单选题According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?A Connections with businesses overseas.B Ability to speak the client’s language.C Technical know-how.D Business experience.

According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?

Connections with businesses overseas.


Ability to speak the client’s language.


Technical know-how.


Business experience.


1.BUSINESS ETHICS Nowadays, more and more attention is being paid to “Business Ethics”. But what does it mean? What is the importance of ethics in business usiness ethics is not about personality, though a good personality is valuable. Ethics is the primary element and prerequisite for a successful business. No matter what you do, you should think of business as a matter of integrity. Nowadays, the slip in ethics and the absence of social responsibility, especially integrity, have led to a crisis in business, seriously influencing social development. ?Events resulting from a loss of trust are being seen now and then and they affect society in many unfortunate ways. Most people know the importance of business ethics, but still some people don’t honor them. We often hear media reports on problems in business, such as adding harmful materials to products. These behaviors cause much damage to consumers, who spend money but do not get quality goods, especially when these commodities do great harm to their health. It is difficult for people to forget the case in which some children consumed unsafe milk powder produced by a few immoral businesses, and their health suffered serious damage as a result. People can’t bear this kind of behavior. and the businesses responsible must be closed down and the related personnel be punished.1. What’s the primary component for a prosperous business?()A. Good management.B. Reliable credit status.C. Business ethics.2. What is the influence of losing integrity?()A. Hinder social development.B. Worsen the company’s reputation.C. Reduce people’s trust between each other.3. What is people’s attitude towards business ethics?()A. All the people pay attention to business ethics.B. Lots of people know its importance but some still don’t honor it.C. Most people attach importance to it and follow it.4. Which one among the following items is not mentioned in this passage?()A. Nowadays, the absence of ethics, especially integrity has led to a crisis in business world.B. Manufacture’s immoral behaviors do little harm to consumers.C. Media is very important for people to know more about commodities.5. What is the author’s attitude toward immoral behaviors in business?()A. Critical.B. Affirmative.C. Indifferent.

更多“单选题According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?A Connections with businesses overseas.B Ability to speak the client’s language.C Technical know-how.D Business experience.”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    The Internet truly flattens the world ― a fact that brings opportunities to U.S.marketers with international components to their businesses or desires to do business globally.


  • 第2题:

    According to the passage,the combined efforts by govermments,layout unions and big corporations to guarantee economic comfort have led to a significant change in( )

    A.people’s outlook on life
    B.people’s life styles
    C.people’s living standard
    D.people s social values


  • 第3题:

    What is an important difference between the Cisco Small Business Support Center and the Cisco Small Business Support Community?()

    • A、 telephone support during business hours
    • B、 fast access to technical information
    • C、 access by partners and customers
    • D、 real-time collaboration


  • 第4题:

    Practice 2  ‘Mini presentation’—about 6 minutes  In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas.  A  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…?  NEGOTIATING  ● COMPROMISE  ● DISPUTE  ●...  B  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…?  EMPLOYING TECHNICAL WRITERS  ● BEING ABLE TO WRITE WELL  ● MEETING TIGHT DEADLINES  ●...  C  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…?  MANAGING A COMPANY  ● COMMUNICATION  ● EXECLLENT MANAGER  ●...

    正确答案: 【参考范例】
    Mini-representation One:
    I think when managing a company one of the most important features is communication. Good communication is necessary at all stages of the business process, which can contribute to a successful business.
    Within individual companies internal communication occurs at, and between the various levels. Directors communicate with one another in term of the company’s overall strategy. They inform managers of their plans, and the managers then communicate with other employees to convey their messages. Negotiations are conducted with regard to pay and working conditions. Managers express their decisions and orders through good communication, which can achieve the aim of  improving morale and motivation. Employees also communicate with each other, for example, over production, wages and their spare activities.
    Reliable and effective communication is one of the key elements which lead to efficient management of a company.
    Question: Can you tell me other vital elements which result in efficient management of a company?
    Answer: Many requirements are important for the efficient management of a company, both internal and external. We need good communication, good staff and managers, smooth flow of the capital, the full cooperation between the company, etc.
    Mini-representation Two
    Firstly, it is of very importance to be able to write well. This means not only knowing the basic rules of spelling, grammar and punctuation, but also having the competence to condense and organise sophisticated information to make it accessible to the public. A good writer must also be capable of dealing with meeting tight deadlines. Secondly, as far as career prospects are concerned, after acquiring valuable experience, many technical writers have the opportunity of working on managerial roles. They may then have the responsibility for the work of other writers within a particular company, or they may prefer to become contractors. This means selling their services through an agency employing many freelance technical writers, whose services are charged to companies at an hourly rate.
    Question: What do you think which factor is more significant, being able to writer well or meeting tight deadlines? Why?
    Answer: I think neither of them can be ignored. We need technical writers not only being able to write well but also being competent to meet tight deadlines.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第5题:

    What is the best title for this passage?

    Globalization of the World


    Rapid Development of High-tech Communication Equipment and Overseas Market


    Secret of Success for Modern Business


    Key Factors for Business and Business People in Modern World

    正确答案: D

  • 第6题:

    What will people do according to the passage?①Overuse the resources②Make good use of the resources③Start a global group④Protect the earth








    正确答案: D
    题目问的是“根据文段,人类将会做些什么”,由People描述中的倒数第二句可知,从现在起,我们应该充分利用地球上的资源并保护地球,因此②“Make good use of the resources“和④“Protect the earth”正确,因此答案为D项。

  • 第7题:

    According to the passage, many important persons in public life and the big corporations______.

    were educated in Oxford and Cambridge


    were educated in Princeton and Yale


    graduated from Harvard and Princeton


    graduated either from Harvard or from Yale

    正确答案: A
    文中第二段第三句提及“many men who hold prominent positions”均毕业于这两个学校之中的一所。这里的one of these two指的就是上文的Harvard and Yale,因此D项为正确答案。

  • 第8题:

    What is an important difference between the Cisco Small Business Support Center and the Cisco Small Business Support Community?()

     telephone support during business hours


     fast access to technical information


     access by partners and customers


     real-time collaboration

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    Brokers are those people, according to the passage, who buy or sell business shares for others.


    第一段末句指出股票经纪人的角色就是act as specialized firms in the field,第二段首句也提到all dealing is done by telephone or teleprinter in the offices of the exchange brokers,说明他们的工作就是替别人买卖股票。

  • 第10题:

    According to the report, what are people worried about?

    The lack of international aid


    The absence of infrastructural planning


    The potential for diseases to spread


    The damage to historical buildings

    正确答案: A
    第一段最后一句“and there is concern that thousands more will die due to water-borne diseases and other hygiene-related health problems”提到由于洪水可能会带来传染病的发生,所以C项正确。

  • 第11题:

    According to the article, what was the cause of the state’s high unemployment rate?

    The policies of Governor Arnold Turner


    The difficulty of doing business in the state


    Low tax rates that kept businesses from reinvesting profits


    The inability of businesses to turn a profit

    正确答案: D

  • 第12题:

    According to the passage, the International Trade Commission is involved in which of the following?

    Investigating allegations of unfair import competition


    Granting subsidies to companies in the United States that have been injured by import competition


    Recommending legislation to ensure fair trade


    Identifying international corporations that wish to build plants in the United States

    正确答案: C
    文章最后一段提到investigated allegations。B项Granting subsidies市政府的工作。C、D项在文章中没有提到。

  • 第13题:

    According to the postings, what skill should applicants at both companies have? (  )

    A.International experience
    B.A university degree
    C.Creative skills
    D.An ability to work in groups

    第一则招聘广告中Requirements部分有这样一句话“as is a team—oriented approach”,而第二则招聘广告中,第一段中:“All you need is a willingness to work with others."由此可知,本题的正确答案应为D。

  • 第14题:

    When doing capacity planning for the Virtual I/O Server,what is the most important  consideration?()

    • A、The I/O workload needs of the client LPARs
    • B、The processing requirements of the client LPARs
    • C、The memory requirements of the client LPARs
    • D、The virtual Ethernet requirements between client LPARs


  • 第15题:

    According to the passage, what’s Tom Maniatis’s attitude towards the second study?








    正确答案: A
    根据文章第六段第一句Tom Maniatis, a molecular biologist at Harvard University praises the study but remains skeptical about any drug that would inhibit IKK∈,我们可以了解到Tom Maniatis表扬了这次试验,但是skeptical表示但仍有怀疑。

  • 第16题:

    Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

    Many people protested in the past six months.


    Many people threw tomatoes at the German Chancellor.


    Many people threw eggs at an important member of the German Chancellor’s Social Democrats.


    Many people threw eggs at the German Chancellor, but he was not hit.

    正确答案: C
    事实细节的找寻和判断。根据录音结尾提到的“Tens of thousands have joined protests in the last six weeks…”,可知,这次抗议持续了六周,而非选项A中的six months。另外,录音中提到“The mushy remains of a tomato thrown at a prominent member of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s Social Democrats”,可知抗议过程中有人朝Gerhard Schroeder总理领导的社会民主党中一位重要人物投掷番茄,由此可见,B项和C项的说法均有误。再者,录音最后的“Schroeder himself has been pelted with eggs, none of which hit their mark”,表明人们朝德国总理Schroeder扔过鸡蛋,但未击中,可见,选项D与录音原文内容相符。
      The mushy remains of a tomato thrown at a prominent member of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s Social Democrats has posed a legal dilemma for authorities trying to assess how to punish the thrower. Police investigating the fruit, thrown by an unemployed protestor at the premier of the state of Brandenburg, said they have concluded it was a yellow tomato. Had it been a soft red one, the man would have faced a lesser charge of causing malicious damage. A harder, green tomato could carry the tougher charge of bodily harm. A yellow one is somewhere in between. “In these types of cases it has to do with the consistency of the fruit,” said a spokeswoman for the court in the eastern city of Cottbus. No decision on the charge has yet been reached. Social democratic politicians have been facing the wrath of the public in recent months, especially in the economically depressed east where many people face painful jobless benefit cuts from January 2005. Tens of thousands have joined protests in the last six weeks and Schroeder himself has been pelted with eggs, none of which hit their mark.

  • 第17题:

    According to the passage, the combined efforts by governments, layout unions and big corporations to guarantee economic comfort have led to a significant change in _____.

    people’s outlook on life


    people’s life styles


    people’s living standard


    people’s social values

    正确答案: B
    本题考察细节。由文章第二段倒数第四句“The cumulative effect was a fundamental change in how millions of people approached life itself, a reversal of attitude that most rank as one of the largest in human history.”可知,这一系列事件带来的是人们对待生活(approached life itself)的根本性的转变,故A项“人们对生活的展望、看法”,符合题意。

  • 第18题:

    According to the passage, what is an important consideration of corporations in employing people today?

    Connections with businesses overseas.


    Ability to speak the client’s language.


    Technical know-how.


    Business experience.

    正确答案: C

  • 第19题:

    How should we understand the richness of these three civilizations according to the passage?

    It meant people’s ability to produce commodities.


    It meant people’s ability to domesticate plants and animals.


    In population it meant the ability to raise a ruling class.


    In population it meant the ability to draw other peoples to the area.

    正确答案: C

  • 第20题:

    What’s the difference between “postal worker” and “postman” according to the passage?

    正确答案: The former is formal, the latter is informal.
    事实细节题。根据第四段“You would be quite likely to read in the paper that ‘Postal workers are to receive a pay increase’ But ‘Has the postman been?’ would be most likely to be heard in informal conversation.”可以得出结论,postal worker是正式的书面用法,而postman则是非正式的口语用法。

  • 第21题:

    Read the passage carefully and answer questions 1 to 5. Answer each question in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet  Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superior will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more prevalent.  Thanks to a variety of relatively inexperience communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets. English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.  The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.  Questions:  1.What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?  2.What is becoming more and more important to promotion?  3.What does “out of sight and out of mind” (Line 2. Para. 3) probably mean?  4.According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in   employing people today?  5.What is the advantage of employees having foreign language skills?

    1.Positive 题干表面是问作者对于高科技通讯工具的态度,但我们从全文可以感觉到作者对现代通讯是持正面态度的,因而对于其通讯工具估计也是持肯定态度的。另外,第四段中的”communications devices”与题干中的communications equipment相对应。而它所在的这一段说:由于各种各样的相对来说并不贵重的通讯设备用于商业,连小企业也能进入国际市场了。能进入国际市场自然是好事,所以作者明显是持正面的态度的。
    2.overseas assignment 文章第一句话提到Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks.,可见答案为overseas assignment。
    3.missing opportunities for promotion when abroad 文章第3段中He or she can be sure…an assignment abroad.及If an employee can succeed…more prevalent.就是对no longer fear being out of sight and out of mind的解释。
    4.Ability to speak the client’s language 文章第二段重点陈述了掌握第二外语,尤其是客户的语言的重要性。
    5.better control the whole negotiation process 文章最后一段提到The employee…who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations…。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by _____.

    asking older people many questions


    listening to skilled people's advice


    making mistakes and correcting them


    doing what other people do

    正确答案: C

  • 第23题:

    When doing capacity planning for the Virtual I/O Server,what is the most important  consideration?()

    The I/O workload needs of the client LPARs


    The processing requirements of the client LPARs


    The memory requirements of the client LPARs


    The virtual Ethernet requirements between client LPARs

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析