Not until most of the people had left the airport()his sister was there.A、that he sawB、had he seenC、did he seeD、that he had seen


Not until most of the people had left the airport()his sister was there.

  • A、that he saw
  • B、had he seen
  • C、did he see
  • D、that he had seen

更多“Not until most of the people had”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    _______ the game had begun that Jim and Tony arrived at the sports ground.

    A. It was not until

    B. It was until

    C. Not until

    D. Until


  • 第2题:

    They were late_____ they had to drive fast.

    A. because

    B. so

    C. until


  • 第3题:

    I didn't know that she was a famous actress ( )you had told me.




  • 第4题:

    These football players had no strict ( )until they joined our club.






  • 第5题:

    Helen ___ her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband ___ home.

    A has left; comes

    B left; had come

    C had left; came

    D had left;would come


  • 第6题:

    She( )for twenty months until they finally( )to see her.

    A、patiently waited …came

    B、patiently waited … had come

    C、had patiently waited … came

    D、had patiently waited … had come


  • 第7题:

    Bicycling is the best physical activity because it is most comfortable to most people than brisk walking.()


  • 第8题:

    Nearly a month had gone by ______ theyshowed some sign of giving up the price for which they had held out.

    C.before that

    考查连词。句意为“过了将近一个月他们才表露出放弃先前坚持的价格的迹象”。until“直到”,while“然而,当……时候”,before“在……之前”,so that“所以”。根据句意,选C。

  • 第9题:

    Most people consider () to be responsible citizens.






  • 第10题:

    Ellsworth Huntington decided that climate and temperature have _____.

    a great effect on everyone’s intelligence


    some effect on most people’s intelligence


    some effect on a few people’s intelligence


    no effect on most people’s intelligence

    正确答案: D
    推理题。第一段最后一句“... climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities”,其中只要理解definite的意思是“一定的”,就可以找到答案。

  • 第11题:

    The American chessmaster Paul Morphy contemporary of Abraham Lincoln, and he was also a lawyer who had memorized most of the Louisiana legal code.

    Morphy was a contemporary of Abraham Lincoln, and he was also a lawyer who had memorized most of the Louisiana legal code


    Morphy, a contemporary of Abraham Lincoln, was also a lawyer who memorized most of the Louisiana legal code


    Morphy, being a contemporary of Lincoln, was also a lawyer who had memorized most of the Louisiana legal code


    Morphy who was a contemporary of Abraham Lincoln but he was a lawyer who had memorized most of the Louisiana legal code too


    Morphy, a contemporary of Abraham Lincoln, also being a lawyer who had memorized most of the Louisiana legal code5. The causes of the conflict in the remote mountain area is finally becoming clear.

    正确答案: D

  • 第12题:

    Shanghai is the most largest city by population in the People's Republic of China.



    the most largest city




    the People's Republic of China

    正确答案: B

  • 第13题:

    Not until______ the whole thing to him ______that he was wrong.

    A. had I explained, he realized

    B. had I explained, that he realized

    C. I had explained, that he realized

    D. I had explained, did he realize

    20.答案为D  参考译文:直到我向他解释了全部事情之后,他认识到他错了。此句考查倒装句。否定词在句首,主句中主语和谓语要倒装,而状语从句中主谓不倒装。

  • 第14题:

    It is surprising that eating three meals a day—breakfast, lunch and dinner—has been a custom only since 1890. Before this time, people only had two meals a day—breakfast and dinner. In the 16th century, breakfast was only to break one’s fast(开戒, 即开始吃东西). But 200 years later it had become a large meal, not just for family, but for numbers of guests as well. It was a social event. It began at 10 a.m. and lasted until 1 p.m. Then breakfast began to be less popular. It became, instead, a lighter meal and was taken at much earlier hour. By 1850 it had been pushed back to 8 a.m. and became a family meal. Dinner, however, went the other way. In the 16th century it was eaten at 11 a.m. Years later, it moved to the early afternoon, then to 5 p.m. By 1850 dinner time had reached 7 p.m. Lunch is a recent idea. It first appeared as a snack to fill the gap between breakfast and dinner.

    1.People did not have lunch ______.

    A.until 1890

    B.after 1890

    C.since 1890 Dby 1890

    2.“Dinner, however, went the other way” means “______”.

    A.dinner didn’t go there with breakfast

    B.dinner took the same way as breakfast

    C.dinner got later

    D.dinner is the same with breakfast

    3.Breakfast has been a family meal since the ______ century.





    4.The passage is mostly concerned with ______.

    A.what people eat for breakfast

    B.what people eat for dinner

    C.the history of supper

    D.the history of the three meals

    5.The passage leads us to believe that ______.

    A.our custom of meals is based on an English custom

    B.before 1890 people didn’t eat three meals a day

    C.breakfast is the most important meal for us

    D.three meals a day is a long tradition


  • 第15题:

    Most environmental problems are caused by people.()


  • 第16题:

    I _______ him study hard until he passes the exam.






  • 第17题:

    People () with their fingers for most of human existence.

    A.had eaten

    B.are eating

    C.have eaten

    D.were eaten

    解析:句子中有时间短语 for most of human existence, 说明,其内容是关于发生于过去的事情的。排除选项A和D,只有C是正确的,也合乎语法逻辑。

  • 第18题:

    What ________ me most was the friendship your people have for our people.






  • 第19题:

    Prolonging Human Life
    Prolonging human life has increased the size of the human population.Many people alive to-day would have died of childhood diseases if they had been born 100 years ago.Because more people live longer,there are more people around at any given time.In fact,it is a decrease in death rates,not an increase in birthrates,that has led to the population explosion.
    Prolonging human life has also increased the dependency load.In all societies,people who are disabled or too young or too old to work are dependent on the rest of society to provide for them.In hunting and gathering cultures,old people who could not keep up might be left behind to die .In times of famine,infants might be allowed to die because they could not survive if their parents starved,whereas if the parents survived they could have another child.In most contempo- rary societies,people feel a moral obligation to keep people alive whether they can work or not. We have a great many people today who live past the age at which they want to work or are able to work;we also have rules which require people to retire at a certain age.Unless these people were able to save money for their retirement,somebody else must support them .In the United States many retired people live on social security checks which are so little that they must live in near
    poverty .Older people have more illness than young or middle-aged people;unless they have wealth or private or government insurance,they must often"go on welfare"if they have a serious illness.
    When older people become senile or too weak and ill to care for themselves,they create grave problems for their families.In the past and in some traditional cultures,they would be cared for at home until they died.Today,with most members of a household working or in school,there is often no one at home who can care for a sick or weak person.To meet this need, a great many nursing homes and convalescent hospitals have been built.These are often profit-making organizations,although some are sponsored by religious and other nonprofit groups.While a few of these institutions are good,most of them are simply"dumping grounds"for the dying in which"care"is given by poorly paid,overworked,and under-skilled personnel.

    It can be inferred from the passage that in hunting and gathering cultures______.
    A: it was a moral responsibility to keep old-aged people alive
    B: infants could be left dead in times of starvation
    C: parents had to impart the cultural wisdom of the tribe to their children
    D: death was considered to be freedom from hardships

    第一段最后一句说“In fact , it is a decrease in death rates , not an increase in birthrates , that has led to the population explosion.”事实上,是由于死亡率的下降,而不是出生率的上升,导致了人口爆炸。因此,选项C是正确答案。

    第二段第四句说“In times of famine , infants might be allowed to die because they could not survive if their parents starved,whereas if the parents survived they could have an-other child.”在灾年,可能会容忍婴儿死亡,因为,如果他们的父母俄死了,他们也无法生存,而如果父母生存下来可重新生儿育女。因此,选项B是正确的答案。

    第二段倒数第二句是这么说的“In the United States many retired people live on social security checks which are so little that they must live in near poverty."(在美国,许多退休人员依靠社会保障金生活,其数额之小差不多使人穷困潦倒。)可以看出,在美国许多退休人员的生活是很艰难的。这正是选项A表达的意思,因而选项A是正确的答案。

    第三段第三句“Today , with most members of a household working or in school , there is often no one at home who can care for a sick or weak person."(当今,由于家庭中大多数人都出去工作或上学,家里常常没有人来照顾有病或虚弱的人。) " this need”出现在下面这个短语中:"To meet this need "(为了满足这种需要),它指句子前面的“care for a sick or weak person"。这正是选项D表达的意思。

    文章的最后一句说“... most of them are simply " dumping grounds" for the dying in which "care" is given by poorly paid overworKea , and under-skilled personnel"(大多数机构只不过是倾倒垂死的人的“垃圾场”,所谓的“照顾”都是由收入低、超量工作、技术水平低下的人员提供的。)作者如此措辞显然是对大多数机构的强烈批评。因此,选项 D是正确答案。

  • 第20题:

    It( )we had stayed together for a couple of weeks( )I found we had a lot in common.

    A.was until;when
    B.was until;that
    D.wasn’t until;that

    考查强调句型。强调句糅合了not ...until 的结构,强调的部分是we had stayed together for a couple of weeks,后面填that。故本题选D。句意:我们在一起待了几周,我才发现我们有很多相同之处。

  • 第21题:

    Not until most of the people had left the airport()his sister was there.

    Athat he saw

    Bhad he seen

    Cdid he see

    Dthat he had seen


  • 第22题:

    Practice 1  Between persons of equal income there is no social distinction except the distinction of merit. There in the world would be great people and ordinary people and little people, but the great would always be those who had done great things, and never the fools whose mothers had spoiled them and whose fathers had left them a hundred thousand a year, and the little would be persons of small minds and mean characters, and not poor persons who had never had a chance. That is why fools are always in favor of inequality of income (their only chance of eminence), and the really great in favor of equality.

    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Not until most of the people had left the airport()his sister was there.

    that he saw


    had he seen


    did he see


    that he had seen

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析