  • 第1题:


    正确答案: takes→gives
    give rise to是固定搭配,表示“引起,导致”之意。

  • 第2题:

    Scientific and technological advances have improved our daily lives. However, in many fields scientists cannot solve the problems they have created themselves. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give your reasons. Write a composition of about 400 words on this topic.

    Scientific and technological advances have, admittedly, improved people's daily lives and dramatically changed the way people live. People nowadays actually owe a great debt to the inventors who have pushed forward the development of science and technology. However, I am a strong believer in the claim that scientists in many fields cannot solve the problems they have created themselves, for the following reasons :
    The creation of a new scientific and technological product is a purely academic matter, but its application may be affected by political, historical and military factors. For example, the original purpose of cloning was simply scientific—to change undesirable genes at the embryo stage, and to alleviate pain and illness of the patients. However, some people with ulterior motives may take advantage of this technique to clone human genes. This is sure to cause serious moral uncertainty and chaos for the human race. The inventors of cloning might have never imagined that the technology is now used for dishonorable purposes, and they can only rely on the government to prohibit human cloning by enforcing strict laws.
    Sometimes it is impossible for researchers and scientists to predict the future application of the product they are working on. Atomic energy is a case in point. Its study and research are conducted with the aim of saving the world's limited energy resources and optimizing the use of current energy sources, such as water. Yet people are saddened by the news that atomic technology is used to manufacture dangerous weapons for the purpose of threatening or even destroying other countries and innocent people. For example, to retaliate Japan's attack on its Pearl Harbour, the United States dropped two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, causing huge mortality and destruction, which were absolutely never dreamed by the scientists who invented the weapon. And once it was put into military use, the inventors could do nothing to change the fearful result.
    In conclusion, scientists in many fields find themselves helpless when it comes to controlling the application of the technology they have labored so hard to produce and to solve the problems they have created.

  • 第3题:

    Now many university teachers are troubled by students' cheating on exams. No matter how hard they try to persuade students and to prevent it from happening, this phenomenon seems to be on the increase. In the past, only students poor at study would try to cheat, but now those good students are joining this team. What's more, students who are caught seldom regret their behavior; they only complain about their bad luck. This is really hard to understand for teachers and administrators. The website of a university has started an online discussion about .why students cheat on exams, and you are expected to write an article of about 400 words to join this discussion. You can decide the title for your article.  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

    What Has Turned Us Into Cheaters? The writing topic for this year's CET-6 was revealed again before the day of testing. A student has been expelled due to misbehavior in a final examination. This kind of titles has been very popular these days, and all these have revealed a public secret: cheating on exams. This behavior, which was denounced by almost all, is spreading at a high rate, and this has puzzles not only teachers but also the whole society. Then why do students cheat on exams? In my understanding, there are mainly three reasons, (namely unscientific testing, competition for scholarship, and pressure from future job hunting).
    Some students cheat on exams to protest against the improper testing format. The purpose of university education should be teaching students to use knowledge to solve problems, therefore, exams and tests should test students' ability to use certain knowledge to solve some problems. But most tests in China just test understanding instead of application, and some exams are even worse because they only test students' memory. Some students think it unnecessary to spend time and effort to prepare for such exams, so they just cheat in order to get a decent score, which in their mind, means nothing. Dr. Wang who specializes in education assessment supported this view in one paper, and he said that teachers should blame themselves because they forced students to cheat.
    More students cheat on exams in order to struggle for scholarship. As universities are collecting tuition from students, they also increase the amount of scholarship. This money of cause is very attractive to students, who have virtually no income. As scholarship is mostly decided by examination scores, students willing to get the money will try every means possible. In a recent survey, some good students admitted that they cheat on exams because if most students are cheating, it is unfair when you choose not to. This probably represents a breach of traditional ethics, and is a more important reason than conscientious protest against improper tests.
    The most important reason, in my mind, should be the pressure from job hunting. In the past few years the situation in the job market is deteriorating, and this forces students to prepare as early as possible. Due to its importance, students naturally want to make their reports more attractive, and one way to realize it is cheating. As a student said in a news report, students are aware of the cost of being caught, but the profit of not being caught is too much, so many of them just go ahead. Maybe it is not unreasonable to say that it is the society that makes students cheaters.
    To sum up, the desires to get a good job and a high scholarship, or simply to signal a protest in current education, have forced us students to copy in exams. It is undeniable that some suffer from weak moral principles, but it is wrong to blame them only. Only when the society and the university find the real source of the problem and deal with it can we restore the traditional criticism against cheating.
    这个题目实际上是要求写一篇说明文,来回答“学生为何要作弊”这个问题。例文用两个新闻标题开头,比较能吸引读者的注意力。然后又用问题引出文章的中心话题,显得简洁明了。引言段的thesis statement非常清楚,用括号的部分是说正文段中的要点可以在此说明,也可以选择不说。在正文段中,作者分别从考试形式、争夺奖学金以及就业压力三个方面分析了学生作弊的原因。三点由小到大,由弱到强,安排得很合理。

  • 第4题:

    We have to ask ourselves: who really give the most value to society? Many college graduates could not find suitable jobs when they finish their higher education. What are the job problems for college graduates? Write a composition to state your view on this issue.

    WHY IS IT SO DIFFIUCLT TO FIND A JOB? Every year thousands of graduates flood the job market, expecting better jobs in their majors, only to be frustrated and disappointed. Why do college students find it increasingly difficult to get a rewarding job?
    One reason perhaps is that many colleges and universities fail to gear their curricular to the development of industries. Degree courses offered in these colleges and universities are so outdated, irrelevant and impractical that the employers as well as the students themselves find it hard to translate their book knowledge into real job skills. No one wants to know about their mind-broadening and horizon-widening qualities, and few are willing to spend time and budget on training raw recruits.
    Secondly, there is an oversupply of graduates in certain specialties, and this oversupply is increasing. Already there is an overabundance of lawyers, executive secretaries, sales engineers and other specialists due to the ambitious investment and booming industries brought on by the economic reforms in recent years. Yet colleges continue every year to turn out the graduates of these specialties to compete for jobs that aren't there. The result is that many of them cannot enter the professions for which they are trained and have to take other jobs which do not require a college degree.
    Thirdly, there is a problem with the attitude of college graduates toward employment. Many of them put earnings above anything else. So they miss many opportunities. Is they have a realistic expectation of how much they should earn in the beginning of their career, it won't be difficult for them to get a job. Besides, they are also very particular about the place. Many college graduates are reluctant to seek a job in the less developed provinces, say, in the mid-western areas, where there are immense opportunities for success and career development. Instead, they all food to the big cities in the eastern coastal area, such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing. As a result, the competition in these cities becomes more fierce.
    The problems that college graduates encounter in job hunting deserve more attention from the colleges and the government. The colleges should get their students out of the ivory tower and gear their courses to the needs of industry and business. The government should provide college graduates with more vocational opportunities to develop new skills, and at the same time raise the wages in the intellectual field so as to retain those willingly devoted to academic studies and scientific research.

  • 第5题:


    正确答案: fly→flying
    此处为“with+ sth.+ v-ing”构成的独立分词结构,作状语。

  • 第6题:

    The statement that children learn by imitation is incomplete because _____.

    they only imitate authorities and experts


    they are not willing to copy their parents


    the process of identification has been ignored


    the nature of their imitation as a form of behavior has been neglected

    正确答案: B

  • 第7题:

    Even most imaginative people have to admit that______.

    human societies are as advanced as those on some other planets


    planets other than Earth are not suitable for life like ours to stay


    it is difficult to distinguish between organic parts and inorganic parts of the human body


    organisms are more creative than machines

    正确答案: C
    文章首段“Mars looks like the only planet where life like ours could exist,and even this is doubtful.”表达了对外星上是否有地球人的置疑,第五段“If this is the case,they may be much more tolerant of their environment,multiplying under conditions that would destroy immediately any organism made of carbon compounds and dependent on the familiar carbon cycle.”说明外星不适合现在的人类居住,故B项正确。

  • 第8题:

    The grammatical words which play so large a part in English grammarare for the most part sharply and obviously different from the lexical words. Arough and ready difference which may seem the most obvious is that grammatical    1._______words have “less meaning”, but in fact some grammarians have called them      2._______“empty” words as opposed in the “full” words of vocabulary. But this is a rather 3._______misled way of expressing the distinction. Although a word like theis not the name  4._______of something as man is, it is very far away from being meaningless; there is a    5._______sharp difference in meaning between “man is vile” and “the man is vile”, yet theis the single vehicle of this difference in meaning. Moreover, grammatical words   6._______differ considerably among themselves as the amount of meaning they have even in th  7._______lexical sense. Another name for the grammatical words has been “little words.”But size is by no mean a good criterion for distinguishing the grammatical words   8._______of English, when we consider that we have lexical words as go, man, say, car.    9._______Apart from this, however, there is a good deal of truth in what some people say:we certainly do create a great number of obscurity when we omit them. This     10._______is illustrated not only in the poetry of Robert Browning but in the prose of tele-grams and newspaper headlines.

    1.去掉the 最高级前不加定冠词时,相当于very(非常)。
    2.but改为and 根据上下文可知这里是递进关系。
    as opposed to为固定短语,“与…相反”。
    far away from为固定短语,表示“离……很遥远”。
    differ from…in…表示“在…(方面)与…不同”,
    by no means根本不…,是固定短语。
    such as是固定搭配,作“诸如”讲。
    a number of后面要跟复数名词。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    Humans on Earth today are characterized by______.

    their existence as free and separate beings


    their capability of living under favorable conditions


    their great power and effectiveness


    their strong desire for living in a close-knit society

    正确答案: A
    根据第二段“His individual units retain a strong sense of personality. They are,in fact,still capable under favorable circumstances of leading individual lives.”可知人类现在的特点就是“作为自由个体存在”,故A项正确。

  • 第10题:


    The scrutiny of the local authority.


    The readers’ protest against high prices.


    Efficient staff in The Journal.


    The low price of The Times.

    正确答案: A
    此题涉及对话中关于报纸的价格。由录音可知,男士说到几种报纸中,The Times价格最低。接着女士又提到了正是由于The Times价格低,才限制了The JournalThe herald的提价。由此可以判断出,选项D为正确答案。
    M: Have you seen this story in The Herald? It says The Times is closing down in three months’ time.
    W: Gary, that’s good news, that newspaper is terrible. I won’t miss it.
    M: What do you mean? The Times is the best newspaper in the city. If that closes, we’ll only have The Herald and that City Journal which is too awful for words.
    W: You only like The Times because it takes up to 20 pages every day with sports. This is a newspaper which puts the horoscopes on the bottom of the front page. I think that tells you how serious it is.
    M: Come on. That’s hardly fair now, is it? Remember the campaign they did last year to save the children’s hospital. You can’t tell me you didn’t think that was a worthwhile thing to do。
    W: They only did that because they knew it would strike a nerve with the average guy in the street. You know, saving a children’s hospital. It’s like the ultimate in populist journalism. Do you remember reading their article a couple of months before criticizing the local authorities wasting money on out-of-date healthcare facilities, including the very same children’s hospital? They have only ever written what they think will sell more newspapers.
    M: Well, it obviously didn’t work if they’re closing, did it?
    W: No. and thank heavens for that. The City Journal is a great paper and you don’t like it because it doesn’t devote 5 pages every day to baseball stats.
    M: This is a baseball city. We’ve got a great team. Why shouldn’t we read about it? Where are we going to get the results now? The Journal puts all the results in one tiny box on the back page and The Herald gives them maybe a half page. It’s almost as if they feel ashamed at having a successful team here. I just don’t see why people buy The Journal.
    W: Err, maybe because it has authentic journalists working there, journalists who know something about what is going on in the rest of the country and the rest of the world. I think a newspaper needs to meet all the needs of its readers, not just those who like sports. The Journal did a great piece on famine in Africa last week, did you read it?
    M: No. I can’t say I did. I think they should leave that stuff for the national papers or for the TV news. If I buy a local newspaper, I don’t want to read about the famine in Africa. Those articles are only written by the ambitious journalists who are fishing for jobs in the national press.
    W: Oh. you’re so cynical.
    M: And another thing. What about the jobs section in The Times? That was one of the most useful parts of it. Three or four pages of good quality, jobs and always local. The Herald has one too ... look, here on page 17 ... one page ... and look, half of these jobs are on the other side of the state. Every business, every store in this city knows, if they want to employ someone, get someone to work for them, they have to place an ad in The Times. How are all these people going to get work now? This will absolutely wreck the local economy.
    W: You certainly know how to exaggerate, Gary. Destroy the local economy, will it? I admit the jobs section was pretty good in The Times but one of the other two newspapers will just get the ads instead. That’s how things work. This city just isn’t big enough for three local newspapers and you know it. People only get them to see what’s on in town and to see who’s died.
    M: That’s so morbid!
    W: It’s true. People use the TV or the Internet for everything else. It’s not like it used to be 10 years ago.
    M: The Times was the cheapest of them all too. You can bet all the prices are going to go up.
    W: Hmm, you could be fight. I think The Times’ low price was the only thing keeping The Journal and The Herald from increasing their prices. I don’t buy a local paper that often to be honest. If I do get one, I find myself reading no more than a few pages anyway.
    M: Well. If The Times really does close down, that’s my newspaper buying days finished. I think, in ten years’ time, nobody in this city will even buy a local paper. It’s a shame really, don’t you think?
    W: My dad told me when he was a kid, there used to be 5 local newspapers in the city and two others serving only this comer of the state. But you know how it is, companies merge, everyone is looking for savings, efficiency and so on. Now we’ll only have two. It’s survival of the fittest.
    1. Why does Gary prefer The Times to The Herald and City Journal?
    2. What is the purpose of The Times’ campaign of saving the children’s hospital?
    3. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?
    4. According to Gary, what can we learn about most of the jobs offered in The Times’ job section?
    5. According to the woman, what keeps The Journal and The Herald from raising their prices?

  • 第11题:


    正确答案: by→with
    supply sb. with sth.或supply sth. for sb.都可以表示“为某人提供某物”。

  • 第12题:


    正确答案: communicate

  • 第13题:


    正确答案: it→there
    这样所构成there be句型,与前一句对称。

  • 第14题:

    Greene thought that the study proved______.

    the importance of a Mediterranean-style diet to diabetes patients.


    the effect of a Mediterranean-style diet which can replaces medication.


    the rationality for diabetes patients to refuse medication.


    the unnecessity for prediabetes to take medication.

    正确答案: A

  • 第15题:

    “In rude health” in the first sentence of paragraph 3 probably means______.

    in bad health.


    strong and healthy.





    正确答案: B
    语义理解题。由题干关键词可定位到文章第三段第一句,即该段的主题句。随后通过列举SCI、斯图尔特和家庭式殡葬公司的例子说明他们都面临着困难。由此可见,整个殡葬业的形势不容乐观。因此该段首句要表达的也正是这一层含义。由此可以推断,in rude health应该表示“情况好”之意。故答案为B项。选项C具有一定的干扰性,但该段并没有提及“盈利”的问题,故排除。

  • 第16题:


    正确答案: If→While/ Whereas

  • 第17题:


    正确答案: by→with
    supply sb. with sth.或supply sth. for sb.都可以表示“为某人提供某物”。

  • 第18题:


    正确答案: support

  • 第19题:


    正确答案: sharing your knowledge
    讲座在最后部分提到,广泛分享你的专业知识,让人们明白为何需要专家。研读题干,该部分的并列项均为名词形式,可知此空也应填入名词形式。故答案为sharing your knowledge。讲座分论点或分标题之处是常考点,笔记时需注意。
    How to be an Expert  Hi, everyone. I’ve been thinking lately, what makes someone an “expert” in his or her field, which is also the topic of today’s lecture. As far as I know, Lorelle has been thinking the same thing, because she recently wrote a post called What Gives You the Right to Tell Me? at the Blog Herald that explores the issue of expertise in some depth.
      For me, this question started to occur to me when I was invited to speak at an academic conference on anthropology recently. Apparently, I have become an expert on the topic, someone people look to when they want more information.
      How did that happen? This is not a topic I studied at school or the subject of my dissertation; in fact, it wasn’t even really a topic at all until the US Army released their new counterinsurgency field manual last year and started for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thinking about how I came to be a “go-to” person on this topic has gotten me thinking about how anyone becomes the person to call when you need help, about how people become experts in their field. In fact, anyone who thinks they have learned everything there is to know about a topic probably isn’t an expert—I’d call them something closer to “rank amateur”.
      Let’s start with this question: What’s an expert? While knowledge is obviously an important quality of expertise, it’s only one of several factors that make someone an expert in their field. I’ve come up with five characteristics of real experts: knowledge, experience, communication ability, connectedness and curiosity. Now let’s come to them respectively in detail.
      Clearly being an expert requires an immense working knowledge of your subject. Part of this is memorized information, and part of it is knowing where to find information you haven’t memorized.
      In addition to knowledge, an expert needs to have significant experience working with that knowledge. He or she needs to be able to apply it in creative ways, to be able to solve problems that have no pre-existing solutions they can look up—and to identify problems that nobody else has noticed yet.
      Expertise without the ability to communicate it is practically pointless. Being the only person in the world who can solve a problem, time after time after time, doesn’t make you an expert, it makes you a slave to the problem. It might make you a living, but it’s not going to give you much time to develop your expertise—meaning sooner or later, someone with knowledge and communication ability is going to figure out your secret, teach it to the world, and leave you to the dustbin of history.
      Expertise is ultimately social. Experts are embedded in a web of other experts who exchange new ideas and approaches to problems, and they are embedded in a wider social web that connects them to people who need their expertise.
      Experts are curious about their field and recognize the limitations of their own understanding of it. They are constantly seeking new answers, new approaches, and new ways of extending their field.
      Then, let’s move on to this topic: How to become an expert? Sometimes becoming an expert just kind of happens, which is how I became an expert in anthropology and counterinsurgency without really trying. But most of the time, we carefully pursue expertise, whether through schooling, self-education, on-the-job training or some other avenue. There’s no “quick and easy” path to expertise. That said, people do become experts every day, in all sorts of fields. You become an expert by focusing on these things:
      Firstly, that is perpetual learning. Being an expert means being aware, sometimes painfully aware, of the limitations of your current level of knowledge. There simply is no point as which you’re “done” learning your field. Invest yourself in a lifelong learning process. Constantly be on the lookout for ideas and views both within and from outside your own field that can extend your own understanding.
      Then, build strong connections with other people in your field. Seek out mentors—and make yourself available to the less experienced. Also, learn to promote yourself to the people who need your skills—the only way you’ll gain experience is by getting out and doing, which is what’s we called networking.
      Furthermore, not just in the “gain experience” sense but in your the “practice what you preach” sense. You wouldn’t trust a personal organizer who always forgot your appointments, or a search engine optimization expert whose site was listed on the 438th results page in Google, right? Your daily practice needs to reflect your expertise, or people will not trust you as an expert. So, practice is necessary.
      The fourth thing is presentation skills: Learn to use whatever technologies you need to present your expertise in the best possible way. And by “technologies” I don’t just mean web design and PowerPoint, I mean writing, drawing, public speaking—even the way you dress will determine whether you’re taken for an expert or a know-it-all schmuck.
      Lastly, remember to share: 10 years ago, nobody knew they needed expert bloggers on their staff to promote themselves. 5 years ago, nobody knew they needed SEO experts to get attention for their websites. A handful of early experts—experts that, in some cases, didn’t even know what they were experts in—shared enough of what they knew to make people understand why they needed experts. Share your knowledge widely, so that people understand why they need an expert, and you don’t become a one-trick pony who is the only person who can fix a particular problem.
      To sum up briefly, we’ve discussed what all expert is and how to become one. Hope all of you have enjoyed this lecture. Thank you.

  • 第20题:


    正确答案: differ→distinguish

  • 第21题:

    What does the word “piquant” in the last paragraph probably mean?

    正确答案: Interesting.

  • 第22题:

    People should be realistic rather than romantic in order to live a better life. Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic, expressing your view on this. ROMANTIC OR REALISTIC  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

    ROMANTIC OR REALISTIC Young people tend to think that real life is as dramatic and fascinating as it is in the novels and movies, while more experienced adults disregard this opinion. Adults think this kind of naive daydream will only be destroyed by later experiences and every one should learn to get used to tedious everyday life. In fact, I believe this is a question of more than one aspect. Realism is necessary, but idealism is also indispensable to increase the quality of our life.
    Let' s first take a glance at realism and idealism in literature to see which is the reflection of human life. There have been many great realistic works describing a certain period of history. These books not only shook the world of their times, but also keep moving for centuries, among them Oliver Twist and Uncle Tom's Cabin. But many romantic stories gained high popularity as well, such as Scarlet Letter and Gone with the Wind. The literature will lose its glamour without either kind of works.
    The same is true in our life. In order to support ourselves, we should learn to produce something to lead a decent career and to earn a living that is our work, and it's realistic. But everyone can imagine what life will look like if we can not enjoy our favorite music, if all the gardens are filled with apple trees instead of red roses and golden tulips, if going fishing is not for relaxing but for earning money. That is a gray and dull picture of life. No one intends to turn our world into a world like that. Furthermore, even when we work, we can do it well and enjoy it only when we have a genuine love of it. So it is dear that romance is as important as reality.
    To see the importance of romance more dearly, we must think of the goal of our work, of our joint efforts. We work hard in order to make the world a better place to live in, in order to create more pleasant life for ourselves and our successors. If we sacrifice romance just because we want to do better work, we go away from our destination. It is unwise as anybody can see.
    So what we should do is to enjoy the blue of a clear sky, enjoy the harmony on a violin string, enjoy the excitement of sports, enjoy each deep feeling pressed on our hearts, for that is just the way life should be. However, when there are some young people who go too far away from reality, we might help them adjust and think more hardheadedly.

  • 第23题:


    正确答案: involve→involves
    主语the matter是单数。

  • 第24题:

    Roger has cited the following advantages of buying a sailing-boat EXCEPT

    he can spend time along the nearest river or sea.


    he can have fun with their children.


    he can give something he’d never had to the kids.


    he can remain as young as before.

    正确答案: A
      W: What I don’t understand is why you’re so keen on the Layer-de-la-Haye house, Roger. Why on earth should we actually choose, to live out in a village, even if it is a popular village, or so the house agent’s description says, when we could get a place right in the center of Colchester? Look…we’ve got all these house descriptions. And we’ve got time to go and see all of them. You know that I’d much prefer to be in the town and…
      M: …and be boxed in by a thousand other houses…surrounded by a thousand faceless neighbors? No Julia…let’s go for the village. After all I’m the one who has to do all the traveling. Back and forth to London every day. And I’d rather add a fifteen-minute bus ride to the train ride.
      W: That’s all very well…all very well to take that romantic attitude. You know… you think you can get out of everything and wriggle out of any argument. What about my preferences? You are being selfish you know.
      M: Selfish? Me?
      W: Yes you. Think of the children. Roger. It seems to me that you’re so carried away with the idea of living in the village and far from the crowd. I think your personal likes and dislikes are making you anything but practical. Alex for example…he’ll be going to secondary school next year. And as far as I’m concerned, the nearer the school the better. Have you read the description of your beautiful village house? Where is it? Yes…here we are…local primary school within walking distance it says. That of course means that the nearest secondary school will be in Colchester.
      M: There are such things as school buses you know. And even if there weren’t. Alex is perfectly able…perfectly capable of using public transport.
      W: Why at his age?…And think of Sylvia. She’s just getting used to the idea of being in the nursery, can you imagine there being a nursery school in Layer-de-la-Have? And I must say I…yes, I like to be free of her for pan of the day, so that I can get the shopping and the housework done… quite apart from it being good for her.
      M: All fight…all right. You’ve made your point. But after all these years in London I would have preferred a bit of fresh air and greenery and…you know…the occasional toddle round the nine-hole golf course they mention. It is nine-hole, isn’t it? Yes…Anyway…It’s goodbye to that…to the “pleasant and neat gardens front and rear, apple tree and ornamental fish Pond, patio and…”
      W: Stop talking through your hat. You’ve never been a lover of fresh air…your overcoat’s on as soon as the first gentle touch of the first spring breeze. And as for golf…well…we both know you love a beer at the clubhouse rather than any outdoor sports. Why is it that you’re always insisting that you like the country life, you love getting up early, you adore a good brisk walk, and so on and so on. when in fact…
      M: But I do like the country…I would love getting up early…I’d often be out there having a good brisk walk…if only…
      W: If only what?
      M: If only…Well…if only we lived somewhere that would make it all possible and worthwhile. Never mind. Colchester is good enough I suppose. There’ll be fields and trees nearby.
      W: Exactly. Now just look at this, the description of this house. I think we ought to go and see it. It’s east of the town center, so you won’t be too boxed in as you say, and shops, schools and everything else are in easy reach. We’d have the best of both worlds, you with your golf and beer…me with my fenceless neighbors.
      M: And there’s another consideration. It costs…,what…? 2300 less. With that we’ll be saving for quite a nice sailing-boat.
      W: Oh no!
      M: You know Julia…I’ve always wanted to have a little sailing-boat…out there in the front garden. Then on Saturdays or Sundays or Bank Holidays we can hitch the trailer to the car and go to the nearest bit of river or sea. It’d do the children a world of good. I’d like them to have what I’ve never had…while they’re still young…