单选题—Who told you that?—It’s a friend of your ______. —If that, it’s not the friend of my ______.A mother; motherB mother’s; mother’sC mother; mother’sD mother’s; mother

—Who told you that?—It’s a friend of your ______. —If that, it’s not the friend of my ______.

mother; mother


mother’s; mother’s


mother; mother’s


mother’s; mother

更多“单选题—Who told you that?—It’s a friend of your ______. —If that, it’s not the friend of my ______.A mother; motherB mother’s; mother’sC mother; mother’sD mother’s; mother”相关问题
  • 第1题:






  • 第2题:

    23._______.birthday is September 9th.

    A. My

    B. Joe's

    C.Joe's father's

    D.Joe's mother's

    23.B【解析】短文中Joe介绍“September 9th is my birthday,,。”可知,本题应选Joe:s,B为正确答案。本题极易不作人称的转换而误选A.短文是以Joc的第一人称写的,做题时应转换为第三人称.

  • 第3题:

    The thief snatched both John's ( ) handbags.

    A、mother-in-law’s and his sister-in-law's

    B、mother’s-in-law’s and his sister's-in-law’s

    C、mother’s-in-law and his sister’s-in-law

    D、mother-in-laws’ and his sister-in-laws’


  • 第4题:

    What is the passage mainly about?( )

    A. The changes of the author’s attitude to her mother’s English.

    B. The limitation of the author’s perception of her mother.

    C. The author’s misunderstanding of “limited” English.

    D. The author’s experiences of using broken English.


  • 第5题:

    More and more gadgets seek to replicate the sorts of things your mother used to needle youabout: getting exercise, eating more slowly or brushing your teeth. Now one company has decided toembrace that image--it has named iom a firm called Sense, caught my eye at a press preview for the 2014 ConsumerElectronics Show in Las Vegas, in part because of its unique design. It looks like a cross betweenWALL-E's girlfriend EVE and Russian nesting dolls. Mother has slightly creepy glowing eyes--butsurely has your best interest at heart? Mother's potential use is intriguing: Each Mother unit talkswirelessly to a set of smaller tracking devices, dubbed cookies, which can sense motion andtemperature. You can put cookies on things and people--on your body to gather data about how muchyou walk, on your coffee machine to track many espressos you drink, on your front door to trackwhenever it is opened, on your toothbrush to see how often and how long you brush ... and so forth.
    Whenever the cookies get close to the Mother unit, they wirelessly send back their data to theInternet.
    The company says users of Mother, which is supposed to start shipping in the spring, will beable look at all their information at once, or drill down on certain topics. And if something is reallyimportant, you can have an alert sent to your phone when a sensor detects a change.
    So what does all that data do for you? That's a question that bedevils many Internet of Thingsgadgets on display here at CES. Mother's makers say the data she tracks can help you gain peaceof mind by answering specific questions in your life, such as,"Am I drinking enough water?" or,"Did somebody open my secret drawer?"
    Lots of companies want to connect parts of your body, home and life to the Internet--a trendcalled the "Internet of Things". Mother's maker, Rafi Haladjian, told me he thinks having separatedevices for all these things is too expensive and too cumbersome because they can't talk to eachother."There are not so many needs that are worth $200" for a distinct Internet-connected device,he said.
    Mother, which costs $222 for a base unit and four cookies, is designed to be repurposed asnew challenges or needs spring to mind, he said. It's kind of like a mobile device that can run anever-changing array of apps.
    Where did the name come from? "We need a device that does all sort of things," Haladjiansaid. "The metaphor that matched this noble caring figure is the mother. She is not a nurse, agardener or a cop--she is everything at the same time."

    The best title of the passage may be

    A.A New "Mother" to Digitally Nag You
    B.A New Electronic Device Come into Being
    C."Mother" is Better than Other Devices
    D."Mother" is to Care for You


  • 第6题:

    To our surprise, the stranger ______ to be an old friend of my mother's.

    A. turned out
    B. turned up
    C. set out
    D. set up

    urn out意为"结果是,原来是";turn up意为"找到,发现,出现,开大音量";set out意为"开始,出发,陈述";set up意为"设立,竖立,架起,升起,创(纪录),提出"。

  • 第7题:

    I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat writing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the more wonderful thing in the world. Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother."But the desk," she'd said again, "it's for Elizaheth."
    I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in acdou. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. They never happened.And a gulf opened between us. I was "too emotional". But she lived "on the surface".
    As years passed I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she ebose that she did forgive me. I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came. My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace-it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn't be sure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and l could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.
    Now the present of her desk told, as she'd never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside--a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded and refolded many times. Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.
    What's the best title of the passage?

    A.My Letter to Mother
    B.Mother and Children
    C.Mv Mother's Desk
    D.Talks hetween Mother and Me

    文章的开头“I’velovedmymother’s desk…”以及后面的“Nowthe present ofher desk she’dtie,verbeen ableto…”可知作者是托物思人.以表达自己对母亲的怀念之情,所以最佳标题应是C。

  • 第8题:

    To our surprise,the stranger(  )to be an old friend of my mother's.

    A.turned out
    B.set uD
    C.set out
    D.turned up

    turn out意为“结果是,原来是”;turn up意为“找到,发现,出现,开大音量”;set out意为“开始,出发,陈述”;set up意为“设立,竖立,架起,升起,创(纪录),提出”。

  • 第9题:

    They are the principles, many of them, ()I learned at my mother’s knee.








    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    Which of the three sentences is wrong?

    Freud’s mother and the King Josef usually spent their summers in the same place.


    Freud’s mother’s birthday and the King’s birthday were on the same day.


    Freud’s mother knew that the band was playing for the King.

    正确答案: B
    考 点:推理题。前面两项在文中均有所提及,最后一项,他的母亲是记性太差,忘了那天是国王的生日,所以才以为乐队是为自己的生日演奏呢。

  • 第11题:

    What’s the best title of the passage?

    My Letter to Mother


    Mother and Children


    My Mother’s Desk


    Talks between Mother and Me

    正确答案: D
    由文章的开头“I’ve loved my mother’s desk…”以及倒数第二段开头的“Now the present of her desk told, as she’d never been able to…”可知,作者是托物思人,以表达自己对母亲的怀念之情,所以最佳标题应是C项。

  • 第12题:

    Mother told me that a friend in need _____ a friend indeed.





    has been


    will be

    正确答案: C
    A friend in need is a friend indeed是谚语,意为“患难见真情”。

  • 第13题:

    22. ________birthday isn't in September.

    A. Joe's

    B. Joe's father' s

    C. Joe's mother's

    D. My


  • 第14题:

    Jim and Ronald are ( ).

    A、my father's and mother’s friends

    B、friends of mine father and mother

    C、my father and mother's friends

    D、my father and mother friends


  • 第15题:

    Paul: Bob, ________________?

    Bob: Oh, that's my father! And beside him is my mother.

    A、what is the person over there

    B、who's talking over there

    C、what are they doing

    D、which is that


  • 第16题:

    More and more gadgets seek to replicate the sorts of things your mother used to needle youabout: getting exercise, eating more slowly or brushing your teeth. Now one company has decided toembrace that image--it has named its product "Mother".
    The device, from a firm called Sense, caught my eye at a press preview for the 2014 ConsumerElectronics Show in Las Vegas, in part because of its unique design. It looks like a cross betweenWALL-E's girlfriend EVE and Russian nesting dolls. Mother has slightly creepy glowing eyes--butsurely has your best interest at heart? Mother's potential use is intriguing: Each Mother unit talkswirelessly to a set of smaller tracking devices, dubbed cookies, which can sense motion andtemperature. You can put cookies on things and people--on your body to gather data about how muchyou walk, on your coffee machine to track many espressos you drink, on your front door to trackwhenever it is opened, on your toothbrush to see how often and how long you brush ... and so forth.
    Whenever the cookies get close to the Mother unit, they wirelessly send back their data to theInternet.
    The company says users of Mother, which is supposed to start shipping in the spring, will beable look at all their information at once, or drill down on certain topics. And if something is reallyimportant, you can have an alert sent to your phone when a sensor detects a change.
    So what does all that data do for you? That's a question that bedevils many Internet of Thingsgadgets on display here at CES. Mother's makers say the data she tracks can help you gain peaceof mind by answering specific questions in your life, such as,"Am I drinking enough water?" or,"Did somebody open my secret drawer?"
    Lots of companies want to connect parts of your body, home and life to the Internet--a trendcalled the "Internet of Things". Mother's maker, Rafi Haladjian, told me he thinks having separatedevices for all these things is too expensive and too cumbersome because they can't talk to eachother."There are not so many needs that are worth $200" for a distinct Internet-connected device,he said.
    Mother, which costs $222 for a base unit and four cookies, is designed to be repurposed asnew challenges or needs spring to mind, he said. It's kind of like a mobile device that can run anever-changing array of apps.
    Where did the name come from? "We need a device that does all sort of things," Haladjiansaid. "The metaphor that matched this noble caring figure is the mother. She is not a nurse, agardener or a cop--she is everything at the same time."

    What can we infer from the first paragraph?

    A.The company that produces "Mother" is better than others.
    B.The electronic devices today are more and more humanized.
    C."Mother" can do everything what your mothers can.
    D."Mother" must be more caring than other similar devices.


  • 第17题:

    driver doctor
    T:What’s your mother’s job
    S:My mother’s job is a doctor.

    1. Teaching Objectives Knowledge objectives:
    (1) Students can learn the new words: driver, doctor.
    (2) Students can master the sentence pattern: --What's ... job --He/She is ... Ability objective:
    By taking part in conversations, students can develop speaking and communicative skills.
    Emotional objective:
    Students can cultivate their interest and enthusiasm in communication with others and foster the spirit of teamwork.
    2. Teaching Key and Difficult Points
    Teaching key points:
    (1) Students can recognize and master the meaning of driver and doctor.
    (2) Students can understand the meaning of the dialogue.
    Teaching difficult point:
    Students can use the target sentence pattern and different names of jobs to make dialogues.
    3. Teaching Procedures
    Step 1 Warming up and Lead-in (5 min)
    Playing "what' s missing" game: The teacher shows the word and picture cards that they have learned, such as teacher, farmer, worker, policeman, etc. and asks the students to read them. Then the teacher takes away one card and makes them read again to find out which one is missing.
    Step 2 Presentation (10 rain)
    T: I am a teacher. What about you
    Ss: We are students.
    T: Good! Now look at this photo.(教师展示自己家庭成员的照片)Can you guess who this man is
    Ss: He is your father.
    T: Yes, he is my father. What' s his job
    T: Well, he is a doctor.
    Then the teacher presents the new word on the PPT: doctor.
    Present the word "driver" in the same way.
    Step 3 Practice and Consolidation (15 min)
    (1) Playing a game "I say and you guess"
    The teacher divides the students into two groups. Then the teacher asks one group to describe a job, while the other group guesses the name of it. Then exchange their roles. The group which guesses more using less time will be the winner.
    (2) Making a survey
    The teacher divides students into groups of six and asks each student to make a survey about other students' parents' jobs, using the sentence pattern they have learned.

  • 第18题:

    What's the best title of the passage?__________

    A.My Letter to Mother
    B.Mother and Children
    C.My Mother's Desk
    D.Talks between Mother and Me

    文章的开头“I’velovedmymother’S desk…”以及后面的“Nowthe present ofher desktold,as she’d never been able to…”可知作者是托物思人.以表达自己对母亲的怀念之情,所以最佳标题应是C。

  • 第19题:

    _____loves them dearly.She spares no money and makes great efforts to have them well educated.

    A.Mary’s and Kate’s mother
    B.Mother of Mary’s and Kate’s
    C.Mary and Kate’s mother
    D.Mother of Mary and Kate’s


  • 第20题:

    How is your mother these days? Oh,()

    AShe is good 

    BShe is not very well

    CNever  mind

    DThat's all right


  • 第21题:

    —Who told you that?—It’s a friend of your _____.—If that, it’s not the friend of my _____.

    mother; mother


    mother’s; mother’s


    mother; mother’s


    mother’s; mother

    正确答案: C
    句意:——谁告诉你的?——你妈妈的一个朋友。——如果是那样的话,这人就不是我妈妈的那位朋友。第一个空格表示的是“你妈妈诸多朋友中的一个”,即one of your mother’s (friends),为双重所有格。第二个空表示的是“我妈妈的那位朋友”,不用双重所有格。因此选D项。

  • 第22题:

    Who was the first president of an independent Lebanon?    

    Caland’s father.


    Caland’s grandfather.


    Caland’s mother.

    正确答案: A
    解析: 新闻中提到Caland的母亲的父亲Bishara al-Khuri(即Caland的外祖父)是独立后的黎巴嫩的第一任总统。Lebanon黎巴嫩。
      Philippe Caland came from a privileged background in his native Lebanon. His father was French and his mother was a noted Lebanese artist, Huguette Caland. Her father, Bishara al-Khuri, was the first president of an independent Lebanon, from 1943 to 1952. In the mid-1980s, young Caland moved to New York and went into business.

  • 第23题:

    The writer began to love her mother’s desk _____.

    after mother died


    before she became a writer


    when she was a child


    when mother gave it to her

    正确答案: B
    根据第一段第一句“I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters.”可知作者当时还是个小孩子。

  • 第24题:

    Mother:______  Daughter: Oh, I don’t know. Anything will do.  Mother: You keep saying that. But I’ve run out of ideas.  Daughter: It’s your job to come up with the menus, so get on with it.  Mother:______  Daughter: Actually, I would like champagne, caviar, lobster soup, and to finish, a fresh melon.  Mother: That’s fine. I’ll cook, but you pay.

    Where shall we have our lunch? ; What do you mean?


    Let’s have breakfast at home. Quite right!


    What shall we have for dinner? I’m really at a loss.


    How many dishes do you want? I’ll try my best.

    正确答案: A