多选题We lost confidence in him because he never ______ the grandiose promises he had made.Aforgot aboutBreneged onCcarried outDtired ofEdelivered onFretreated from

We lost confidence in him because he never ______ the grandiose promises he had made.

forgot about


reneged on


carried out


tired of


delivered on


retreated from


3.While traveling abroad(在国外), Mr. Jackson Frank ran short of money. So he wrote to his brother, asking for $500. "Send the money by telegram," he wrote, "to the Fisher Bank in P…" After a week he began calling at the Fisher Bank. He showed his passport(护照). "Nothing has come for you," he was told. This went on for two weeks, and Mr. Frank got very worried. He sent a telegram to his brother, asking where the money was. There was no reply, and no money arrived for him.In the fourth week Mr. Frank was arrested for failing to pay hotel bill. His passport was taken from him. He tried to explain the problem, but no one believed him. He was sent to prison for sixty days. When he came out, he went immediately to the Fisher Bank. The Clerk(职员)he spoke to was a new man. "Have you received $500 for me?" he asked, "My name is Jackson Frank." The clerk checked his books. "Yes, Mr. Jackson, it's here. It came by telegram - let me see - oh, more than two months ago."We wondered where you were." He showed Mr. Frank the order. The order(汇单)read: "Pay Mr. Frank Jackson the sum of $500 …""But my name is Jackson Frank, not Frank Jackson.""Oh, that's all right, sir. It was in our books under the letter 'J', but it's your money."The clerk laughed. "A human mistake, sir! We're all human beings, aren't we? And so we all make mistakes. A family name like Frank sounds strange to me."Mr frank was silent. He really wanted to hit somebody. At last he said, "A human mistake - is that what you call it? I think some humans need kicking."1. Jackson didn't just go to his brother and get some money because _____.A. he was afraid to see his brotherB. he was in prison and was not allowed to go anywhereC. he was traveling in a foreign country and was far from his brotherD. he knew that his brother had no money2. A week after he had written to his brother, Jackson began _____.A. telephoning the bankB. visiting the bankC. shouting at the clerks of the bankD. explaining his problem to the clerks of the bank3. Jackson was arrested and sent to prison because _____.A. his brother hadn't sent him any money and he couldn't pay his hotel billB. he had spent almost all his money and couldn't pay his hotel billC. he had lost all his money and couldn't pay his hotel billD. his brother hadn't sent him as much money as he asked for and he couldn't pay his hotel bill4. Which of the following statements is true? _____A. The money did not reach the Fisher Bank.B. The money reached the wrong bank.C. The money reached the bank after he was arrested.D. The money reached the bank before he was arrested.5. The clerks put his name under the wrong letter _____.A. through carelessnessB. because they were human beingsC. because he had a strange nameD. by pronouncing his name incorrectly

更多“多选题We lost confidence in him because he never ______ the grandiose promises he had made.Aforgot aboutBreneged onCcarried outDtired ofEdelivered onFretreated from”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    “if he had not been hurt __________ much, he’d never resign from office.“

    A. very

    B. fairly

    C. that

    D. rather


  • 第2题:

    He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found _________of them again.


    B. either

    C. eath



  • 第3题:

    We have no trust in him because he has never__________ the grandiose promises he makes.

    A.delivered on

    B.eaten off

    C.forgotten about

    D.abided by

    考查动词短语辨析。句意为“我们不信任他,因为他从来没履行过他那些华而不实的承诺”。deliveron“履行诺言,不负众望,兑现”,eat off‘吃掉,腐蚀掉”,forget about“忘记”,abideby“遵守,遵循(法律、协议、协定等)”。故选A。

  • 第4题:

    Too Late to Regret It
    When I was a junior,I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-looking,but he was very nice,attractive and athletic.He had something that I admired very much .He was natural,warm,and sincere.
    I disregarded(不顾)my parents' disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning,and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus , or sunbathe(晒太阳)on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm .He came from a poor family,but in order to make me happy,he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me .Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model, and the girls envied(妒忌)me. He wasn't a local , but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we had a future together.
    However,when I got a part-time job during the summer vacation,people began giving me a lot of pressure,saying that a pretty,intelligent girl like me should find a better guy to spend time with .This was also what my family thought.He spent the summer in his hometown,so I was all by myself. When he got back,I began finding faults with him.But his big heart and warmth soon drove all unpleasant thoughts away .However,I had no idea how badly I had hurt him and that things would get worse.
    I had a good part-time job off campus that paid pretty well.With my good performance at school,I also got admission to graduate school at one of China's best universities.He,on the oth- er hand,did not do so well at school or at work .I had to worry about his living expenses,job and scores。
    Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him.Then we had a quarrel last June .He was in great pain,and my cold words and bad moods started turning him away.
    Graduation time was drawing near. He said that he couldn't put up with me anymore,and he said he wanted to go back to his hometown.I was shocked and looked at him in despair. True love happens only once,but I found it out too late.

    Why did he leave her?
    A: Because he could no longer bear her.
    B: Because he hated her.
    C: Because his parents needed taking care of.
    D: Because he wasn't a local.






  • 第5题:

    Mau Piailug,Ocean Navigator
    Mau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methods.
    In early 1976,Mau Piailug,a fisherman,led an expedition in which he sailed a tradi-tional Polynesian boat across 2,500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti.The Polynesian Voyaging Society had organised the expedition.Its purpose was to find out if seafarers(海员) in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without naviga-tional instruments,or whether the islands had been populated by accident.At the time,Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.
    He had never before sailed to Tahiti,which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands,so he was confident he could find his way.The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.
    His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behaviour of the waves and wind changed in different place.Later,Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star.
    The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.Mau himself became a keen teacher,passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost.He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.

    At the time of his voyage,Mau had unique navigational skills.
    C:Not mentioned

    题干意为“玛乌航行的时候,他有独特的航行技术。”关键词是unique navi-gational skills。依据此关键词组,可在文中第一段最后一句找到相关叙述:“At the time, Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.”(在那时,玛乌是在世的人中唯一一个仅仅通过观察星星、风和海洋来远航的人。)由此可知,当时来说,玛乌的航行技术的确是独特的,故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“玛乌很熟悉塔希提岛周围的海洋。”关键词是Tahiti。依据此关键词,可在文中第二段前两句找到相关叙述:“He had never before sailed to Tahiti, which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands, so he was confident he could find his way.”(他从来没有航行到过塔希提岛,从塔希提岛到南方是一段很长的路程。然而他知道岛周围的风和海洋是怎么活动的,所以他自信可以找到路。)由此可知,虽然玛乌没有去过这个岛,但是他很熟悉海洋,故此题说法是“正确”的。
    题干意为“玛乌买不起罗盘和图表。”关键词是compass和charts。依据关键词,可在文中第二段最后一句找到相关叙述:“The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.”(这次航行要花费他和船员们一个月的时间,而且他们航行的时候没有罗盘和图表。)由此可知,他们航行确实用不到罗盘和图表,但是文中并没提到玛乌买不起这些工具,故此说法为“未提及”的。
    题干意为“玛乌从祖父那里学到了航海技术。”关键词是grandfather。依据此关健词,可在文中第三段第一句找到相关叙述:“His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.”(当他还很小的时候,他的祖父就开始教他航海。)故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“玛乌用石头记忆天空中星星的位置。”关键词是stones和stars。 依据关键词,可在文中第三段倒数第二句找到相关叙述:“Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.”(之后,玛乌用一圈石头来记忆星星的位置。)故此题说法是“正确”的。
    题干意为“夏威夷最早的居民能读写。”关键词是first inhabitants of Ha-waii。依据关键词可在文中最后一段第一句找到相关叙述:“The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.”(此次航行证明,夏威夷最早的居民是乘小船来到这里的,并通过观察海洋和星空来航行。)文中的 reading是观察的意思,除此之外并没有提到这些最早的居民会不会读写,故此说法是“未提及”的。
    题干意为“玛乌希望自己的学生们能立刻记住星星的位置。”关键词是 students。依据此关键词,可在文中最后一句找到相关叙述:“He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.”(他向学生们解释星星的位置, 但他允许学生把知识点写下来,因为他知道他们不可能像他一样记住所有东西。)故此题说法为“错误”的。

  • 第6题:


    Too Late to Regret It

    When I was a junior,I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-loo-king,but he was very nice,attractive and athletic.He had something that I admired very much.He was natural,warm,and sincere.
    I disregarded(不顾)my parents' disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning,and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus, or sunbathe(晒太阳)on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm. He came from a poor family,but in order to make me happy,he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me.Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model,and the girls envied(妒忌)me. He wasn't a local, but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we had a future together.
    However,when I got a part-time job during the summer vacation,people began giving me a lot of pressure,saying that a pretty,intelligent girl like me should find a better guy to spend time with. This was also what my family thought. He spent the summer in his hometown,so I was all by myself. When he got back,I began finding faults with him. But his big heart and warmth soon drove all unpleasant thoughts away.However,I had no idea how badly I had hurt him and that things would get worse.
    I had a good part-time job off campus that paid pretty well.With my good performance at school,I also got admission to graduate school at one of China's best universities.He,on the other hand,did not do so well at school or at work.I had to worry about his living expenses,job and scores.
    Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him.Then we had a quarrel last June.He was in great pain,and my cold words and bad moods started turning him away.
    Graduation time was drawing near. He said that he couldn't put up with me any more and he said he wanted to go back to his hometown.I was shocked and looked at him in despair.
    True love happens only once,but I found it out too late.

    Why did he leave her?
    A:Because he could no longer bear her.
    B:Because he hated her.
    C:Because his parents needed taking care of.
    D:Because he wasn't a local.


  • 第7题:

    Mau Piailug,Ocean Navigator
    Mau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methods.
    In early 1976,Mau Piailug,a fisherman,led an expedition in which he sailed a tradi-tional Polynesian boat across 2,500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti.The Polynesian Voyaging Society had organised the expedition.Its purpose was to find out if seafarers(海员) in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without naviga-tional instruments,or whether the islands had been populated by accident.At the time,Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.
    He had never before sailed to Tahiti,which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands,so he was confident he could find his way.The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.
    His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behaviour of the waves and wind changed in different place.Later,Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star.
    The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.Mau himself became a keen teacher,passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost.He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.

    Mau learnt navigation skills from his grandfather.
    C:Not mentioned

    题干意为“玛乌航行的时候,他有独特的航行技术。”关键词是unique navi-gational skills。依据此关键词组,可在文中第一段最后一句找到相关叙述:“At the time, Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.”(在那时,玛乌是在世的人中唯一一个仅仅通过观察星星、风和海洋来远航的人。)由此可知,当时来说,玛乌的航行技术的确是独特的,故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“玛乌很熟悉塔希提岛周围的海洋。”关键词是Tahiti。依据此关键词,可在文中第二段前两句找到相关叙述:“He had never before sailed to Tahiti, which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands, so he was confident he could find his way.”(他从来没有航行到过塔希提岛,从塔希提岛到南方是一段很长的路程。然而他知道岛周围的风和海洋是怎么活动的,所以他自信可以找到路。)由此可知,虽然玛乌没有去过这个岛,但是他很熟悉海洋,故此题说法是“正确”的。
    题干意为“玛乌买不起罗盘和图表。”关键词是compass和charts。依据关键词,可在文中第二段最后一句找到相关叙述:“The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.”(这次航行要花费他和船员们一个月的时间,而且他们航行的时候没有罗盘和图表。)由此可知,他们航行确实用不到罗盘和图表,但是文中并没提到玛乌买不起这些工具,故此说法为“未提及”的。
    题干意为“玛乌从祖父那里学到了航海技术。”关键词是grandfather。依据此关健词,可在文中第三段第一句找到相关叙述:“His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.”(当他还很小的时候,他的祖父就开始教他航海。)故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“玛乌用石头记忆天空中星星的位置。”关键词是stones和stars。 依据关键词,可在文中第三段倒数第二句找到相关叙述:“Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.”(之后,玛乌用一圈石头来记忆星星的位置。)故此题说法是“正确”的。
    题干意为“夏威夷最早的居民能读写。”关键词是first inhabitants of Ha-waii。依据关键词可在文中最后一段第一句找到相关叙述:“The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.”(此次航行证明,夏威夷最早的居民是乘小船来到这里的,并通过观察海洋和星空来航行。)文中的 reading是观察的意思,除此之外并没有提到这些最早的居民会不会读写,故此说法是“未提及”的。
    题干意为“玛乌希望自己的学生们能立刻记住星星的位置。”关键词是 students。依据此关键词,可在文中最后一句找到相关叙述:“He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.”(他向学生们解释星星的位置, 但他允许学生把知识点写下来,因为他知道他们不可能像他一样记住所有东西。)故此题说法为“错误”的。

  • 第8题:


    Too Late to Regret It

    When I was a junior,I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-looking,but he was very nice,attractive and athletic.He had something that I admired very much. He was natural,warm,and sincere.
    I disregarded(不顾)my parents' disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning,and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus, or sunbathe(晒太阳)on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm. He came from a poor family,but in order to make me happy,he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me.Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model,and the girls envied (妒忌)me. He wasn't a local, but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we had a future together.
    However,I got a part-time job that paid pretty well during the summer vacation.
    With my good performance at school,I also got admission to graduate school at one of China's best universities.He,on the other hand,did not do so well at school or at work.I had to worry about his living expenses,job and scores.
    Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him. Then we had a quarrel last June.He was in great pain,and my cold words and bad moods started turning him away.
    Graduation time was drawing near,and he said he wanted to go back to his hometown.He said that he couldn't put up with me anymore.I was shocked and looked at him in despair.
    True love happens only once,but I found it out too late.

    Why did he leave her?
    A:Because he could no longer bear her.
    B:Because he hated her.
    C:Because his parents needed taking care of.
    D:Because he wasn't a local.

    句子意思是“什么时候女孩爱上了男孩”。这个在文章开篇就提及:When I was a junior,I met a second一year student in my department…I disregarded my parents' disapproval.We were very happy together.junior的意思是“大学三年级学生”。freshman:大一学生;sophomore:大二学生;senior:大四学生。
    句子意思是“男孩做了什么让女孩很高兴”。文章第二段提及:in order to make me happy,he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me.
    句子意思是“谁建议女孩和男孩分手呢”。文章中提及:Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him.
    句子意思是“为什么男孩离开了她呢”。文中提及:He said that he couldn't put up with me anymore.注意put up with与bear的意思相同,都是指“忍受”。
    句子意思是“当得知他要离开她,她十分伤心”。这个在文章倒数第二段中提及:I was shocked and looked at him in despair.

  • 第9题:

    People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware()he had gone

    Aof where 

    Bof the place where 


    Dthe place


  • 第10题:

    People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware()he had gone.

    • A、of where
    • B、of the place where
    • C、where
    • D、the place


  • 第11题:

    The man()the gate when he realized that we had spotted him.

    made off


    made for


    made out


    made up

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware()he had gone

    of where 


    of the place where 




    the place

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    We had warned him __ the danger but he turned a deaf ear to our warning.






  • 第14题:

    I met him on the Internet and we chatted for several months. Every time I suggested we meet in person,he would come up with an excuse. I thought it was strange-but he told me that he had not gotten over the death of his wife and he was still grieving for her.

    I thought that he needed a friend and decided that I could be that friend. We sent cards, exchanged gifts,talked on the phone and I was sure that we would meet someday. I had spoken with his children so I was sure that what he told me was true. I could not wait for the day when we would meet. I was so looking forward to being able to reach out and touch him. To hug him,to hold him and feel his big strong arms around me.

    After almost two years of time,thousands of dollars on long distance phone calls,I was very frustrated at the endless stream of excuses as to why we could never seem to make a time to meet. Finally,contacted the website WhoisHe. com and asked if they could check out the man who had taken up so much of my heart,my energy and my life. I had enough information about him and felt that if I could confirm what he had been telling me-I could feel okay about these delays. I had hopes that I didn't want to dash if he was telling the truth. I believed I could wait a little while longer.

    Well, I am glad that I decided to have him checked out-he was nothing he claimed to be. He was first and foremost a married man. He was not a man grieving for the loss of his wife. He was a man cheating on his wife,with me-and I found out later,with countless others on the“net”. He did not care that he had hurt me in a very deep and pathetic way. He talked of spending his life together with me. He told my son that he wanted to make me happy. Basically,he just lied. He was such a good liar I did not see it coming. It was as if he had been able to worm his way into my heart-and he didn't care about the effect he had on my hopes and dreams.

    Each of us should look at the signs that are so clear if we are willing to see them. Do not let someone keep making excuse after excuse. If something feels wrong-likely it is. It is good to know the truth and be able to deal with it. Next time I will pay more attention. I may never be able to trust someone online again.

    It can be inferred from Para. 4 that______.

    A.the man was a single person in reality

    B.the woman was the man's only girlfriend

    C.the man had too many girlfriends on the net

    D.the woman had countless online boyfriends


  • 第15题:


    A Desert Between Paul and Clara

    Paul had long promised to marry Clara.But at thirty-three he met and married Alice.
    Clara was driven mad.
    Paul was taken to court.The judge ordered him to pay Clara$600 because of the
    broken promise.Paul had to borrow the money from a moneylender. He agreed to pay
    back$5 a month一for twenty years.His wages at the time were$16 a month,
    Paul and Alice were poor but not unhappy.They had little enough food,certainly,
    even before the children began to arrive.Each month Paul paid$5 to the moneylender.
    He worked hard,never taking a holiday,In time,there were seven mouths to feed.
    Illness was always with them.It grew serious when the oldest child was eight.The
    years of hunger weakened the family,because each month Paul paid$5.The details of
    the sickness were ugly,but the result was this:after twelve years of family life,Paul was
    alone in the world.
    He lived alone,except for memories.Work was not now a god for him:it was a pain-
    killer. Each month he paid,and in time the twenty years ended.From that moment his
    wages were his own.
    One day,it was a holiday一he went to the seaside.He sat down on a seat by the sea.
    A middle-aged woman came and sat down near him.They recognized each other at once.
    The woman said,"The$600 has been in the bank since the day it was paid to me.It
    is now$6,000,and I have kept it for you.Will you let me share it with you?"
    "No,"said Paul,gently."Each thousand is a lost life in a desert between us.It can
    never bring any happiness."

    Paul was ordered to pay Clara$600 because
    A:he had borrowed$600 from her.
    B:he had broken his word to marry her.
    C:he had promised to give her$600.
    D:he had spent a lot of her money.


  • 第16题:

    Mau Piailug,Ocean Navigator
    Mau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methods.
    In early 1976,Mau Piailug,a fisherman,led an expedition in which he sailed a tradi-tional Polynesian boat across 2,500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti.The Polynesian Voyaging Society had organised the expedition.Its purpose was to find out if seafarers(海员) in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without naviga-tional instruments,or whether the islands had been populated by accident.At the time,Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.
    He had never before sailed to Tahiti,which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands,so he was confident he could find his way.The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.
    His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behaviour of the waves and wind changed in different place.Later,Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star.
    The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.Mau himself became a keen teacher,passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost.He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.

    Mau expected his students to remember the positions of the stars immediately.
    C:Not mentioned

    题干意为“玛乌航行的时候,他有独特的航行技术。”关键词是unique navi-gational skills。依据此关键词组,可在文中第一段最后一句找到相关叙述:“At the time, Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.”(在那时,玛乌是在世的人中唯一一个仅仅通过观察星星、风和海洋来远航的人。)由此可知,当时来说,玛乌的航行技术的确是独特的,故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“玛乌很熟悉塔希提岛周围的海洋。”关键词是Tahiti。依据此关键词,可在文中第二段前两句找到相关叙述:“He had never before sailed to Tahiti, which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands, so he was confident he could find his way.”(他从来没有航行到过塔希提岛,从塔希提岛到南方是一段很长的路程。然而他知道岛周围的风和海洋是怎么活动的,所以他自信可以找到路。)由此可知,虽然玛乌没有去过这个岛,但是他很熟悉海洋,故此题说法是“正确”的。
    题干意为“玛乌买不起罗盘和图表。”关键词是compass和charts。依据关键词,可在文中第二段最后一句找到相关叙述:“The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.”(这次航行要花费他和船员们一个月的时间,而且他们航行的时候没有罗盘和图表。)由此可知,他们航行确实用不到罗盘和图表,但是文中并没提到玛乌买不起这些工具,故此说法为“未提及”的。
    题干意为“玛乌从祖父那里学到了航海技术。”关键词是grandfather。依据此关健词,可在文中第三段第一句找到相关叙述:“His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.”(当他还很小的时候,他的祖父就开始教他航海。)故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“玛乌用石头记忆天空中星星的位置。”关键词是stones和stars。 依据关键词,可在文中第三段倒数第二句找到相关叙述:“Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.”(之后,玛乌用一圈石头来记忆星星的位置。)故此题说法是“正确”的。
    题干意为“夏威夷最早的居民能读写。”关键词是first inhabitants of Ha-waii。依据关键词可在文中最后一段第一句找到相关叙述:“The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.”(此次航行证明,夏威夷最早的居民是乘小船来到这里的,并通过观察海洋和星空来航行。)文中的 reading是观察的意思,除此之外并没有提到这些最早的居民会不会读写,故此说法是“未提及”的。
    题干意为“玛乌希望自己的学生们能立刻记住星星的位置。”关键词是 students。依据此关键词,可在文中最后一句找到相关叙述:“He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.”(他向学生们解释星星的位置, 但他允许学生把知识点写下来,因为他知道他们不可能像他一样记住所有东西。)故此题说法为“错误”的。

  • 第17题:

    Too Late to Regret It
    When I was a junior,I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-looking,but he was very nice,attractive and athletic.He had something that I admired very much .He was natural,warm,and sincere.
    I disregarded(不顾)my parents' disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning,and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus , or sunbathe(晒太阳)on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm .He came from a poor family,but in order to make me happy,he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me .Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model, and the girls envied(妒忌)me. He wasn't a local , but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we had a future together.
    However,when I got a part-time job during the summer vacation,people began giving me a lot of pressure,saying that a pretty,intelligent girl like me should find a better guy to spend time with .This was also what my family thought.He spent the summer in his hometown,so I was all by myself. When he got back,I began finding faults with him.But his big heart and warmth soon drove all unpleasant thoughts away .However,I had no idea how badly I had hurt him and that things would get worse.
    I had a good part-time job off campus that paid pretty well.With my good performance at school,I also got admission to graduate school at one of China's best universities.He,on the oth- er hand,did not do so well at school or at work .I had to worry about his living expenses,job and scores。
    Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him.Then we had a quarrel last June .He was in great pain,and my cold words and bad moods started turning him away.
    Graduation time was drawing near. He said that he couldn't put up with me anymore,and he said he wanted to go back to his hometown.I was shocked and looked at him in despair. True love happens only once,but I found it out too late.

    When did the author fall in love with the boy?
    A: After she had a quarrel with him.
    B: When she was a junior.
    C: When she was a second-year student.
    D: After she found a part-time job.






  • 第18题:

    Too Late to Regret It
    When I was a junior,I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-looking,but he was very nice,attractive and athletic.He had something that I admired very much .He was natural,warm,and sincere.
    I disregarded(不顾)my parents' disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning,and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus , or sunbathe(晒太阳)on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm .He came from a poor family,but in order to make me happy,he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me .Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model, and the girls envied(妒忌)me. He wasn't a local , but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we had a future together.
    However,when I got a part-time job during the summer vacation,people began giving me a lot of pressure,saying that a pretty,intelligent girl like me should find a better guy to spend time with .This was also what my family thought.He spent the summer in his hometown,so I was all by myself. When he got back,I began finding faults with him.But his big heart and warmth soon drove all unpleasant thoughts away .However,I had no idea how badly I had hurt him and that things would get worse.
    I had a good part-time job off campus that paid pretty well.With my good performance at school,I also got admission to graduate school at one of China's best universities.He,on the oth- er hand,did not do so well at school or at work .I had to worry about his living expenses,job and scores。
    Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him.Then we had a quarrel last June .He was in great pain,and my cold words and bad moods started turning him away.
    Graduation time was drawing near. He said that he couldn't put up with me anymore,and he said he wanted to go back to his hometown.I was shocked and looked at him in despair. True love happens only once,but I found it out too late.

    What did he do to make her happy?
    A: He studied much harder.
    B: He often took her for a ride.
    C: He always endured her insults.
    D: He often bought her presents and meals.






  • 第19题:


    Too Late to Regret It

    When I was a junior,I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-looking,but he was very nice,attractive and athletic.He had something that I admired very much. He was natural,warm,and sincere.
    I disregarded(不顾)my parents' disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning,and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus, or sunbathe(晒太阳)on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm. He came from a poor family,but in order to make me happy,he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me.Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model,and the girls envied (妒忌)me. He wasn't a local, but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we had a future together.
    However,I got a part-time job that paid pretty well during the summer vacation.
    With my good performance at school,I also got admission to graduate school at one of China's best universities.He,on the other hand,did not do so well at school or at work.I had to worry about his living expenses,job and scores.
    Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him. Then we had a quarrel last June.He was in great pain,and my cold words and bad moods started turning him away.
    Graduation time was drawing near,and he said he wanted to go back to his hometown.He said that he couldn't put up with me anymore.I was shocked and looked at him in despair.
    True love happens only once,but I found it out too late.

    When did the author fall in love with the boy?
    A:After she had a quarrel with him.
    B:When she was a junior.
    C:When she was a second-year student.
    D:After she found a part-time job.

    句子意思是“什么时候女孩爱上了男孩”。这个在文章开篇就提及:When I was a junior,I met a second一year student in my department…I disregarded my parents' disapproval.We were very happy together.junior的意思是“大学三年级学生”。freshman:大一学生;sophomore:大二学生;senior:大四学生。
    句子意思是“男孩做了什么让女孩很高兴”。文章第二段提及:in order to make me happy,he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me.
    句子意思是“谁建议女孩和男孩分手呢”。文章中提及:Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him.
    句子意思是“为什么男孩离开了她呢”。文中提及:He said that he couldn't put up with me anymore.注意put up with与bear的意思相同,都是指“忍受”。
    句子意思是“当得知他要离开她,她十分伤心”。这个在文章倒数第二段中提及:I was shocked and looked at him in despair.

  • 第20题:

    —Did we have to wait for Tom
    —Well,_______very angry if we hadn‘t waited for him.

    A.he‘d have been
    B.he were
    C.he had been
    D.he must be


  • 第21题:

    People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware()he had gone

    • A、of where 
    • B、of the place where 
    • C、where  
    • D、the place


  • 第22题:

    We lost confidence in him because he never ______ the grandiose promises he had made.

    forgot about


    reneged on


    carried out


    tired of


    delivered on


    retreated from

    正确答案: D,F
    根据句意可以推测,我们对他失去信心的原因是他从未兑现过自己做出的不切实际的承诺,由此可见,选项C carried out(实现,完成)和选项E delivered on(履行)最符合句意且意思相近;A forgot about 忘记,忘却;B reneged on 违约;D tired of 厌倦;F retreated from 退出;放弃。

  • 第23题:

    We have no trust in him because he has never__________ the grandiose promises he makes.

    delivered on


    eaten off


    forgotten about


    abided by

    正确答案: A

  • 第24题:

    It is no _____ talking to him, because he will never change his mind.








    正确答案: B
    句意:和他说也没用,因为他是绝对不会改变想法的。固定句型It is no use doing sth.例句:It is no use crying over the spilt milk.覆水难收。