单选题Sylvia: That didn’t take long, did it?  Anna: No, she said the train was quite quick.______  Sylvia: Well, she said something about a bus, I think. Wait a minute. Yes, here we are. “…a number 32 bus as far as Brixton Road.”A But I’m too tired to go any

Sylvia: That didn’t take long, did it?  Anna: No, she said the train was quite quick.______  Sylvia: Well, she said something about a bus, I think. Wait a minute. Yes, here we are. “…a number 32 bus as far as Brixton Road.”

But I’m too tired to go any further.


But how are we going to get to her house?


I’m a little confused. Where are we now?


I know that you just can’t wait to see her.


3.BWhen Mary Moore began her high school in 1951, her mother told her, "Be sure and take a typing course so when this show business thing doesn't work out, you'll have something to rely on." Mary responded in typical teenage fashion. From that moment on, "the very last thing I ever thought about doing was taking a typing course," she recalls.The show business thing worked out, of course. In her career, Mary won many awards. Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoring her morn," I don't know how to use a computer," she admits.Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about life as anaward-winning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病). All the money from the book is intended for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), an organization she serves as international chairman. "I felt there was a need for a book like this," she says."I didn't want to lecture, but I wanted other diabetics to know that things get better when we're self-controlled and do our part in managing the disease."But she hasn't always practiced what she teaches. In her book, she describes that awful day, almost 40 years ago, when she received two pieces of life-changing news. First, she had lost the baby she was carrying, and second, tests showed that she had diabetes. In a childlike act, she left the hospital and treated herself to a box of doughnuts (甜甜圈). Years would pass before she realized she had to grow up--again---and take control of her diabetes, not let it control her. Only then did she kick her three-pack-a-day cigarette habit, overcome her addiction to alcohol, and begin to follow a balanced diet.Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity. "Everybody on earth can ask, 'why me?' about something or other," she insists. "It doesn't do any good. No one is immune (免疫的) to heartache, pain, and disappointments. Sometimes we can make things better by helping others. I've come to realize the importance of that as I've grown up this second time. I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be."61. Why did Mary feel regretful?A. She didn't achieve her ambition.B. She didn't take care of her mother.C. She didn't complete her high school.D. She didn't follow her mother's advice.

正确答案: D
更多“Sylvia: That didn’t take long, did it?  Anna: No, she said t”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Geoffrey ()French before, but he () at university now.

    A、study didn’t/studies

    B、didn’t study/study

    C、did not study/studies

    D、didn’t studied/studies


  • 第2题:

    “Have you seen Ann at the concert?”“No, but she said she would come,?”()

    A. didn’t she

    B. wouldn’t she

    C. did she

    D. would she


  • 第3题:

    Adam: Mmm….. This is the best pudding I've ever had!

    Celia:________ I know you'd like it.

    A、Didn't't I tell you?

    B、Did I say it right?

    C、Is what I said right?

    D、What did I say?


  • 第4题:

    29. Ann didn't go back home because__________

    A. she didn't want to

    B. she was too busy to go home

    C. she didn’t miss her father

    D. she had to look for a job

    29.B【解析】由第一段倒数第三句“As she was bus- y.she had no time to go back to see her father'’知,她不能回家是因为她太忙了。

  • 第5题:

    None of the managers said that,______?

    A. didn't they

    B. did they

    C. aren't they

    D. are they


    12.答案为B  没有一个经理那样说,不是吗?none本身有否定意味,反意疑问句用肯定形式。

  • 第6题:

    --She didn't come to school yesterday, did she?
    --__________. Because she was not feeling well.

    A.No, she didn't
    B.No, she did
    C.Yes, she didn't
    D.Yes, she did


  • 第7题:

    The girl said that she ____________ the film twice, so she didn′ t want to go to the cinema with us.

    A.would see
    B.has seen
    D.had seen


  • 第8题:

    When I was about 12 1 had an enemy,a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings.Week by week her list grew:I was skinny,I wasn't a good student,I was boyish,I talked too loud,and so on.I put up with her as long as I could.At last,with great anger,I ran to my father in tears.
    He listened to my outburst quietly.Then he asked,"Are the things she says true or not?"
    True?I wanted to know how to strike back.What did truth have to do with it?
    "Mary,didn't you ever wonder what you are really like?Well,you now have that girl's opinion.Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true.Pay no attention to the other things she said."
    I did as he directed and discovered to my surprise that about half the things were true.Some of them I couldn't change(like being skinny),but a good number I could and suddenly wanted to change.
    For the first time in my life I got a fairly clear picture of myself.
    I brought the list back to Daddy.He refused to take it.
    "That's just for you,"he said."You know better than anybody else the truth about yourself,once you hear it.But you've got to learn to listen,not to close your ears in anger or hurt.When something said about you is true you'll know it.You'll find that it will echo inside you."
    Daddy's advice has returned to me at many important moments.

    What did the girl do when she could no longer bear her enemy?

    A.She turned to her fathe
    B.She cried to her heart's conten
    C.She tried to put up with her agai
    D.She tried to be her frien


  • 第9题:

    The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him,( )?

    A.did they
    B.didn't they
    C.did it
    D.didn't it

    题目意为“他们驾驶考试失败的消息使他气馁,____?”题干中,that引导的句子为同位语从句,主句的谓语动词为discouraged,且为肯定句,故其反义疑问句该用助动词didn’t,且主语是the news,为单数,故其代词形式为it,因此选项D正确。

  • 第10题:

    --What did you think of her speech?
    --She__________for one hour but didn′t__________much.



  • 第11题:

    Sylvia: That didn’t take long, did it?  Anna: No, she said the train was quite quick.______  Sylvia: Well, she said something about a bus, I think. Wait a minute. Yes, here we are. “…a number 32 bus as far as Brixton Road.”

    But I’m too tired to go any further.


    But how are we going to get to her house?


    I’m a little confused. Where are we now?


    I know that you just can’t wait to see her.

    正确答案: D

  • 第12题:

    James didn’t attend the meeting and _____.

    so did Jane


    neither did Jane


    Jane didn’t too


    Jane did too

    正确答案: A

  • 第13题:

    I didn't finish my homework. Neither().

    A. did he

    B. didn't he

    C. he did


  • 第14题:

    Not until Mr. Smith came to China _____ what kind of country she is from.

    A: he knew

    B: he didn't know

    C: did he know

    D: he couldn't know

    正确答案: C

  • 第15题:

    _________ she practice her violin yesterday? No, she _________.

    A、Was, wasn’t

    B、Did, didn’t

    C、Was, didn’t

    D、Did, wasn’t


  • 第16题:

    Christine was just a girl in one of my class. I never knew much about

    Her except for that she was strang . she didn’t talk many .her hair was black

    and purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater ,although in the

    summer .she was ,infact, rather attractively, and she never seemed ^care what

    the rest if us thought about her .like the rest of my classmate ,I didn’t really

    want to get closest to her . it was only when we did their chemistry projiect

    together that I begin to uanderstand why christine dressed the way she did .



  • 第17题:

    She didn't tell me what she _______(do).

    5.would do【解析】主句用一般过去时,从句的将来时态用过去将来时。

  • 第18题:

    Jane said that she couldn't tolerate the long hours.

    A: stand
    B: spend
    C: take
    D: last

    题干意为“简说她无法忍受这么长时间。” 句中划线词意为“容忍”。A项stand意为“站立,忍受”。例:I don't think the chair is firm enough to stand on.我觉得这持子不够稳固,不能站人。B项意为“花费”。C项take意为“拿,取”。D项last意为“持续”。故选A。

  • 第19题:

    Why didn't Reagan take a bus to go to 10th and Sherman?__________

    A.He wanted to keep himself warm by walking
    B.It wasn't too long a distance to get there
    C.He didn't believe in Bouvier's words
    D.He was too poor to afford the bus fare

    文章第三段中“Reagan shared with the couple that he was on his way to a shop to interviewfor a job,and he did not have money for bus fare.”得知,里根因为太穷而支付不起坐汽车的费用。

  • 第20题:

    When I was about 12 1 had an enemy,a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings.Week by week her list grew:I was skinny,I wasn't a good student,I was boyish,I talked too loud,and so on.I put up with her as long as I could.At last,with great anger,I ran to my father in tears.
    He listened to my outburst quietly.Then he asked,"Are the things she says true or not?"
    True?I wanted to know how to strike back.What did truth have to do with it?
    "Mary,didn't you ever wonder what you are really like?Well,you now have that girl's opinion.Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true.Pay no attention to the other things she said."
    I did as he directed and discovered to my surprise that about half the things were true.Some of them I couldn't change(like being skinny),but a good number I could and suddenly wanted to change.
    For the first time in my life I got a fairly clear picture of myself.
    I brought the list back to Daddy.He refused to take it.
    "That's just for you,"he said."You know better than anybody else the truth about yourself,once you hear it.But you've got to learn to listen,not to close your ears in anger or hurt.When something said about you is true you'll know it.You'll find that it will echo inside you."
    Daddy's advice has returned to me at many important moments.

    Why did the girl's father ask her to make the list?

    A.He wanted to keep the list at hom
    B.He didn't know what the girl's enemy had sai
    C.He wanted the girl to talk bac
    D.He wanted her to check if she really had these weak point


  • 第21题:

    —She‘s broken her arm again.
    —Again I______she_______ever broken it before.

    A.don‘t know;has
    B.didn’t know;had
    C.didn‘t know;has
    D.hadn’t know;would


  • 第22题:

    Somebody asked her,()

    • A、did he
    • B、didn‘t they
    • C、didn‘t he
    • D、did they


  • 第23题:

    -She didn't come to school yesterday, did she? -______ . Because she was not feeling well .

    No, she didn't


    No, she did


    Yes, she didn't


    Yes, she did

    正确答案: B

  • 第24题:

    What did the writer’s mother think of her lunch soup after she tasted it?

    It was delicious.


    It wasn’t so bad as the author said.


    It couldn’t be worse.


    It was as good as her cook did.

    正确答案: B
    根据倒数第二段中间妈妈尝了学校午饭后的反应,“She swallowed one spoonful and sputtered ‘The cook must have gone mad!’”,她尝了一汤匙然后吐了出来,说“厨师一定发疯了!”说明妈妈觉得汤相当难喝,C项为正确答案。