What will an Easy VPN hardware client require in order to insert its protected network address when it connects using network extension mode?()A、 RADIUS or LDAPB、 an internal router running EIGRPC、 Reverse Route Injection and OSPF or RIPv2D、 the VPN appli


What will an Easy VPN hardware client require in order to insert its protected network address when it connects using network extension mode?()

  • B、 an internal router running EIGRP
  • C、 Reverse Route Injection and OSPF or RIPv2
  • D、 the VPN appliance to be deployed in line with the firewall

更多“What will an E”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Utterance meaning in a face-to-face communication refers to().

    A、what the speaker has intended to convey in what is said

    B、what what is said normally means

    C、what the hearer has understood on the basis of what is said

    D、the associative meaning words have


  • 第2题:

    10. The most important thing is _________

    A. what do you learn

    B. what did you learn

    C. what you have learn

    D. what you learnt


  • 第3题:

    27. Radio and television are quite useful because you can __________ .

    A. see what is happening in the world

    B. hear what is happening to the world

    C. know what the world is like

    D. see what the people on the earth are doing'


  • 第4题:

    I want to know().

    A. what is his name

    B. what his name is

    C. what his name is


  • 第5题:

    _______ useful book it is!

    A.What an

    B.How a

    C.What a



  • 第6题:

    -My watch is not working. ________?

    -It's ten past eleven.

    A、What time is it

    B、What's the time

    C、What time is it by your watch

    D、What is time by your watch


  • 第7题:

    What is E-commerce?

    正确答案:E-Commerce: E-Commerce is doing business through electronic media.It means using simple, fast and low-cost electronic communications to transact, without face-to-face meeting between the two parties of the transaction.

  • 第8题:

    what do you know about “SOPEP”?what is VRP , and what is VCP ?

    正确答案:VRP is vessel Response plan ; and VCP is Non-tanker vessel contingency plan . VRP is required oil pollution emergency plan made according to the requirement of oil pollution act 1990 of US ,which is a law ruling the tanker vessels sailing in the waters under the management of the US .in compliance with the legislation of the california state of the US ,all the nontanker vessels should prepare vessel contingency plan .

  • 第9题:

    If there were only one question left ,what would it most probably be?

    A.What was your childhood dream?

    B.What is your biggest achievement?

    C.What is your parents view of you?

    D.What was your handest expenrience in the war?


  • 第10题:

    Which of the following may illustrate the difference between "competence" and__________ "performance"?

    A.What a person "knows" and what he/she "does".
    B.What a person "can do" and what he/she "does".
    C.What a person "does" and what he/she "knows".
    D.What a person "does" and what he/she "can do".


  • 第11题:

    ( ) beautiful car he is riding ( ).
    A. What a …on B. What…in
    C. How…in D. What a …in


  • 第12题:


    • A、who,what,when
    • B、what,when,why
    • C、who,what,which
    • D、what,when,where
    • E、when,where,which


  • 第13题:

    Yes,_____is difficult to find a job nowadays, but_____is more difficult is try to find such a job with a high salary but few things to do.

    A、it, it.

    B、what, what.

    C、it, what.

    D、what, it. C


  • 第14题:

    Which of the following statements are examples of the nonverbal behavior. of the job interview?

    A.In what style. you choose to speak (e.g. begin with a story or a question) in the conversation.

    B.In what way you behave (e.g. behave appropriately or not) in the conversation.

    C.In what manner you speak (e.g. speak fast, short or aloud) in the conversation.

    D.What body language you use (e.g. speak with or without eye contact) in the conversation.


  • 第15题:

    No one can be sure()in a million years.

    A、 what man will look like

    B、 what will man took like

    C、 man will look like what


  • 第16题:

    It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ___.

    A. it what to do wth

    B. what do it with

    C. what to do with it

    D. to do what with it


  • 第17题:

    A: ( )? B:She is talking to Mary.

    A. What is she doing right now

    B. What does she do

    C. What is she talking about


  • 第18题:


    -It's Sunday.

    A、What day is it today

    B、What date is it today

    C、What's the date

    D、What's day


  • 第19题:


    A、What a day!

    B、What a pity!

    C、What a shame!

    D、What the hell!


  • 第20题:

    what is IMO ?what is ISO 9000?what is ISM ?what is SMS system ?

    正确答案:IMO is international maritime organization under the united nations . ISO9000 m\eans international standard organization ,an organization making the quality management standards and doing the quality audit service . ISM means international management code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention .this is compulsory rule made by the IMO . The ISM code includes 16 chapters falling falling into two parts :implementation for part one ,and verification and certification for part one .the 16 chapters are : general ,safety and environment protection policy ,company responsibilities and authority ,designated persons ,master responsibility and authority ,resources and personnel ,development of plans for shipboard operation ,emergency preparedness , reports and analysis of non conformity ,accidents and hazardous occurrences , maintainence of the ship and equipment ,documentation ,company verification ,review and evaluation ,certification and verifications and control ,certification and periodical verification ,verification ,interim certification ,and forms of certificates .the last four chapters are newly added in the new version of ISM Code . SMS means safety management system ,and this system is mad based on the 16 elements of ISM Code ,which is a compulsory part SOLAS 74 .the shipowner or manager cannot get document of compliance (DOC) and SMC without audited safety management certificate (SMC) by class designated by the flag registry country adiministration .

  • 第21题:

    ______ you said is true, there are still other factors to be considered.

    A.Supposed that what
    B.Supposing what that
    C.Granted that what
    D.Considered what that

    考查句法知识。granted that是一个固定搭配,表示“假定,即使”,what作said的宾语。A项应该是supposing,所以也不正确,B和D两项不符合语法要求,故排除。句意为“假设你说的是真的,还有其他的因素需要考虑”,故选C。

  • 第22题:

    I didn′ t understand ____________. so I raised my hand to ask.

    A.what my teacher says
    B.what does my teacher say
    C.what my teacher said
    D.what did my teacher say


  • 第23题:

    ( ) beautiful Car he is riding ( )
    A What a …on
    B What…in
    D What a …in


  • 第24题:

    Before writing a book, the first thing is considering what to say.

    you must first ponder what to say and what not to be said carefully


    it’s extremely necessary that you know what to say


    the first thing is to consider what to say


    you must first ponder what to say and what not to say

    正确答案: B