______ refer to the common shares issued by the companies registered in China's mainland and traded by domestic entities or retail investors (excluding investors from Taiwan region, Hong Kong and Macau SARs) in Chinese currency.A.A-sharesB.B-sharesC.H-sha


______ refer to the common shares issued by the companies registered in China's mainland and traded by domestic entities or retail investors (excluding investors from Taiwan region, Hong Kong and Macau SARs) in Chinese currency.





更多“______ refer to the common shares issued by the companies registered in China's mainland and traded by domestic entities or retail investors (excluding investors from Taiwan region, Hong Kong and Macau SARs) in Chinese currency.A.A-sharesB.B-sharesC.H-sha”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    China’s markets have been strengthened by Strong domestic consumption and it also stimulated both multinationals and domestic companies to shift the emphasis of their operations from 'Made in China' to 'Made for China'.()



  • 第2题:

    You know, this bridge()Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau.

    A. comes

    B. connects

    C. contacts


  • 第3题:

    Questions 9~11 refer to the following information.
    The daily changes of the market can lead investors astray. The ups and downs make the tendency to look at the portfolio’s performance frequently too tempting. This means investors are likely to perceive more risk, forgetting about their long term goals.
    When investors log into their trading accounts they can see the potential gain or loss of all of their assets. They can also see the day change on assets which are coded gain and loss. However, it's believed that those who look less get more.
    For instance, if you look at FTSE index from today to tomorrow there is a roughly 50% chance that it has gone up or down. If you look at it over a year you may find that 60%-65% of the time it is going up. And if you look over a five-year period you will find that 90% of the time it goes up.

    What’s the author’s suggestion to investors?

    A. Keep themselves from checking their trading accounts.
    B. Pay attention to long-term interests rather than short-term ones.
    C. Avoid risks in terms of their investment plans.
    D. Stick to one portfolio for at least five years.

    题干问作者对投资者的建议是什么。纵观全文可知作者建议投资者不要每天都关注自己的账户走势,应看长远利益,故选B 项。

  • 第4题:

    China is booming and private equity firms intend 10 prosper alongside the country.As opportunistic investors, the funds typically prefer plays on the growth of the consumer market - from finance companies to auto retailers and service providers such as in

    中国正在变得繁荣,私募股权公司在国内正逐渐变多,作为机会主义投资者,基金主要投资于消费者市场—从金融公司到自动零售服务提供者,如网络旅行代理机构。 投资者普遍认为国家的经济增长使得与中国相关的股份变得有吸引力,但也有很多挑战,“宏观经济增长并不一定能转换为利润”,KKR亚洲公司的联合董事在最近的一次会议上如是说。 而且,竞争正在变得激烈,新一代当地中国的精英,已经离开了收购公司而转向了新型的基金。

  • 第5题:

    资料:Rahul Chadha, co-chief investment officer for Hong Kong-based Mirae Asset Global Investments, has a few charts he is particularly fond of when it comes to telling a story about investing in China.
    One shows income growth in China. Based on the current rate of expansion, he expects the world's second-biggest economy will achieve high income status — defined as income of almost $12,500 per capita — in eight years.The second shows a ratio of household debt to gross domestic product for a number of countries. For thrifty mainland China households, the ratio is 28 per cent. That compares to India at one end of the scale at 15 per cent and the UK at the other with 90 per cent.
    So, based on their income and potential to borrow, the Chinese have spending power and the potential to increase it. The growing muscle of Chinese consumers is not, of course, a new investment theme when it comes to Asia. But at a time when wage growth is muted in other large economies, such as the US and the Eurozone, the situation in China is surprisingly overlooked rather than celebrated. Disposable income per household in China rose 7.3 per cent in real terms in the first half of this year. That surpasses the 6.9 per cent pace at which the economy expanded in the period. Moreover, the number of jobs created in urban areas came in at 8.55m in the first seven months of 2017, according to data from JPMorgan, not too far from the year-end target of 11m. In sharp contrast, India is generating roughly 1m jobs a year at a time when it needs to fashion 10 times more to absorb the youth streaming in from the countryside in search of a better living.
    It's not just the level of income that is improving in China. Its distribution is too. The government is spending more on a social safety net, and provides more by way of pensions and medicines, including medical care and education.“In a way this is catch up,” Haibin Zhu, chief China economist at JPMorgan, says of the income growth in China. “In a way it reflects the fact that the working age population is declining. But for the past 10 years income is going up for the majority of people steadily and gradually.”
    It's an especially notable achievement given that some of the other forces at work in the Chines economy are far from helpful. The expansion of the sharing economy and ever growing role of technology across most sectors is ultimately deflationary. Automation is increasingly displacing manufacturing jobs. At the same time, sophisticated computers are now eliminating low end service jobs.
    As investors survey the effects of income growth, it is the new economy, with its emphasis on services and consumption, and private companies in it, that are the beneficiaries as they cater to the appetites of a growing middle class. Mr Chadha, for example, is a fan of companies such as Ctrip, an online travel app, healthcare, insurers such as Ping An, (rather than the state owned behemoths) and internet and e-commerce firms. Ctrip for example has 75 per cent market share in online travel.

    What dose the underlined sentence mean?

    A.We should resist the trend of automation
    B.The growth of the economy and technology brings prosperity
    C.Technology is double-edged since some jobs will be eliminated
    D.The development of technology is devastating

    【关键词】underlined sentence;mean
    【主题句】第5自然段The expansion of the sharing economy and ever growing role of technology across most sectors is ultimately deflationary. Automation is increasingly displacing manufacturing jobs. At the same time, sophisticated computers are now eliminating low end service jobs. 共享经济的扩张以及多数行业中科技的作用日益增强,最终将产生通缩影响。自动化正日益取代了制造业的工作。与此同时,复杂的计算机正在淘汰低端服务工作。

  • 第6题:

    资料:Rahul Chadha, co-chief investment officer for Hong Kong-based Mirae Asset Global Investments, has a few charts he is particularly fond of when it comes to telling a story about investing in China.
    One shows income growth in China. Based on the current rate of expansion, he expects the world's second-biggest economy will achieve high income status — defined as income of almost $12,500 per capita — in eight years.The second shows a ratio of household debt to gross domestic product for a number of countries. For thrifty mainland China households, the ratio is 28 per cent. That compares to India at one end of the scale at 15 per cent and the UK at the other with 90 per cent.
    So, based on their income and potential to borrow, the Chinese have spending power and the potential to increase it. The growing muscle of Chinese consumers is not, of course, a new investment theme when it comes to Asia. But at a time when wage growth is muted in other large economies, such as the US and the Eurozone, the situation in China is surprisingly overlooked rather than celebrated. Disposable income per household in China rose 7.3 per cent in real terms in the first half of this year. That surpasses the 6.9 per cent pace at which the economy expanded in the period. Moreover, the number of jobs created in urban areas came in at 8.55m in the first seven months of 2017, according to data from JPMorgan, not too far from the year-end target of 11m. In sharp contrast, India is generating roughly 1m jobs a year at a time when it needs to fashion 10 times more to absorb the youth streaming in from the countryside in search of a better living.
    It's not just the level of income that is improving in China. Its distribution is too. The government is spending more on a social safety net, and provides more by way of pensions and medicines, including medical care and education.“In a way this is catch up,” Haibin Zhu, chief China economist at JPMorgan, says of the income growth in China. “In a way it reflects the fact that the working age population is declining. But for the past 10 years income is going up for the majority of people steadily and gradually.”
    It's an especially notable achievement given that some of the other forces at work in the Chines economy are far from helpful. The expansion of the sharing economy and ever growing role of technology across most sectors is ultimately deflationary. Automation is increasingly displacing manufacturing jobs. At the same time, sophisticated computers are now eliminating low end service jobs.
    As investors survey the effects of income growth, it is the new economy, with its emphasis on services and consumption, and private companies in it, that are the beneficiaries as they cater to the appetites of a growing middle class. Mr Chadha, for example, is a fan of companies such as Ctrip, an online travel app, healthcare, insurers such as Ping An, (rather than the state owned behemoths) and internet and e-commerce firms. Ctrip for example has 75 per cent market share in online travel.

    What is the main idea of this passage?

    A.The world economy relies on China 's economy
    B.Chinese consumers have great potential
    C.Other countries should learn from China by developing a sharing economy
    D.Chinese government is improving people’s lives

    【关键词】 main idea
    【主题句】第3自然段So based on their income and potential to borrow, the Chinese have spending power and the potential to increase it.所以,根据收入和借贷潜力,中国人拥有一定的购买力,以及增加购买力的潜力。
    【解析】题干意为“文章的主旨大意是什么?” 选项A意为“世界经济依赖中国经济”;选项B意为“中国消费者有很大潜力”;选项C意为“其他国家需要向中国学习”;选项D意为“中国政府正在提高人民生活水平”。根据主题句,选项A、C均未提及,选项D仅在第4自然段提到政府在改善社会保障制度、医疗、教育等,选项B符合题意。

  • 第7题:

    A New Educational Feature

    1.There is a distinctive and comparatively new feature of the Taiwanese Education. In recent years,more students from Taiwan are seeking education in the mainland.
    2.The number of Taiwanese students admitted into college and postgraduate programs in the mainland,according to official Chinese figures,totaled 1,264 in 2000,2,470 in 2002 and approximately 3,700 in 2004.The latest official numbers indicated that by 2013,7,349 Taiwanese received high education on the said this number had risen between 40 to 50 percent annually in the last decade with well over 1,500 entering mainland campuses last year.
    3.Based in the Chinese city of Guangzhou,the Internet site provides education service and information on Chinese mainland colleges and universities."Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland,and it will increase their chances in Chinese job market," president Mark Ling said."I believe it will give me hands-on experience in the media of the Chinese mainland and a better understanding of the Chinese mainland people,"said Maria Wang,an 18-year-old student majoring in communications at Nanjing University. Wang has a plan to continue her education and get a master's degree in mass media in Beijing,where she believes provides the best environment for such studies and opportunities for future development.
    4.Li,a postgraduate student at Taiwan Furen University said he was inclined to study business administration in the Chinese mainland,because there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there.
    5.A large number of business executives would like to send their children to study in the Chinese mainland too."They hope the children could build up connections which could later become useful in their business operations."said Yuqin Ma,professor of the Chinese mainland studies.

    Beijing is a good place to study mass media,since the city provides_______.
    A:practical experience
    B:business operations
    C:good quality education
    D:culture and people there
    E:a good chance
    F: the favorable circumstance

    依第一段第一句“more students from Taiwan are seeking education on the mainland”可知,选项D正确。
    第三段谈到台湾同胞认为大陆的教育“will increase their chances in Chinese job market",还谈到了可以为学习和未来发展提供很好的环境。所以C正确。
    第四段谈到“there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there",即随着越来越多的台湾公司入驻大陆,给在大陆上学的台湾同胞提供了很好的事业前景,所以选A。
    依第三段第二句“Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland",可知答案为D。
    第三段的第三句提到在大陆接受教育可以得到“hands-on experience in the media" , hand-on experience指“实践经验”,意思和practical experience一样,由此可以得知 A正确。
    第三段最后一句提到在北京学大众传媒可以“provides the best environment",所以选F,选项中的favorable意思为“有利的”,与原文中的句意相符。
    第五段第二句提到企业高管希望他们的孩子在大陆接受教育以此建立关系,而这些关系“could later become useful in their business operations",因此选B。

  • 第8题:

    A New Educational Feature

    1.There is a distinctive and comparatively new feature of the Taiwanese Education. In recent years,more students from Taiwan are seeking education in the mainland.
    2.The number of Taiwanese students admitted into college and postgraduate programs in the mainland,according to official Chinese figures,totaled 1,264 in 2000,2,470 in 2002 and approximately 3,700 in 2004.The latest official numbers indicated that by 2013,7,349 Taiwanese received high education on the said this number had risen between 40 to 50 percent annually in the last decade with well over 1,500 entering mainland campuses last year.
    3.Based in the Chinese city of Guangzhou,the Internet site provides education service and information on Chinese mainland colleges and universities."Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland,and it will increase their chances in Chinese job market," president Mark Ling said."I believe it will give me hands-on experience in the media of the Chinese mainland and a better understanding of the Chinese mainland people,"said Maria Wang,an 18-year-old student majoring in communications at Nanjing University. Wang has a plan to continue her education and get a master's degree in mass media in Beijing,where she believes provides the best environment for such studies and opportunities for future development.
    4.Li,a postgraduate student at Taiwan Furen University said he was inclined to study business administration in the Chinese mainland,because there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there.
    5.A large number of business executives would like to send their children to study in the Chinese mainland too."They hope the children could build up connections which could later become useful in their business operations."said Yuqin Ma,professor of the Chinese mainland studies.

    Paragraph 3___________
    A:Good career prospects brought by Taiwanese companies
    B:The educational exchange between the mainland and Taiwan
    C:What have learned in the mainland will bring a bright future
    D:More Taiwanese students study in the Chinese mainland
    E:The number of Taiwanese students is increasing dramatically
    F: Education in the mainland is more attractive

    依第一段第一句“more students from Taiwan are seeking education on the mainland”可知,选项D正确。
    第三段谈到台湾同胞认为大陆的教育“will increase their chances in Chinese job market",还谈到了可以为学习和未来发展提供很好的环境。所以C正确。
    第四段谈到“there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there",即随着越来越多的台湾公司入驻大陆,给在大陆上学的台湾同胞提供了很好的事业前景,所以选A。
    依第三段第二句“Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland",可知答案为D。
    第三段的第三句提到在大陆接受教育可以得到“hands-on experience in the media" , hand-on experience指“实践经验”,意思和practical experience一样,由此可以得知 A正确。
    第三段最后一句提到在北京学大众传媒可以“provides the best environment",所以选F,选项中的favorable意思为“有利的”,与原文中的句意相符。
    第五段第二句提到企业高管希望他们的孩子在大陆接受教育以此建立关系,而这些关系“could later become useful in their business operations",因此选B。

  • 第9题:

    香港特别行政区发行的邮票铭记是“中国香港”,并加列英文“Hong Kong,China”。


  • 第10题:

    What is the most useful advice for new investors?

    The best time to invest in shares.


    The most suitable type of investment.


    The cheapest way to buy shares.


    The safest companies to invest in.

    正确答案: D
    第五段讲,对于第一次做投资的人来说需要寻求专业的意见。咨询专家可以为你提供信息,但“most importantly, which products best match their clients’ requirements.”,也即是选择合适的股票和公司很重要。

  • 第11题:

    Investors can reduce risks and still make good profits by

    investing only in blue chip companies.


    monitoring share prices very closely.


    buying shares gradually over time.


    choosing a variety of investment.

    正确答案: D

  • 第12题:

    Investors are attracted to Internet companies because they

    sell their shares at a low price.


    have a large number of shares.


    are often a very safe investment.


    offer potential for rapid growth.

    正确答案: A

  • 第13题:

    In 2008, only two of five people in China realized that in the mainland, prices were at least 20 percent higher than they were in places such as Hong Kong.()



  • 第14题:

    Money market securities are ______.

    A.essentially issued by governments, financial institutions, and large corporations

    B.very liquid and earns high return

    C.denominated in small sums so that individual investors can deal in them

    D.purchased by individual investors directly


  • 第15题:

    On which of the following would the author most probably agree? (  ).

    A.Foreign investors should move their manufacturing capability closer to the consumer
    B.China's wage inflation will wreak a pohtical havoc in the future
    C.Foreign investors should flee to neighboring countries, such as Vietnam
    D.There's plenty of room to improve efficiency at Chinese plants


  • 第16题:

    Nancy Liu amved in Sydney from China as a"skilled immigrant"with an economics degree 14 years ago.With her husband,she set up a business consultancy in the suburb in southem Sydney.However,Liu was only an epitome of thousands of Chinese investors.Since then,Chinese investment has transformed the city:many of its shop signs are now in Chinese.Ms Liu was a forerunner of a new wave of Chinese immigrants to Australia's oldest and biggest city.Hong Kong once supplied most of Australia's Chinese settlers,but over the past few years the pattern has shifted.Now it is the rising middle classes from other places of China who go there,looking for a more relaxed life style.About 4%of Sydney's people were bom in China.Currendy,China has become Australia's biggest trading partner,and its largest source of foreign students.


  • 第17题:

    资料:Rahul Chadha, co-chief investment officer for Hong Kong-based Mirae Asset Global Investments, has a few charts he is particularly fond of when it comes to telling a story about investing in China.
    One shows income growth in China. Based on the current rate of expansion, he expects the world's second-biggest economy will achieve high income status — defined as income of almost $12,500 per capita — in eight years.The second shows a ratio of household debt to gross domestic product for a number of countries. For thrifty mainland China households, the ratio is 28 per cent. That compares to India at one end of the scale at 15 per cent and the UK at the other with 90 per cent.
    So, based on their income and potential to borrow, the Chinese have spending power and the potential to increase it. The growing muscle of Chinese consumers is not, of course, a new investment theme when it comes to Asia. But at a time when wage growth is muted in other large economies, such as the US and the Eurozone, the situation in China is surprisingly overlooked rather than celebrated. Disposable income per household in China rose 7.3 per cent in real terms in the first half of this year. That surpasses the 6.9 per cent pace at which the economy expanded in the period. Moreover, the number of jobs created in urban areas came in at 8.55m in the first seven months of 2017, according to data from JPMorgan, not too far from the year-end target of 11m. In sharp contrast, India is generating roughly 1m jobs a year at a time when it needs to fashion 10 times more to absorb the youth streaming in from the countryside in search of a better living.
    It's not just the level of income that is improving in China. Its distribution is too. The government is spending more on a social safety net, and provides more by way of pensions and medicines, including medical care and education.“In a way this is catch up,” Haibin Zhu, chief China economist at JPMorgan, says of the income growth in China. “In a way it reflects the fact that the working age population is declining. But for the past 10 years income is going up for the majority of people steadily and gradually.”
    It's an especially notable achievement given that some of the other forces at work in the Chines economy are far from helpful. The expansion of the sharing economy and ever growing role of technology across most sectors is ultimately deflationary. Automation is increasingly displacing manufacturing jobs. At the same time, sophisticated computers are now eliminating low end service jobs.
    As investors survey the effects of income growth, it is the new economy, with its emphasis on services and consumption, and private companies in it, that are the beneficiaries as they cater to the appetites of a growing middle class. Mr Chadha, for example, is a fan of companies such as Ctrip, an online travel app, healthcare, insurers such as Ping An, (rather than the state owned behemoths) and internet and e-commerce firms. Ctrip for example has 75 per cent market share in online travel.

    The third paragraph tells that ( )

    A.It’s not difficult for China to achieve its target of creating 11 million jobs
    B.there are enough vacancies for young people from the rural areas in India
    C.the developed economies enjoys a better income growth
    D.more Chinese will borrow to increase their spending power

    【关键词】the third paragraph; tells that
    But at a time when wage growth is muted in other large economies, such as the US and the Eurozone, the situation in China is surprisingly overlooked rather than celebrated. 但是,在美国和欧元区等其他大型经济体工资增长放缓的时期,中国的情况令人惊讶地被忽视,而不是被人们庆祝。
    So, based on their income and potential to borrow, the Chinese have spending power and the potential to increase it. 所以,根据他们的收入和借贷潜力,中国人有消费能力和增加消费的潜力。
    Moreover, the number of jobs created in urban areas came in at 8.55m in the first seven months of 2017, according to data from JPMorgan, not too far from the year-end target of 11m. 此外,根据摩根大通的数据,2017年前七个月城镇地区创造的就业人数达到了855万人,与年终目标1100万人距离不远。
    In sharp contrast, India is generating roughly 1m jobs a year at a time when it needs to fashion 10 times more to absorb the youth streaming in from the countryside in search of a better living.
    【解析】题干意为“根据第3段,可以推断____”。选项A意为“中国实现全年新增1100万工作岗位的目标并不困难”,符合题意;选项B意为“印度有足够的职位空缺来吸引来自农村的年轻人”;选项 C意为“发达经济体的收入增长高”;选项D意为“更多的中国人将会借钱增加购买力”。选项B、C、D与主题句不符,故选项A符合题意。

  • 第18题:

    资料:Rahul Chadha, co-chief investment officer for Hong Kong-based Mirae Asset Global Investments, has a few charts he is particularly fond of when it comes to telling a story about investing in China.
    One shows income growth in China. Based on the current rate of expansion, he expects the world's second-biggest economy will achieve high income status — defined as income of almost $12,500 per capita — in eight years.The second shows a ratio of household debt to gross domestic product for a number of countries. For thrifty mainland China households, the ratio is 28 per cent. That compares to India at one end of the scale at 15 per cent and the UK at the other with 90 per cent.
    So, based on their income and potential to borrow, the Chinese have spending power and the potential to increase it. The growing muscle of Chinese consumers is not, of course, a new investment theme when it comes to Asia. But at a time when wage growth is muted in other large economies, such as the US and the Eurozone, the situation in China is surprisingly overlooked rather than celebrated. Disposable income per household in China rose 7.3 per cent in real terms in the first half of this year. That surpasses the 6.9 per cent pace at which the economy expanded in the period. Moreover, the number of jobs created in urban areas came in at 8.55m in the first seven months of 2017, according to data from JPMorgan, not too far from the year-end target of 11m. In sharp contrast, India is generating roughly 1m jobs a year at a time when it needs to fashion 10 times more to absorb the youth streaming in from the countryside in search of a better living.
    It's not just the level of income that is improving in China. Its distribution is too. The government is spending more on a social safety net, and provides more by way of pensions and medicines, including medical care and education.“In a way this is catch up,” Haibin Zhu, chief China economist at JPMorgan, says of the income growth in China. “In a way it reflects the fact that the working age population is declining. But for the past 10 years income is going up for the majority of people steadily and gradually.”
    It's an especially notable achievement given that some of the other forces at work in the Chines economy are far from helpful. The expansion of the sharing economy and ever growing role of technology across most sectors is ultimately deflationary. Automation is increasingly displacing manufacturing jobs. At the same time, sophisticated computers are now eliminating low end service jobs.
    As investors survey the effects of income growth, it is the new economy, with its emphasis on services and consumption, and private companies in it, that are the beneficiaries as they cater to the appetites of a growing middle class. Mr Chadha, for example, is a fan of companies such as Ctrip, an online travel app, healthcare, insurers such as Ping An, (rather than the state owned behemoths) and internet and e-commerce firms. Ctrip for example has 75 per cent market share in online travel.

    Which of the following statement is false?

    A.The work force in China has increased in past ten years
    B.internet firms benefit a lot from the income growth
    C.The Chinese government is improving the social welfare for people
    D.the per capita income in China is expected to $12,500 in eight years

    【关键词】the following statement; false
    第2自然段Based on the current rate of expansion, he expects the world’s second-biggest economy will achieve high income status — defined as income of almost $12,500 per capita — in eight years. 根据目前的增长速度,他预测世界第二大经济体将在8年后达到高收入级别,人均收入近1.25万美元。
    第4自然段It’s not just the level of income that is improving in China. Its distribution is too. 在中国,不只是收入水平得到改善,收入分配也在改善。
    In a way it reflects the fact that the working age population is declining. 从某种程度上,这反映出工作年龄人口在减少。
    第6自然段Mr Chadha, for example, is a fan of companies such as Ctrip,an online travel app, healthcare, insurers such as Ping An, (rather than the state owned behemoths) and internet and e-commerce firms. Ctrip for example has 75 per cent market share in online travel. 例如,查达钟爱在线旅游应用携程(Ctrip)等公司、医疗公司、平安等保险公司(而非国有保险巨头)以及互联网和电商集团。携程占有75%的在线旅行市场份额。
    【解析】题干意为“下列哪一项是错误的?” 选项A意为“过去十年中国劳动力在增长”;选项B意为“互联网公司从经济增长中获益良多”;选项C意为“中国政府为人民提高社会福利”;选项D意为“八年后中国人均收入达到近1.25万美元”。根据主题句,选项B、C、D符合题意,故选A。

  • 第19题:

    A New Educational Feature

    1.There is a distinctive and comparatively new feature of the Taiwanese Education. In recent years,more students from Taiwan are seeking education in the mainland.
    2.The number of Taiwanese students admitted into college and postgraduate programs in the mainland,according to official Chinese figures,totaled 1,264 in 2000,2,470 in 2002 and approximately 3,700 in 2004.The latest official numbers indicated that by 2013,7,349 Taiwanese received high education on the said this number had risen between 40 to 50 percent annually in the last decade with well over 1,500 entering mainland campuses last year.
    3.Based in the Chinese city of Guangzhou,the Internet site provides education service and information on Chinese mainland colleges and universities."Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland,and it will increase their chances in Chinese job market," president Mark Ling said."I believe it will give me hands-on experience in the media of the Chinese mainland and a better understanding of the Chinese mainland people,"said Maria Wang,an 18-year-old student majoring in communications at Nanjing University. Wang has a plan to continue her education and get a master's degree in mass media in Beijing,where she believes provides the best environment for such studies and opportunities for future development.
    4.Li,a postgraduate student at Taiwan Furen University said he was inclined to study business administration in the Chinese mainland,because there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there.
    5.A large number of business executives would like to send their children to study in the Chinese mainland too."They hope the children could build up connections which could later become useful in their business operations."said Yuqin Ma,professor of the Chinese mainland studies.

    Receiving an education in the mainland could help Taiwanese students in the business field because they can get_______.
    A:practical experience
    B:business operations
    C:good quality education
    D:culture and people there
    E:a good chance
    F: the favorable circumstance

    依第一段第一句“more students from Taiwan are seeking education on the mainland”可知,选项D正确。
    第三段谈到台湾同胞认为大陆的教育“will increase their chances in Chinese job market",还谈到了可以为学习和未来发展提供很好的环境。所以C正确。
    第四段谈到“there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there",即随着越来越多的台湾公司入驻大陆,给在大陆上学的台湾同胞提供了很好的事业前景,所以选A。
    依第三段第二句“Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland",可知答案为D。
    第三段的第三句提到在大陆接受教育可以得到“hands-on experience in the media" , hand-on experience指“实践经验”,意思和practical experience一样,由此可以得知 A正确。
    第三段最后一句提到在北京学大众传媒可以“provides the best environment",所以选F,选项中的favorable意思为“有利的”,与原文中的句意相符。
    第五段第二句提到企业高管希望他们的孩子在大陆接受教育以此建立关系,而这些关系“could later become useful in their business operations",因此选B。

  • 第20题:

    从政治上讲,“中国大陆”既可以翻译为Mainland China,也可以翻译为Chinese Mainland。


  • 第21题:

    Investors can reduce risk and still make good profits by ______

    investing only in blue chip companies.


    Monitoring share prices very closely


    Buying shares gradually over time


    Choosing a variety of investments

    正确答案: D

  • 第22题:

    Investors are attracted to internet companies because they ______

    sell their shares at a low


    have a large number of shares


    are often a very safe investment


    offer potential for rapid growth

    正确答案: C

  • 第23题:

    Many investors buy and sell shares via the internet because it is ______

    far cheaper


    much easier


    more exciting


    a lot safer

    正确答案: B