单选题We can infer from the passage that ______.A all technological changes are goodB all technologies will eventually replace old onesC new technologies will eventually replace old onesD traditional newspapers are here to stay for another century

We can infer from the passage that ______.

all technological changes are good


all technologies will eventually replace old ones


new technologies will eventually replace old ones


traditional newspapers are here to stay for another century

更多“单选题We can infer from the passage that ______.A all technological changes are goodB all technologies will eventually replace old onesC new technologies will eventually replace old onesD traditional newspapers are here to stay for another century”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    .What can we infer from the last sentence of the text?

    A. Happiness comes from peaceful life in the country.

    B. Health is more important than money.

    C. The harmony between man and nature is important.

    D. Good old days will never be forgotten.


  • 第2题:

    From the passage we can infer that the story happened in______.

    A. spring

    B. summer

    C. autumn

    D. winter


    48.答案为D  从第三段...under all the woolen scarves和乘客的谈话中可推断当时天气很冷,因此D为最佳答案。

  • 第3题:

    Old Man Myths and Realities

    1 When does a middle-aged man become an old man?Officially,of course,it's when we
    reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt(生硬的)method of
    decision making. As life expectancy(预期寿命)increases, retirement planning needs to
    be changed .This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a
    generation or so ago.
    2 Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-
    old,that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently
    continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old-old have a
    much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.
    3 Although men are living longer,there are still more old women than old men.This fact
    alone should arouse interest as to why.Relatively little is actually known about why this is
    the case or about the experiences of the old man .Sure,we are aware that the old man
    experiences anxiety,financial problems,loneliness,etc.,but that's really about all we
    4 It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.In fact,most
    rate their health as good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness.
    The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they
    were younger.

    Paragraph 2__________
    A:New definitions of the old man
    B:Changing concept of the old man
    C:Health of the old man
    D:Happy old man and sad old man
    E:Limited knowledge of the old man's experiences
    F:Contempt for the old man


  • 第4题:

    Text 2 A century ago,the immigrants from across the Atlantic included settlers and sojourners.Along with the many folks looking to make a permanent home in the United States came those who had no intention to stay,and 7million people arrived while about 2 million departed.About a quarter of all Italian immigrants,for example,eventually returned to Italy for good.They even had an affectionate nickname,“uccelli di passaggio,”birds of passage.Today,we are much more rigid about immigrants.We divide newcomers into two categories:legal or illegal,good or bad.We hail them as Americans in the making,or brand them as aliens to be kicked out.That framework has contributed mightily to our broken immigration system and the long political paralysis over how to fix it.We don't need more categories,but we need to change the way we think about categories.We need to look beyond strict definitions of legal and illegal.To start,we can recognize the new birds of passage,those living and thriving in the gray areas.We might then begin to solve our immigration challenges.Crop pickers,violinists,construction workers,entrepreneurs,engineers,home healthcare aides and physicists are among today's birds of passage.They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work,money and ideas.They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them.They can manage to have a job in one place and a family in another.With or without permission,they straddle laws,jurisdictions and identities with ease.We need them to imagine the United States as a place where they can be productive for a while without committing themselves to staying forever.We need them to feel that home can be both here and there and that they can belong to two nations honorably.Accommodating this new world of people in motion will require new attitudes on both sides of the immigration battle.Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground and understanding that managing immigration today requires multiple paths and multiple outcomes,including some that are not easy to accomplish legally in the existing system.
    It is implied in paragraph 2 that the current immigration system in the US_____

    A.needs new immigrant categories
    B.has loosened control over immigrants
    C.should be adopted to meet challenges
    D.has been fixed via political means

    推理题【命题思路】推理题考查的不仅是对文章信息的理解,更考查了对全文主题的了解。因此需要准确定位,并根据段落中心甚至全文中心来最终得出答案。【直击答案】根据题干定位到第二段。由最后一句话We might then begin to solve our immigration challenges(然后也许我们就能开始面对移民挑战了)可以判断出,本段第四句至第六句的we need to…和we can….是我们可以面对这个挑战的前提,即我们应该如何去迎接这些挑战。故C项为正确答案。【排除干扰】A、B、D三个选项都错在混淆原文信息,虽然句式或者信息与原文中很相似或者重合,但是选项中却改写了其中的某些成分。A项“need categories”与第二段第四句We don't need more categories表达意思相反。B项“loosen control”与本段第五句We need to look beyond strict definitions of legal and illegal的strict(严格的)相反。D项“political means”(政治手段),与原文中第五句话We need to look beyond strict definitions of legal and illegal不一致。

  • 第5题:

    Old Man Myths and Realities

    1.When does a middle-aged man become an old man?Officially,of course,it is when we reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt(生硬的)method of decision making. As life expectancy(寿命)increases,retirement planning needs to be changed. This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or so ago.
    2.Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-old, that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old-old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.
    3.Although men are living longer,there are still more old women than old men.This fact alone should arouse interest as to why. Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man.Sure,we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety,financial problems,loneliness,etc.,but that is really about all we know.
    4.It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.In fact,most old man think their health is good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness.The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger.

    Paragraph 4______
    A:New Definitions of the Old Man
    B:Changing Concept of the Old Man
    C:Health of the Old Man
    D:Happy Old Man and Sad Old Man
    E:Limited Knowledge of the Old Man's Experiences
    F: Contempt for the Old Man


  • 第6题:

    From the passage we can infer that the passage is probably selected from______.

    a speech to business leaders


    a speech of a manager to his staff


    an article in a popular magazine


    a movie

    正确答案: B

  • 第7题:

    According to this passage, some people believe that eventually______.

    human societies will be much more cooperative


    man will live in a highly organized world


    machines will replace man


    living beings will disappear from Earth

    正确答案: A
    根据第三段末句“A million years further on man and his machines may have merged as closely as the muscles of the human body and nerve cells that set them in motion.”和第五段可知,人体的有机部件和人造的机械装置会合为一体,经过这个短暂的过渡,碳化合物构成的有机体会由于环境恶化而毁灭,高级的生命形式却能够繁衍不息,故选项C正确。

  • 第8题:

    From the passage, we can infer that the job of advertising is becoming ______





    more popular.


    well esteemed.

    正确答案: D

  • 第9题:

    What can we infer from Paragraph 2?

    Chairperson or chair is the neutral term of chairman or chairwoman.


    It is not necessary to replace chairman with chairperson.


    Chairman can express the same meaning as the word chairwoman.


    People are very sensitive to the use of chairman in the past.

    正确答案: C
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的例子“They clearly perceive it as a title which perpetuates traditional ideas about the place of women in society. For this reason they seek to replace it with neutral terms such as ‘ chairperson’ or ‘chair’…”可以推断出为了避免传统的性别偏见,主席可以叫做中性的chairperson或者chair,正确答案为A。

  • 第10题:

    From the passage, we can conclude that ______.

    weekly newspapers and other weekly news magazines are for busy people


    daily newspapers are for people in general only


    news can be used for educational purposes


    news services compete for readers

    正确答案: C
    从文中最后一段叙述的“许多英语学习者find the news a useful source of language practice”,他们可以通过阅读和听新闻来提高语言能力,可判断,新闻也可为教育所用,选项C正确。

  • 第11题:

    From the passage we know people need newly produced atlases because ______.

    they can’t see the old ones clearly


    they like to buy different ones


    something has changed


    something is missing

    正确答案: C

  • 第12题:

    We all()violence against women, old and young.








    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    We can infer from Dr Myers and Dr. Worm’s paper that

    A. the stock of large predators in some old fisheries has reduced by 90%. B. there are only half as many fisheries as there were 15 years ago. C. the catch sizes in new fisheries are only 20% of the original amount. D. the number of larger predators dropped faster in new fisheries than in the old.


  • 第14题:

    From the survey,we can see that_____.

    A.TV has become the major source of news

    B.newspapers are no longer the major source of news

    C.more than half of the 18-to-34-year-olds visit Internet news sites daily technologies can still not replace the traditional ones


  • 第15题:

    Text 2 A century ago,the immigrants from across the Atlantic included settlers and sojourners.Along with the many folks looking to make a permanent home in the United States came those who had no intention to stay,and 7million people arrived while about 2 million departed.About a quarter of all Italian immigrants,for example,eventually returned to Italy for good.They even had an affectionate nickname,“uccelli di passaggio,”birds of passage.Today,we are much more rigid about immigrants.We divide newcomers into two categories:legal or illegal,good or bad.We hail them as Americans in the making,or brand them as aliens to be kicked out.That framework has contributed mightily to our broken immigration system and the long political paralysis over how to fix it.We don't need more categories,but we need to change the way we think about categories.We need to look beyond strict definitions of legal and illegal.To start,we can recognize the new birds of passage,those living and thriving in the gray areas.We might then begin to solve our immigration challenges.Crop pickers,violinists,construction workers,entrepreneurs,engineers,home healthcare aides and physicists are among today's birds of passage.They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work,money and ideas.They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them.They can manage to have a job in one place and a family in another.With or without permission,they straddle laws,jurisdictions and identities with ease.We need them to imagine the United States as a place where they can be productive for a while without committing themselves to staying forever.We need them to feel that home can be both here and there and that they can belong to two nations honorably.Accommodating this new world of people in motion will require new attitudes on both sides of the immigration battle.Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground and understanding that managing immigration today requires multiple paths and multiple outcomes,including some that are not easy to accomplish legally in the existing system.
    According to the author,today's birds of passage want____ incentives
    B.a global recognition
    C.opportunities to get regular jobs
    D.the freedom to stay and leave

    细节题【命题思路】细节题的解答要求考生准确回文定位,并且逐一对应判断出答案。需要注意的是细节题的正确选项很少是原文信息的复现,而是概括性总结或者前后几句话的概括。错误选项则往往是原文信息的过度推理和断章取义的理解或者是无中生有。【直击答案】根据题干定位至第三段。题干的want与原文的prefer to是同义词,因而解题关键在于对最后两句话的理解。They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them.They can manage to have a job in one place and a family in another.强调的是工作机会。故D项为正确答案。【排除干扰】A项是对原文的片面理解,通过第三段第二句They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work,money and ideas判断出吸引移民者的不仅仅是来自金钱的激励(money),还有工作机会和工作理念(work and ideas),A项financial incentives(经济鼓励)仅仅是money,因而错误。B项选和C项在文中未提及也不选。

  • 第16题:

    Text 2 A century ago,the immigrants from across the Atlantic included settlers and sojourners.Along with the many folks looking to make a permanent home in the United States came those who had no intention to stay,and 7million people arrived while about 2 million departed.About a quarter of all Italian immigrants,for example,eventually returned to Italy for good.They even had an affectionate nickname,“uccelli di passaggio,”birds of passage.Today,we are much more rigid about immigrants.We divide newcomers into two categories:legal or illegal,good or bad.We hail them as Americans in the making,or brand them as aliens to be kicked out.That framework has contributed mightily to our broken immigration system and the long political paralysis over how to fix it.We don't need more categories,but we need to change the way we think about categories.We need to look beyond strict definitions of legal and illegal.To start,we can recognize the new birds of passage,those living and thriving in the gray areas.We might then begin to solve our immigration challenges.Crop pickers,violinists,construction workers,entrepreneurs,engineers,home healthcare aides and physicists are among today's birds of passage.They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work,money and ideas.They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them.They can manage to have a job in one place and a family in another.With or without permission,they straddle laws,jurisdictions and identities with ease.We need them to imagine the United States as a place where they can be productive for a while without committing themselves to staying forever.We need them to feel that home can be both here and there and that they can belong to two nations honorably.Accommodating this new world of people in motion will require new attitudes on both sides of the immigration battle.Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground and understanding that managing immigration today requires multiple paths and multiple outcomes,including some that are not easy to accomplish legally in the existing system.
    The author suggests that the birds of passage today should be treated____ faithful partners
    B.with economic favors
    C.with legal tolerance mighty rivals

    推理题【命题思路】本题为推理题,侧重考查对原文细节信息的理解和概括。【直击答案】根据题干,可定位至第五段。首句指出我们应有新态度,第二句进行具体阐述,末句说包含那些在现今体系中难以合法理解的,即说明要给予法律宽容。首句的“logic of right or wrong”和末句的“legally”为同义表达。故C项正确,该选项是第五段的概括表达。【排除干扰】A、B和D项在文中未提及,是命题人根据文章主题给出的无中生有的干扰项。

  • 第17题:


    • A、REPLACE 工资 WITH “工资+100”
    • B、REPLACE 工资 WITH 工资+100
    • C、REPLACE ALL 工资 WITH 工资=工资+100
    • D、REPLACE ALL 工资 WITH 工资+100


  • 第18题:

    According to this passage, some people believe that eventually _____.

    human societies will be much more cooperative


    man will live in a highly organized world


    machines will replace man


    living beings will disappear from Earth

    正确答案: B
    根据第三段末句“A million years further on man and his machines may have merged as closely as the muscles of the human body and nerve cells that set them in motion.”和第五段可知,人体的有机部件和人造的机械装置会合为一体,经过这个短暂的过渡,碳化合物构成的有机体会由于环境恶化而毁灭,高级的生命形式却能够繁衍不息,故选项C正确。

  • 第19题:

    We can infer from this passage that the new technology _____.

    may not guarantee people a daughter or a son as they desire


    is used by most families for non-medical reasons


    has brought an insoluble ethical dilemma for mankind


    will lead to a larger proportion of females in the population

    正确答案: A

  • 第20题:

    We can infer from the last paragraph that ______.

    Americans enjoy the medical care of their choice.


    most Canadians deem their health care system to be flawless.


    Canadians do not benefit from all new medical achievements.


    most Americans are proud of their health care system.

    正确答案: B
    推理判断题。根据题干信息定位到最后一段最后一句“…0nly 26 percent of Americans who felt their system was superior to that in Canada.”,由此可知,只有少数美国人对美国的医疗体系感到满意,觉得优胜于加拿大的医疗体系,故选项A和D 是错误的;最后一段第三句提到“But despite some small problems, most Canadians like their health care system.”中,即加拿大人并不认为加拿大的医疗体系是完美的,还是存在一些小问题,故选项B是错误的;最后一段第二句提到“Canadians have less access than Americans to the latest technological innovations.”,即加拿大的医疗技术革新落后于美国,因此加拿大公民不能受益于所有的新的医疗成果,故答案为C项。

  • 第21题:

    In this passage, the author mainly tells us that _____.

    everyone can be forgetful sometimes regardless of one’s age


    we can prevent our sound mind from aging with certain methods


    brain aging starts from the time when we are in our 20s and 30s


    memory loss is a sign that shows we are getting old

    正确答案: B

  • 第22题:

    It might take 30 to 40 years for computer newspapers to replace traditional newspapers, because ______.

    it is technologically impossible now


    computer newspapers are too expensive


    there is strong resistance from both the general population and professional journalists


    traditional newspapers are easy to read

    正确答案: A
    根据文章最后一句话,It might take 30 to 40 years to complete the change over because people need to buy computers and because newspapers have...可知,人们购买电脑需要金钱,而且传统意义上的报纸已经在纸行业的利润中占据了很大的比重。在短时间内,人们很难达到从电脑上看报纸的水平。故选B。

  • 第23题:

    From the passage, we can infer (推断) ______.

    Anne was born in Germany


    Anne was a Jew


    Anne’s father collected the diaries


    Anne was a Nazi

    正确答案: B
    由原文第二段中的“Because the German Nazis hated the Jews and wanted to kill them,her family had to move to another country”可推断出Anne是犹太人。A项、C项分别在原文第二段和第三段中直接给出,不需要推断,故应排除。D项与文意不符。因此应选B项。