听力原文:M: I'm leaving for America and still have some RMB with me. There is about 700 yuan left. Can I change it back into US dollars?W: Yes, we can convert your leftover RMB back into foreign money.Q: How much RMB yuan does the customer want to exchange fo


听力原文:M: I'm leaving for America and still have some RMB with me. There is about 700 yuan left. Can I change it back into US dollars?

W: Yes, we can convert your leftover RMB back into foreign money.

Q: How much RMB yuan does the customer want to exchange for US dollars?


A.700 yuan.

B.600 yuan.

C.650 yuan.

D.750 yuan.

更多“听力原文:M: I'm leaving for America and still have some RMB with me. There is about 700 yuan left. Can I change it back into US dollars?W: Yes, we can convert your leftover RMB back into foreign money.Q: How much RMB yuan does the customer want to exchange fo”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    听力原文:W: Hi, Sam, I hate to bother you but I wonder if I could have a word with you?

    M: Sounds so serious. What's up?

    W: Well, the landlord just informed me that he's going to increase our rent by two hundred. I'm wondering how you feel about it.

    M: How do I feel about it? No way! In our tenancy agreement, it says he will have to give us a notice three months in advance if he wants to increase the rent.

    W: Yeah, that's right! It's gotta be three months later. Well, I think he realizes his rental fee is below the market rate and he must be feeling a bit ripped off when he could be charging a couple hundred extra. What do you think Sam? Should we agree to the raise or find somewhere else?

    M: Good question. I'm not sure either. The location we're at now is quite convenient. Close to the grocery and near the subway. It'll be hard to find another location like this one.

    W: I wonder whether he'll allow room for negotiation. Perhaps a hundred dollars instead of two. Maybe he might be more willing to give a bit if we speak to him right way.

    M: Well, he seems to be a nice guy to talk to. But what if he refuses? Would you go for two then?

    W: Well, I guess I would, since it'll be hard to find such a convenient location. Besides, it's close to my school and I can sleep a little later in the mornings.

    M: Ha! I figured that's what you'd be concerned about. Well, I have to give it some serious thought. I'm not sure I can afford to cough up an extra hundred a month just to make sure I can sleep in an extra 15 minutes.

    W: Didn't you get your loan recently? That'll cover what you need. Besides, if you could just stop spending so much on cafeteria snacks you'd have lots of money to spare.

    M: Yeah, but I'm thinking of getting a new laptop.

    W: Well, I tell you, there aren't a lot of apartments that are cheaper, even with this new increase.

    M: I know, so when does he want us to come back on this?

    W: He told me to let him know this weekend.

    M: Sure, by then I should be able to make up my mind.


    A.Where they should move.

    B.How to negotiate with the landlord.

    C.How to fight the increase.

    D.Whether to accept an increase in rent or move.


  • 第2题:

    听力原文:M: Hello, can I do anything for you?

    W: Yes, I need to change foreign moneys. Could you help me change some Canadian dollars in traveler's cheques issued by Royal Bank of Canada?

    Q: What kind of foreign currencies does the speaker want to exchange?


    A.Canadian dollars.

    B.British Pounds.

    C.U.S. dollars.

    D.H.K. dollars.


  • 第3题:

    听力原文:M: Ms. Smith, this is Bank of China, Shanghai Branch, I would like to tell you that your draft has been duly collected. Payment will be made upon your surrendering to us the relative Provisional Receipt for Collection.

    W: Oh, really. I just badly want some Chinese money. It comes quite in time. Thank you very much indeed.

    Q: What is informed to Ms. Smith?


    A.The payments of her draft.

    B.The collection of her draft.

    C.The exchange of some dollars.

    D.The opening of her account.


  • 第4题:

    听力原文:M: Can I make arrangements to open an automatic transfer account for my income tax payments?

    W: Yes, of course. But you need to indicate what the regular and special transfers should be and we will automatically debit your account for them each month.

    Q: What kind of account does the customer want to open?


    A.A savings account.

    B.A fixed account.

    C.A check account.

    D.An automatic transfer account.

    解析:根据男士的话,他是想"open an automatic transfer account",即开一个自动转账账户。

  • 第5题:

    CLERK: Hello, Big City Electricity, how may I help you today


    CLERK: May I have your account number

    PETERS: Certainly, it’s 4392107.

    CLERK: Thank you, is this Mr. Peters

    PETERS: Yes, this is Mr. Peters.

    CLERK: Thank you. What can I help you with

    PETERS: ___2_.

    CLERK: I’m sorry to hear that___2_.

    PETERS: The bill is 300% higher than last month.

    CLERK: Terribly sorry for that. Let me ask you a few questions and then I’ll see what I can do.

    PETERS: OK, Thank you for your help.

    CLERK: Of course, thank you for calling this to our attention. Now, how much do you usually pay for your electricity

    PETERS: I usually pay about $50 a month.

    CLERK: Thank you.___4_

    PETERS: $200. I can’t understand why.

    CLERK: Yes, Mr. Peters. Was your usage different in any way

    PETERS: No, it was an average month.

    CLERK: I’m sorry there certainly seems to be a mistake.

    PETERS: Well, I’m happy you agree with me.

    CLERK: I’ll contact a service representative. And what’s your phone number

    PETERS: 408-533-0875

    CLERK:___5_. We’ll do our best to change this as quickly as possible. PETERS: Thank you for your help in clearing this up.

    A. I think I’ve been overcharged for the past month.

    B. I’m terribly sorry about the mistake.

    C. I’m calling concerning my electricity bill.

    D. And how much did we charge on this bill

    E. Why do you think we charged you too much

    参考答案:子问题 1:C; 子问题 2:A; 子问题 3:E; 子问题 4:D; 子问题 5:B

  • 第6题:

    听力原文:W: Manager, I have to inform. you that there is an error in our invoice to Mr. Smith for the shoes he ordered on May 25.

    M: OK, just change "carriage forward" to "carriage paid". We can't lose this customer.

    Q: What did the customer order on May 25?







  • 第7题:

    听力原文:M: Excuse me, Ms Li. Could you tell me what kind of drawings do you like to make, by cheque or upon presentation of your deposit book?

    W: I'd prefer to draw by cheque.

    Q: What account does Ms. Li want to open?


    A.RMB account.

    B.A checking account.

    C.A U.S. dollar account.

    D.A special account.

    解析:当男士问女士想通过何种方式取款时,女士的回答是"by cheque",由此可知女士是想开立支票账户。

  • 第8题:

    听力原文:W: What is the rate of exchange?

    M: Sorry, I'm not sure. You will have to ask at the exchange desk. He can give you the exchange rate.

    Q: Where can he find the exchange rate?


    A.At the exchange desk.

    B.On the board.

    C.On the desk.

    D.On the notebook.

    解析:当女士问到汇率是多少时,男士的回答是"You will have to ask at the exchange desk",由此可知选项A正确。

  • 第9题:

    听力原文:W: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me what kind of a bill you have?

    M: Yes, it's a ninety-day bill for $ 6,750.00. It matures about two months from now. I didn't think we'd have to discount it, but I need the working capital right now. How do I discount it?

    Q: What kind of bill does the man have?


    A.A bill of exchange with a 90-day maturity for $ 6,075.00.

    B.A bill of exchange with a 60-day maturity for $ 6,075.00.

    C.A bill of exchange with a 90-day maturity for $ 6,750.00.

    D.A bill of exchange with a 60-day maturity for $ 6,750.00.


  • 第10题:

    听力原文:M: Bank of China. May I help you?

    W: Yes, please. I'd like to get some information about discounting a bill of exchange.

    Q: What does the customer want to do.?


    A.To withdraw some money.

    B.To exchange some foreign currencies.

    C.To discount some bills.

    D.To cash some traveler's checks.


  • 第11题:

    A:I want to buy some stamps with different face values .B:Special stamps?A:Yes.B:We have stamps of(    ).

    • A、60fen
    • B、2yuans
    • C、60fens
    • D、3yuan20fen


  • 第12题:

    M: Hello. The Pearson residence.W: Hello. I was ringing up about the advertisement in the paper for an electric cooker. Is that you?M: Yes, it is. We still ______.

    have some electric irons


    have it for sale


    have to see it


    have to know your name

    正确答案: C

  • 第13题:

    听力原文:W: Henry, I understand your invoice for US $ 1,000 is due for payment at the end of this month. Please allow me to defer payment until four weeks later.

    M: That's all right. We won't press you for immediate payment. Send us your check later on when you have money.

    Q: What does the woman ask for?


    A.Immediate payment.

    B.Deferred payment.


    D.US $1,000.

    解析:女士问:亨利,我知道你的1000美元货款应该在这个月末付清,请允许我延迟四星期付款。B项中的Deferred payment即延迟付款。

  • 第14题:


    听力原文:M: Can I open a foreign currency account and convert my money into a currency which offers the highest interest?

    W: Yes, we can arrange that for you, but foreign currency exchange rates are subject to fluctuation and sometimes you will suffer losses.

    Q: What does the woman mean?


    A.Interest rate of a foreign currency is much higher.

    B.There are risks of losing money sometimes to open a foreign currency account.

    C.Foreign currencies exchange rates are relatively stable.

    D.It is advisable to open a foreign currency account.

    解析:男士是想开一个外汇账户,但女士提醒男士说外汇汇率会有波动,所以有时会 "suffer losses"。

  • 第15题:

    听力原文:M: Would you please tell me where I can change the RMB Yuan back into US dollars?

    W: OK, just go to the Counter No. 16. They will do this for you.

    Q: Which counter can offer the service of reconversion for the customer?


    A.Counter No.12.

    B.Counter No.6.

    C.Counter No.15.

    D.Counter No.16.

    解析:男士是想将人民币兑换美元,女士则告之去"Counter No.16"。

  • 第16题:

    We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can ()17 kinds of currencies into RMB.





  • 第17题:

    听力原文:M: Would you please tell me what I should do to have funds transferred to me here from London?

    W: The fastest way is by telegraphic transfer from your bank in London to us.

    Q: What does the man want to do?


    A.He wants to withdraw some pounds.

    B.He wants to transfer some money to London.

    C.He wants to know how to transfer money from London to him.

    D.He wants to exchange some pounds for yen.

    解析:男士问的是如何“have funds transferred to me here from London”,所以C项正确。

  • 第18题:

    听力原文:W: What's the value of US dollars now?

    M: It's inflated and is losing value against Euro and RMB, while RMB is depreciated against Euro.

    Q: What does the man think of the US dollars?


    A.The Euro's value remains unchanged.

    B.The value of US dollars has changed a lot.

    C.The American currency is losing value.

    D.The RMB is increasing in value.


  • 第19题:

    听力原文:M: Good afternoon, Madam. I want to exchange some US dollars for RMB Yuan. I've got USD 500.89.

    W: All right. This is an exchange memo. Please fill in your name and the amount you intend to change.

    Q: How much US dollars does the man want to exchange?






    解析:男士是想将美元换成人民币,他说他有“USD 500.89”,可见C为正确项。

  • 第20题:

    I’m sorry,sir.“我们不收美金.”汉译英是( )。

    A.We don’t accept RMB.

    B.We don’t accept pounds.

    C.We don’t accept dollars.

    D.We don’t accept yuan.


  • 第21题:

    听力原文:M: What should I do with my sight deposit if I need some money right now?

    W: Oh, that's easy. You can either use the cash dispensers or you can write cheques.

    Q: What does the man want to have now?



    B.Sight deposit.

    C.Cash dispenser.


    解析:男士现在需要的是“some money”,即现金,所以选项A正确。

  • 第22题:

    "May I get are fund for my ticket?"以下()回答正确。

    • A、Yes,certainly.But you have to pay ten yuan.
    • B、I don’t know.
    • C、Yes,certainly.But you have to pay are fund service of ten yuan.
    • D、I can not help you.


  • 第23题:

    Jason: Can I have two tickets for the concert tonight?  Booking Clerk: Yes, sir.______  Jason: Oh, not too far back.  Booking Clerk: How about in row D?  Jason: That’ll be fine.

    Here are your tickets.  


    Where would you like to sit?


    Please sit at the back.  


    12 dollars altogether.

    正确答案: D