问答题A man is 48 years old. He asks the other man how old he is. The other man answers: “I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are today.” How old is the other man?

A man is 48 years old. He asks the other man how old he is. The other man answers: “I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are today.” How old is the other man?


3.Passage 1Once an honored man was having a birthday party. His sons and servants were busy welcoming guests. A thief slipped into the house. He hid himself by lying face down on a beam in the ceiling of the hall where the birthday banquet was to be held. From there, the thief could look down upon the guests and see all the gifts of silks, jade, and jewels brought in. He tried to remember where these were put so that he could steal them after the party was over.Later that evening, the host was looking at all his presents happily. He leaned over them with his back turned to the thief hiding on the beam. The thief was looking around the room so that he would be able to move quietly when the lights were off. As the thief hung his head over the beam it made a shadow on the floor.The host did not show that he had seen the shadow. He called for his servant to set a table for one guest with the best food and drink. Turning towards the beam on which the thief lay, he bowed low and said, “Will the gentleman on the roof-beam now come down to have some refreshments?”There was nothing else the thief could do but climb down. His host fed him well. After the thief had eaten his fill, the host gave him a bag of silver coins and begged him to make good use of them. Then the host saw the thief to the door and bid him good night.Ten years passed, and again the honored man held a birthday party. Many visitors came to bring him presents. The man was very old by now and could not greet all theguests. His grandson met the visitors at the door and invited them to dine with his grandfather in the evening. He then took the gifts in for the old man to see.Towards the end of the day a stranger came, bringing gifts of gold and jewels. He would not give his name, but asked to see the honored old man.The stranger was led to the old man’s room. The old man did not know this guest and asked for his name.The stranger smiled, “I am an honest man. I have learned to live a good life. But it was not always so. Do you remember how you once asked me to come down from the roof-beam and eat your food?”The host was amazed. He was even more surprised when he heard how his kindness had changed the thief into an honest man.21. How did the thief get into the house?A. He carefully disguised himself as a guest.B. He followed the servants, carrying dishes.C. He broke into the house through a window.D. He went into the house without being noticed.

更多“A man is 48 years old. He asks the other man how old he is.”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    He must be helping the old man to water the flowers,_______? he B.isn’t heC.must he D.mustn’t he


  • 第2题:

    The Chinese saying means“______”.

    A. the farther a man goes, the more treasures he gets

    B. the more a man sees, the more knowledge he gets

    C. travelling is more interesting than reading

    D. the farther a man goes, the more hooks he reads



  • 第3题:

    Hearing my words, the old man jumped back as if he _____.

    A. was stung

    B. had stung

    C. stung

    D. had been stung

    参考答案: D

  • 第4题:

    The old man _____ two days after he had been sent to hospital.

    A died

    B would die

    C had died

    D has died


  • 第5题:

    A small crowd had gathered round the entrance to the park. His curiosity aroused,Robert crossed the road to see what was happening. He found that the center ofattraction was an old man with a performing monkey. The monkey' s tricks, hesoon discovered, were in no way remarkable so, after throwing a few pennies inthe dirty hat which the man had placed on the pavement, Robert began to moveoff, along with other members of the crowd.Atthis point the man suddenly let out a loud cry. Everyone turned to see what hadhappened. The man was bending over his monkey, which now lay quite still on thepavement. He picked up the apparently lifeless body and, bolding it close tohim, began to weep. A young man stepped forward from the crowd and, taking somemoney from his pocket, dropped it into the hat. Robert and several other peopledid likewise, until the pennies in the hat were covered with silver coins.Meanwhile, the man continued to hold the dead monkey in his arms and seemed totake no notice of what was going on about him. Afew month latter, Robert came across the old man again in another part of thecity. The man had a monkey, bought no doubt with the money which the crowd hadgiven him. It did not, however, seem any better at its tricks than the previousone. Robert was pleased to see that the old man was still able to earn aliving, though on this occasion, having partly paid for the monkey out of hisown pocket, he did not feel inclined to throw any money into the hat. Butthe performance was not yet over! Once again the old man let out a loud cry.Once again the monkey lay still on the pavement. The manpicked up the "dead" monkey and clutching it in his arms began to weep. The same young steppedforward and threw some money into the hat.Again the crowd followed suit一except for Robert. Smiling tohimself, he went on his way, amazed at the man' s audacity.

    41. Which of the following is TRUE?

    A. The young man was also apasser-by.

    B. The old man always entertainedthe people at the same place.

    C. The old man let out a loud crybecause he was really sorry to have lost his monkey.

    D. Robert did not throw any moneyinto the hat the second time he met the old man .

    42. Robert smiled to himself because he().

    A. was satisfied with theperformance

    B. realized what had happened atlast

    C. was amused by the death of thesecond monkey

    D. was glad that the second monkeyperformance as well as the first one

    43. The word "likewise" (in the secondparagraph) is closest in meaning to ()?

    A. like to be wise

    B. in the wise way

    C. in the sameway

    D. in a lovely way

    44. What does "followed suit" (in the lastparagraph) mean?

    A. followed the example

    B. followed the old man

    C. followed the writer

    D. came afterwards


  • 第6题:

    The author bought coffee for the old man because

    A. he thought the old man was poor

    B. he wanted to start a conversation

    C. he intended to show his politeness

    D. he would like to thank the old man


  • 第7题:

    Only when he was told that his precious stone was but an artificial gem did the old man realize that he had been cheated of almost RMB 100,000 yuan.

    A: superficial
    B: custom-made
    C: ready-made
    D: man-made

    本句意思是:只有当别人告诉他那宝贵的钻石其实是一枚人造的宝石,他才意识到他被人骗了差不多10万元人民币。句中artificial意为“人造的”,如:This food contains no artificial flavorings.这种食品不含人工调味品。四个选项中superficial意为“表面的,肤浅的”,例如:The book shows only a superficial understanding of the historical context.这部书表现出对历史背景肤浅的理解。custommade意为“定做的”,如:Furniture can also be custom-made to suit your own requirements.你也可以按照自己的要求定制家具。ready -mad。意为“现成的”,如:We rely quite a bit on ready-made meals一they are so convenient.我们很是依赖现成食物——它们真的很方便。man-made意为“人造的”,如:Man-made and natural disasters have disrupted the Government's economic plans.天灾人祸打乱了政府的经济计划。只有选项D同句中画线词语含义接近。

  • 第8题:

    How is he getting along with his work? Oh, he is on the()to becoming the most highly paid man in the company






  • 第9题:

    Why did the Frenchman decide to follow the young man?

    Because the young man walked so fast.


    Because he found the young man was out of sight.


    Because he wanted to catch the young man.

    正确答案: B
    考 点:细节题。根据第一段内容可知,那个意大利年轻人几乎走得看不见了,这时,法国人发现他的表没有了。他想一定是意大利人偷了他的表,所以他决定跟着那位年轻人,把表要回来。

  • 第10题:

    A man is 36 years old. He asks the other man how old he is. The other man answers: “I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are today.” How old is the other man?

    正确答案: 48
    解析: 解答本题需要理解“I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are today.”,意思为:B男在A男这个年纪(36)时,B男年龄是当时A男年龄的两倍,假设B男年龄为x,则x=[36-(x-36)]*2=x,故x=48。

  • 第11题:

    He is such a man who is always _____ fault with other people.







    looking for

    正确答案: C
    句意:他这个人总是对别人很挑剔。find fault为固定搭配,表示“挑剔”。其他选项均无此搭配。

  • 第12题:

    How is he getting along with his work? Oh, he is on the()to becoming the most highly paid man in the company








    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    When an old and unhappy man told Andersen that he was sorry for what he had done, Andersen______.



  • 第14题:


    One morning Mr Green is driving(11) the country and (12) a small hotel. When he sees an old man (13) 0ne side of the road,he stops his (14) and says to the old man,"l want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know how to get there?"

    "Yes,"the old man answers,"I'll (15) the way."He (16) Mr Green's car,and they drive about twelve miles.(17) they come to a small house,the old man says,"Stop here. "Mr Green stops and (18)the house. "But this isn't the hotel,"he says to the old man. "Right," the old man answers. "This is my house. And I'll tell you the way (19)the hotel, Turn (20) and go back nine miles. Then you can see the hotel. "

    ( )11,


    Ⅱ.Il.A【解析】句意为:格林先生开车行驶在乡村。若选择B项中的to,则表示格林先生开车目的是去农村,此时句意与本句后半部分含义不够协调,因下文说的是,格林先生开车在找一个小旅馆。比较合适的意思是格林先生在乡下开着车在找旅馆.C、D 语境不妥,故选A。 ~

  • 第15题:

    The old man is a teacher.He likes playing basketball after supper.()

    参考答案: 正确

  • 第16题:

    一 How old are these students? They are about 16 years old.




  • 第17题:

    Ada: How's the young man?


    A、He's twenty.

    B、He's a doctor.

    C、He's much better.

    D、He's Dick.


  • 第18题:

    Liu Tao: Who is your e-friend
    Wang Bing: He′ s Peter. He lives in the UK.
    Liu Tao: How old is he
    Wang Bing: He is 11 years old.
    Liu Tao: Can he speak Chinese
    Wang Bing: Yes, he can.
    Liu Tao: Does he have Chinese lessons at school
    Wang Bing: No, he doesn′t. He studies Chinese after school.
    Liu Tao: What subjects does he like
    Wang Bing: He likes maths and PE.
    Liu Tao: Does he like playing football
    Wang Bing: Yes, he does. He likes swimming too.


  • 第19题:

    He is a very tall young man.-He is the second__man in his company.

    D.most tall


  • 第20题:

    How is he getting along with his work? Oh, he is on the()to becoming the most highly paid man in the company

    • A、way  
    • B、road 
    • C、path   
    • D、route


  • 第21题:

    A man is 48 years old. He asks the other man how old he is. The other man answers: “I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are today.” How old is the other man?

    正确答案: 64
    解析: A现在48岁,B48岁时,年龄是A当时年龄的两倍,假设B年龄为X,由题意可知X=2[48-(X-48)],由此得出X=64,即B现在64岁。

  • 第22题:

    The old man lives(). He always feels().

    lonely, lonely 


    alone, alone 


    lonely, alone


    alone, lonely

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    For many years, Mark, a film star in Hollywood, has been suffering from the _____ that he is a great man.








    正确答案: D

  • 第24题:

    He was a man of noble _____. He came from an old and prominent family in Virginia.








    正确答案: B