You have just created a new VLAN on your network for inter-VLAN routing.  What is one step that you should include in your VLAN-based implementation and verification plan?()A、Verify that different native VLANs exist between two switches for security purp


You have just created a new VLAN on your network for inter-VLAN routing.  What is one step that you should include in your VLAN-based implementation and verification plan?()

  • A、Verify that different native VLANs exist between two switches for security purposes.
  • B、Verify that the switch is configured to allow for trunking on the switch ports.
  • C、Verify that each switch port has the proper IP address space assigned to it for the new VLAN. 
  • D、Verify that the VLAN virtual interface has been correctly created and enabled.

更多“You have just cr”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    --Have you finished your first paper?

    --_______, Just half of it, how about you?

    A.Not at allB.Not likelyC.Not a bitD.Not yet


  • 第2题:

    A:Have you had your breakfast

    B:No,I haven't had it_____ .

    A. ever

    B. yet



  • 第3题:

    — We’ll have a party on Sunday. Will you join us? — ()

    A、No, thank you.

    B、Yes, I’d love to.

    C、No, I won’t.

    D、Thank you just the same.


  • 第4题:

    The young man ____ is an engineer of our factory.

    Athat you just talked

    Bwhom you just talked to

    Cwhich you just talked to

    Dwho you just talked


  • 第5题:

    Have you finished your housework ( )? Yes. I have ( ) finished it.

    A、yet, already

    B、already, yet

    C、ever, never

    D、still, just


  • 第6题:

    Man: That's a beautiful hat you have on!

    Woman: _______.

    A、Actually,I don't like it very much

    B、Yes,I think so

    C、Oh,thank you.I just got it yesterday

    D、No,it's not that beautiful.Yours is better


  • 第7题:

    ______ is just to put it ______ and notify me as to where and how the cargo was damaged.

    A.What you ought to do with the damaged cargo/aside

    B.What you should do with the damaged cargo/beside

    C.What will you do with the damaged cargo/besides

    D.What have you to do with the damaged cargo/side by side


  • 第8题:

    Five ways to make conversation with anyone Conversations are links,which means when you have a conversation with a new person a link gets formed and every conversation you have after that moment will strengthen the link.You meet new people every day:the grocery worker,the cab driver,new people at work or the security guard at the door.Simply starting a conversation with them will form a link.Here are five simple ways that you can make the first move and start a conversation with strangers.41.____________Suppose you are in a room with someone you don’t know and something within you says“I want to talk with this person”—this is something the mostly happens with all of us.You wanted to say something—the first word—but it just won’t come out.It feels like it is stuck somewhere,I know the feeling and here is my advice just get it out.Just think:that is the worst that could happen?They won’t talk with you?Well,they are not talking with you now!I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow.So keep it simple:“Hi”,“Hey”or“Hello”—do the best you can to gather all of the enthusiasm and energy you can,put on a big smile and say“Hi”。42.____________It’s a problem all of us face:you have limited time with the person that you want to talk with and you want to make this talk memorable.Honestly,if we got stuck in the rut of“hi”,“hello”,“how are you?”and“what’s going on?”you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that’s can make it so memorable.So don’t be afraid to ask more personal questions.Trust me,you’ll be surprised to see how much people are willing to share if you just ask.43.____________When you meet a person for the first time,make an effort to find the things which you and that person have in common so that you can build the conversation from that point.When you start conversation from there and then move outwards,you’ll find all of a sudden that the conversation becomes a lot easier.44.____________Imagine you are pouring your heart out to someone and they are just busy on their phone,and if you ask for their attention you get the response“I can multitask”.So when someone tries to communicate with you,just be in that communication wholeheartedly.Make eye contact,you can feel the conversation.45.____________You all came into a conversation where you first met the person,but after some time you may have met again and have forgotten their name.Isn’t that awkward!So remember the little details of the people you met or you talked with;perhaps the places they have been to the place they want to go,the things they like,the thing the hate—whatever you talk about.When you remember such thing you can automatically become investor in their wellbeing.So the feel a responsibility to you to keep that relationship going.That’s it.Five amazing ways that you can make conversation with almost anyone.Every person is a really good book to read,or to have a conversation with!45选?

    A.Just say it
    B.Be present
    C.Pay a unique compliment
    E.Find the“me too”s
    F.Skip the small talk
    G.Ask for an opinion


  • 第9题:

    You have just purchased a brand new router and wish to have the router prompt you through the initial configuration commands. Which router mode does this describe?()

    • A、ROM Monitor mode
    • B、SETUP mode
    • C、Autoflash mode
    • D、RXBOOT mode
    • E、None of the above


  • 第10题:

    You recently entered a competition for learners of English. You have just received this letter from the organizers of the competition, on which you have written some notes.  Read the letter carefully. Then write a reply giving the information requested and also covering the notes you have written in the letter.  Write a letter of no fewer than 80 words in an appropriate style on the answer sheet. Do not write any addresses.

    Dear Riley,
    I wrote this letter to inform you about our decisions and ask some questions at the same time. New York is the city we want to visit, because the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty attract us a lot. We want to arrange this travel during the May Day. As to the special arrangement, I hope the three-star hotel can be equipped with wireless network so that we can search information about the scenic spot. Of course, we want to have a guide to accompany us.
    Apart from these, we have a series of questions. We want to know whether there is someone meets us at the airport and the name of that three-star hotel. One more questions, what is the spending allowance refers to? Look forward to your early repay.
    Yours Sincerely
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    I am afraid that you have to alter your()views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived.








    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    You have just purchased a brand new router and wish to have the router prompt you through the initial configuration commands. Which router mode does this describe?()

    ROM Monitor mode


    SETUP mode


    Autoflash mode


    RXBOOT mode


    None of the above

    正确答案: E
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    A: Have you seen my camera? I can't find it.

    B: Just now I have seen it. You_____ have put it in the bag.

    A. must

    B. would

    C. should


  • 第14题:

    I just wonder if ( )ever( )that you could have your own enterprise and run it yourself when you were still a student.


    B、you.occurred to it

    C、it.occurred to you



  • 第15题:

    ______ only by one’s appearance, I’m sure, will have you get just half of him or less

    A. Judged

    B. Judging

    C. To be judged

    D. Judge


  • 第16题:

    If you have areservation,just tell the hotel receptionist your full name when you check in.()



  • 第17题:

    Lisa: May I use your computer this afternoon?

    Cathy: I'm sorry, but I have to finish typing this term paper today.

    Lisa: __________.

    A、Thank you just the same

    B、Do as you please

    C、It doesn't matter

    D、Never mind


  • 第18题:


    Hello,everyone! It's that time of year again! Hualin's fantastic sale! You name it, and we have it at a very good price. Do you like them at low prices? We have sweat-ers in all colors at 50 yuan each! Do you need a bag for sports or school? We have great .bags for just 6 yuan! For young boys and girls, we have T-shirts in red, green,yellow, orange, blue and black for only 15 yuan! And socks in all colors for just 1yuan! And that-s not all. Can-t you believe it? Come down to Hualin and see by your-self!

    ( )21. This passage is_________

    A. a story

    B. an advertisement(广告)

    C. about family

    D. about buying and selling


  • 第19题:

    Mary has just called and asked__to have lunch with her tomorrow. and I and me
    C.I and you and you


  • 第20题:

    Are you feeling better today, Jack?()

    • A、There must be something wrong
    • B、Just have a good rest.
    • C、Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.
    • D、Don't worry about me.


  • 第21题:

    It was odd that you _______ for Margie’s address. I just got a letter from her—the first one since her family moved on August 1, 1983.

    should have asked


    would have asked


    shall ask


    might ask

    正确答案: A
    真奇怪,你当时怎么没问玛吉的地址呢,我最近才收到她的来信,这是1983年8月1号她搬家后的第一次来信。should have done表示本应该做而没有做的事情,含有责怪的意思。would have done原本可以做某事。

  • 第22题:

    ()is just to put it()and notify me as to where and how the cargo was damaged.

    What you ought to do with the damaged cargo/aside


    What you should do with the damaged cargo/beside


    What will you do with the damaged cargo/beside


    What have you to do with the damaged cargo/side by side

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    A: What a pleasant surprise! I haven’t seen you for a long time.  B: ______

    Nice to meet you.


    Pretty good. Thanks. And you?


    I just stopped by to say hello.


    Well, how have you been?

    正确答案: A
    此题考查打招呼用语。前者说:“真叫人惊喜! 我好久没看到你了。”既然是好长时间不见了,肯定要问候对方近况,所以D项为正确答案。A项是初次见面经过介绍后的寒暄语,B项是该场景听到对方问好后的回答。C项“只是顺道过来打个招呼”使用不得体。

  • 第24题:

    —Have you finished the packaging?  — ______  — Good. Because the truck will be coming soon, this is a rush job.

    Don’t hurry me or I’ll break the glass.


    Almost. I just have to wrap the glass and put it into boxes.


    No, I haven’t. Why didn’t you help me with it?


    Yes, I have. What else can I do for you?

    正确答案: A
    解析: 由最后一句话可知已收拾的差不多了,故选项B符合题意。D选项后半句不合语境。