单选题Surely, there are lots of problems solving in our research so we need to get well prepared in advance.A lots of problemsB solvingC need toD get well prepared

Surely, there are lots of problems solving in our research so we need to get well prepared in advance.

lots of problems




need to


get well prepared

正确答案: D
更多“单选题Surely, there are lots of problems solving in our research so we need to get well prepared in advance.A lots of problemsB solvingC need toD get well prepared”相关问题
  • 第1题:


    The aim(目的) of students who come to school is ro srudy. But if we haven't a right way to study we will waste the time or the money. The following are ways for studying.

    The best time for reading js morning. Because in the morning, the air is fresh and our minds are clear.For that reason,we can get good results.

    Jt- studying we must be'patient(耐心的). If w.e don't understand a text well,we must read it again. We should not read the next one till we have learned the first one well.

    When we are studying,we must put our hearts into the book. We can not read absent-.mindedly(心不在焉地) ,or we can get nothing from the book while we are reading.

    We must always ask "whys". If it is not well understood,write it down and ask our teach-ers or parents,brothers or friends,in any possible way. We must know it completely and then our knowledge can be used well.

    Though there are many ways for studying,however,the above mentioned(提及的) will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart and do so,

    ( )21. The article tells us_________

    A. to read in the morning

    B. to pay close attention to ways for studying

    C. the importance of reading

    D. to have patience in studying


  • 第2题:

    To get well, ( ).

    A、we are going to give the patient a chemical treatment

    B、the patient needs a chemical treatment

    C、the doctors suggest a chemical treatment of the patient

    D、a chemical treatment is necessary


  • 第3题:

    Tom ______ get up a little earlier tomorrow.



    C、need to

    D、needs to

    参考答案: D

  • 第4题:

    The reason for his absence was _______ he was not well prepared.






  • 第5题:

    It’s a problem that doesn ’ t need ( ) right now. solve


    C.being solved be solving


  • 第6题:

    —You are confident about the job interview, aren’t you? —_____. I’m well prepared and feel I’ve got everything they need.

    A. suer, I am B. It’s hard to say

    C. I hope so D. Well, maybe


  • 第7题:

    Step Back in Time

    Do you know that we live a lot longer now than the people who were born before us?One
    hundred years ago the average woman lived to be 45.But now,she can live until at least 80.
    One of the main reasons for people living longer is that we know how to look after
    ourselves better. We know which foods are good for us and what we have to eat to make
    sure our bodies get all the healthy things they need.We know why we sometimes get ill and
    what to do to get better again.And we know how important it is to do lots of exercise to
    keep our hearts beating healthily.
    But in order that we don't slip back into bad habits,let's have a look at what life was
    like 100 years ago.
    Families had between 15 and 20 children,although many babies didn't live long.
    Children suffered from lots of diseases , especially rickets(佝偻病)and scurvy(坏血病),
    which are both caused by bad diets.This is because many families were very poor and not
    able to feed their children well.
    Really poor families who lived in crowded cities like London and Manchester often slept
    standing up,bending over a piece of string,because there was no room for them to lie down.
    People didn't have fridges until the 1 920s.They kept fresh food cold by storing it on
    windowsills(窗台板),blocks of ice, or even burying it in the garden.
    Some children had to start work at the age of seven or eight to earn money for their
    parents. If you had lived 1 00 years ago , you might well be selling matchsticks(火柴杆)(a
    job done by many children)or working with your dad by now.

    Life was not easy for many children living 100 years ago.
    C:Not mentioned


  • 第8题:

    Mobile Phones:Change Our Life

    In the case of mobile phones,change is everything. Recent research indicates that the mobile phone is changing not only our culture,but our very bodies as well.
    First,Let's talk about culture.The difference between the mobile phone and its parent一the fixed-line phone,is that a mobile phone corresponds to a person,while a landline goes to a place.If you call my mobile,you get me.If you call my fixed-line phone,you get whoever answers it.
    This has several implications.The most common one,however,and perhaps the thing that has changed our culture forever,is the"meeting"influence.People no longer need to make firm plans about when and where to meet.Twenty years ago,a Friday night would need to be arranged in advance.You needed enough time to allow everyone to get from their place of work to the first meeting place.Now,however,a night out can be arranged on the run.It is no longer"see you there at 8", but"text me around 8 and we'll see where we all are".
    Texting changes people as well.In their paper,"Insights into the Social and Psychological Effects of SMS Text Messaging",two British researchers distinguished between two types of mobile phone users:the"talkers"and the"texters”一those who prefer voice to text message and those who prefer text message to voice.
    They found that the mobile phone's individuality and privacy gave texters the ability to express a whole new outer personality.Texters were likely to report that their family would be surprised if they were to read their texts.This suggests that texting allowed texters to present a self-image that differed from the one familiar to those who knew them well.
    Another scientist wrote of the changes that mobiles have brought to body language.There are two kinds that people use while speaking on the phone.There is the"speakeasy":the head is held high,in a self-confident way,chatting away.And there is the"spacemaker":these people focus on themselves and keep out other people.
    Who can blame them?Phone meetings get cancelled or reformed and camera-phones intrude on people's privacy. So,it is understandable if your mobile makes you nervous.But perhaps you needn't worry so much.After all,it is good to talk.

    In spite of all the problems,mobile phones still bring to us lots of conveniences.
    C:Not mentioned

    本题给出的信息是错误的。原文是:"If you call my fixed-line phone, you get whoever answers it."
    本题给出的信息是正确的。原文是:"Now, however, a night out can be arranged on the run .It is no longer 'see you there at 8',but 'text me around 8 and we'll see where we all are'."
    本题给出的信息是错误的。原文是:"This suggests that texting allowed texters to present a self-image that differed from the one familiar to those who knew them well."
    本题给出的信息是正确的。原文是:"And there is the 'spacemaker': these people focus on themselves and keep out other people."

  • 第9题:

    We experience a burst of pleasure when we share our thoughts,and this drives us to communlcate.It is a useful feature of our brain,because it ensures that knowledge,experience and ideas do not get buried with the person who first had them,and that as a society we benefit from the products of many minds.Of course,in order for that to happen,merely sharing is not enough.We need to cause a reaction.Each time we share our opinions and knowledge,it is with the intention of having an impact on others.Here's the problem,though:we approach this task from inside our own heads.When attempting to create impact,we reflect on what is persuasive to us,our state of mind.our desires and our goals.But if we want to affect the behaviours and beliefs of the person in front of us,we need to understand what goes on inside their head.


  • 第10题:

    What he told me to do was ______ I should get fully prepared before the interview.








    正确答案: D

  • 第11题:

    Prior to our conference, the executive director had requested that everyone was well prepared.

    Prior to







    正确答案: A

  • 第12题:

    Neil: I can’t see very well. Or at least I can’t see to read.  Maurice: Well, you should have your eyes tested, and have some glasses made.  Neil: ______  Maurice: Right. But you probably need them now. We all get older, and…

    There aren’t any glasses.


    I’ve never worn glasses.


    I don’t believe it.


    Thank you. I’ll do that.

    正确答案: B

  • 第13题:

    - I thought that if I could get your support first, it might make getting approval easier. - _________ .

    A We will need another four thousand dollars to cover the cost ;

    B Well, you've got my support on this ;

    C You only need a budget increase for the first order


  • 第14题:

    The earth is our home so it _______ well.

    A.must be protected

    B.should protected

    C.need protect

    D.should protect


  • 第15题:

    Does everyone in your office always agree all the time When someone makes a suggestion, does everyone just smile and nod in agreement When you bring forward an idea, do people just accept it Well, if you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are in an extremely unusual workplace. People are people. And people butt heads. They disagree, they argue, and they fight. You can’t get around it. But you can learn to deal with it. To hold your own, you need to learn how to argue effectively. If you’ve got an opinion, you need to defend it. And if you have a problem with something a colleague has done, you need to let them know. This can make for some difficult discussions and meetings, but this is just a part of life and business. So how can you argue effectively Well, you need several skills.

    1.From the first paragraph we can know that in the office ().

    A.people sometimes argue

    B.people always agree

    C.people always get around it

    2.“And people butt head” means ().

    A.people hit you with the top of their head

    B.people dislike each other

    C.people don’t always agree well with each other

    3.The writer suggests that if you get an opinion, you need to().

    A.get around it

    B.learn how to deal with it

    C.argue in support of it

    4.You need several skills to ().

    A.let your colleagues know

    B.argue effectively C.make for discussions and meetings

    5.The main point of this passage is about().

    A.the fact of disagreement and argument in the office to avoid disagreement and argument in the office to argue effectively in the office

    参考答案:子问题 1:A; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:C; 子问题 4:B; 子问题 5:A

  • 第16题:

    _______, you should be well prepared for the worst.

    A、In no case

    B、In any case

    C、no some case

    D、In case


  • 第17题:

    It is obvious to the students ( )they should get well prepared for their future.

    A. as

    B. which

    C. whether

    D. that


  • 第18题:

    It is obvious to the students ______ they should get well prepared for their future.

    A. as B. which C. whether D. that


  • 第19题:

    Step Back in Time
    Do you know that we live a lot longer now than the people who were born before us?One hundred years ago the average woman lived to be 45.But now,she can live until at least 80.
    One of the main reasons for people living longer is that we know how to look after ourselves better.We know which foods are good for us and what we have to eat to make sure our bodies get all the healthy things they need.We know why we sometimes get ill and what to do to get better again.And we know how important it is to do lots of exercise to keep our hearts beating healthily.
    But in order that we don't slip back into bad habits,let's have a look at what life was 100 years ago
    Families had between 15 and 20 children,although many babies didn't live long.from lots of diseases , especially rickets (佝偻病)and scurvy(坏血病),which are bot diets.This is because many families were very poor and not able to feed their children well.
    Really poor families who lived in crowded cities like London and Manchester often slept standing up,bending over a piece of string,because there was no room for them to lie down.
    People didn't have fridges until the 1920s.They kept fresh food cold by storing it on windowsills(窗台板),blocks of ice,or even burying it in the garden.
    Some children had to start work at the age of seven or eight to earn money for their pai lived 100 years ago,you might well be selling matchsticks(火柴杆)(a job done by many children)or working with your dad by now.

    People in the past preferred standing up to lying down when sleeping.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第四段第二句话中“… rickets and scurvy , which are both caused by bad diets.”可知,佝偻病与坏血病都是由饮食不良引起的,故选A。

  • 第20题:

    If they are willing to lend us the money we need,all our problems will be.


    【应试指导】句意:如果他们愿意借给我们那笔我们需要的钱的话,我们的一切问题都将迎刃而解。solve problems为固定表达,意为“解决问题”。caused引起;covered覆盖;met遇到。

  • 第21题:

    Does everyone in your office always agree all the time? When someone makes a suggestion, does everyone just smile and nod in agreement? When you bring forward an idea, do people just accept t? Well, if you answered yes" to any of these questions, you are in an extremely unusual workplace. People are people. And people butt heads.They disagree, they argue, and they fight. You can’t get around it. But you can learn to deal with it To hold your own, you need to learn how to argue effectively. If you’ve got an opinion, you need to defend it. And if you have a problem with something a colleague has done, you need to let tem know. This can make for some difficult discussions and meetings, but this is just a part of life and business skills. So how can you argue effectively? Well, you need several. ()From the first paragraph we can know that in the office.

    • A、 people sometimes argue
    • B、 people always agree 
    • C、 people always get around it


  • 第22题:

    Does everyone in your office always agree all the time? When someone makes a suggestion, does everyone just smile and nod in agreement? When you bring forward an idea, do people just accept t? Well, if you answered yes" to any of these questions, you are in an extremely unusual workplace. People are people. And people butt heads.They disagree, they argue, and they fight. You can’t get around it. But you can learn to deal with it To hold your own, you need to learn how to argue effectively. If you’ve got an opinion, you need to defend it. And if you have a problem with something a colleague has done, you need to let tem know. This can make for some difficult discussions and meetings, but this is just a part of life and business skills. So how can you argue effectively? Well, you need several. ()From the first paragraph we can know that in the office.

     people sometimes argue


     people always agree 


     people always get around it

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Upon your graduation from school, how well will you ______ for the job that lies ahead?





    be prepared


    are prepared

    正确答案: C
    句意:刚从学校毕业,你将怎样为即将来临的工作做好准备?will之后使用动词原形;be well prepared for...为…做好准备。故答案是C项。