



1.Electromagnetic EnergyWhite light seems to be a combination of all colors. The energy that comes from a source of light is not limited to the kind of energy you can see. Heat is given off by a flame or an electric light. On a cloudy day it is possible to get a sunburn even though you feel cool. Visible light and the kind of energy that produce warmth and sunburn are examples of electromagnetic energy.The sun is 93 million miles from the earth. Yet we can use energy from the sun because electromagnetic energy travels through space.Many other kinds of energy are also types of electromagnetic energy. Radio, television, and radar signals travel from transmitters to receivers as low-energy electromagnetic waves. Infrared (红外线的) radiation is an electromagnetic wave. When it is absorbed by matter, heat is produced. Waves of infrared and visible light have more energy than waves of radio, television, or radar. Ultraviolet rays (紫外线) and X-rays are electromagnetic waves with even greater amounts of energy. Infrared radiation is used in cooking food and heating buildings. Sunlight and electric lights are part of our requirements for normal living. Ultraviolet radiation is useful in killing certain disease organisms. X-rays and gamma rays have so mush energy that they travel right through solid objects. They can be used to detect and treat cancer. X-rays are used in industry to find hidden cracks in metal, and in medicine to reveal broken bones.Usually we use electricity to generate electromagnetic energy. The source of most of our energy is the sun. Heat from the sun causes water to evaporate. When the water falls to the earth as rain, some of it is trapped behind dams and then used to operate electric generators. Other generators are powered by coal, but the energy stored in coal came from the sun, too.Until recently, the source of the tremendous amount of energy given off by the sun was a puzzle. If the sun depended on chemical reactions, it would have used up all its energy long ago. Experiments with electromagnetic radiation led to the theory that mass can be converted into energy. About forty years after the theory was proposed, nuclear energy was harnessed (利用) by man. Chemical energy comes from electron (电子) rearrangement. Nuclear energy comes from a change in the nucleus of an atom. Compared with chemical reactions, nuclear reactions release millions of times more energy per pound of fuel. We now believe that the sun's energy comes from the nuclear reactions in which hydrogen is changed into helium(氦).Nuclear energy is beginning to compete with coal as an economical source of power to generate electricity. It is also being used to operate engines in large ships. Scientists continue to seek new and better methods of obtaining and using energy.A. Nuclear Reactions as the Lasting Source of the Sun's EnergyB. The Most Important Source of EnergyC. Types of Electromagnetic EnergyD. X-rays Are Used to Detect and Treat Cancer.E. Seeking New Sources of EnergyF. Nuclear Energy is Beginning to Compete with CoalParagraph 3 ______

  • 第1题:

    In the process,the light energy converts to heat energy.


    这句话的意思是:在这个过程中,光能转化成了热能。句中“convert”意为“改变,转化”。 四个选项中A项意为“改变,变化”;B项意为“掉落”;C项意为“减少”;D项意为“离开”。因此只有A项最为合适。

  • 第2题:

    Electromagnetic Energy

    1 White light seems to be a combination of all colors.The energy that comes from a source of light is
    not limited to the kind of energy you can see.Heat is given off by a flame or an electric light.On a cloudy
    day it is possible to get a sunburn even though you feel cool.Visible light and the kind of energy that produce
    warmth and sunburn are examples of electromagnetic energy.
    2 The sun is 93 million miles away from the earth.Yet we can use energy from the sun because elec-
    tromagnetic energy travels through space.
    3 Many other kinds of energy are also types of electromagnetic energy.Radio,television,and radar signals
    travel from transmitters to receivers as low-energy electromagnetic waves. Infrared(红外线的)radiation is an
    electromagnetic wave.When it is absorbed by matter,heat is produced.Waves of infrared and visible light
    have more energy than waves of radio , television , or radar. Ultraviolet rays(紫外线)and X-rays are electro-
    magnetic waves with even greater amounts of energy.Infrared radiation is used in cooking food and heating
    buildings.Sunlight and electric lights are part of our requirements for normal living. Ultraviolet radiation is
    useful in killing certain disease organisms.X-rays and gamma rays have so much energy that they travel right
    through solid objects.They can be used to detect and treat cancer. X-rays are used in industry to find hidden
    cracks in metal,and in medicine to reveal broken bones.
    4 Usually we use electricity to generate electromagnetic energy.The source of most of our energy is the
    sun.Heat from the sun causes water to evaporate.When the water falls to the earth as rain,some of it is
    trapped behind dams and then used to operate electric generators.Other generators are powered by coal,but
    the energy stored in coal came from the sun,too.
    5 Until recently,the source of the tremendous amount of energy given off by the sun was a puzzle.If
    the.sun depended on chemical reactions,it would have used up all its energy long ago.Experiments with
    electromagnetic radiation led to the theory that mass can be converted into energy.About forty years after the
    theory was proposed , nuclear energy was harnessed(利用)by man. Chemical energy comes from electron
    (电子)rearrangement. Nuclear energy comes from a change in the nucleus of an atom. Compared with chemi-
    cal reactions,nuclear reactions release millions of times more energy per pound of fuel.We now believe that
    the sun's energy comes from the nuclear reactions in which hydrogen is changed into helium(氦).
    6 Nuclear energy is beginning to compete with coal as an economical source of power to generate elec-
    tncity.It is also being used to operate engines in large ships.Scientists continue to seek new and better
    methods of obtaining and using energy.

    When electron rearrangement takes place,_____________.
    A:electromagnetic energy
    B:electromagnetic energy travels through space
    C:came from the sun
    D:when a change in the nucleus of an atom takes place
    E:when the sunrays are fierce
    F:chemical energy is generated

    第三段的第一句为主题句,意为:许多其他种类的能量也是不同类型的电磁能。该段列举了电磁能的具体例子,C项“Types of Electromagnetic Energy(电磁能的类型)”与主题句意思吻合,故选C。
    第四段的第二句为主题句,意为:我们的能量大多来自太阳。B项“The Most ImportantSource of Energy(最重要的能量来源)”与主题句意思吻合,故选B。
    第五段的最后一句为主题句,意为:我们现在相信太阳的能量来自核反应,在此过程 中,氢转变为氦。A项“Nuclear Reactions as the Lasting Source of the Sun ' s Energy(核反应是太阳能最持久的来源)”与主题句意思吻合,故选A。
    第六段的最后一句为主题句,意为:科学家仍在继续寻找获取和使用能量的新的、更好 的方法。E项“Seeking New Sources of Energy(寻找新的能源)”与主题句意思吻合,故选E。
    第四段的最后一句指出,“其他的发电机靠煤炭驱动,但是,煤炭中储存的能量也来自 于太阳”。C项中的“came from the sun(来自太阳)”与原句意思相符,故选C。
    第五段的第五句指出,化学能来自于电子重组。故选F。第4部分:阅读理解第一篇 本文的主要内容是建筑工程师研究世贸大厦遗址及其周围幸存的建筑以设计出能够抵杭恐 怖袭击和爆炸的建筑。

  • 第3题:

    Electromagnetic Energy
    1 White light seems to be a combination of all colors.The energy that comes from a source of light is not limited to the kind of energy you can see.Heat is given off by a flame or an electric light.On a cloudy day it is possible to get a sunburn even though you feel cool.Visible light and the kinds of energy that produce warmth and sunburn are examples of electromagnetic energy.
    2 The sun is 93 million miles from the earth.Yet we can use energy from the sun because electromagnetic energy travels through space.
    3 Many other kinds of energy are also types of electromagnetic energy.Radio,television,and radar signals travel from transmitters to receivers as low-energy electromagnetic waves.Infrared(红外线的)radiation is an electromagnetic wave.When it is absorbed by matter,heat is produced.Waves of infrared and visible light have more energy than waves of radio,television,or radar.Ultraviolet rays(紫外线)and X-rays are electromagnetic waves with even greater amounts of energy.Infrared radiation is used in cooking food and heating buildings. Sunlight and electric lights are part of our requirements for normal living.Ultraviolet radiation is useful in killing certain disease organisms.X-rays and gamma rays have so much energy that they travel through solid objects. They can be used to detect and treat cancer.X-rays are used in industry to find hidden cracks in metal,and in medicine to reveal broken bones.
    4 Usually we use electricity to generate electromagnetic energy.The source of most of our energy is the sun.Heat from the sun causes water to evaporate.When the water falls to the earth as rain,some of it is trapped behind dams and then used to operate electric generators.Other generators are powered by coal,but the energy stored in coal came from the sun,too.
    5 Until recently,the source of the tremendous amount of energy given off by the sun was a puzzle.If the sun depended on chemical reactions,it would have used up all its energy long ago.Experiments with electromagnetic radiation led to the theory that mass can be converted into energy.About forty years after the theory was proposed , nuclear energy was harnessed(利用)by man.Chemical energy comes from electron (电子)rearrangement.Nuclear energy comes from a change in the nucleus of an atom.Compared with chemical reactions,nuclear reactions release millions of times more energy per pound of fuel.We now believe that the sun's energy comes from the nuclear reactions in which hydrogen is changed into helium(氦).
    6 Nuclear energy is beginning to compete with coal as an economical source of'power to generate electricity.It is also being used to operate engines in large ships.Scientists continue to seek new and better methods of obtaining and using energy.

    Paragraph 4______
    A:Nuclear Reactions as the Lasting Source of the Sun's Energy
    B:The Most Important Source of Energy
    C:Types of Electromagnetic Energy
    D:The Machines Used for Energy Generation
    E:Seeking New Sources of Energy
    F:The Use of Ultravio1et Radiation in Medicine

    通读文章可知,第三段第一句是段落主题句,紧接着围绕第一句进行了具体阐述,根据第一句中出现的“types of electromagnetic energy”可知,第三段主要讲述几种不同种类的电磁能,应选择C项。

  • 第4题:

    Wherever there is matter.There is energy;all changes of matter( )changes in the form of the energy.



  • 第5题:

    Green Energy

    1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.
    2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.
    3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.
    4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.

    Paragraph 3______
    A:Why Do We Develop Green Energy?
    B:What Is the Goal of Green Energy?
    C:What Is the Weakness of Green Energy?
    D:What Is a Green Energy?
    E:How Much Does the Green Energy Cost Every Year?
    F: How Many Kinds of Green Energy We Can Take Use of?

    文中第一段第一句中Green energy is energy that is…这种表述方法符合科学说明文的记叙方式,首先对一个名词进行科学定义,所以本题答案为D。
    文中第二段第二句:Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution, but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not.任何形式的能源收集都会产生一定程度的污染,但是绿色能源比其他能源造成的污染要少。可以推测出这一段是在讲绿色能源的优点,也就是说为什么要发展绿色能源,所以选择A。
    文中第三段第一句:It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields.可以得出,本段主要讲述了我们传统认为的新能源,还有其他种类的新能源,所以选择F。
    文中第四段第一句:One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly.可以得出,该段主要是在讲新能源的目标和意义。
    第一段最后一句:There are several more, even including nuclear energy, that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.可知,核能经常被视作绿色能源,因为相比煤和石油,它的能源输出效率更高。由此可以得出选项C正确。
    文中第二段最后一句:Greenhouse gases, a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.温室气体,一种诸如化石能源的传统能源产生的副产品被认为会导致全球变暖,甚至使地球自转速度加快。因此可以得出A选项正确。
    第三段最后两句:The conservation of energy through architectural design becomes,itself,a green energy source .Similarly,many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.通过自身的建筑设计来保存能源本身就是一种绿色能源的来源。同样道理,许多绿色能源可以直接来源于有能源需求的地区内部而不是外部。由此可以得出D选项正确。
    最后一段最后两句:The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient, but by being cost efficient as well.这些清洁能源技术的成功取决于人们从化石燃料中排除有害副产品、高效利用能源、同时降低成本的能力。由此可以得出E选项正确。

  • 第6题:

    Green Energy

    1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.
    2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.
    3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.
    4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.

    Nuclear energy is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its______.
    A:global warming
    B:carbon emission
    C:lower waste output
    D:a green energy source
    E:fossil fuels
    F: clean fuels

    文中第一段第一句中Green energy is energy that is…这种表述方法符合科学说明文的记叙方式,首先对一个名词进行科学定义,所以本题答案为D。
    文中第二段第二句:Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution, but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not.任何形式的能源收集都会产生一定程度的污染,但是绿色能源比其他能源造成的污染要少。可以推测出这一段是在讲绿色能源的优点,也就是说为什么要发展绿色能源,所以选择A。
    文中第三段第一句:It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields.可以得出,本段主要讲述了我们传统认为的新能源,还有其他种类的新能源,所以选择F。
    文中第四段第一句:One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly.可以得出,该段主要是在讲新能源的目标和意义。
    第一段最后一句:There are several more, even including nuclear energy, that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.可知,核能经常被视作绿色能源,因为相比煤和石油,它的能源输出效率更高。由此可以得出选项C正确。
    文中第二段最后一句:Greenhouse gases, a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.温室气体,一种诸如化石能源的传统能源产生的副产品被认为会导致全球变暖,甚至使地球自转速度加快。因此可以得出A选项正确。
    第三段最后两句:The conservation of energy through architectural design becomes,itself,a green energy source .Similarly,many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.通过自身的建筑设计来保存能源本身就是一种绿色能源的来源。同样道理,许多绿色能源可以直接来源于有能源需求的地区内部而不是外部。由此可以得出D选项正确。
    最后一段最后两句:The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient, but by being cost efficient as well.这些清洁能源技术的成功取决于人们从化石燃料中排除有害副产品、高效利用能源、同时降低成本的能力。由此可以得出E选项正确。

  • 第7题:

    In a diesel engine, offers the heat energy directly(); works as working medium and changes the heat energy to mechanical energy()

    the burning of the fuel; medium shaft


    fuel spray; fresh air


    fuel; fuel spray


    the burning of the fuel; the burned gas mixture

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第8题:

    Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

    Oil energy has been popular with the manufacturing industry.


    Solar energy is too expensive for family use at present.


    Wind energy is much used in plateaus.


    Water energy is widely used in costal regions.

    正确答案: C
    录音开头便指出“世界上数以百万的人都想用太阳能来为房屋供暖和使用家电”,接着提到“But the cost of doing so puts it out of the question”,可知对于家庭来说使用太阳能的成本过高因此无法实现。

  • 第9题:

    (), the motion would continue indefinitely once it had started.

    Were there loss of energy by friction


    Since there be loss of energy by friction


    Were there no loss of energy by friction


    Should be no loss of energy by friction

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    The centrifugal pump component responsible for converting the mechanical energy of the liquid being pumped, to that of kinetic energy is the ().

    electric motor






    diffusion nozzle

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Which of the following terms could be applied to the simple definition the energy of motion?()

    Electrical energy


    Thermal energy


    Potential energy


    Kinetic energy

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Which of the following forms of energy is demonstrated through the process of combustion?()

    Chemical energy


    Mechanical energy


    Thermal energy


    Electrical energy

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    Electromagnetic Energy

    1 White light seems to be a combination of all colors.The energy that comes from a source of light is
    not limited to the kind of energy you can see.Heat is given off by a flame or an electric light.On a cloudy
    day it is possible to get a sunburn even though you feel cool.Visible light and the kind of energy that produce
    warmth and sunburn are examples of electromagnetic energy.
    2 The sun is 93 million miles away from the earth.Yet we can use energy from the sun because elec-
    tromagnetic energy travels through space.
    3 Many other kinds of energy are also types of electromagnetic energy.Radio,television,and radar signals
    travel from transmitters to receivers as low-energy electromagnetic waves. Infrared(红外线的)radiation is an
    electromagnetic wave.When it is absorbed by matter,heat is produced.Waves of infrared and visible light
    have more energy than waves of radio , television , or radar. Ultraviolet rays(紫外线)and X-rays are electro-
    magnetic waves with even greater amounts of energy.Infrared radiation is used in cooking food and heating
    buildings.Sunlight and electric lights are part of our requirements for normal living. Ultraviolet radiation is
    useful in killing certain disease organisms.X-rays and gamma rays have so much energy that they travel right
    through solid objects.They can be used to detect and treat cancer. X-rays are used in industry to find hidden
    cracks in metal,and in medicine to reveal broken bones.
    4 Usually we use electricity to generate electromagnetic energy.The source of most of our energy is the
    sun.Heat from the sun causes water to evaporate.When the water falls to the earth as rain,some of it is
    trapped behind dams and then used to operate electric generators.Other generators are powered by coal,but
    the energy stored in coal came from the sun,too.
    5 Until recently,the source of the tremendous amount of energy given off by the sun was a puzzle.If
    the.sun depended on chemical reactions,it would have used up all its energy long ago.Experiments with
    electromagnetic radiation led to the theory that mass can be converted into energy.About forty years after the
    theory was proposed , nuclear energy was harnessed(利用)by man. Chemical energy comes from electron
    (电子)rearrangement. Nuclear energy comes from a change in the nucleus of an atom. Compared with chemi-
    cal reactions,nuclear reactions release millions of times more energy per pound of fuel.We now believe that
    the sun's energy comes from the nuclear reactions in which hydrogen is changed into helium(氦).
    6 Nuclear energy is beginning to compete with coal as an economical source of power to generate elec-
    tncity.It is also being used to operate engines in large ships.Scientists continue to seek new and better
    methods of obtaining and using energy.

    The energy stored in coal_____________.
    A:electromagnetic energy
    B:electromagnetic energy travels through space
    C:came from the sun
    D:when a change in the nucleus of an atom takes place
    E:when the sunrays are fierce
    F:chemical energy is generated

    第三段的第一句为主题句,意为:许多其他种类的能量也是不同类型的电磁能。该段列举了电磁能的具体例子,C项“Types of Electromagnetic Energy(电磁能的类型)”与主题句意思吻合,故选C。
    第四段的第二句为主题句,意为:我们的能量大多来自太阳。B项“The Most ImportantSource of Energy(最重要的能量来源)”与主题句意思吻合,故选B。
    第五段的最后一句为主题句,意为:我们现在相信太阳的能量来自核反应,在此过程 中,氢转变为氦。A项“Nuclear Reactions as the Lasting Source of the Sun ' s Energy(核反应是太阳能最持久的来源)”与主题句意思吻合,故选A。
    第六段的最后一句为主题句,意为:科学家仍在继续寻找获取和使用能量的新的、更好 的方法。E项“Seeking New Sources of Energy(寻找新的能源)”与主题句意思吻合,故选E。
    第四段的最后一句指出,“其他的发电机靠煤炭驱动,但是,煤炭中储存的能量也来自 于太阳”。C项中的“came from the sun(来自太阳)”与原句意思相符,故选C。
    第五段的第五句指出,化学能来自于电子重组。故选F。第4部分:阅读理解第一篇 本文的主要内容是建筑工程师研究世贸大厦遗址及其周围幸存的建筑以设计出能够抵杭恐 怖袭击和爆炸的建筑。

  • 第14题:

    Electromagnetic Energy

    1 White light seems to be a combination of all colors.The energy that comes from a source of light is
    not limited to the kind of energy you can see.Heat is given off by a flame or an electric light.On a cloudy
    day it is possible to get a sunburn even though you feel cool.Visible light and the kind of energy that produce
    warmth and sunburn are examples of electromagnetic energy.
    2 The sun is 93 million miles away from the earth.Yet we can use energy from the sun because elec-
    tromagnetic energy travels through space.
    3 Many other kinds of energy are also types of electromagnetic energy.Radio,television,and radar signals
    travel from transmitters to receivers as low-energy electromagnetic waves. Infrared(红外线的)radiation is an
    electromagnetic wave.When it is absorbed by matter,heat is produced.Waves of infrared and visible light
    have more energy than waves of radio , television , or radar. Ultraviolet rays(紫外线)and X-rays are electro-
    magnetic waves with even greater amounts of energy.Infrared radiation is used in cooking food and heating
    buildings.Sunlight and electric lights are part of our requirements for normal living. Ultraviolet radiation is
    useful in killing certain disease organisms.X-rays and gamma rays have so much energy that they travel right
    through solid objects.They can be used to detect and treat cancer. X-rays are used in industry to find hidden
    cracks in metal,and in medicine to reveal broken bones.
    4 Usually we use electricity to generate electromagnetic energy.The source of most of our energy is the
    sun.Heat from the sun causes water to evaporate.When the water falls to the earth as rain,some of it is
    trapped behind dams and then used to operate electric generators.Other generators are powered by coal,but
    the energy stored in coal came from the sun,too.
    5 Until recently,the source of the tremendous amount of energy given off by the sun was a puzzle.If
    the.sun depended on chemical reactions,it would have used up all its energy long ago.Experiments with
    electromagnetic radiation led to the theory that mass can be converted into energy.About forty years after the
    theory was proposed , nuclear energy was harnessed(利用)by man. Chemical energy comes from electron
    (电子)rearrangement. Nuclear energy comes from a change in the nucleus of an atom. Compared with chemi-
    cal reactions,nuclear reactions release millions of times more energy per pound of fuel.We now believe that
    the sun's energy comes from the nuclear reactions in which hydrogen is changed into helium(氦).
    6 Nuclear energy is beginning to compete with coal as an economical source of power to generate elec-
    tncity.It is also being used to operate engines in large ships.Scientists continue to seek new and better
    methods of obtaining and using energy.

    Paragraph 5_____________
    A:Nuclear Reactions as the Lasting Source of the Sun's Energy
    B:The Most Important Source of Energy
    C:Types of Electromagnetic Energy
    D:X-rays Are Used to Detect and Treat Cancer
    E:Seeking New Sources of Energy
    F:Nuclear Energy Is Beginning to Compete With Coal

    第三段的第一句为主题句,意为:许多其他种类的能量也是不同类型的电磁能。该段列举了电磁能的具体例子,C项“Types of Electromagnetic Energy(电磁能的类型)”与主题句意思吻合,故选C。
    第四段的第二句为主题句,意为:我们的能量大多来自太阳。B项“The Most ImportantSource of Energy(最重要的能量来源)”与主题句意思吻合,故选B。
    第五段的最后一句为主题句,意为:我们现在相信太阳的能量来自核反应,在此过程 中,氢转变为氦。A项“Nuclear Reactions as the Lasting Source of the Sun ' s Energy(核反应是太阳能最持久的来源)”与主题句意思吻合,故选A。
    第六段的最后一句为主题句,意为:科学家仍在继续寻找获取和使用能量的新的、更好 的方法。E项“Seeking New Sources of Energy(寻找新的能源)”与主题句意思吻合,故选E。
    第四段的最后一句指出,“其他的发电机靠煤炭驱动,但是,煤炭中储存的能量也来自 于太阳”。C项中的“came from the sun(来自太阳)”与原句意思相符,故选C。
    第五段的第五句指出,化学能来自于电子重组。故选F。第4部分:阅读理解第一篇 本文的主要内容是建筑工程师研究世贸大厦遗址及其周围幸存的建筑以设计出能够抵杭恐 怖袭击和爆炸的建筑。

  • 第15题:

    Electromagnetic Energy
    1 White light seems to be a combination of all colors.The energy that comes from a source of light is not limited to the kind of energy you can see.Heat is given off by a flame or an electric light.On a cloudy day it is possible to get a sunburn even though you feel cool.Visible light and the kinds of energy that produce warmth and sunburn are examples of electromagnetic energy.
    2 The sun is 93 million miles from the earth.Yet we can use energy from the sun because electromagnetic energy travels through space.
    3 Many other kinds of energy are also types of electromagnetic energy.Radio,television,and radar signals travel from transmitters to receivers as low-energy electromagnetic waves.Infrared(红外线的)radiation is an electromagnetic wave.When it is absorbed by matter,heat is produced.Waves of infrared and visible light have more energy than waves of radio,television,or radar.Ultraviolet rays(紫外线)and X-rays are electromagnetic waves with even greater amounts of energy.Infrared radiation is used in cooking food and heating buildings. Sunlight and electric lights are part of our requirements for normal living.Ultraviolet radiation is useful in killing certain disease organisms.X-rays and gamma rays have so much energy that they travel through solid objects. They can be used to detect and treat cancer.X-rays are used in industry to find hidden cracks in metal,and in medicine to reveal broken bones.
    4 Usually we use electricity to generate electromagnetic energy.The source of most of our energy is the sun.Heat from the sun causes water to evaporate.When the water falls to the earth as rain,some of it is trapped behind dams and then used to operate electric generators.Other generators are powered by coal,but the energy stored in coal came from the sun,too.
    5 Until recently,the source of the tremendous amount of energy given off by the sun was a puzzle.If the sun depended on chemical reactions,it would have used up all its energy long ago.Experiments with electromagnetic radiation led to the theory that mass can be converted into energy.About forty years after the theory was proposed , nuclear energy was harnessed(利用)by man.Chemical energy comes from electron (电子)rearrangement.Nuclear energy comes from a change in the nucleus of an atom.Compared with chemical reactions,nuclear reactions release millions of times more energy per pound of fuel.We now believe that the sun's energy comes from the nuclear reactions in which hydrogen is changed into helium(氦).
    6 Nuclear energy is beginning to compete with coal as an economical source of'power to generate electricity.It is also being used to operate engines in large ships.Scientists continue to seek new and better methods of obtaining and using energy.

    X-rays and gamma rays can be used to detect and treat cancer______.
    A:when it is absorbed by matter
    B:when it is cloudy
    C:because they can pass through solid objects
    D:when the sunrays are fierce.
    E:when a change in the nucleus of an atom takes place
    F:when electron rearrangement takes place

    通读文章可知,第三段第一句是段落主题句,紧接着围绕第一句进行了具体阐述,根据第一句中出现的“types of electromagnetic energy”可知,第三段主要讲述几种不同种类的电磁能,应选择C项。

  • 第16题:

    Green Energy

    1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.
    2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.
    3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.
    4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.

    Greenhouse gases are thought to be causing______.
    A:global warming
    B:carbon emission
    C:lower waste output
    D:a green energy source
    E:fossil fuels
    F: clean fuels

    文中第一段第一句中Green energy is energy that is…这种表述方法符合科学说明文的记叙方式,首先对一个名词进行科学定义,所以本题答案为D。
    文中第二段第二句:Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution, but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not.任何形式的能源收集都会产生一定程度的污染,但是绿色能源比其他能源造成的污染要少。可以推测出这一段是在讲绿色能源的优点,也就是说为什么要发展绿色能源,所以选择A。
    文中第三段第一句:It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields.可以得出,本段主要讲述了我们传统认为的新能源,还有其他种类的新能源,所以选择F。
    文中第四段第一句:One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly.可以得出,该段主要是在讲新能源的目标和意义。
    第一段最后一句:There are several more, even including nuclear energy, that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.可知,核能经常被视作绿色能源,因为相比煤和石油,它的能源输出效率更高。由此可以得出选项C正确。
    文中第二段最后一句:Greenhouse gases, a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.温室气体,一种诸如化石能源的传统能源产生的副产品被认为会导致全球变暖,甚至使地球自转速度加快。因此可以得出A选项正确。
    第三段最后两句:The conservation of energy through architectural design becomes,itself,a green energy source .Similarly,many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.通过自身的建筑设计来保存能源本身就是一种绿色能源的来源。同样道理,许多绿色能源可以直接来源于有能源需求的地区内部而不是外部。由此可以得出D选项正确。
    最后一段最后两句:The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient, but by being cost efficient as well.这些清洁能源技术的成功取决于人们从化石燃料中排除有害副产品、高效利用能源、同时降低成本的能力。由此可以得出E选项正确。

  • 第17题:

    Green Energy

    1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.
    2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.
    3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.
    4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.

    The success of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from______.
    A:global warming
    B:carbon emission
    C:lower waste output
    D:a green energy source
    E:fossil fuels
    F: clean fuels

    文中第一段第一句中Green energy is energy that is…这种表述方法符合科学说明文的记叙方式,首先对一个名词进行科学定义,所以本题答案为D。
    文中第二段第二句:Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution, but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not.任何形式的能源收集都会产生一定程度的污染,但是绿色能源比其他能源造成的污染要少。可以推测出这一段是在讲绿色能源的优点,也就是说为什么要发展绿色能源,所以选择A。
    文中第三段第一句:It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields.可以得出,本段主要讲述了我们传统认为的新能源,还有其他种类的新能源,所以选择F。
    文中第四段第一句:One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly.可以得出,该段主要是在讲新能源的目标和意义。
    第一段最后一句:There are several more, even including nuclear energy, that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.可知,核能经常被视作绿色能源,因为相比煤和石油,它的能源输出效率更高。由此可以得出选项C正确。
    文中第二段最后一句:Greenhouse gases, a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.温室气体,一种诸如化石能源的传统能源产生的副产品被认为会导致全球变暖,甚至使地球自转速度加快。因此可以得出A选项正确。
    第三段最后两句:The conservation of energy through architectural design becomes,itself,a green energy source .Similarly,many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.通过自身的建筑设计来保存能源本身就是一种绿色能源的来源。同样道理,许多绿色能源可以直接来源于有能源需求的地区内部而不是外部。由此可以得出D选项正确。
    最后一段最后两句:The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient, but by being cost efficient as well.这些清洁能源技术的成功取决于人们从化石燃料中排除有害副产品、高效利用能源、同时降低成本的能力。由此可以得出E选项正确。

  • 第18题:

    A customer wants to monitor energy consumption for all of their IBM systems. What part of the IBM Systems Director family supports this function?()

    • A、Active Energy Manager
    • B、PowerVM Energy Manager
    • C、Power and Energy Manager
    • D、Thermal and Energy Manager


  • 第19题:


    正确答案: 有效Energy/投入Energy
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第20题:

    The energy associated with molecules is known as ().

    kinetic energy


    potential energy


    mechanical energy


    thermal energy

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    When the cell has excess energy, it stores this energy by forming ATP.____

    正确答案: E
    根据题干信息“excess energy”可以定位到E段“When the cell has excess energy, it stores this energy by forming ATP from ADP and phosphate”,故匹配段落为E段。

  • 第22题:

    ______ to flow spontaneously from a block of ice to a surrounding volume of water, this could occur in complete accord with energy conservation.

    There were energy    


    There was energy


    Were energy


    If energy is

    正确答案: D
    如果能量自然的从冰传递到周围的水中,这就与能量守恒定律完全吻合。由于句子后半部分采用过去式,故D项错误。前半句明显是一个条件状语从句,排除A、B两项,C项是倒装形式,原型是if energy were,故C项正确。

  • 第23题:

    A centrifugal pump produces flow with a resulting discharge head by energy conversionIt is typical for the energy conversion to follow the order of ().

    mechanical energy to kinetic energy to potential energy


    mechanical energy to potential energy to kinetic energy


    potential energy to mechanical energy to kinetic energy


    kinetic energy to mechanical energy to potential energy

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析