更多“单选题Further evaluation was recommended only in patients unresponsive to an empirical trial of medical therapy.A consecutiveB routineC experientialD ample”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Promising Results From Cancer Study

    A new experimental vaccine(疫苗)has shown promising results in the fight against lung cancer. In a
    small Texas-based study,a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,
    USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.
    Researchers have reported encouraging findings from this small study.Forty-three patients suffering from
    lung cancer were involved in these trials.Ten of these patients were in the early stages and thirty-three in the
    advanced stages of the disease.They were injected with the vaccine every two weeks for three months,and
    were carefully monitored for three years.In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease
    disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference
    was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.
    This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is
    injected into the arm or leg. It stimulates(刺激)the body' s immune system, which then recognizes that the
    cancer cells are harmful,and attacks and destroys them.
    The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer. It offers great hope for the treatment of
    cancer in general,although further studies are needed before such treatment can be widely used.

    Patients in the early stages of the disease recovered more quickly in the trial.
    C:Not mentioned

    题意:该疫苗治愈了参加试验的所有患者。文章第一段最后一句话“cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.”意思是有些患者被治愈了,有些 是病情得到缓解,由此可判断题干叙述错误。故木题选B。
    题意:超过四十人参加了这个试验。根据文章第二段第二句“Forty-three patients suffer- ing from lung cancer were involved in these trials.”可知,参加实验的有43人,所以题干叙述正 确,故本题选A。
    题意:试验中,处十癌症早期的患者恢复的更快。根据文章第二段最后两句“In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in theearly stages of the illness.”可知,癌症晚期的患者注射疫苗后有很大变化,癌症早期的没有多大起色,所以题干叙述错误,故本题选B。
    题意:每个患者注射的都是一样的疫苗。从第三段的前两句话“This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg.”可知,每支疫苗都是根据患者的免疫系统研究出来的,所以疫苗是不同的,因此答 案选择B。
    由文章第三段最后一句话“It stimulates the body' s immune system, which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful, and attacks and destroys them.”可知,这种疫苗会刺激身体里的 免疫系统,然后免疫系统辨认出身体里的有害癌细胞,攻击并摧毁它们。题干中activate的意 思是“激活”,与此句意思相符。故选A。
    题意:疫苗可能能够在治疗其他癌症上发挥作用。根据文章最后一段第一句“The vac-cine could be effective against other forms of cancer.”可知,题干叙述正确,故本题选A。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子

  • 第2题:

    Clinical Trials
    1. Many clinical trials are done to see if a new drug or device is safe and effective for people to use.Sometimes clinical trials are used to study different ways to use the standard treatments so they will be more effective,easier to use,and/or decrease side effects.Sometimes,studies are done to learn how to best use the treatment in a different population,such as children,in whom the treatment was not previously tested.
    2. It is important to test drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help.It is also important to conduct research in a variety of people because different people may respond differently to treatments.Some people participate in clinical trials because they have exhausted standard treatment options .Other people participate in trials because they want to contribute to the ad-vancement of medical knowledge.
    3. The FDA(食品及药物管理局)works to protect participants in clinical trials and to ensure that people have reliable information as they decide whether to join a clinical trial.Although efforts are made to control the risks to clinical trial participants,some risks may be unavoidable because of the uncertainty inherent(内在的)in medical research studies involving new medical treatments.
    4. People should learn as much as possible about the clinical trials that interest them.They should also feel comfortable discussing their questions and concerns with members of the health care team. Prospective(预期的)participants should understand what happens during the trial ,the type of health care they will receive,and any costs to them.Anyone considering a clinical trial should also know that there are benefits and risks associated with participating.

    Learn as much as you can about a clinical trial______.
    A: candidates for clinical trials
    B: during the trial
    C: medical knowledge
    D: in humans
    E: before participation
    F: for some patients









  • 第3题:

    Clinical Trials
    1. Many clinical trials are done to see if a new drug or device is safe and effective for people to use.Sometimes clinical trials are used to study different ways to use the standard treatments so they will be more effective,easier to use,and/or decrease side effects.Sometimes,studies are done to learn how to best use the treatment in a different population,such as children,in whom the treatment was not previously tested.
    2. It is important to test drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help.It is also important to conduct research in a variety of people because different people may respond differently to treatments.Some people participate in clinical trials because they have exhausted standard treatment options .Other people participate in trials because they want to contribute to the ad-vancement of medical knowledge.
    3. The FDA(食品及药物管理局)works to protect participants in clinical trials and to ensure that people have reliable information as they decide whether to join a clinical trial.Although efforts are made to control the risks to clinical trial participants,some risks may be unavoidable because of the uncertainty inherent(内在的)in medical research studies involving new medical treatments.
    4. People should learn as much as possible about the clinical trials that interest them.They should also feel comfortable discussing their questions and concerns with members of the health care team. Prospective(预期的)participants should understand what happens during the trial ,the type of health care they will receive,and any costs to them.Anyone considering a clinical trial should also know that there are benefits and risks associated with participating.

    Clinical trials provide the only hope______.
    A: candidates for clinical trials
    B: during the trial
    C: medical knowledge
    D: in humans
    E: before participation
    F: for some patients









  • 第4题:

    The badly wounded receive( )for medical attention over those only slightly hurt.


    priority“优先权;重点,优先考虑的事”。A.superiority“优越性”,指状态或质量上优于、高于、大于等。如:The superiority of these goods to the others is easy to see.B.inferiority“低劣,卑下,劣根性”,为[A]的反义词,如:We are slowly becoming conscious of his long buried feelings of inferiority.D.minority“少数派,少数民

  • 第5题:

    Promising Resnlts from Cancer Study
    A new experimental vaccine(疫苗)has shown promising results in the fight against lung cancer.In a small Texas-based study,a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.
    Researchers have reported encouraging findings from this small study.Forty一three patients suffering from lung cancer were involved in these trials.Ten of these patients were in the early stages and thirty-three in tho advanced stages of the disease.They were injected with the vaccine every two weeks for three months,and were carefully monitored for three years.In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.
    This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg.It stimulates(刺激)the body's immune system, which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful,and attacks and destroys them.
    The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer.It offers great hope for the treatment of cancer in general,although further studies are needed before such treatment can be widely used.

    All the patients were from Dallas.
    C:Not mentioned

    题干意为“疫苗治愈了所有参与试验的人。”关键词是cured。依据此关键词,可在文中第一段第二句找到相关叙述:“In a small Texas-based study, a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.”(位于美国达拉斯的贝勒大学医学中心的几位科学家研制出了一种疫苗,这种疫苗在一个基于德克萨斯州的小型研究中治愈了一些肺癌患者,减缓了其他患者的病情发展过程。)由此可见,这种疫苗并没有治愈所有参与实验者,故此题说法为“错误”的。
    题干意为“超过四十人参与了这次研究。”关键词是forty。依据此关键词,可在文中第二段第二句找到相关叙述:“Forty-three patients suffering from lung cancer were involved in these trials.”(四十三个肺癌患者参与到这些试验中。)由此可见参与人数确实超过了四十人,故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“在试验中,处于疾病早期的患者恢复得更快。”关键词是the early stages和recovered。依据此关键词,可在文中第二段最后两句找到相关叙述:“In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.”(晚期患者中有三名患者的疾病消失,其他患者的病情在5 到24个月内没有扩散。然而,处于疾病早期的患者没有出现任何不同。)可见这种疫苗对晚期患者的效果比较明显,故此题说法为“错误”的。
    题干意为“所有患者都来自达拉斯。”关键词是Dallas。依据此关键词,可在文中第一段第二句找到相关叙述:“In a small Texas-based study, a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.”(位于美国达拉斯的贝勒大学医学中心的几位科学家研制出了一种疫苗,这种疫苗在一个基于德克萨斯州的小型研究中治愈了一些肺癌患者,减缓了其他患者的病情发展过程。)由此可知,研制疫苗的科学家都来自位于达拉斯的贝勒大学医学中心,而病人是不是都来自达拉斯,这一点文中并没有提到,故此说法为“未提及”的。
    题干意为“每一个病人都被注射同样的疫苗。”关键词是the same vaccine。 依据此关键词,可在文中第三段第一句、第二句找到相关叙述:“This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg.”(这种新型疫苗使用了人体自身的免疫系统。每个病人的疫苗都是专门制造,然后被注射到手臂或腿上。)由此可见每个患者的疫苗都是不一样的,故此题说法为“错误”的。
    题干意为“这种疫苗激活了免疫系统。”关键词是activates。依据此关键词, 可在文中第三段第三句找到相关叙述:“It stimulates the body's immune system, which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful, and attacks and destroys them.”(疫苗能刺激人体免疫系统,使免疫系统意识到癌细胞是有害的,从而攻击和破坏它们。)由此可见这种疫苗是通过激活免疫系统发挥作用的,故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“这种疫苗或许可用于治疗其他癌症。”关键词是other cancers。 依据此关键词,可在文中第四段第一句找到相关叙述:“The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer.”(这种疫苗或许可以有效地对抗其他癌症。)由此可知,它是可以用于治疗其他癌症的,故此题说法为“正确”的。

  • 第6题:

    Double Effect
    The Supreme Court's decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.
    Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide,the Court in effect supported the medical principle of"double effect",a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects-a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen-is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.
    Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients'pain,even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.
    Nancy Dubler,director of Montefiore Medical Center,contends that the principle will shield doctors who"until now have very,very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death."
    George Annas,chair of the health law department at Boston Univeisity,maintains that,as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimale medical purpose,the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death."It's like surgery,"he says."We don't call those deaths homicides because the doctors didn't intend to kill their patients,although they risked their death.if you're a physician,you can risk your patient's suicide as long as you don't intend their suicide."
    On another level,many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.
    Just three weeks before the Court's ruling on physician一assisted suicide,the National Academy of Science(NAS)released a two-volume report,Approaching Death:Improving Care at the End of Life.It identifies the under-treatment of pain and the aggressive use of"ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying" as the twin problems of end-of-life care.The profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices,to test knowledge of aggressive pain management therapies,to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care,and to develop new standards for assessing and treating pain at the end of life.
    Annas says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care."Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering,"to the extent that it constitutes"systematic patient abuse." He says medical licensing boards"must make it clear that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension."

    George Annas would probably agree that doctors should be punished if they______.
    A:manage their patients incompetently
    B:give patients more medicine than needed
    C:reduce drug dosages for their patients
    D:prolong the needless suffering of the patients

    文章第一段说:最高法院对于医生协助病人自杀的裁决对如何使用药物来减轻晚期病人的痛苦有着重大的意义。第二段说:尽管宪法没有赋予医生帮助病人自杀的权力,法院实际上支持率医疗界的“双效”原则。第三段说:医生们正是借用这个原则,为大剂量地给晚期( terminally ill)病人注射吗啡提供正当的理由,尽管增加剂量将最终致使病人死亡。由此从第二段可推断出,B项“医生们帮助病人自杀仍是非法的”为正确答案。其他三项均与文意不符。
    第七段中提到“NAS的报告指出了对临终病人的护理存在着两个问题:一是治疗病痛不力(under-treatment of pain),二是对无效且有强制性的医疗程序的大胆使用(the aggressive use of ineffectual and forced medical procedures)"。据此可知,B项内容正确。

  • 第7题:

    Promising Resnlts from Cancer Study
    A new experimental vaccine(疫苗)has shown promising results in the fight against lung cancer.In a small Texas-based study,a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.
    Researchers have reported encouraging findings from this small study.Forty一three patients suffering from lung cancer were involved in these trials.Ten of these patients were in the early stages and thirty-three in tho advanced stages of the disease.They were injected with the vaccine every two weeks for three months,and were carefully monitored for three years.In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.
    This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg.It stimulates(刺激)the body's immune system, which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful,and attacks and destroys them.
    The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer.It offers great hope for the treatment of cancer in general,although further studies are needed before such treatment can be widely used.

    The vaccine cured all the participants in the trial.
    C:Not mentioned

    题干意为“疫苗治愈了所有参与试验的人。”关键词是cured。依据此关键词,可在文中第一段第二句找到相关叙述:“In a small Texas-based study, a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.”(位于美国达拉斯的贝勒大学医学中心的几位科学家研制出了一种疫苗,这种疫苗在一个基于德克萨斯州的小型研究中治愈了一些肺癌患者,减缓了其他患者的病情发展过程。)由此可见,这种疫苗并没有治愈所有参与实验者,故此题说法为“错误”的。
    题干意为“超过四十人参与了这次研究。”关键词是forty。依据此关键词,可在文中第二段第二句找到相关叙述:“Forty-three patients suffering from lung cancer were involved in these trials.”(四十三个肺癌患者参与到这些试验中。)由此可见参与人数确实超过了四十人,故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“在试验中,处于疾病早期的患者恢复得更快。”关键词是the early stages和recovered。依据此关键词,可在文中第二段最后两句找到相关叙述:“In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.”(晚期患者中有三名患者的疾病消失,其他患者的病情在5 到24个月内没有扩散。然而,处于疾病早期的患者没有出现任何不同。)可见这种疫苗对晚期患者的效果比较明显,故此题说法为“错误”的。
    题干意为“所有患者都来自达拉斯。”关键词是Dallas。依据此关键词,可在文中第一段第二句找到相关叙述:“In a small Texas-based study, a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.”(位于美国达拉斯的贝勒大学医学中心的几位科学家研制出了一种疫苗,这种疫苗在一个基于德克萨斯州的小型研究中治愈了一些肺癌患者,减缓了其他患者的病情发展过程。)由此可知,研制疫苗的科学家都来自位于达拉斯的贝勒大学医学中心,而病人是不是都来自达拉斯,这一点文中并没有提到,故此说法为“未提及”的。
    题干意为“每一个病人都被注射同样的疫苗。”关键词是the same vaccine。 依据此关键词,可在文中第三段第一句、第二句找到相关叙述:“This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg.”(这种新型疫苗使用了人体自身的免疫系统。每个病人的疫苗都是专门制造,然后被注射到手臂或腿上。)由此可见每个患者的疫苗都是不一样的,故此题说法为“错误”的。
    题干意为“这种疫苗激活了免疫系统。”关键词是activates。依据此关键词, 可在文中第三段第三句找到相关叙述:“It stimulates the body's immune system, which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful, and attacks and destroys them.”(疫苗能刺激人体免疫系统,使免疫系统意识到癌细胞是有害的,从而攻击和破坏它们。)由此可见这种疫苗是通过激活免疫系统发挥作用的,故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“这种疫苗或许可用于治疗其他癌症。”关键词是other cancers。 依据此关键词,可在文中第四段第一句找到相关叙述:“The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer.”(这种疫苗或许可以有效地对抗其他癌症。)由此可知,它是可以用于治疗其他癌症的,故此题说法为“正确”的。

  • 第8题:

    Which statement about using McAfee and Webroot together is true?() 

    • A、it is not recommended: the system will not detect more malware
    • B、it is notpossible : the WSA will accept only one anti-malware license
    • C、the system will stop all web-based threats
    • D、it is recommended: the system will detect more malware


  • 第9题:

    After the use of the laser beam, surgeons can perform operations which ______.

    leave their patients with negative effects


    can treat only human eye diseases


    do little damage to their patients


    make their patients need a long time to recover

    正确答案: D
    事实细节题。此题用排除法。题干的意思是“使用激光束做手术时医生可以…”。根据文中第三段leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable提到“曾经一度让患者疲惫不堪,并且术后恢复时间漫长的手术现在让患者变得很轻松舒服”,可以排除A项和D项。由文中最后一句“也许一些癌症也能够用激光来治疗”可知B项不正确。C项意思为“使患者受到很小的伤害”,符合文章内容。

  • 第10题:

    Doctors give less importance to the communication between patients and doctors mainly because ______.

    modem medical instruments are used


    they can cure more diseases and save more lives


    they have much more medical experience than before


    they are too busy to have time to talk with patients

    正确答案: A
    推理判断题。由the communication between patients and doctors定位到文章第二段分别介绍了这种医疗仪器的正面和负面影响,题干部分属于负面影响。

  • 第11题:

    Which statement about using McAfee and Webroot together is true?()

    it is not recommended: the system will not detect more malware


    it is notpossible : the WSA will accept only one anti-malware license


    the system will stop all web-based threats


    it is recommended: the system will detect more malware

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    We provide doctors with instant access to patients’ medical histories ______ computer linkups.








    正确答案: D
    句意:通过联网的计算机,医生可以快速获得病人的病史。此处意为“通过联网的计算机”,选择through。provide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物。

  • 第13题:

    Clinical Trials
    1. Many clinical trials are done to see if a new drug or device is safe and effective for people to use.Sometimes clinical trials are used to study different ways to use the standard treatments so they will be more effective,easier to use,and/or decrease side effects.Sometimes,studies are done to learn how to best use the treatment in a different population,such as children,in whom the treatment was not previously tested.
    2. It is important to test drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help.It is also important to conduct research in a variety of people because different people may respond differently to treatments.Some people participate in clinical trials because they have exhausted standard treatment options .Other people participate in trials because they want to contribute to the ad-vancement of medical knowledge.
    3. The FDA(食品及药物管理局)works to protect participants in clinical trials and to ensure that people have reliable information as they decide whether to join a clinical trial.Although efforts are made to control the risks to clinical trial participants,some risks may be unavoidable because of the uncertainty inherent(内在的)in medical research studies involving new medical treatments.
    4. People should learn as much as possible about the clinical trials that interest them.They should also feel comfortable discussing their questions and concerns with members of the health care team. Prospective(预期的)participants should understand what happens during the trial ,the type of health care they will receive,and any costs to them.Anyone considering a clinical trial should also know that there are benefits and risks associated with participating.

    New drugs or devices must be tested before being used______.
    A: candidates for clinical trials
    B: during the trial
    C: medical knowledge
    D: in humans
    E: before participation
    F: for some patients









  • 第14题:

    Clinical Trials

    1 Many clinical trials are done to see if a new drug or device is safe and effective for people
    to use .Sometimes clinical trials are used to study different ways to use the standard
    treatments so they will be more effective,easier to use,and/or decrease side effects.
    Sometimes,studies are done to learn how to best use the treatment in a different group,
    such as children,in whom the treatment was not previously tested.
    2 It is important to test drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help,It
    is also important to conduct research in a variety of people because different people may
    respond differently to treatments.Some people participate in clinical trials because they
    have exhausted standard treatment options.Other people participate in trials because they
    want to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge.
    3 The FDA(食品及药物管理局)works to protect participants in clinical trials and to
    ensure that people have reliable information as they decide whether to join a clinical trial.
    Although efforts are made to control the risks to clinical trial participants,some risks may be
    unavoidable because of the uncertainty inherent(内在的)in medical research studies
    involving new medical treatments.
    4 People should learn as much as possible about the clinical trials that interest them.They
    should also feel comfortable discussing their questions and concerns with members of the
    health care team. Prospective(预期的)participants should understand what happens
    during the trial,the type of health care they will receive,and any costs to them.Anyone
    considering a clinical trial should also know that there are benefits and risks associated with

    Learn as much as you can about a clinical trial_________.
    A: for some patients
    B: before participation
    C: in humans
    D:medical knowledge
    E: during the trial
    F: candidates for clinical trials


  • 第15题:

    Clinical Trials

    1 Many clinical trials are done to see if a new drug or device is safe and effective for people
    to use .Sometimes clinical trials are used to study different ways to use the standard
    treatments so they will be more effective,easier to use,and/or decrease side effects.
    Sometimes,studies are done to learn how to best use the treatment in a different group,
    such as children,in whom the treatment was not previously tested.
    2 It is important to test drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help,It
    is also important to conduct research in a variety of people because different people may
    respond differently to treatments.Some people participate in clinical trials because they
    have exhausted standard treatment options.Other people participate in trials because they
    want to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge.
    3 The FDA(食品及药物管理局)works to protect participants in clinical trials and to
    ensure that people have reliable information as they decide whether to join a clinical trial.
    Although efforts are made to control the risks to clinical trial participants,some risks may be
    unavoidable because of the uncertainty inherent(内在的)in medical research studies
    involving new medical treatments.
    4 People should learn as much as possible about the clinical trials that interest them.They
    should also feel comfortable discussing their questions and concerns with members of the
    health care team. Prospective(预期的)participants should understand what happens
    during the trial,the type of health care they will receive,and any costs to them.Anyone
    considering a clinical trial should also know that there are benefits and risks associated with

    Clinical trials provide the only hope_________.
    A: for some patients
    B: before participation
    C: in humans
    D:medical knowledge
    E: during the trial
    F: candidates for clinical trials


  • 第16题:

    Double Effect
    The Supreme Court's decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.
    Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide,the Court in effect supported the medical principle of"double effect",a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects-a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen-is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.
    Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients'pain,even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.
    Nancy Dubler,director of Montefiore Medical Center,contends that the principle will shield doctors who"until now have very,very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death."
    George Annas,chair of the health law department at Boston Univeisity,maintains that,as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimale medical purpose,the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death."It's like surgery,"he says."We don't call those deaths homicides because the doctors didn't intend to kill their patients,although they risked their death.if you're a physician,you can risk your patient's suicide as long as you don't intend their suicide."
    On another level,many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.
    Just three weeks before the Court's ruling on physician一assisted suicide,the National Academy of Science(NAS)released a two-volume report,Approaching Death:Improving Care at the End of Life.It identifies the under-treatment of pain and the aggressive use of"ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying" as the twin problems of end-of-life care.The profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices,to test knowledge of aggressive pain management therapies,to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care,and to develop new standards for assessing and treating pain at the end of life.
    Annas says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care."Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering,"to the extent that it constitutes"systematic patient abuse." He says medical licensing boards"must make it clear that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension."

    According to the NAS's report,one of the problems in end-of-life care is______.
    A:prolonged medical procedures
    B:inadequate treatment of pain
    C:systematic drug abuse
    D:insufficient hospital care

    文章第一段说:最高法院对于医生协助病人自杀的裁决对如何使用药物来减轻晚期病人的痛苦有着重大的意义。第二段说:尽管宪法没有赋予医生帮助病人自杀的权力,法院实际上支持率医疗界的“双效”原则。第三段说:医生们正是借用这个原则,为大剂量地给晚期( terminally ill)病人注射吗啡提供正当的理由,尽管增加剂量将最终致使病人死亡。由此从第二段可推断出,B项“医生们帮助病人自杀仍是非法的”为正确答案。其他三项均与文意不符。
    第七段中提到“NAS的报告指出了对临终病人的护理存在着两个问题:一是治疗病痛不力(under-treatment of pain),二是对无效且有强制性的医疗程序的大胆使用(the aggressive use of ineffectual and forced medical procedures)"。据此可知,B项内容正确。

  • 第17题:

    Double Effect
    The Supreme Court's decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.
    Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide,the Court in effect supported the medical principle of"double effect",a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects-a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen-is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.
    Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients'pain,even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.
    Nancy Dubler,director of Montefiore Medical Center,contends that the principle will shield doctors who"until now have very,very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death."
    George Annas,chair of the health law department at Boston Univeisity,maintains that,as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimale medical purpose,the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death."It's like surgery,"he says."We don't call those deaths homicides because the doctors didn't intend to kill their patients,although they risked their death.if you're a physician,you can risk your patient's suicide as long as you don't intend their suicide."
    On another level,many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.
    Just three weeks before the Court's ruling on physician一assisted suicide,the National Academy of Science(NAS)released a two-volume report,Approaching Death:Improving Care at the End of Life.It identifies the under-treatment of pain and the aggressive use of"ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying" as the twin problems of end-of-life care.The profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices,to test knowledge of aggressive pain management therapies,to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care,and to develop new standards for assessing and treating pain at the end of life.
    Annas says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care."Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering,"to the extent that it constitutes"systematic patient abuse." He says medical licensing boards"must make it clear that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension."

    From the first three paragraphs,we learn that______.
    A:doctors used to increase drug dosages to control their patients'pain
    B:it is still illegal for doctors to help the dying end their lives
    C:the Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide
    D:patients have no constitutional right to commit suicide

    文章第一段说:最高法院对于医生协助病人自杀的裁决对如何使用药物来减轻晚期病人的痛苦有着重大的意义。第二段说:尽管宪法没有赋予医生帮助病人自杀的权力,法院实际上支持率医疗界的“双效”原则。第三段说:医生们正是借用这个原则,为大剂量地给晚期( terminally ill)病人注射吗啡提供正当的理由,尽管增加剂量将最终致使病人死亡。由此从第二段可推断出,B项“医生们帮助病人自杀仍是非法的”为正确答案。其他三项均与文意不符。
    第七段中提到“NAS的报告指出了对临终病人的护理存在着两个问题:一是治疗病痛不力(under-treatment of pain),二是对无效且有强制性的医疗程序的大胆使用(the aggressive use of ineffectual and forced medical procedures)"。据此可知,B项内容正确。

  • 第18题:


    Double Effect

    The Supreme Court's decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medi-
    cine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.
    Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide,the Court in effect
    supported the medical principle of"double effect",a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action
    having two effects一a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen一is permissible if the actor
    intends only the good effect.
    Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control termi-
    nally ill patients' pain,even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.
    Nancy Dubler,director of Montefiore Medical Center,contends that the principle will shield doctors
    who"until now have very,very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to con-
    trol their pain if that might hasten death."
    George Annas,chair of the health law department at Boston University,maintains that,as long as a
    doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose,the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the pa-
    tient uses the drug to hasten death."It's like surgery,"he says."We don't call those deaths homicides be-
    cause the doctors didn't intend to kill their patients,although they risked their death.If you're a physician,
    you can risk your patient's suicide as long as you don't intend their suicide."
    On another level,many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has
    been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of
    Just three weeks before the Court's ruling on physician-assisted suicide,the National Academy of
    Science(NAS)released a two-volume report,Approaching Death:Improving Care at the End of Life.It
    identifies the under-treatment of pain and the aggressive use of"ineffectual and forced medical procedures
    that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying" as the twin problems of end-of-life care.The
    profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices,to test knowledge of aggressive pain
    management therapies,to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care,and to develop new
    standards for assessing and treating pain at the end of life.
    Annas says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate
    into better care."Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly
    and predictably suffering,"to the extent that it constitutes"systematic patient abuse."He says medical li-
    censing boards"must make it clear…that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently man-
    aged and should result in license suspension."

    George Annas would probably agree that doctors should be punished if they________.
    A:manage their patients incompetently
    B:give patients more medicine than needed
    C:reduce drug dosages for their patients
    D:prolong the needless suffering of the patients

    文章第一段说:最高法院对于医生协助病人自杀的裁决对如何使用药物来减轻病人的 痛苦有着重大的意义。第二段说:尽管宪法没有赋予医生去帮助病人自杀的权力,法院实际支 持率医疗界的“双效”原则。第三段说:医生们正是借用这个原则,为大剂量地给晚期(termi- nally ill)病人注射吗啡提供正当的理由,尽管增加剂量将最终致使病人于死亡。由此从第二段 可推断出,B项:医生们帮助病人自杀仍是非法的,为正确答案。A项:医生过去常用增加剂量 的方法来控制病人的痛苦,与第三段内容不符。C项:最高法院强烈反对医生帮助病人自杀, 和D项:宪法没有赋予病人自杀的权力,都与文章内容不符。故选B。
    文章第二段第一句说:法庭实际上认可了医疗界的“双效”原则。第三段又说,医疗界 正是借用这个原则,为大剂量地给晚期病人注射吗啡提供正当的理由,尽管增加剂量将最终致 使病人于死地。由此可知,法庭实际上同意给病人开大剂量的止痛药。这与C项意思相符。 A项:如果医生冒使病人致死的危险,将被认定有罪,与文章内容不符。B项:现代医学已经帮 助晚期病人无痛康复,文中未提。D项:医生用药再也不会因为他的用药意图而被认为合理正 当了,与文章内容不符。故选C。
    由第七段中提到的“NAS的报告指出了医生临终护理存在着两个问题:一是治痛不力 (under-treatment of pain),二是对无效且有强制性的医疗程序的大胆使用(the aggressive use of ineffectual and forced medical procedures)",可知B项:对病痛治疗不力正确。
    aggressive的意思有“咄咄逼人的,好斗的;攻击性的,侵略的;有闯劲的,大胆的”,根据 上下文,aggressive在这里应为“大胆的”,所以选A。
    在文章最后一段中,Annas指出:许多医生对病人所受的不必要的痛苦漠不关心,甚至 到了“系统地虐待病人”的程度,并指出病人痛苦地死亡如果被认为是医生护理不力的后果, 那就应吊销他们的行医执照。D项:延长病人不必要的痛苦为正确答案,因为Annas认为吊销 医生执照的前提是病人痛苦地死亡。.

  • 第19题:

    Promising Resnlts from Cancer Study
    A new experimental vaccine(疫苗)has shown promising results in the fight against lung cancer.In a small Texas-based study,a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.
    Researchers have reported encouraging findings from this small study.Forty一three patients suffering from lung cancer were involved in these trials.Ten of these patients were in the early stages and thirty-three in tho advanced stages of the disease.They were injected with the vaccine every two weeks for three months,and were carefully monitored for three years.In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.
    This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg.It stimulates(刺激)the body's immune system, which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful,and attacks and destroys them.
    The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer.It offers great hope for the treatment of cancer in general,although further studies are needed before such treatment can be widely used.

    Patients in the early stages of the disease recovered more quickly in the trial.
    C:Not mentioned

    题干意为“疫苗治愈了所有参与试验的人。”关键词是cured。依据此关键词,可在文中第一段第二句找到相关叙述:“In a small Texas-based study, a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.”(位于美国达拉斯的贝勒大学医学中心的几位科学家研制出了一种疫苗,这种疫苗在一个基于德克萨斯州的小型研究中治愈了一些肺癌患者,减缓了其他患者的病情发展过程。)由此可见,这种疫苗并没有治愈所有参与实验者,故此题说法为“错误”的。
    题干意为“超过四十人参与了这次研究。”关键词是forty。依据此关键词,可在文中第二段第二句找到相关叙述:“Forty-three patients suffering from lung cancer were involved in these trials.”(四十三个肺癌患者参与到这些试验中。)由此可见参与人数确实超过了四十人,故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“在试验中,处于疾病早期的患者恢复得更快。”关键词是the early stages和recovered。依据此关键词,可在文中第二段最后两句找到相关叙述:“In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.”(晚期患者中有三名患者的疾病消失,其他患者的病情在5 到24个月内没有扩散。然而,处于疾病早期的患者没有出现任何不同。)可见这种疫苗对晚期患者的效果比较明显,故此题说法为“错误”的。
    题干意为“所有患者都来自达拉斯。”关键词是Dallas。依据此关键词,可在文中第一段第二句找到相关叙述:“In a small Texas-based study, a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.”(位于美国达拉斯的贝勒大学医学中心的几位科学家研制出了一种疫苗,这种疫苗在一个基于德克萨斯州的小型研究中治愈了一些肺癌患者,减缓了其他患者的病情发展过程。)由此可知,研制疫苗的科学家都来自位于达拉斯的贝勒大学医学中心,而病人是不是都来自达拉斯,这一点文中并没有提到,故此说法为“未提及”的。
    题干意为“每一个病人都被注射同样的疫苗。”关键词是the same vaccine。 依据此关键词,可在文中第三段第一句、第二句找到相关叙述:“This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg.”(这种新型疫苗使用了人体自身的免疫系统。每个病人的疫苗都是专门制造,然后被注射到手臂或腿上。)由此可见每个患者的疫苗都是不一样的,故此题说法为“错误”的。
    题干意为“这种疫苗激活了免疫系统。”关键词是activates。依据此关键词, 可在文中第三段第三句找到相关叙述:“It stimulates the body's immune system, which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful, and attacks and destroys them.”(疫苗能刺激人体免疫系统,使免疫系统意识到癌细胞是有害的,从而攻击和破坏它们。)由此可见这种疫苗是通过激活免疫系统发挥作用的,故此题说法为“正确”的。
    题干意为“这种疫苗或许可用于治疗其他癌症。”关键词是other cancers。 依据此关键词,可在文中第四段第一句找到相关叙述:“The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer.”(这种疫苗或许可以有效地对抗其他癌症。)由此可知,它是可以用于治疗其他癌症的,故此题说法为“正确”的。

  • 第20题:

    When carrying out mooring trial, if the M√Ecan’t start normally, you should ()

    take a further inspection in the voyage


    check and repair, then retrial


    do as the surveyor’s requirement



    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    A fuse that blows often should be replaced only with a fuse of ().

    the recommended current and voltage rating


    higher current and voltage rating


    higher current and lower voltage rating


    lower current and higher voltage rating

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    There is a growing realization that the only()way to achieve further reductions in vehicle emissions is to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels.








    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    We learn from Para. 8 and Para. 9 that _____.

    diabetes patients must take medication upon diagnosis.


    medication is the first line of defense against Type 2 diabetes.


    both lifestyle and medication are important for diabetes patients.


    diabetes patients have no difficulties accepting medical cure.

    正确答案: D