单选题(), Tom? I fell off my bike and hurt me legsA What's the matterB What's going onC What did you doD What have you done

(), Tom? I fell off my bike and hurt me legs

What's the matter


What's going on


What did you do


What have you done

更多“(), Tom? I fell off my bike and hurt me legs”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked ()my bike by a motorcycle.






  • 第2题:

    I'll leave my bike____. I'll not need it for the time being.






  • 第3题:

    —May I use your bike? _______ is broken.


    A. My B.Mine C.Yours


  • 第4题:

    Narrow Escape
    We had left the hut too late that morning. When we stepped outside,the sky beyond the mountains to our east was already livid with colour. It meant the day would be a hot one,and the warmth would loosen rocks that were gripped by ice.
    As soon as we stepped out on to the face,it became obvious this was going to be an awkward route. The main problem was talus,the debris that collects on mountainsides. Talus is despised by mountaineers for two reasons. First,because it can easily be pushed off on to you by people climbing above. And second,because it makes every step you take insecure.
    For about 30 minutes we moved steadily up the face. The rock was in poor condition, shattered horizontally and mazed with cracks. When I tried to haul myself up on a block of it,it would pull out towards me,like a drawer opening. My hands became progressively wetter and colder. Then came a shout.“Cailloux!Cailloux!”I heard yelled from above,in a female voice. The words echoed down towards us. I looked up to see where they had come from.
    There were just two rocks at first,leaping and bounding down the face towards us,once cannoning off each other in mid-air. And then the air above suddenly seemed alive with falling rocks,humming through the air and filling it with noise. Crack,went each one as it leapt off the rock face,then hum-hum-hum as it moved through the air,then crack again. The pause between the cracks lengthened each time,as the rocks gained momentum and jumped further and further. I continued to gaze up at the rocks as they fell and skipped towards me. A boy who had been a few years above me at school had taught me never to look up during a rock fall.“Why?Because a rock in your face is far less pleasant than a rock on your helmet,”he told us.“Face in,always face in.”
    I heard Toby,my partner on the mountain that day,shouting at me. I looked across. He was safe beneath an overhanging canopy of rock. I could not understand him. Then I felt a thump,and was tugged backwards and round,as though somebody had clamped a heavy hand on my shoulder and turned me to face them. A rock had hit the lid of my rucksack.
    I looked up again. A rock was heading down straight towards me. Instinctively,I leant backwards and arched my back out from the rock to try to protect my chest. What about my fingers,though,I thought:they'll be crushed flat if it hits them,and I'll never get down. Then I heard a crack directly in front of me,and a tug at my trousers,and a yell from Toby. “Are you all right?That went straight through you.”The rock had pitched in front of me, and passed through the hoop of my body,between my legs,missing me but snatching at my clothing as it went.
    Toby and I had spent the evening talking through the events of the morning:What if the big final stone hadn't leapt sideways,what if I'd been knocked off,would you have held me, would I have pulled you off?A more experienced mountaineer would probably have thought nothing of it.I knew I would not forget it.

    Why was it“too late” by the time they left the hut in the morning?
    A: It would be uncomfortable climbing in hot weather.
    B: The livid colour of the sky would hurt their eyes.
    C: Rocks loosened by melting ice could be dangerous.
    D: They wouldn't be able to walk on the melting ice.

    C 本题的问题是:为什么说他们离开小屋的时间晚了?由第一段可以知道答案“It meant the day would be a hot one, and the warmth would loosen rocks that were gripped by ice. ”可知岩石的状况已经不是很好了,故此题的正确答案为 C。

  • 第5题:

    Narrow Escape
    We had left the hut too late that morning. When we stepped outside,the sky beyond the mountains to our east was already livid with colour. It meant the day would be a hot one,and the warmth would loosen rocks that were gripped by ice.
    As soon as we stepped out on to the face,it became obvious this was going to be an awkward route. The main problem was talus,the debris that collects on mountainsides. Talus is despised by mountaineers for two reasons. First,because it can easily be pushed off on to you by people climbing above. And second,because it makes every step you take insecure.
    For about 30 minutes we moved steadily up the face. The rock was in poor condition, shattered horizontally and mazed with cracks. When I tried to haul myself up on a block of it,it would pull out towards me,like a drawer opening. My hands became progressively wetter and colder. Then came a shout.“Cailloux!Cailloux!”I heard yelled from above,in a female voice. The words echoed down towards us. I looked up to see where they had come from.
    There were just two rocks at first,leaping and bounding down the face towards us,once cannoning off each other in mid-air. And then the air above suddenly seemed alive with falling rocks,humming through the air and filling it with noise. Crack,went each one as it leapt off the rock face,then hum-hum-hum as it moved through the air,then crack again. The pause between the cracks lengthened each time,as the rocks gained momentum and jumped further and further. I continued to gaze up at the rocks as they fell and skipped towards me. A boy who had been a few years above me at school had taught me never to look up during a rock fall.“Why?Because a rock in your face is far less pleasant than a rock on your helmet,”he told us.“Face in,always face in.”
    I heard Toby,my partner on the mountain that day,shouting at me. I looked across. He was safe beneath an overhanging canopy of rock. I could not understand him. Then I felt a thump,and was tugged backwards and round,as though somebody had clamped a heavy hand on my shoulder and turned me to face them. A rock had hit the lid of my rucksack.
    I looked up again. A rock was heading down straight towards me. Instinctively,I leant backwards and arched my back out from the rock to try to protect my chest. What about my fingers,though,I thought:they'll be crushed flat if it hits them,and I'll never get down. Then I heard a crack directly in front of me,and a tug at my trousers,and a yell from Toby. “Are you all right?That went straight through you.”The rock had pitched in front of me, and passed through the hoop of my body,between my legs,missing me but snatching at my clothing as it went.
    Toby and I had spent the evening talking through the events of the morning:What if the big final stone hadn't leapt sideways,what if I'd been knocked off,would you have held me, would I have pulled you off?A more experienced mountaineer would probably have thought nothing of it.I knew I would not forget it.

    The first reason given to explain why mountaineers hate talus is______.
    A: that climbers above you might cause it to fall on you
    B: that it allows people climbing above you to push off
    C: that it makes people climbing above you feel insecure
    D: that it can cause other people to push you off the mountain

    A 本题的问题是:登山者讨厌斜坡的第一个原因是什么?由原文第二段可以直接得出答 案。“First, because it can easily be pushed off on to you by people climbing above. ”

  • 第6题:


    Sleepless at Night

    It was a normal summer night.Humidity(湿气)hung in the thick air.
    I couldn't go to sleep,partly because of my cold and partly because of my expectations
    for the next day.My mum had said that tomorrow was going to be a surprise.
    Sweat stuck to my aching body.Finally,I gathered enough strength to sit up.I looked
    out of my small window into the night.There was a big bright moon hanging in the sky,
    giving off a magic light.
    I couldn't stand the pressure anymore,so I did what I always do to make myself feel
    better.I went to the bathroom and picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste.I cleaned my
    teeth as if there was no tomorrow.Back and forth,up and down.
    Then I walked downstairs to look for some signs of movement,some life.Gladiator,
    my cat , frightened me as he meowed(喵喵地唱出)his sad song.He was on the old
    orange couch(长沙发),sifting up on his front legs,waiting for something to happen.He
    looked at me as if to say, "I'm lonely, pet me.I need a good hug(紧抱)."Even the
    couch begged me to sit on it.
    In one movement I settled down onto the soft couch.This couch represented my
    parents' marriage,my birth,and hundreds of other little events.
    As I held Gladiator,my heart started beating heavily.My mind was flooded with
    questions:What's life?Am I really alive?Are you listening to me?Every time I moved my
    hand down Gladiator's body,I had a new thought;each touch sang a different song.
    I forgot all about the heat and the next day's surprise.The atmosphere was so full of
    warmth and silence that I sank into its arms.Falling asleep with the big cat in my arms,I
    felt all my worries slowly move away.

    Gladiator was the name of
    A:a movie.
    C:a couch.


  • 第7题:

    My brother fell off his bike and hurt himself.()

    AHow careless he was! 

    BI'm sorry to hear that.

    CThat's too bad.

    DI'm bad to hear that.


  • 第8题:

    My brother fell off his bike and hurt himself.()

    • A、How careless he was! 
    • B、I'm sorry to hear that.
    • C、That's too bad.
    • D、I'm bad to hear that.


  • 第9题:

    I fell and hurt myself while I()basketball yesterday.

    • A、was playing 
    • B、am playing 
    • C、play 
    • D、played


  • 第10题:

    I fell off the bike on my way to school. ______, I wasn’t hurt.








    正确答案: C

  • 第11题:

    I fell and hurt myself while I()basketball yesterday.

    was playing 


    am playing 





    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    My brother fell off his bike and hurt himself.()

    How careless he was! 


    I'm sorry to hear that.


    That's too bad.


    I'm bad to hear that.

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    l. I must be off now,( )my sister is expecting me.


    C. for

    D. and


  • 第14题:

    I like this book Tom lent to me.()


  • 第15题:

    Mary: Oh, Lucy! Something terrible happened on me. I fell off my bike and hurt my right leg.

    Lucy: Did you?______. How did it happen?


  • 第16题:

    Narrow Escape
    We had left the hut too late that morning. When we stepped outside,the sky beyond the mountains to our east was already livid with colour. It meant the day would be a hot one,and the warmth would loosen rocks that were gripped by ice.
    As soon as we stepped out on to the face,it became obvious this was going to be an awkward route. The main problem was talus,the debris that collects on mountainsides. Talus is despised by mountaineers for two reasons. First,because it can easily be pushed off on to you by people climbing above. And second,because it makes every step you take insecure.
    For about 30 minutes we moved steadily up the face. The rock was in poor condition, shattered horizontally and mazed with cracks. When I tried to haul myself up on a block of it,it would pull out towards me,like a drawer opening. My hands became progressively wetter and colder. Then came a shout.“Cailloux!Cailloux!”I heard yelled from above,in a female voice. The words echoed down towards us. I looked up to see where they had come from.
    There were just two rocks at first,leaping and bounding down the face towards us,once cannoning off each other in mid-air. And then the air above suddenly seemed alive with falling rocks,humming through the air and filling it with noise. Crack,went each one as it leapt off the rock face,then hum-hum-hum as it moved through the air,then crack again. The pause between the cracks lengthened each time,as the rocks gained momentum and jumped further and further. I continued to gaze up at the rocks as they fell and skipped towards me. A boy who had been a few years above me at school had taught me never to look up during a rock fall.“Why?Because a rock in your face is far less pleasant than a rock on your helmet,”he told us.“Face in,always face in.”
    I heard Toby,my partner on the mountain that day,shouting at me. I looked across. He was safe beneath an overhanging canopy of rock. I could not understand him. Then I felt a thump,and was tugged backwards and round,as though somebody had clamped a heavy hand on my shoulder and turned me to face them. A rock had hit the lid of my rucksack.
    I looked up again. A rock was heading down straight towards me. Instinctively,I leant backwards and arched my back out from the rock to try to protect my chest. What about my fingers,though,I thought:they'll be crushed flat if it hits them,and I'll never get down. Then I heard a crack directly in front of me,and a tug at my trousers,and a yell from Toby. “Are you all right?That went straight through you.”The rock had pitched in front of me, and passed through the hoop of my body,between my legs,missing me but snatching at my clothing as it went.
    Toby and I had spent the evening talking through the events of the morning:What if the big final stone hadn't leapt sideways,what if I'd been knocked off,would you have held me, would I have pulled you off?A more experienced mountaineer would probably have thought nothing of it.I knew I would not forget it.

    What is likely to be the meaning of“Cailloux”?
    A: Rocks are flying through the air.
    B: Rocks are falling.
    C: There are loose rocks on the ground ahead.
    D: There are rocks everywhere.

    B 本题的问题是:“Cailloux”这个词的意思是什么?由第三段后半部分与第四段开头可知 这个单词是石头滑落的意思。“it would pull towards me, like a drawer opening”“There were just two rocks at first, leaping and bounding down the face towards us, once cannoning off each other in mid-air.”

  • 第17题:


    Sleepless at Night

    It was a normal summer night.Humidity(湿气)hung in the thick air.
    I couldn't go to sleep,partly because of my cold and partly because of my expectations
    for the next day.My mum had said that tomorrow was going to be a surprise.
    Sweat stuck to my aching body.Finally,I gathered enough strength to sit up.I looked
    out of my small window into the night.There was a big bright moon hanging in the sky,
    giving off a magic light.
    I couldn't stand the pressure anymore,so I did what I always do to make myself feel
    better.I went to the bathroom and picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste.I cleaned my
    teeth as if there was no tomorrow.Back and forth,up and down.
    Then I walked downstairs to look for some signs of movement,some life.Gladiator,
    my cat , frightened me as he meowed(喵喵地唱出)his sad song.He was on the old
    orange couch(长沙发),sifting up on his front legs,waiting for something to happen.He
    looked at me as if to say, "I'm lonely, pet me.I need a good hug(紧抱)."Even the
    couch begged me to sit on it.
    In one movement I settled down onto the soft couch.This couch represented my
    parents' marriage,my birth,and hundreds of other little events.
    As I held Gladiator,my heart started beating heavily.My mind was flooded with
    questions:What's life?Am I really alive?Are you listening to me?Every time I moved my
    hand down Gladiator's body,I had a new thought;each touch sang a different song.
    I forgot all about the heat and the next day's surprise.The atmosphere was so full of
    warmth and silence that I sank into its arms.Falling asleep with the big cat in my arms,I
    felt all my worries slowly move away.

    The author brushed his teeth over and over
    A:to relieve himself of the pressure.
    B:to ease his toothache.
    C:to shake off the cold.
    D:to remove the dirt.


  • 第18题:

    Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a()and disorder!






  • 第19题:

    (), Tom? I fell off my bike and hurt me legs

    AWhat's the matter

    BWhat's going on

    CWhat did you do

    DWhat have you done


  • 第20题:

    In my opinion, you'd better take a couple of days off.()

    • A、I‘ll take your advice
    • B、Let me see
    • C、Never mind
    • D、I‘m afraid so


  • 第21题:

    (), Tom? I fell off my bike and hurt me legs

    • A、What's the matter
    • B、What's going on
    • C、What did you do
    • D、What have you done


  • 第22题:

    I am easily hurt because my feelings are very().








    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Tom: Hi, Ken. How’s it going?  Ken: OK. How are things with you?  Tom: Not too bad. In fact, pretty good. Did I tell you that I got a new job?  Ken: No. you didn’t.  Tom: ______ I heard about a job opening in another company. I applied and had an interview. Three days later someone called to tell me that I got it.  Ken: ______ How do you like the job?  Tom: I like it. The salary’s a bit higher than on my last job and the benefits are very good.

    You know that I was in the hospital yesterday. I’m glad to see you.


    I was temporarily employed last year. ; It’s natural to hear that.


    I got a promotion last week. ; How lucky you are!


    Well, I was laid off last month. ; That’s good news.

    正确答案: B

  • 第24题:

    (), Tom? I fell off my bike and hurt me legs

    What's the matter


    What's going on


    What did you do


    What have you done

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析