更多“问答题Underline the sentence that indicates the author’s opinion about a person rather than a place.”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    In the author’s opinion, the absorption of immigrants into American society is ________.

    [A] rewarding

    [B] successful

    [C] fruitless

    [D] harmful


  • 第2题:

    The author indicates that a philosopher is a person who ______.

    A. disregards facts

    B. loves wisdom

    C. desires technical knowledge

    D. collects all types of data

    答案为B。根据最后一段第一句,Philosophers assume that the love of wisdom is a natural gift of the human being作出该项选择。

  • 第3题:

    these are articles about ordinary people rather than about politics or national ____________.

    A. accidents

    B. affairs

    C. things

    D. matters


  • 第4题:

    In the author's opinion, visual and spatial abilities are good for ______.

    A) achieving one's objects

    B) mind and body

    C) programming talents into the brain

    D) imagination and communication

    [试题分析] 细节判断题。
    [详细解答] 根据第二段第三句Visual and spatial abilities are good for imagining and manipulating objects and for communicafing information about them.的内容,不难看出本题答案为D。

  • 第5题:

    In the author’s opinion, ________.

    [A] advertising can seldom bring material benefit to man by providing information

    [B] advertising informs people of new ideas rather than wins them over

    [C] there is nothing wrong with advertising in persuading the buyer

    [D] the buyer is not interested in getting information from an advertisement

    54. [C] 意为:广告劝诱消费者无可指责。
       作者认为,毫无疑问,广告会劝诱消费者。它不仅是这样,而且应该是这样,否则,广告便失去了吸引力而没人看了。参阅第53 题题解。
       A是不对的。正如第三段所指出的,广告给社会(community)带来的物质利益(material benefit)比其他形式都大。
       B 意为:广告应给人以新的(消费)观念,而不在于说服人。这里,win over意为:说服,争取;rather than 意为:而不是。可见,所表达的内容与原文中作者表达的观点相反。
       D 意为:消费者不关心广告所提供的信息。这与作者的观点也不同,作者仅是说:广告不能仅局限于提供客观信息,否则,就无法吸引消费者。参阅第 53题题解。

  • 第6题:

    In the author's opinion, Wagoner thinks GM's future is_____.( )

    [A] foreseeable

    [B] uncertain ()

    [C] bright

    [D] bleak


  • 第7题:

    Let's move from the general to the specific.This sentence means let’s talk about some particular and about some part, but not about the whole.


  • 第8题:

    The author’s statement regarding how artists use the languages of art implies that _____.

    artists are better equipped than art historians to provide detailed evaluations of other artist’s work


    many artists have an unusually quick, intuitive understanding of language


    artists can produce works of art even if they cannot analyze their methods of doing so


    artists of the past, such as Giotto, were better educated about artistic issues than were artists of the author’s time

    正确答案: B

  • 第9题:

    The sentence Anyone ,. direction (lines22-24) indicates that ______.

    Most parents are concerned about their children’s ability to read and write correctly.


    Language theorists tend to focus on language acquisition more than later language development.


    Scientists are inclined to disregard devidence that suggests that nonhuman animals can use language.


    More should be done to help children who have difficulty learning language.


    Poor parenting usually leads to weak oral language skills in children.

    正确答案: B

  • 第10题:

    Underline the sentence that suggests a practical factor in the building of larger and larger greenhouses.

    正确答案: As the price of glass came down, greenhouses became ever more elaborate and grand, culminating in Joseph Paxton’s Crystal Palace, a 990,000-square-foot conservatory built London’s Great Exhibition of 1851.

  • 第11题:

    The author says that he is a naturalist rather than a scientist probably because he think he ______.

    just reads about other people's observations and discoveries


    comes up with solutions in most natural ways


    has a great deal of trouble doing mental arithmetic


    lacks some of the qualities required of scientist

    正确答案: D
    推理题。根据题干“作者说自己是一个博物学家而不是科学家,可能是因为他认为自己……”,可定位到第四段:“One of the outstanding and essential qualities required is self-discipline,a quality I lack.”可知答案为D。此题使用排除法也可得出答案。由第三段最后一句话“…… 300 papers and books, which some might honor with the title of scientific research.可知A项错误。B项文章并未提及。C项“在心算方面有很大麻烦”虽在文中出现,但与题目无关。故D项为正确答案。

  • 第12题:

    Underline the sentence that provides a logical explanation for the early astronomers’ errors.

    正确答案: The dampness implied by the names is simply an illusion; basalt reflects less light than the surrounding rock, making these regions appear dark and deep.

  • 第13题:

    In the author’s opinion, advertising ________.

    [A] emerges in the wake of the anti-happy part

    [B] is a cause of disappointment for the general public

    [C] replace the church as a major source of information

    [D] creates an illusion of happiness rather than happiness itself


  • 第14题:

    The author's opinion on Machiavelli's History of Florence is that

    [A] history has much to do with the person who records it.

    [B] the charm lies in the style. rather than in the content.

    [ C] most people failed to read Machiavelli's intention in it.

    [D] any history of this kind should be written in this way.

    60.B该题为观点态度题。根据最后一段可知,作者提出了马基雅维利在内容上的缺陷,即“…adhering at times too closely to the chroni- clers of his time, and at others rejecting their testimony without ap- parent reason…”,意思是“文章中有时候太过于附和他所在时代的编年史,而有时候又坚决抛弃其中的论断,而没有给出任何明显的理由…”。而最后一句作者表明“It is the straightforward, logical narrative, which always holds the interest ofhe reader, that is the greatest charm of the History.”意思是:“他直接的、有逻辑的叙述常常能引起读者的兴趣,这就是这本书的魅力所在。”可见,作者认为这本书内容上有缺陷,而对马基雅维利的语言风格持肯定态度。所以,作者对《佛罗伦萨史》的看法就是:这本书的魅力在于他的文体风格而不是内容,故选B。

  • 第15题:

    My ship’s engine responds well to telegraph orders and takes about 80 seconds to reverse from full speed ahead to full speed astern. This sentence ______.

    A.indicates the engine’s particulars

    B.tells the engine’s function

    C.shows the engine’s type

    D.refers to the engine’s information


  • 第16题:

    In the author’s opinion, advertising

    A.emerges in the wake of the anti-happy part. a cause of disappointment for the general peer C.replace the church as a major source of information D.creates an illusion of happiness rather than happiness itself.


  • 第17题:

    In the author's opinion, __.

    A. developing countries should be responsible for environmental problems

    B. overpopulation in the world is created by the developed countries

    C. rich countries exercise worse influence on environment than poor countries

    D. all countries should bring the population growth under control


  • 第18题:

    The author says that he is a naturalist rather than a scientist probably because he thinks he__________.

    A.just reads about other people's observations and discoveries
    B.comes up with solution in most natural ways
    C.has a great deal of trouble doing mental arithmetic
    D.lacks some of the qualities required of scientist

    由最后一段“0ne ofthe outstanding and essential qualities required is self—discipline.aquality I lack.”可知,D项正确。

  • 第19题:

    Select the sentence that indicates the historical aspect of hiira.

    正确答案: The best answer is:This third gender is referenced in the earliest available records from the Indian Subcontinent, and was an established presence in the Vedic culture.
    题干中的关键词是“historical aspects”,通读全段,可以发现倒数第二句中对“earliest available records”以及“Vedic culture”的描述符合“historical”的要求。

  • 第20题:

    Underline the sentence that gives examples of unpredictability of Huntington’s disease.

    正确答案: After that, the patient’s decline may be slow or rapid, eventually resulting in physical and mental degeneration.

  • 第21题:

    Task II (20 marks)  Directions:Many nations’ serious school problems nowadays result from the students’ attitude. What causes these problems? What’s your opinion to deal with these problems? State your opinion in no less than about 160 words, and write it on the Answer Sheet.

    Nowadays in many nations there are serious school problems—absenteeism, disrespect for teachers, drug abuse, and tardiness. Serious school problems are positively associated with high-risk behaviors of teens: smoking, drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, and so.
    There might be many causes for these various school problems in different cases, but one reason is in common—the student’s attitude. Every single person is responsible for his or her own actions, so do the students. And if one’s attitude is upright, there would be no reason for him or her to misbehave. On the contrary, if a student is experiencing serious school problems, parents and teachers better take a close look into his or her attitude. There must be something wrong with it.
    Thus, in order to prevent serious school problems, it is necessary to cultivate a positive attitude in the students. Positive attitude will bring out the best in them and will become the key to their success at school.
    (Word Count: 158)
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    Some people say that computers are making the world lonely and dehumanized. What is your opinion? State your opinion in no less than about 160 words, and write it on the Answer Sheet.

    Many people hold that computers are making the world lonely and dehumanized. I could hardly agree with them and I believe that the benefits brought by computers outweigh their defects.
    First of all, computers make our lives more convenient than that of before, especially in communication. Chatting on line is much cheaper than talking on telephone and quicker than writing letters.
    What’s more, computers enrich our lives and broaden our horizon greatly. We are able to get access to news and other useful information all over the world even when we stay at home. At the same time, listening to music or watching movies on line is such a pleasure.
    Last but not least, the computer has become an indispensable tool of the modern society. Now we have business on line, bank on line, we even shop on line. With computers, we can handle complicated data, which was considered impossible by human beings in the past.
    In sum, though computers might bring us certain negative effects, they benefit us a lot. Used in an appropriate way, computers could be of great help.
    (Word Count: 182)
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Practice 6  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  Akira Kurosawa’s film masterpiece Rashomon portrays several people who have witnessed a death. As each observer recounts the event as he or she witnessed it, we come to realize that each person’s story varies greatly from every other account. Watching the movie, we reflect the truth of an experience—and perhaps all truth—is different for each person.  Assignment: What is your opinion of the claim that truth is not objective, but rather is determined by each individual? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    The difference between perspective and truth is that perspective originates from an individual. Each person possesses a unique outlook on life, but truth, by definition, must be the same for every individual. The law of gravity cannot be challenged, nor are there any exceptions to it because it applies to everything on Earth. Similarly, our actions cannot, and do not, affect the truth because it exists outside the realm of our control.
    Platonic idealism holds that ideals exist outside the realm of the physical. That is the idea of what an object is (its definition) cannot be found in the human word. For example, if we look at the definition of a ball, it may say that a ball is a spherical object of fully rounded shape, with no angles, that contains radii of entirely equal lengths spanning out from a central point. Yet there are many different types of balls, including basketballs, baseballs, cricket balls, and so on. So even though many objects fit this definition of a ball, the “ideal,” or the truth of what a ball is, only exists in words, not in reality. Hence, we must conclude that an objective understanding of “ball” exists, as every person understands it.
    Events may be objectively understood as well. Though every person may see differently from his own eyes, due to differences in backgrounds and desires, impartial facts are immutable. For example, the Agatha Christie novel, Murder on the Orient Express, is a classic whodunit mystery that requires one detective to sort through twelve suspects in a murder case to find the true killer of a Mr. Ratchett. Detective Poirot is given the task of catching the true killer by sorting through various, sometimes conflicting, alibis and motives. Though he is given twelve different narratives from his suspects, Poirot eventually brilliantly pieces together the objective events to find the truth on who kills Mr. Ratchett. Therefore, regardless of what subjective stories may exist in the world, an objective truth always exists.
    There is a famous saying that says one cannot judge another person until one has walked a mile in that person’s shoes. Human perceptions vary tremendously from person to person, but in order to separate the objective from the subjective, we must step outside the world of opinion, and review facts. What is true cannot be debated; it can only be described by words.
    解析: 暂无解析