged loans has more than doubled since 2012.
    The risk taking could get worse: With demand by borrowers for levcraged loans declining this year, those still financing have been able to extract looser learns.
    About 85% of leveraged loans are held by nonbanks, according to Wells Fargo rescarch.
    But banks may play a larger robe than may assumc, according to Gaurav V asisht, drector for financial regulation at the Volcker Alliance, a good-governance group, Banks are involved in all stages of the process. They underwrite loans, sell them to the CLOs, invest in those securities, and then hedge those risks in the market.“One common narrative is that banks don't have much risk or aren't exposed 1o it. Vasisht said at the hearing, "Banks are exposed to it."
    Just beeause banks are safer doesn't necessarily mean the financial system is, says Karen Petron, managing partner at Federal Financial Analytics, a regulatory- analysis firm. Debt investors might not be as resilient in a crisis, and their problems could create shock waves. "Banking regulators are being a htte myopic when they 're looking only at the banking system for systemic risk," she says.- Sally Bakewell and Thomas Beardsworth.
    What does the undcrlined word "'myopie" mean in the last paragraph?( )

    A. optimistic
    B. pessimistic
    C. short-sighted
    D. sarcastic


  • 第18题:

    There's been a steady drumbeat of warmings about a surge in risky corporate borrowing-but not much clarity serious the threat is. At issue is the more than S1 million market in leveraged loans. That's Wall Street jargon for loans to business with less than rook-solid finances, Federal Reserve and European Central Hank officials have drawn to the rise in corporate debt and the deterioration or lending standards. The loans are often bundled into securities ollateralized loan obligations (CLOs).
    Most of the watchdogs are carceful to say a repeat of the 2007-2008 crisis is unlikely because most of the debt banks. But that creates another problem Regulators focused on banks are largely in the dark when it comes to where the risks he and how they might ripple through the financial system when the economy turns down. A big over-indebted businesses could face severe stress and, in some cases, insolvency, threatening jobs and deepen downturn.
    The mechanics of the leveraged loan market will be familiar to students of the housing crisis.
    With interesting investors are willing to take greater risks to get higher yields. That makes lots of money available for lending. we makes it easier for less creditworthy companies to borrow .Rather than keep the risky loans on their books, lender them to asset managers that package them into securities -C1Ds-that are sold to investors such as insurers and hedge funds.
    Yields on the riskicst portions of CLOs can approach 9% a year. And the growth of leveraged lending has been post crisis bank regulations that helped the rise or shadow lenders financial companics that aren't regulated like market for levcraged loans has more than doubled since 2012.
    The risk taking could get worse: With demand by borrowers for levcraged loans declining this year, those still financing have been able to extract looser learns.
    About 85% of leveraged loans are held by nonbanks, according to Wells Fargo rescarch.
    But banks may play a larger robe than may assumc, according to Gaurav V asisht, drector for financial regulation at the Volcker Alliance, a good-governance group, Banks are involved in all stages of the process. They underwrite loans, sell them to the CLOs, invest in those securities, and then hedge those risks in the market.“One common narrative is that banks don't have much risk or aren't exposed 1o it. Vasisht said at the hearing, "Banks are exposed to it."
    Just beeause banks are safer doesn't necessarily mean the financial system is, says Karen Petron, managing partner at Federal Financial Analytics, a regulatory- analysis firm. Debt investors might not be as resilient in a crisis, and their problems could create shock waves. "Banking regulators are being a htte myopic when they 're looking only at the banking system for systemic risk," she says.- Sally Bakewell and Thomas Beardsworth.
    12. Which one is false about the leveraged loans?(。)

    A. they are loans provided to companies already holding a considenble amount of debt.
    B. It is easier for companies to get leveraged loans.
    C. most of the leveraged loans are held by nonbanks.
    D. the Federal Reserve is quite sure about the risks of leveraged loans.


  • 第19题:

    There's been a steady drumbeat of warmings about a surge in risky corporate borrowing-but not much clarity serious the threat is. At issue is the more than S1 million market in leveraged loans. That's Wall Street jargon for loans to business with less than rook-solid finances, Federal Reserve and European Central Hank officials have drawn to the rise in corporate debt and the deterioration or lending standards. The loans are often bundled into securities ollateralized loan obligations (CLOs).
    Most of the watchdogs are carceful to say a repeat of the 2007-2008 crisis is unlikely because most of the debt banks. But that creates another problem Regulators focused on banks are largely in the dark when it comes to where the risks he and how they might ripple through the financial system when the economy turns down. A big over-indebted businesses could face severe stress and, in some cases, insolvency, threatening jobs and deepen downturn.
    The mechanics of the leveraged loan market will be familiar to students of the housing crisis.
    With interesting investors are willing to take greater risks to get higher yields. That makes lots of money available for lending. we makes it easier for less creditworthy companies to borrow .Rather than keep the risky loans on their books, lender them to asset managers that package them into securities -C1Ds-that are sold to investors such as insurers and hedge funds.
    Yields on the riskicst portions of CLOs can approach 9% a year. And the growth of leveraged lending has been post crisis bank regulations that helped the rise or shadow lenders financial companics that aren't regulated like market for levcraged loans has more than doubled since 2012.
    The risk taking could get worse: With demand by borrowers for levcraged loans declining this year, those still financing have been able to extract looser learns.
    About 85% of leveraged loans are held by nonbanks, according to Wells Fargo rescarch.
    But banks may play a larger robe than may assumc, according to Gaurav V asisht, drector for financial regulation at the Volcker Alliance, a good-governance group, Banks are involved in all stages of the process. They underwrite loans, sell them to the CLOs, invest in those securities, and then hedge those risks in the market.“One common narrative is that banks don't have much risk or aren't exposed 1o it. Vasisht said at the hearing, "Banks are exposed to it."
    Just beeause banks are safer doesn't necessarily mean the financial system is, says Karen Petron, managing partner at Federal Financial Analytics, a regulatory- analysis firm. Debt investors might not be as resilient in a crisis, and their problems could create shock waves. "Banking regulators are being a htte myopic when they 're looking only at the banking system for systemic risk," she says.- Sally Bakewell and Thomas Beardsworth.
    The ollteralized loan obligations (CLOs)( ).

    A. are securities back by loans
    B. are sold to companies with good finance
    C. have very low yields
    D. do not have much risks


  • 第20题:

    资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though.
    Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card.
    Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management.
    If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores.
    If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions.
    If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit.
    Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it.
    People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control.
    Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done.

    The solution(s) for Bad-credit could be______.

    A.having accounts sent to collections.
    B.looking for a no-credit credit card.
    C.paying down the balance.
    D.closing your credit accounts.

    【关键词】solution(s) for Bad-credit
    【主题句】倒数第3自然段Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it.不良信用可能是由于财务失误造成的,包括错过付款,拖欠贷款或账户被银行托收。如果您属于此类别且需要信用,您将需要查找信用不良的信用卡。在这种情况下,担保卡或信用建设者贷款也是一个不错的选择。您也可能有资格获得不良信用的个人贷款。如果您仍有未结账户,请即时支付余额,但如果可以避免,不要关闭信用账户。

  • 第21题:

    资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though.
    Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card.
    Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management.
    If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores.
    If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions.
    If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit.
    Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it.
    People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control.
    Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done.

    How to establish credit if you fall into the no-credit category?

    A.To have a credit-builder loan
    B.To acquire secured credit cards(which require a security deposit) or college student credit cards
    C.To acquire a credit card
    D.All of above

    【关键词】establish credit;fall into the no-credit category
    【主题句】第6自然段If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit.如果您属于无信用类别,则不一定是出现了什么财务问题。在这种情况下,对于无信用的人来言,创建信用记录的一种好方法是获取信用卡。如果您没有信用卡,通常最容易获得安全信用卡(需要保证金)或者大学生信用卡资格。信贷建设者贷款也可以帮助您建立信贷。

  • 第22题:

    资料:In the United States of America, banks are categorized into the federally-chartered bank which received their charter from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC); these are referred to as “National Banks”; and also the states-chartered banks which receive their charter from the superintendent to as “State Banks”. Banks are allowed to register either with the federal or the state authority. Let us now look at the organizational structure of Commercial Banks, which include unit banking, group banking and branch banking.
    The main characteristic of unit banking is that it can operate only a single full service bank from a single location. Unit banking institutions are not allowed to have branch networks. However, unit banking does not necessarily have to be small. In fact, many unit banks are quite large.
    Group banking refers to banking operations conducted by a corporation owning more than one bank. The group banking system usually exists in the states where branch banking is prohibited.
    As for branching, it is sometimes referred to “limited branching” or “stateside branching”. Limited branching allows bank to operate branches within geographic territories authorized by the state law. Stateside branching implies that bank branches are allowed to operate anywhere within the state. New York State, California, Florida and some others are stateside branch banking areas which Minnesota, Arkansas, lower and others are limited branching areas.
    In the United States, there are also specialized banks including the Edge Act Banks, the international Banking Facility, the bankers’ banks, the saving banks, the savings and loans associations, the credit unions and government owned and the Real Estate Investment Trust (TEIT).
    There are also non-bank financial institutions in the USA, including the securities firms, the leasing and commercial finance companies, the mortgage bankers and the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT).
    Let us now look at the Federal System. Commonly known as the Federal Reserve Bank or the “Fed”, this is the Central Bank of the United States founded in 1913. It determines the reserve requirement within limits set by the US Congress. The function of the Fed is economic stabilization through the management of the nation’s money supply. The Federal Reserve System comprises a board of governors with 7 members stationed in Washington D.C Reserve Banks, including Boston,New York City, Dallas and San Francisco.
    The Federal Reserve Act(FRA)1913 set out the powers of the Fed which, on top of the regular central bank’s objectives, emphasize the following.
    i.Managing the monetary system and money supply of the USA;
    ii.Providing funds as the lender of last report;
    iii.Providing for an efficient cherub clearing system;
    iiii.Providing a rigorous banking supervision system.

    What is included in the commercial banking system of the USA?( )

    A.The Fed banks, the State banking and group banking.
    B.The Fed banking, the state banking and group banking.
    C.Unit banking, group banking and branch banking.
    D.Specialized banks, group banking and unit banking.

    【关键词】included in the commercial banking system of the USA
    第一段最后一句Let us now look at the organizational structure of Commercial Banks, which include unit banking, group banking and branch banking. 现在让我们看看商业银行的组织结构,其中包括单位银行,集团银行和分支银行。

  • 第23题:

    Credit cards enable their holders to obtain goods and services on credit. They are issued by retail stores, banks, credit card companies to approved clients. The bank or credit card company settles the client’s bills, invoicing him monthly and charging interest on any outstanding debts. Their profit comes from the high rate of interest charged, the card holder’s subscriptions, and the fees paid by some organizations that accept cards.

    解析: 暂无解析