更多“The Black Death”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    非自然死亡(unnatural death)/暴力死亡(violent death)(名词解释)


  • 第2题:

    ( ) is expert in ( ).

    A、The Doctor Black/ surgery

    B、Doctor Black/ the surgery

    C、A Doctor Black/ the surgery

    D、Doctor Black/ surgery


  • 第3题:







  • 第4题:


    U. S. Blacks Hard-hit by Cancer

    Death rates for cancer are falling for all Americans,but black Americans are still more
    likely to die of cancer than whites,the American Cancer Society said Monday.
    In a special report on cancer and blacks,the organization said blacks are usually
    diagnosed with cancer later than whites,and they are more likely to die of the disease.
    This could be because of unequal(不平等的)access to medical care, because blacks
    are more likely to have other diseases as well,and perhaps because of differences in the
    biology(生物学)of the cancer itself, the report added.
    "In general,black Americans have less hope of surviving five years after diagnosis
    than whites for all cancer sites and all stages of diagnosis,"the report said,
    "In describing cancer statistics for black Americans,this report recognizes that many of
    the differences associated with race may be caused by unfair social and economic
    differences and unequal access to medical care."
    The cancer society said blacks should be encouraged to get check-ups(体格检查)
    earlier,when cancer is more treatable,and it said more research is needed to see if
    biological differences play a role.
    "The new statistics emphasize the continuing importance of wiping out these unfair
    social differences through public policy and education efforts,"the organization said in a
    But it also noted a drop in cancer death rates.
    "Cancer death rates in both sexes for all sites combined have dropped greatly among
    black Americans since 1992,as have incidence rates(发生率),"said the report.

    Black Americans are more likely to die of cancer than
    A:people in other countries.
    B:white Americans.
    C:all other Americans.
    D:their ancestors.


  • 第5题:

    B1i'k Holes

    1 Black holes can be best described as a sort of vacuum,sucking up everything in space. Scientists
    have discovered that black holes come from an explosion of huge stars. Stars that are near death can no longer
    burn due to loss of fuel , and because its temperature can no longer control the gravitational(重力的)force,
    hydrogen ends up putting pressure onto the star' s surface until it suddenly explodes then collapses.
    2 Black holes come from stars that are made of hydrogen,other gases and a few metals. When these
    explode it can turn into a stellar-mass ( 恒星质量)black hole , which can only occur if the star is large enough
    (should be bigger than the sun) for the explosion to break it into pieces,and the gravity starts to compact
    every piece into the tiniest particle. Try to see and compare:if a star that' s ten times the size of the sun ends
    up being a black hole that' s no longer than 70 kilometers ,then the Earth would become a black hole that' s
    only"fraction of an inch!
    3 Objects that get sucked in a black hie will always remain there,never to brsak fren. But remember
    that black holes can only gobble up(吞噬)objects within a specific distance to it It' s possible for a large
    star near the sun to become a black hole,but the sun will continue to stay in place. Orbits (轨道)do not
    change because the newly formed black hole, contains exactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star,
    only this time its mass is totally contracted that it can end up as on biggeer tnan a state.
    4 So far, astronomers have figured out that black holes exist because of Albert Einstenin's theory of
    relativity. In the end,through numerous studies ,they have discovered that black holes truly exist. Since black
    holes trap light and do not give off light,it is nearly impossible to detect black goles via a telescope. But
    astronomers continue to study galaxies (银河系),space and the solar system to understand how black holes
    misht evolve. It is possible that black holes can exist for millions of years,and later contribute to a bigger
    process in galaxies ,which can eventually lead to creation of new entities(实体).Scientists also credit black
    holes as helpful in learning how galaxies began to form.

    Black holes are formed after_____________.
    A: the existence of black holes
    B: the creation of new entities
    C: the same amount of mass
    D: an explosion of huge stars
    E: a fraction of an inch
    F: the tiniest narticle

    第一段描述了什么是黑洞,以及它产生的缘由―巨型恒星爆炸,并叙述了恒星爆炸的 原因和简要过程。再看选项,只有F项符合题意。
    第二段的主要内容是:恒星来自由氢气、其他气体和一些金属组成的恒星;当这些物质 爆炸时,恒星就变成了质量与原先的恒星等同的黑洞,恒星的每个碎片都被重力压缩成极小的 颗粒。观察选项,似乎E、F两项都可选,但一则上一小题只能选F项,二则此段虽也讲了黑洞 是怎么形成的,但比较侧重黑洞形成过程中,原来的恒星变成极小的颗粒。由第三段最后一句 也可知,这些颗粒的质量总和与原来的恒星一样,正是这些颗粒使黑洞有极大的吸附性,而成 其为“黑洞”。因此,黑洞就是由这些极小却质量巨大、吸附性极强的颗粒构成的。故选E。
    第三段描述了黑洞极大的吸附性,及其具有如此大的吸附性的原因。黑洞形成后,周 围一定距离内的几乎一切东西都会被吞噬而难以逃脱,故选A。
    由第一段第二句“…black holes come from an explosion of huge stars.”可知答案。
    由第二段第二句后半部分“…the gravity。tartst。。ompact evey piece into the tiniest particle”可知答案。
    由第三段最后一句“…the newly formed black hol。Contains。xactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star…”可知答案。
    由第四段第一句话可知答案。第4部分:阅读理解第一篇 本文主要讲的是科学家利用植物的光合作用使其生产氢气等可供人类使用的能源。

  • 第6题:

    Black Holes

    1 Black holes can be best described as a sort of vacuum,sucking up everything in space.Scientists
    have discovered that black holes come from an explosion of huge stars.Stars that are near death can no longer
    burn due to loss of fuel , and because its temperature can no longer control the gravitational(重力的)force,
    hydrogen ends up putting pressure onto the star's surface until it suddenly explodes then collapses.
    2 Black holes come from stars ihat are made of hydrogen,other gases and a few metals.When these
    explode it can turn into a stellar-mass(恒星质量) black hole , which can only occur if the star is large enough
    (should be bigger than the sun)for the explosion to break it into pieces,and the gravity starts to compact
    every piece into the tiniest particle.Try to see and compare:if a star that's ten times the size of the sun ends
    up being a black hole that's no longer than 70 kilometers,then the Earth would become a black hole that'S
    only a fraction of an inch!
    3 Objects that get sucked in a black hole will always remain there,never to break free.i1it remember
    that black holes can only gobble up(吞噬)objects within a specific distance to it.It's possible for a large
    star near the sun to become a black hole,but the sun will continue to stay in place.Orbits(轨道)do not
    change because the newly formed black hole contains exactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star,
    only this time its mass is totally contracted that it can end up as no bigger than a state.
    4 Sofar,astronomers have figured out that black holes exist because of Albert Einstcin's theory of
    relativity.In the end,through numerous studies,they have discovered that black holes truly exist.Since black
    holes trap light and do not give off light,it is nearly impossible to detect black holes via a telescope.But
    astronomers continue to study galaxies(银河系), space and the solar system to understand how black holes
    might evolve.It is possible that black holes can exist for millions of years,and later contribute to a bigger
    process in galaxies,which can eventually lead to creation of new entities(实体).Scientists also credit black
    holes as helpful in learning how galaxies began to form.

    When a large star explodes,the gravity compacts every piece into______.
    A:the existence of black holes
    B:the creation of new entities
    C:the same amount of mass
    D:an fraction of an inch
    E:a fraction of an inch
    F:the tiniest particle

    第一段描述了什么是黑洞,以及它产生的缘由―巨型恒星爆炸,并叙述了恒星爆炸的 原因和简要过程。再看选项,只有F项符合题意。
    第二段的主要内容是:恒星来自由氢气、其他气体和一些金属组成的恒星;当这些物质 爆炸时,恒星就变成了质量与原先的恒星等同的黑洞,恒星的每个碎片都被重力压缩成极小的 颗粒。观察选项,似乎E、F两项都可选,但一则上一小题只能选F项,二则此段虽也讲了黑洞 是怎么形成的,但比较侧重黑洞形成过程中,原来的恒星变成极小的颗粒。由第三段最后一句 也可知,这些颗粒的质量总和与原来的恒星一样,正是这些颗粒使黑洞有极大的吸附性,而成 其为“黑洞”。因此,黑洞就是由这些极小却质量巨大、吸附性极强的颗粒构成的。故选E。
    第三段描述了黑洞极大的吸附性,及其具有如此大的吸附性的原因。黑洞形成后,周 围一定距离内的几乎一切东西都会被吞噬而难以逃脱,故选A。
    由第一段第二句“ holes come from an explosion of huge stars.”可知答案。
    由第二段第二句后半部分“...the gravity starts to compact every piece into the tiniestparticle”可知答案。
    由第三段最后一句“…the newly formed black hole contains exactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star...”可知答案。

  • 第7题:

    Black Holes

    1 Black holes can be best described as a sort of vacuum,sucking up everything in space.Scientists
    have discovered that black holes come from an explosion of huge stars.Stars that are near death can no longer
    burn due to loss of fuel , and because its temperature can no longer control the gravitational(重力的)force,
    hydrogen ends up putting pressure onto the star's surface until it suddenly explodes then collapses.
    2 Black holes come from stars ihat are made of hydrogen,other gases and a few metals.When these
    explode it can turn into a stellar-mass(恒星质量) black hole , which can only occur if the star is large enough
    (should be bigger than the sun)for the explosion to break it into pieces,and the gravity starts to compact
    every piece into the tiniest particle.Try to see and compare:if a star that's ten times the size of the sun ends
    up being a black hole that's no longer than 70 kilometers,then the Earth would become a black hole that'S
    only a fraction of an inch!
    3 Objects that get sucked in a black hole will always remain there,never to break free.i1it remember
    that black holes can only gobble up(吞噬)objects within a specific distance to it.It's possible for a large
    star near the sun to become a black hole,but the sun will continue to stay in place.Orbits(轨道)do not
    change because the newly formed black hole contains exactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star,
    only this time its mass is totally contracted that it can end up as no bigger than a state.
    4 Sofar,astronomers have figured out that black holes exist because of Albert Einstcin's theory of
    relativity.In the end,through numerous studies,they have discovered that black holes truly exist.Since black
    holes trap light and do not give off light,it is nearly impossible to detect black holes via a telescope.But
    astronomers continue to study galaxies(银河系), space and the solar system to understand how black holes
    might evolve.It is possible that black holes can exist for millions of years,and later contribute to a bigger
    process in galaxies,which can eventually lead to creation of new entities(实体).Scientists also credit black
    holes as helpful in learning how galaxies began to form.

    Paragraph 1________
    A:What Happens to the Objects Around a Black Hole?
    B:Is There Proof That Black Holes Really Exist?
    C:How Were Black Holes Named?
    D:What Are Different Types of Black Holes?
    E:What Are Black Holes Made of?
    F: How Are Black Holes Formed?

    第一段描述了什么是黑洞,以及它产生的缘由―巨型恒星爆炸,并叙述了恒星爆炸的 原因和简要过程。再看选项,只有F项符合题意。
    第二段的主要内容是:恒星来自由氢气、其他气体和一些金属组成的恒星;当这些物质 爆炸时,恒星就变成了质量与原先的恒星等同的黑洞,恒星的每个碎片都被重力压缩成极小的 颗粒。观察选项,似乎E、F两项都可选,但一则上一小题只能选F项,二则此段虽也讲了黑洞 是怎么形成的,但比较侧重黑洞形成过程中,原来的恒星变成极小的颗粒。由第三段最后一句 也可知,这些颗粒的质量总和与原来的恒星一样,正是这些颗粒使黑洞有极大的吸附性,而成 其为“黑洞”。因此,黑洞就是由这些极小却质量巨大、吸附性极强的颗粒构成的。故选E。
    第三段描述了黑洞极大的吸附性,及其具有如此大的吸附性的原因。黑洞形成后,周 围一定距离内的几乎一切东西都会被吞噬而难以逃脱,故选A。
    由第一段第二句“ holes come from an explosion of huge stars.”可知答案。
    由第二段第二句后半部分“...the gravity starts to compact every piece into the tiniestparticle”可知答案。
    由第三段最后一句“…the newly formed black hole contains exactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star...”可知答案。

  • 第8题:

    We have some white and blue paint, but we ().

    • A、have black paint
    • B、has black paint
    • C、haven’t black paint
    • D、hasn’t black paint


  • 第9题:

    What is the requirement of Remote Triggered Black Hole (RTBH ) filtering?()

    • A、IBGP updates exchange between trigger router and black hole router
    • B、EBGP updates exchange between trigger router and black hole router
    • C、OSPF updates exchange between trigger router and black hole router
    • D、ISIS updates exchange between trigger router and black hole router


  • 第10题:

    The Black Death

    正确答案:The Black Death is the modern name given to the deadly epidemic disease spread by rat fleas across Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England in the summer of 1348. It reduced England’s population from four million to two million by the end of the 14th century.
    The economic consequences of the Black Death were far-reaching. As a result of the plague, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor. The surviving peasants had better bargaining power and were in a position to change their serfdom into paid labor. Some landlords, unable or unwilling to pay higher wages, tried to force peasants back into serfdom. In 1351 the government issued a Statute of Laborers which made it a crime for peasants to ask for more wages or for their employers to pay more than the rates laid down by the Justices of the Peace.

  • 第11题:

    非自然死亡(unnatural death)/暴力死亡(violent death)

    正确答案: 是指由于生命或疾病发展规律以外的因素作用而提前发生的死亡。包括自杀死、他杀死、意外死、安乐死等。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    The Black Death

    正确答案: The Black Death is the modern name given to the deadly epidemic disease spread by rat fleas across Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England in the summer of 1348. It reduced England’s population from four million to two million by the end of the 14th century.
    The economic consequences of the Black Death were far-reaching. As a result of the plague, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor. The surviving peasants had better bargaining power and were in a position to change their serfdom into paid labor. Some landlords, unable or unwilling to pay higher wages, tried to force peasants back into serfdom. In 1351 the government issued a Statute of Laborers which made it a crime for peasants to ask for more wages or for their employers to pay more than the rates laid down by the Justices of the Peace.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    Millions of people in Europe were killed by the Black Death, which()in the 14th century.

    A、broke off

    B、broke up

    C、broke down

    D、broke out


  • 第14题:

    Which of the following statements about Black English is untrue?

    A Black English is an ethnic variety of the English language.

    B Black English is one of the official languages of America.

    C Black English has some vocabulary of its own.

    D Black English has a number of distinctive features in its phonological, morphological and syn-tactic systems.


  • 第15题:


    U. S. Blacks Hard-hit by Cancer

    Death rates for cancer are falling for all Americans,but black Americans are still more
    likely to die of cancer than whites,the American Cancer Society said Monday.
    In a special report on cancer and blacks,the organization said blacks are usually
    diagnosed with cancer later than whites,and they are more likely to die of the disease.
    This could be because of unequal(不平等的)access to medical care, because blacks
    are more likely to have other diseases as well,and perhaps because of differences in the
    biology(生物学)of the cancer itself, the report added.
    "In general,black Americans have less hope of surviving five years after diagnosis
    than whites for all cancer sites and all stages of diagnosis,"the report said,
    "In describing cancer statistics for black Americans,this report recognizes that many of
    the differences associated with race may be caused by unfair social and economic
    differences and unequal access to medical care."
    The cancer society said blacks should be encouraged to get check-ups(体格检查)
    earlier,when cancer is more treatable,and it said more research is needed to see if
    biological differences play a role.
    "The new statistics emphasize the continuing importance of wiping out these unfair
    social differences through public policy and education efforts,"the organization said in a
    But it also noted a drop in cancer death rates.
    "Cancer death rates in both sexes for all sites combined have dropped greatly among
    black Americans since 1992,as have incidence rates(发生率),"said the report.

    Since 1992,cancer death rates among black Americans
    A:have been going up and down.
    B:have remained stable.
    C:have increased.
    D:have fallen.


  • 第16题:

    B1i'k Holes

    1 Black holes can be best described as a sort of vacuum,sucking up everything in space. Scientists
    have discovered that black holes come from an explosion of huge stars. Stars that are near death can no longer
    burn due to loss of fuel , and because its temperature can no longer control the gravitational(重力的)force,
    hydrogen ends up putting pressure onto the star' s surface until it suddenly explodes then collapses.
    2 Black holes come from stars that are made of hydrogen,other gases and a few metals. When these
    explode it can turn into a stellar-mass ( 恒星质量)black hole , which can only occur if the star is large enough
    (should be bigger than the sun) for the explosion to break it into pieces,and the gravity starts to compact
    every piece into the tiniest particle. Try to see and compare:if a star that' s ten times the size of the sun ends
    up being a black hole that' s no longer than 70 kilometers ,then the Earth would become a black hole that' s
    only"fraction of an inch!
    3 Objects that get sucked in a black hie will always remain there,never to brsak fren. But remember
    that black holes can only gobble up(吞噬)objects within a specific distance to it It' s possible for a large
    star near the sun to become a black hole,but the sun will continue to stay in place. Orbits (轨道)do not
    change because the newly formed black hole, contains exactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star,
    only this time its mass is totally contracted that it can end up as on biggeer tnan a state.
    4 So far, astronomers have figured out that black holes exist because of Albert Einstenin's theory of
    relativity. In the end,through numerous studies ,they have discovered that black holes truly exist. Since black
    holes trap light and do not give off light,it is nearly impossible to detect black goles via a telescope. But
    astronomers continue to study galaxies (银河系),space and the solar system to understand how black holes
    misht evolve. It is possible that black holes can exist for millions of years,and later contribute to a bigger
    process in galaxies ,which can eventually lead to creation of new entities(实体).Scientists also credit black
    holes as helpful in learning how galaxies began to form.

    Paragraph 2_____________
    A:What Happens to the Objects Around a Black Hole?
    B:Is There Proof That Black Holes Really Exist?
    C:How Were Black Holes Named?
    D:What Are Different Types of Black Holes?
    E:What Are Black Holes Made of?
    F:How Are Black Holes Formed?

    第一段描述了什么是黑洞,以及它产生的缘由―巨型恒星爆炸,并叙述了恒星爆炸的 原因和简要过程。再看选项,只有F项符合题意。
    第二段的主要内容是:恒星来自由氢气、其他气体和一些金属组成的恒星;当这些物质 爆炸时,恒星就变成了质量与原先的恒星等同的黑洞,恒星的每个碎片都被重力压缩成极小的 颗粒。观察选项,似乎E、F两项都可选,但一则上一小题只能选F项,二则此段虽也讲了黑洞 是怎么形成的,但比较侧重黑洞形成过程中,原来的恒星变成极小的颗粒。由第三段最后一句 也可知,这些颗粒的质量总和与原来的恒星一样,正是这些颗粒使黑洞有极大的吸附性,而成 其为“黑洞”。因此,黑洞就是由这些极小却质量巨大、吸附性极强的颗粒构成的。故选E。
    第三段描述了黑洞极大的吸附性,及其具有如此大的吸附性的原因。黑洞形成后,周 围一定距离内的几乎一切东西都会被吞噬而难以逃脱,故选A。
    由第一段第二句“…black holes come from an explosion of huge stars.”可知答案。
    由第二段第二句后半部分“…the gravity。tartst。。ompact evey piece into the tiniest particle”可知答案。
    由第三段最后一句“…the newly formed black hol。Contains。xactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star…”可知答案。
    由第四段第一句话可知答案。第4部分:阅读理解第一篇 本文主要讲的是科学家利用植物的光合作用使其生产氢气等可供人类使用的能源。

  • 第17题:

    B1i'k Holes

    1 Black holes can be best described as a sort of vacuum,sucking up everything in space. Scientists
    have discovered that black holes come from an explosion of huge stars. Stars that are near death can no longer
    burn due to loss of fuel , and because its temperature can no longer control the gravitational(重力的)force,
    hydrogen ends up putting pressure onto the star' s surface until it suddenly explodes then collapses.
    2 Black holes come from stars that are made of hydrogen,other gases and a few metals. When these
    explode it can turn into a stellar-mass ( 恒星质量)black hole , which can only occur if the star is large enough
    (should be bigger than the sun) for the explosion to break it into pieces,and the gravity starts to compact
    every piece into the tiniest particle. Try to see and compare:if a star that' s ten times the size of the sun ends
    up being a black hole that' s no longer than 70 kilometers ,then the Earth would become a black hole that' s
    only"fraction of an inch!
    3 Objects that get sucked in a black hie will always remain there,never to brsak fren. But remember
    that black holes can only gobble up(吞噬)objects within a specific distance to it It' s possible for a large
    star near the sun to become a black hole,but the sun will continue to stay in place. Orbits (轨道)do not
    change because the newly formed black hole, contains exactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star,
    only this time its mass is totally contracted that it can end up as on biggeer tnan a state.
    4 So far, astronomers have figured out that black holes exist because of Albert Einstenin's theory of
    relativity. In the end,through numerous studies ,they have discovered that black holes truly exist. Since black
    holes trap light and do not give off light,it is nearly impossible to detect black goles via a telescope. But
    astronomers continue to study galaxies (银河系),space and the solar system to understand how black holes
    misht evolve. It is possible that black holes can exist for millions of years,and later contribute to a bigger
    process in galaxies ,which can eventually lead to creation of new entities(实体).Scientists also credit black
    holes as helpful in learning how galaxies began to form.

    Albert Einstein's theory of relativity helps to prove____________.
    A: the existence of black holes
    B: the creation of new entities
    C: the same amount of mass
    D: an explosion of huge stars
    E: a fraction of an inch
    F: the tiniest narticle

    第一段描述了什么是黑洞,以及它产生的缘由―巨型恒星爆炸,并叙述了恒星爆炸的 原因和简要过程。再看选项,只有F项符合题意。
    第二段的主要内容是:恒星来自由氢气、其他气体和一些金属组成的恒星;当这些物质 爆炸时,恒星就变成了质量与原先的恒星等同的黑洞,恒星的每个碎片都被重力压缩成极小的 颗粒。观察选项,似乎E、F两项都可选,但一则上一小题只能选F项,二则此段虽也讲了黑洞 是怎么形成的,但比较侧重黑洞形成过程中,原来的恒星变成极小的颗粒。由第三段最后一句 也可知,这些颗粒的质量总和与原来的恒星一样,正是这些颗粒使黑洞有极大的吸附性,而成 其为“黑洞”。因此,黑洞就是由这些极小却质量巨大、吸附性极强的颗粒构成的。故选E。
    第三段描述了黑洞极大的吸附性,及其具有如此大的吸附性的原因。黑洞形成后,周 围一定距离内的几乎一切东西都会被吞噬而难以逃脱,故选A。
    由第一段第二句“…black holes come from an explosion of huge stars.”可知答案。
    由第二段第二句后半部分“…the gravity。tartst。。ompact evey piece into the tiniest particle”可知答案。
    由第三段最后一句“…the newly formed black hol。Contains。xactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star…”可知答案。
    由第四段第一句话可知答案。第4部分:阅读理解第一篇 本文主要讲的是科学家利用植物的光合作用使其生产氢气等可供人类使用的能源。

  • 第18题:

    Black Holes

    1 Black holes can be best described as a sort of vacuum,sucking up everything in space.Scientists
    have discovered that black holes come from an explosion of huge stars.Stars that are near death can no longer
    burn due to loss of fuel , and because its temperature can no longer control the gravitational(重力的)force,
    hydrogen ends up putting pressure onto the star's surface until it suddenly explodes then collapses.
    2 Black holes come from stars ihat are made of hydrogen,other gases and a few metals.When these
    explode it can turn into a stellar-mass(恒星质量) black hole , which can only occur if the star is large enough
    (should be bigger than the sun)for the explosion to break it into pieces,and the gravity starts to compact
    every piece into the tiniest particle.Try to see and compare:if a star that's ten times the size of the sun ends
    up being a black hole that's no longer than 70 kilometers,then the Earth would become a black hole that'S
    only a fraction of an inch!
    3 Objects that get sucked in a black hole will always remain there,never to break free.i1it remember
    that black holes can only gobble up(吞噬)objects within a specific distance to it.It's possible for a large
    star near the sun to become a black hole,but the sun will continue to stay in place.Orbits(轨道)do not
    change because the newly formed black hole contains exactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star,
    only this time its mass is totally contracted that it can end up as no bigger than a state.
    4 Sofar,astronomers have figured out that black holes exist because of Albert Einstcin's theory of
    relativity.In the end,through numerous studies,they have discovered that black holes truly exist.Since black
    holes trap light and do not give off light,it is nearly impossible to detect black holes via a telescope.But
    astronomers continue to study galaxies(银河系), space and the solar system to understand how black holes
    might evolve.It is possible that black holes can exist for millions of years,and later contribute to a bigger
    process in galaxies,which can eventually lead to creation of new entities(实体).Scientists also credit black
    holes as helpful in learning how galaxies began to form.

    Black holes are formed after_________.
    A:the existence of black holes
    B:the creation of new entities
    C:the same amount of mass
    D:an fraction of an inch
    E:a fraction of an inch
    F:the tiniest particle

    第一段描述了什么是黑洞,以及它产生的缘由―巨型恒星爆炸,并叙述了恒星爆炸的 原因和简要过程。再看选项,只有F项符合题意。
    第二段的主要内容是:恒星来自由氢气、其他气体和一些金属组成的恒星;当这些物质 爆炸时,恒星就变成了质量与原先的恒星等同的黑洞,恒星的每个碎片都被重力压缩成极小的 颗粒。观察选项,似乎E、F两项都可选,但一则上一小题只能选F项,二则此段虽也讲了黑洞 是怎么形成的,但比较侧重黑洞形成过程中,原来的恒星变成极小的颗粒。由第三段最后一句 也可知,这些颗粒的质量总和与原来的恒星一样,正是这些颗粒使黑洞有极大的吸附性,而成 其为“黑洞”。因此,黑洞就是由这些极小却质量巨大、吸附性极强的颗粒构成的。故选E。
    第三段描述了黑洞极大的吸附性,及其具有如此大的吸附性的原因。黑洞形成后,周 围一定距离内的几乎一切东西都会被吞噬而难以逃脱,故选A。
    由第一段第二句“ holes come from an explosion of huge stars.”可知答案。
    由第二段第二句后半部分“...the gravity starts to compact every piece into the tiniestparticle”可知答案。
    由第三段最后一句“…the newly formed black hole contains exactly the same amount of mass as when it was a star...”可知答案。

  • 第19题:

    US Blacks Hard-hit by Cancer
    Death rates for cancer are falling for all Americans,but black Americans are still more likely to die of cancer than whites,the American Cancer Society said Monday.
    In a special report on cancer and blacks,the organization said blacks are usually diagnosed with cancer later than whites,and they are more likely to die of the disease.
    This could be because of unequal access to medical care,because blacks are more likely to have other diseases like diabetes as well,and perhaps because of differences in the biology of the cancer itself,the report added.
    “In general,African Americans have less likelihood of surviving five years after diagnosis than whites for all cancer sites and all stages of diagnosis,”the report said.
    “In describing cancer statistics for African Americans,this report recognizes that socioeconomic disparities and unequal access to medical care may underlie many of the differences associated with race.”
    The Cancer Society said blacks should be encouraged to get check-ups earlier,when cancer was more treatable,and it said more research is needed to see if biological differences play a role.
    “The new statistics emphasize the continuing importance of eliminating these social disparities through public policy and education efforts,”the organization said in a statement.
    But it also noted a drop in cancer death rates.
    “Cancer death rates in both sexes for all sites combined have declined substantially among black Americans since 1992,as have incidence rates,”said the report.
    “Increased efforts to improve economic conditions in combination with education about the relationship of lifestyle choices to cancer could further reduce the burden of cancer among African Americans.” About 36 million Americans describe themselves as black,representing about 12 percent of the population.

    Since 1992,cancer death rates among black Americans________.
    A: have been going up and down
    B: have remained stable
    C: have increased
    D: have declined






  • 第20题:

    非自然死亡(unnatural death)/暴力死亡(violent death)

    正确答案: 是指由于生命或疾病发展规律以外的因素作用而提前发生的死亡。包括自杀死、他杀死、意外死、安乐死等。

  • 第21题:

    Which of the following is the correct wiring order for an RJ-11 two line jack?()

    • A、Black,Green,Red,Yellow
    • B、Black,Red,Green,Yellow
    • C、Red,Black,Green,Yellow
    • D、Yellow,Red,Green,Black


  • 第22题:

    Jackie Robinson, the first Black American who was to play baseball in the majorleagues, joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.

    the first and a Black American who


    was the first Black American


    the first Black American


    the Black American who first

    正确答案: A
    结构应用。通过句子结构分析可知,两个逗号之间的部分是插入语,其余是主句成分。划线部分指的是“Jackie Robinson是第一个美国黑人球员”,根据形容词作前置定语的词序,可知正确顺序应该是the first Black American,因此C为正确答案。

  • 第23题:

    Which of the following is correct according to the text?

    Of the criminals arrested in 1970, fifty-seven percent were youths below twenty five of age.


    Lack of education has little to do with the crime rate.


    Differences in state laws for death penalty also account for the increase of crime rate.


    Drug smuggling is the only product of too many shows and reports.

    正确答案: A
    根据第三段“In the first place, some state laws provide a death penalty but some not.”可知,有些州存在死刑刑罚而有些州并没有,这导致了犯罪率上升。

  • 第24题:

    Why did the boss send Mr. Black to China on business?

    Mr. Black had never been to China before.


    Mr. Black was an able and hard-working man.


    Mr. Black could buy something interesting for Tony.

    正确答案: B
    考 点:细节题。Black很能干,工作也很勤奋,他的老板很赏识他,因此派他去中国出差。