


1.问答题The modern Olympic Games are the leading international sporting event nowadays. However, there are constant voices to call for stopping the Olympic Games. The followings are opinions on whether we should abolish the Olympics from different media. Read them carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the arguments on both sides;  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  The Olympic charter’s call for a “peaceful society” and the “preservation of human dignity” is a very noble one, but its means are rather odd. Through fierce athletic competition between nations, individual rivalries between athletes, who, training for 75% of their waking life, probably play a very little role in their society anyway.  The Olympics is an arena for individual achievement: however, if someone is to win a race, others must lose. Emphasis is not placed on athletes improving their personal best but on who wins.  Having many nations come together shows worldwide solidarity, but it is a strange sort of solidarity, nations united by their athletes in Lycra and branded shoes. The cultures of nations are shown by little more than flag waving and the appearance of their mascots.The Guardian  The original “spirit” of the Olympics was supposedly that of sporting competition between amateurs who competed for the honor of doing so, and to test themselves against the best sportspeople from around the world. However, the Olympics has become ever more commercialized, high-jacked by corporations and turned into a giant advertising hoarding. The kinds of moneys and rewards potentially available from excelling on the international stage has served to incentivise not only professionalization, also corruption and cheating. The professed aspirations of the Olympic movement and the grubby reality of the contemporary Olympics are now utterly opposed.The New York Times  Citizens of the host city, often uninterested in the Olympic spectacle, can end up having to foot the bill by paying extra taxes, or having their existing taxes routed away from other services. The construction of Olympic facilities, company investment and the regeneration of areas in host cities can be very disruptive, pricing local residents and shopkeepers out of their areas. Building an Olympic site can necessitate the demolition of homes and historical places. Previous Olympics have shown that Olympic resources, when the games are over, do not always benefit the host city or society. Olympic sites can become ghost towns, so characteristic of the year they were built in as to be aesthetically odd, impractical, inhospitable and unfashionable a decade later.TIME  The athletes competing in the Olympic games have worked hard for years, showing dedication to achieving physical greatness. They keep to a strict diet, and put in hundreds of hours training in a week, all for the honor of competing against the best athletes in the world. Those that are caught cheating are dealt with harshly, which teaches against honesty and dedication to one’s dreams.  Athletes dedicate the best part of their lives to this ideal, by constantly improving their performance. Individual performance stands here for “celebration of collective values”—including that of fair competition. Individual athletes represent whole nations—their competing actualizes transnational togetherness and the search for commonality and global cooperation.  Above all, the Olympic spirit is a beacon of hope. Countless times the games have instilled hope and togetherness in many. In a world of growling animosity, it is encouraging to see a sense of peace and togetherness gather every four years.

  • 第1题:


    The Journal offers very little space for baseball stats.


    Gary feels ashamed at having a baseball team in his city.


    The woman seems to like The City Journal.


    The woman is not a sports fan.

    正确答案: A
    关于The Journal的对话,录音中男士谈到,该报竟然将棒球比赛结果放在报纸末页的小框框里。这样的做法看起来好像是该报为城市中拥有这样一支成功的球队而感到耻辱。选项B说男士感到羞耻,与原文不符,故B项为正确答案。

  • 第2题:


    正确答案: half∧of→those
    这里those指代前面的blood cholesterol levels。

  • 第3题:

    Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water. Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved. Write a composition of about 400 words on the topic.

    SAVING TREES ON OUR PLANET Many natural resources are being wasted on our planet every day. One of the most important resources we are abusing is our trees. Each year, hundreds of thousands of acres of trees disappear in countries all around the world. In some countries, trees are used for fuel. In other countries, trees are destroyed to build houses and shopping centers. Saving trees has become a major cultural and economical issue in many parts of the world.
    Trees are essential to our survival. They are a major part of the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants use carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, and oxygen is something all of us need. The fewer trees there are, the more this affects our ability to breathe.
    In rural areas, farmers have always known how important trees are to soil conservation. This is why you'll usually see trees lining a field. Tree roots help keep the soil in place, and are also a factor in water distribution deep beneath the ground. They help to prevent drought and floods. Unfortunately,in many parts of our country,people haven't realized the importance of trees. They cut them down at will. They are usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new trees. As a result, the forests continue to disappear. Where there are no trees the rain falls on the surface, causing floods, and carries away with the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so well. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless deserted.
    Trees are also important in the development of many medicines. The mainstream medical establishments did not recognize this for many years. However, those who use natural medicines have always known how important trees are. Many drugs come from the leaves of certain trees, along with other herds and plants.
    Finally, we should save trees from disappearing because they provide so much pleasure. I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree, wrote a poet. That is the truth. A tall, stately tree is beautiful to look at, and pleasing to the soul. It is also a great place to find shade on a hot summer's day.
    For practical and emotional reasons, we need to preserve our planet's trees.

  • 第4题:


    In spite of their different social environments and life experiences, young people from Chinese mainland and those from Taiwan have in mind the excellent Chinese traditional culture and share the common ideal of rejuvenating China. The turn of the century has ushered in a great new epoch. Our motherland is becoming more and more prosperous and powerful. People across the Straits are sure to increase their contacts and strive together to promote the reunification of the country as soon as possible. The golden opportunities and tremendous challenges offered by the turn of the century have pushed the young people to the forefront of history.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第5题:


    In children’s reading material and caricature, owl tends to be described as serious and clever. In dispute among birds and beasts, it is the owl that they regard as their judge and ask for advices in an emergency. Sometimes, people consider owl not practical and a little stupid, yet on the whole, it stands for the image of wisdom. But in Chinese, the figurative meaning of the word “owl” is quite different. Some people are quite superstitious: they are afraid of seeing an owl or hearing its sound; in their view, the mere sight of an owl or the sound of its hooting might cause people to be down on their luck. The phrase “Ye Maozi enter the house” in Chinese means the approach of bad luck. Ye Maozi actually refers to the owl.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第6题:


    正确答案: good examples/ correct sentences
    此题涉及如何避免在英语学习中犯错误的回答。根据录音材料可知,你可以在大脑里对所有正确的好例句进行模仿。故答案为good examples或correct sentences。

  • 第7题:


    正确答案: such∧way→a

  • 第8题:


    正确答案: coincide→differ

  • 第9题:









    正确答案: C

  • 第10题:


    正确答案: inaccurate→accurate
    通过he scores a goal可知应该用“准确的”。

  • 第11题:

    According to SustainAbility, what is the reason for the appearance of so many different definitions for globalization?

    There’s no authoritative definition for globalization.


    Others’ definitions are more convincing than professor Levitt’s.


    Different people have different ideas on globalization.


    Things are different after two decades’ time.

    正确答案: D

  • 第12题:


    正确答案: better→worse

  • 第13题:

    The statement that children learn by imitation is incomplete because _____.

    they only imitate authorities and experts


    they are not willing to copy their parents


    the process of identification has been ignored


    the nature of their imitation as a form of behavior has been neglected

    正确答案: B

  • 第14题:

    她问起我的小说,我说讲的都是发生在上海这个后殖民情调花园里的混乱而真实的故事。“有一篇译成德文的小说,如果你有兴趣,我可以送给你。”我情真意切地说。那还是在复旦读书时一个读德文的男生爱上我翻译的,他是个优等生,没等毕业就去了柏林留学。  她对我微笑,那笑像叫不出名的花儿开在春风里。她把一张写有电子信箱,电话,传真,地址的名片递给我,“不要丢,以后我们还会有机会见面的。”她说。

    “One of the novels has been translated into German. If you are interested, I can give you a copy,” I said with genuine feeling. It was translated by a student of German who fell for me back when I was still at Fudan University. He was a top student who left to study in Berlin before he even graduated.
    She smiled at me with a smile like an unnamed flower blossoming in the spring wind. She handed me her namecard complete with e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers and address. “Don’t lose it. We’ll have the chance to meet again,” she said.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第15题:

    The book “Kids Are From Mars, Parents Are From Venus” is mentioned in the third paragraph because______.

    it has the opposite opinion to the book written by the two girls.


    it has ranked first on the list of best sellers for several times.


    it has the same theme with the book written by the two girls.


    it is another book that the two girls have ever written.

    正确答案: C
    推断题由题干定位到文章第三段。该段主要介绍了一本名为Breaking the Code的书,倒数第二句提到,这本书类似于另一本名为Kids Are From Mars, Parents Are From Venus的书,在于它们均解释了青少年的语言和行为,由此可见两本书的相似之处在于其共同的主题,故答案为C项。选项A的表述与文意相矛盾,故排除。B、D两项文中没有提及,故排除。

  • 第16题:


    正确答案: eliminate/ eradicate/ get rid of
    讲座中谈到,练习不但不能减少错误,反而会引发错误。根据录音可知,如果你存在许多错误,谈话和写作并不能消除这些错误。故此空应填eliminate或其同义词eradicate与get rid of。

  • 第17题:


    正确答案: working→work

  • 第18题:

    父亲说他根本想不到我会怕那幅挂在墙上的复制品,他说你为什么不看挂在旁边的世界地图,中国地图,或者我的图纸,你为什么要看那幅画像?最后他说,那么,你为什么会那么怕她?  很多人问过我这个问题,多问一次,我的恐惧就减少一次。我没有办法回答这个问题。就像我不明白在那么小、几乎还不怎么会说话的时候,我的父亲为什么用这么一种方式来对付我的哭泣。因为太害怕,其实到现在我都没仔细看过这个女人,然而有关童年的记忆,最清晰的,就只有这个女人的画像。

    Father said he had never imagined I would be afraid of that reproduction hanging on the wall. He said, why didn’t you look at the world map hanging next to it, the map of China, or my blueprints? Why did you have to look at that portrait? Finally he said, why were you so afraid of her?
    A lot of people asked me that. With each asking my terror shrank a bit. I was incapable of answering the question. Just like I don’t get why, when I was hardly old enough to speak, my father would handle my crying in such a fashion.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第19题:


    正确答案: Because→Though/ Although

  • 第20题:


    The scrutiny of the local authority.


    The readers’ protest against high prices.


    Efficient staff in The Journal.


    The low price of The Times.

    正确答案: A
    此题涉及对话中关于报纸的价格。由录音可知,男士说到几种报纸中,The Times价格最低。接着女士又提到了正是由于The Times价格低,才限制了The JournalThe herald的提价。由此可以判断出,选项D为正确答案。
    M: Have you seen this story in The Herald? It says The Times is closing down in three months’ time.
    W: Gary, that’s good news, that newspaper is terrible. I won’t miss it.
    M: What do you mean? The Times is the best newspaper in the city. If that closes, we’ll only have The Herald and that City Journal which is too awful for words.
    W: You only like The Times because it takes up to 20 pages every day with sports. This is a newspaper which puts the horoscopes on the bottom of the front page. I think that tells you how serious it is.
    M: Come on. That’s hardly fair now, is it? Remember the campaign they did last year to save the children’s hospital. You can’t tell me you didn’t think that was a worthwhile thing to do。
    W: They only did that because they knew it would strike a nerve with the average guy in the street. You know, saving a children’s hospital. It’s like the ultimate in populist journalism. Do you remember reading their article a couple of months before criticizing the local authorities wasting money on out-of-date healthcare facilities, including the very same children’s hospital? They have only ever written what they think will sell more newspapers.
    M: Well, it obviously didn’t work if they’re closing, did it?
    W: No. and thank heavens for that. The City Journal is a great paper and you don’t like it because it doesn’t devote 5 pages every day to baseball stats.
    M: This is a baseball city. We’ve got a great team. Why shouldn’t we read about it? Where are we going to get the results now? The Journal puts all the results in one tiny box on the back page and The Herald gives them maybe a half page. It’s almost as if they feel ashamed at having a successful team here. I just don’t see why people buy The Journal.
    W: Err, maybe because it has authentic journalists working there, journalists who know something about what is going on in the rest of the country and the rest of the world. I think a newspaper needs to meet all the needs of its readers, not just those who like sports. The Journal did a great piece on famine in Africa last week, did you read it?
    M: No. I can’t say I did. I think they should leave that stuff for the national papers or for the TV news. If I buy a local newspaper, I don’t want to read about the famine in Africa. Those articles are only written by the ambitious journalists who are fishing for jobs in the national press.
    W: Oh. you’re so cynical.
    M: And another thing. What about the jobs section in The Times? That was one of the most useful parts of it. Three or four pages of good quality, jobs and always local. The Herald has one too ... look, here on page 17 ... one page ... and look, half of these jobs are on the other side of the state. Every business, every store in this city knows, if they want to employ someone, get someone to work for them, they have to place an ad in The Times. How are all these people going to get work now? This will absolutely wreck the local economy.
    W: You certainly know how to exaggerate, Gary. Destroy the local economy, will it? I admit the jobs section was pretty good in The Times but one of the other two newspapers will just get the ads instead. That’s how things work. This city just isn’t big enough for three local newspapers and you know it. People only get them to see what’s on in town and to see who’s died.
    M: That’s so morbid!
    W: It’s true. People use the TV or the Internet for everything else. It’s not like it used to be 10 years ago.
    M: The Times was the cheapest of them all too. You can bet all the prices are going to go up.
    W: Hmm, you could be fight. I think The Times’ low price was the only thing keeping The Journal and The Herald from increasing their prices. I don’t buy a local paper that often to be honest. If I do get one, I find myself reading no more than a few pages anyway.
    M: Well. If The Times really does close down, that’s my newspaper buying days finished. I think, in ten years’ time, nobody in this city will even buy a local paper. It’s a shame really, don’t you think?
    W: My dad told me when he was a kid, there used to be 5 local newspapers in the city and two others serving only this comer of the state. But you know how it is, companies merge, everyone is looking for savings, efficiency and so on. Now we’ll only have two. It’s survival of the fittest.
    1. Why does Gary prefer The Times to The Herald and City Journal?
    2. What is the purpose of The Times’ campaign of saving the children’s hospital?
    3. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?
    4. According to Gary, what can we learn about most of the jobs offered in The Times’ job section?
    5. According to the woman, what keeps The Journal and The Herald from raising their prices?

  • 第21题:


    正确答案: co-operate→co-operated

  • 第22题:


    正确答案: year→years
    a million作修饰语,后面的名词要用复数。

  • 第23题:


    It is said that Zhou Guoping’s essays are very much favored by female readers, and I think, that has much to do with such a liking for making effective communication with the reader. Such an attitude has set him to an equal footing with his readers. For the modern people whose soul is becoming more and more closed to the world, emotional intercourse is no easy matter, almost becoming a luxury. Now we have a writer who can express freely and thoroughly what is in everyone’s mind yet not in everyone’s words, naturally, he will be identified emotionally with the readers, especially the female readers.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第24题:

    Sporting activities are essentially modified forms of hunting behavior.Viewing biologically, the modern footballer is revealed as a member of a disguised 1._______hunting pack. His killing weapon has turned into a harmless footballand his prey into a goal-mouth. If his aim is inaccurate and he scores a goal,   2._______enjoys the hunter’s triumph of killing his prey.                  3._______  To understand how this transformation has taken place wemust briefly look up at our ancient ancestors. They spent over a million      4._______year evolving as co-operative hunters. Their very survival depended on success   5._______in the hunting-field. Under this pressure their whole way of life, even if their  6._______bodies, became radically changed. They became chasers, runners, jumpers,aimers, throwers and prey-killers. They co-operate as skillful male-group      7._______attackers.  Then, about ten thousand years ago, when this immensely long formative     8._______period of hunting for food, they became farmers. Their improved intelligence,so vital to their old hunting life, were put to a new use—that of penning,     9._______controlling and domesticating their prey. The food was there on the farms,awaiting their needs. The risks and uncertainties of farming were no longer    10._______essential for survival.

    1.Viewing改为Viewed view和句子的主语是逻辑动宾关系,因此要使用被动形式。
    2.inaccurate改为accurate 通过he scores a goal可知应该用“准确的”。
    3.在enjoys前加he 前面是If引导的条件状语从句,这里是主句,主句的主语是不可以省略的。
    4.look up at中的up省略 look up敬仰,查寻。look at看,考虑,着眼于。没有look up at这个短语。
    a million作修饰语,后面的名词要用复数。
    even if后面必须跟从句,表示“即使”之意。even修饰名词,表示让步。改为co-operated. 根据上文可知这里要使用一般过去时。
    8.when改为after 这里表示在“在长期狩猎为生之后”,因此改为after。
    9.were改为was 该谓语动词的主语intelligence是单数,因此将were改为was。
    10.farming改为hunting 根据文意可推断出是“狩猎”而不是“农耕”对人们的生存已不再那么重要了。
    解析: 暂无解析