Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? ---()A、From EnglandB、At the officeC、He’s workingD、He’s very busy


Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? ---()

  • A、From England
  • B、At the office
  • C、He’s working
  • D、He’s very busy


3.Passage FourOne evening Mr. Green was driving home along a lonely country road. He had £ 100.00 in his pock et. At the loneliest part of the road, a man asked for a lift (搭车). Mr. Green told him to get into the car and continued his driving. When he talked to the man and learned that the man had been in prison for robbery and had broken out of prison two days before, Mr. Green was very worried.Suddenly he saw a police-car and had a bright idea. He just reached a small town where the speed limit (限制速度) was 30 miles an hour. But he drove the car as fast as it could go. He looked back and saw that the police-car had begun to chase (追) him. After a mile or so the police-car overtook (赶上) him and ordered him to stop. A policeman got out and came to Mr. Green's car. Mr. Green hoped that he could tell the policeman about the escaped robber, but he felt the man had put a gun against his back. The policeman took out his notebook and pencil, saying he wanted Mr. Green's name and address. Mr. Green asked to be taken to the police station, but the policeman said, "No, you will have to appear at the police station later." Mr. Green had to do as the policeman told him. The policeman wrote his name and address down, put his notebook and pencil back in his pocket and gave Mr. Green a talk about dangerous driving. Then Mr. Green started up his car again and drove on.Just as he reached the outskirts (郊区) of London, the passenger said, "! want to get off here." Mr. Green stopped the car, the man got out and said, "Thanks for the lift. You've been good to me. This is the least I can do in return (报答)." And he handed Mr. Green the policeman's notebook, which he stole while the policeman was talking to Mr. Green.46. The man asking for a lift was ______.A. a robber who robs driversB. a policeman who had worked in prisonC. a prisoner who had escaped from prisonD. a stranger with £ 100.00 in his pocket

更多“Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? ---()A、From EnglandB、At the officeC、He’s workingD、He’s very busy”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Mr. Cody: I was very sorry to hear about your father's illness, please give my regards to him.

    Ms. Cobb: Thank you. __________

    A. He would be happy to meet you.

    B. He had a very bad cold.

    C. I'll talk to him.

    D. I appreciate your concern.


  • 第2题:

    Henry's job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling anything into the country. Every morning,except at weekends,he (11) see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the frontier, (12) a bicycle with a big load of old straw on it. When the bicycle arrived the frontier,Henry used to stop the man and order him to take the straw off. Then he would examine the straw very carefully to see (13) he could find anything,after which he would look in all the man's pockets before he let him tie the straw up again. The man would then put it on his bicycle and go off down the hill with it. Although Henry was always (14) to find gold or jewelry or other valuable things hidden in the straw,he never found (15) ,even though he examined it very carefully. He was sure that the man was smuggling something,but he was not (16) 鱼to imagine what it could be.

    Then one evening,after he had looked through the straw and emptied the factory worker's pockets (17) usual,he said to him,“Listen,I know that you are smuggling things (18) this frontier. Won't you tell me what it is that you're bringing into the country so successfully? I'm an old man,and today's my last day on the job. Tomorrow I'm going to (19) . I promise that I shall not tell anyone if you tell me what you've been smuggling. ”The factory worker did not say anything for (20) . Then he smiled,turned to Henry and said quietly:“Bicycles. ”

    A. should

    B. might

    C. would

    D. must

    [解析] 情态动词would用以表达习惯性“总是,总会”。

  • 第3题:

    A: Could you tell me where you were studying at that time? B: ( ).

    A、Oh, really?

    B、Yes, I could.

    C、enjoyed the game very much.

    D、was studying at the University of Sydney


  • 第4题:

    Would you tell me ________?

    A、where is the post office

    B、where stands the post office

    C、where the post office is

    D、where stood the post office


  • 第5题:

    Mr. Scrushy made donations to the black groups probably because ________.

    A. he had close relations with Birmingham's African-American population

    B. he wanted the church to set up more buildings

    C. he was very benevolent

    D. he wanted to get support from the blacks in his trial

    Mr. Scrushy给黑人团体捐款的原因在文中有提及,关于捐款文章第四、五段有涉及。第四段提到,陪审团18个人中有11个是黑人,在审判前和审判中他和伯明翰的非裔美国人建立了关系,他加入了一个黑人教会,捐款给他们,与此同时还给其他一些黑人团体捐款。第五段一开头就提出,教堂牧师说他收到Mr. Scrushy的钱款,交换条件是为他在黑人中间赢得支持,而Mr. Scrushy本人则称这个和他的案子无关。从全文来看,Mr. Scrushy多次涉嫌欺诈,他说的话也有欲盖弥彰的感觉。在A“他和伯明翰非裔美国人有密切联系”,B“他希望教堂可以建造更多的房子”,C“他非常慈善”,D“他希望在他的案件中得到黑人的支持”中,从逻辑上推断,D最恰当。

  • 第6题:

    Time is very important in our lives.It organizes our everyday moments.However,time never had any importance in my life until I received a watch from my father that organized my life and made me more responsible.
    It came from Denmark to the shop in a gray box.It weighs 0.24 kilograms. It's round in the center with two silver bands that go around my wrist.And all of it is made of silver. This object tells me the importance of time in my life.
    I received this gift on a gray-sky day.I had to go to the airport at 9:00 AM to pick up my uncle Aui and take him to my father's house.However,I was late because I was hanging out with my friends.Later on that day,around 11:00 AM,I remembered my uncle,but I was very late for him. He had left the airport and taken a taxi to my father's house.
    I got to my father's house at 2:00 PM on the same day and looked at my angry father's face.I felt ashamed of myself at that moment.After I said hi to my angry father and tired uncle,my father asked me to sit next to him where he handed me this watch which was a gift from him.Then he said,"Essa,did you have fun with your friends today?"I answered, "Yes,father,and I'm sorry about not picking up my uncle Ali."He said,"What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your actions."I was ashamed and said,"Father,I'll never do it again.I promise."He said,"I hope today you learned something important,and this watch will be a reminder for you." He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my life.
    I learned a very important lesson from my father:to respect time and never be late to get someone.This watch is important to me,not because of its price,but because of the lesson that I learned from it.

    Time was not so important in my life and I was not a very responsible person before I received a watch from my father.
    C:Not mentioned


  • 第7题:

    Time is very important in our lives.It organizes our everyday moments.However,time never had any importance in my life until I received a watch from my father that organized my life and made me more responsible.
    It came from Denmark to the shop in a gray box.It weighs 0.24 kilograms. It's round in the center with two silver bands that go around my wrist.And all of it is made of silver. This object tells me the importance of time in my life.
    I received this gift on a gray-sky day.I had to go to the airport at 9:00 AM to pick up my uncle Aui and take him to my father's house.However,I was late because I was hanging out with my friends.Later on that day,around 11:00 AM,I remembered my uncle,but I was very late for him. He had left the airport and taken a taxi to my father's house.
    I got to my father's house at 2:00 PM on the same day and looked at my angry father's face.I felt ashamed of myself at that moment.After I said hi to my angry father and tired uncle,my father asked me to sit next to him where he handed me this watch which was a gift from him.Then he said,"Essa,did you have fun with your friends today?"I answered, "Yes,father,and I'm sorry about not picking up my uncle Ali."He said,"What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your actions."I was ashamed and said,"Father,I'll never do it again.I promise."He said,"I hope today you learned something important,and this watch will be a reminder for you." He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my life.
    I learned a very important lesson from my father:to respect time and never be late to get someone.This watch is important to me,not because of its price,but because of the lesson that I learned from it.

    This watch from father is made in Denmark.
    C:Not mentioned


  • 第8题:

    Time is very important in our lives.It organizes our everyday moments.However,time never had any importance in my life until I received a watch from my father that organized my life and made me more responsible.
    It came from Denmark to the shop in a gray box.It weighs 0.24 kilograms. It's round in the center with two silver bands that go around my wrist.And all of it is made of silver. This object tells me the importance of time in my life.
    I received this gift on a gray-sky day.I had to go to the airport at 9:00 AM to pick up my uncle Aui and take him to my father's house.However,I was late because I was hanging out with my friends.Later on that day,around 11:00 AM,I remembered my uncle,but I was very late for him. He had left the airport and taken a taxi to my father's house.
    I got to my father's house at 2:00 PM on the same day and looked at my angry father's face.I felt ashamed of myself at that moment.After I said hi to my angry father and tired uncle,my father asked me to sit next to him where he handed me this watch which was a gift from him.Then he said,"Essa,did you have fun with your friends today?"I answered, "Yes,father,and I'm sorry about not picking up my uncle Ali."He said,"What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your actions."I was ashamed and said,"Father,I'll never do it again.I promise."He said,"I hope today you learned something important,and this watch will be a reminder for you." He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my life.
    I learned a very important lesson from my father:to respect time and never be late to get someone.This watch is important to me,not because of its price,but because of the lesson that I learned from it.

    This watch is important to me because of the lesson that I learned from it.
    C:Not mentioned


  • 第9题:

    Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? ()

    AFrom England

    BAt the office

    CHe‘s working

    DHe‘s very busy


  • 第10题:

    Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? ()

    • A、From England
    • B、At the office
    • C、He‘s working
    • D、He‘s very busy


  • 第11题:

    Where does Linda live? Could you tell me?→ Could you tell me ____?

    正确答案: where Linda lives

  • 第12题:

    Ray: Have you met the new boss yet? David: No, tell me—what’s he like? Ray: Well, I met him this morning and my first impression was very positive. _______, and I hear he’s got a great sense of humor. David: That’s great!

    He came across as very pleasant    


    He has a large office


    He seems very unfriendly  


    He’s not very sharp

    正确答案: B
    解析: come across走过来。横线前一句为“我对他的第一印象非常良好”,因此紧接着谈“他非常愉悦地走过来”符合会话语境。

  • 第13题:


    —Now, tell me about the man who stole your neighbour’s car. What did he look like?

    —Well, sir. He was tall…


    —Oh yes, and he was younger than you — only about thirty, I’d say.

    —Well! And what colour was his hair?

    —It was brown, and short… it was similar to yours, actually.


    —No, He was clean-shaven.

    —OK. Now have a look at these photos — can you see him?


    —But that’s Frankie Famham — he’s got a beard, and he’s very short!

    —Hm, well…


    —Yes, the strangest thing was that he appeared to be a gentleman — he was wearing a suit… not like a thief at all.

    —Hm, like this photo?

    —Yes, that’s him!

    —That’s Bill Mahony: he’s in prison! Are you sure you saw the thief?


    A. No, I can’t.

    B. Taller than me?

    C. How tall was he?

    D. Did he have a beard?

    E. Well, er, it was very dark…

    F. Oh yes, he looked exactly like this one here.

    G. Do you remember anything else about the man?

    61. B 62. D 63. F 64. G 65. E

  • 第14题:

    - ()- Besides Bank of China, you can get the money exchanged in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank etc..

    A、Could you tell me whether I need to fill in the exchange memo

    B、Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in other banks

    C、Could you tell me whether you can accept traveler’s checks


  • 第15题:

    JOHN: Good morning, Linda. There’ll be some people visiting our company tomorrow. Please make a detailed schedule for me.

    LINDA: Could you tell me who they are, Mr. Taylor


    LINDA: We’ll have the board meeting at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, won’t we


    LINDA: But the sales manager of Lee Brothers’, Mr. Lee, just called and insisted on seeing you tomorrow afternoon.


    LINDA: He said that he would leave for London at 5:00 p. m. tomorrow.


    LINDA: Yes, Mr. Taylor.


    LINDA: No problem, Mr. Taylor.

    A. Oh, The board meeting will be finished at about 3:30. You could arrange his appointment after that.

    B. All right, then tell David to meet him tomorrow afternoon.

    C. Ok, they are Mr. Jones, general manager of Nile Co. and Mr. Brown, president of Bestway Co.

    D. Could you give me the schedule before 4 o’clock this afternoon

    E. Yes. After the board meeting, we’ll meet the guests. It’s important to have them all here.

    参考答案:子问题 1:C; 子问题 2:E; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:B; 子问题 5:D

  • 第16题:

    Teacher:Where is Mike this morning?

    Student:He's got a cold.


    A、He is absent.

    B、What's the matter with him?

    C、Just tell him to take it easy.

    D、What? Where is he?


  • 第17题:

    One afternoon Mrs. Green’s husband wanted to catch the 3:30 flight to London to have an important meeting. She was very surprised when he telephoned her at 5 o’clock and said that he was still at the airport.

    “What happened to you?” asked Mrs. Green.

    “Well,” said Mr. Green, “Everything was going fine. I got my ticket, checked my luggage and waited in line at the gate. I walked across the runway to the airplane and I saw my friend Jack Scott, who was an airplane engineer. I shouted to him and a policeman caught me.”

    “Why did he catch you?”

    “I don’t know,” said Mr. Green, “As soon as he heard my shout, he ran towards me and caught me.”

    “What did you shout to your friend?”

    “All I said was ‘Hi, Jack’ . You know that’s the usual way we say hello to our friends.”

    “But you don’t know the sentence ‘Hi, Jack ’ also means to take control of a plane by force(武力).”

    56. How did Mr. Green want to go to London?__________ .

    A. By train B. By bus C. By airplane


  • 第18题:

    Time is very important in our lives.It organizes our everyday moments.However,time never had any importance in my life until I received a watch from my father that organized my life and made me more responsible.
    It came from Denmark to the shop in a gray box.It weighs 0.24 kilograms. It's round in the center with two silver bands that go around my wrist.And all of it is made of silver. This object tells me the importance of time in my life.
    I received this gift on a gray-sky day.I had to go to the airport at 9:00 AM to pick up my uncle Aui and take him to my father's house.However,I was late because I was hanging out with my friends.Later on that day,around 11:00 AM,I remembered my uncle,but I was very late for him. He had left the airport and taken a taxi to my father's house.
    I got to my father's house at 2:00 PM on the same day and looked at my angry father's face.I felt ashamed of myself at that moment.After I said hi to my angry father and tired uncle,my father asked me to sit next to him where he handed me this watch which was a gift from him.Then he said,"Essa,did you have fun with your friends today?"I answered, "Yes,father,and I'm sorry about not picking up my uncle Ali."He said,"What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your actions."I was ashamed and said,"Father,I'll never do it again.I promise."He said,"I hope today you learned something important,and this watch will be a reminder for you." He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my life.
    I learned a very important lesson from my father:to respect time and never be late to get someone.This watch is important to me,not because of its price,but because of the lesson that I learned from it.

    My father told me to have the watch and use it to organize my life.
    C:Not mentioned


  • 第19题:

    Time is very important in our lives.It organizes our everyday moments.However,time never had any importance in my life until I received a watch from my father that organized my life and made me more responsible.
    It came from Denmark to the shop in a gray box.It weighs 0.24 kilograms. It's round in the center with two silver bands that go around my wrist.And all of it is made of silver. This object tells me the importance of time in my life.
    I received this gift on a gray-sky day.I had to go to the airport at 9:00 AM to pick up my uncle Aui and take him to my father's house.However,I was late because I was hanging out with my friends.Later on that day,around 11:00 AM,I remembered my uncle,but I was very late for him. He had left the airport and taken a taxi to my father's house.
    I got to my father's house at 2:00 PM on the same day and looked at my angry father's face.I felt ashamed of myself at that moment.After I said hi to my angry father and tired uncle,my father asked me to sit next to him where he handed me this watch which was a gift from him.Then he said,"Essa,did you have fun with your friends today?"I answered, "Yes,father,and I'm sorry about not picking up my uncle Ali."He said,"What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your actions."I was ashamed and said,"Father,I'll never do it again.I promise."He said,"I hope today you learned something important,and this watch will be a reminder for you." He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my life.
    I learned a very important lesson from my father:to respect time and never be late to get someone.This watch is important to me,not because of its price,but because of the lesson that I learned from it.

    Uncle Ali was a boxer coming to the city where I lived for a tournament.
    C:Not mentioned


  • 第20题:

    Mr. John was busy,()he could not come.






  • 第21题:

    Mr. John was busy,()he could not come.

    • A、but
    • B、therefore
    • C、and
    • D、nor


  • 第22题:

    Excuse me, could you tell me the time?()

    • A、You'd better buy a watch.
    • B、It's three thirty by my watch
    • C、Can you see the clock?
    • D、It's late I think.


  • 第23题:

    Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? ---()

    From England


    At the office


    He’s working


    He’s very busy

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第24题:

    Mr. Black used to be busy. But now he’s retired and ______, so he has plenty of time to exercise.








    正确答案: C