单选题According to the author, which of the following contributes to the development of political ideology during adolescence?A Conscious recognition by the adolescence of his or her own naiveté.B Thorough comprehension of the concept of ordination.C Evaluat

According to the author, which of the following contributes to the development of political ideology during adolescence?

Conscious recognition by the adolescence of his or her own naiveté.


Thorough comprehension of the concept of ordination.


Evaluation by the adolescent of the general principles encompassing his or her specific political idea


Intuitive understanding of relationship among various components of society.

更多“单选题According to the author, which of the following contributes to the development of political ideology during adolescence?A Conscious recognition by the adolescence of his or her own naiveté.B Thorough comprehension of the concept of ordination.C Evaluat”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    According to the author ,a politician's morality

    [A] is no match for his political ambition.

    [B] has been undervalued by Machiavelli and his likes.

    [C] is usually of secondary importance.

    [D] should be taken as a yardstick of his capability

    59.C该题为细节题。根据第一段倒数第四句,“What is good politics may be bad morals, and in fact, by a strange fatality,where mor- als and politics clash, the latter generally gets the upper hand.”可知作者认为政治上的好事从道德方面看可能是坏事,事实上,很奇怪的是当道德和政治发生冲突时,往往后者会占据上风。即作者认为对于政治家来说道德往往置于政治之后,处于第二位,故选C。

  • 第2题:

    Text 1

    The period of adolescence, i.e., the period between childhood and adulthood, may be long or short, depending on social expectations and on society’s definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood. In primitive societies adolescence is frequently a relatively short period of time, while in industrial societies with patterns of prolonged education coupled with laws against child labor, the period of adolescence is much longer and may include most of the second decade of one’s life. Furthermore, the length of the adolescent period and the definition of adulthood status may c

    hange in a given society as social and economic conditions change. Examples of this type of change are the disappearance of the frontier in the latter part of the nineteenth century in the United States, and more universally, the industrialization of an agricultural society.

    In modern society, ceremonies for adolescence have lost their formal recognition and symbolic significance and there no longer is agreement as to what constitutes initiation ceremonies. Social ones have been replaced by a sequence of steps that lead to increased recognition and social status. For example, grade school graduation, high school graduation and college graduation constitute such a sequence, and while each step implies certain behavioral changes and social recognition, the significance of each depends on the socio-economic status and the educational ambition of the i

    ndividual. Ceremonies for adolescence have also been replaced by legal definitions of status roles, right, privileges and responsibilities. It is during the nine years from the twelfth birthday to the twenty-first that the protective and restrictive aspects of childhood and minor status are removed and adult privileges and responsibilities are granted. The twelve-year-old is no longer considered a child and has to pay full fare for train, airplane, theater and movie tickets. Basically, the individual at this age

    loses childhood privileges without gaining significant adult rights. At the age of sixteen the adolescent is granted certain adult rights which increases his social status by providing him with more freedom and choices. He now can obtain a driver’s license; he can leave public schools; and he can work without the restrictions of child labor laws. At the age of eighteen the law provides adult responsibilities as well as ri

    ghts; the young man can now be a soldier, but he also can marry without parental permission. At the age of twenty-one the individual obtains his full legal rights as an adult. He now can vote, he can buy liquor, he can enter into financial contracts, and he is entitled to run for public office. No additional basic rights are acquired as a function of age after majority status has been attained. None of these legal pro

    visions determine at what point adulthood has been reached but they do point to the prolonged period of adolescence.

    41. The period of adolescence is much longer in industrial societies because ________.

    [A] the definition of maturity has changed

    [B] the industrialized society is more developed

    [C] more education is provided and laws against child labor are made

    [D] ceremonies for adolescence have lost their formal recognition and symbolic significance

    41. [C]意为:人们所受的教育增多以及反童工法的制定 根据题干直接定位到第一段第二句 while…部分,它指出,(相对原始社会),工业社会中青春期变长有两方面的原因:教育期的延长和反童工法的制定。所以,正确选项为[C]。 [A]的干扰来自于第一段第一句。它提到,“青春期的长短取决于不同社会对成熟和成年的定义”。接着第二句就比较了原始社会和工业化社会。从这两句其实我们可以推出这两种社会对成熟的定义必定不同。但第二句已经明确指出了具体原因,因此[C]为最佳答案。[B] 工业化社会更加发达,文中未提。[D]是工业社会中关于青春期变化的现象,而非青春期变长的原因。

  • 第3题:


    The Age of being Bullied and Its Effect

    The age at which kids first fall victim to bullying(欺辱)could influence how strongly they are affected,suggests a new study.And,surprisingly,it is not the youngest kids who are hurt the most in the long term. Bullying can have long-lasting effects,but particularly when it begins in adolescence(青春期),the researchers say.
    People subjected to either oral or physical bullying are known to be at greater risk for developing depression,anxiety disorders or to behave violently.But not everyone reacts in this way.Children bullied for the first time before their adolescence seem to get over it,but those who are victimized for the first time late on in adolescence seem to become more aggressive or are more likely to turn to drink as a means of coping. These are the conclusions of psychologist Matthew Newman and his colleagues from the University of Texas at Austin,U.S.
    The team gave questionnaires to nearly 1,500 college students regarding their experience of physical and psychological bullying before adolescence一before high school一and in late adolescence一at high school.They assessed mood and mental state,judging by signs of anxiety or depression,such as sleeplessness.The group was also questioned about how they would react to certain challenges,such as being embarrassed or provoked.
    People who were bullied all revealed slightly higher levels of stress.But while those bullied earlier in life seemed to respond normally to provocation,people bullied for the first time late in adolescence are more withdrawn and sensitive to violence.
    The best solution was strong social support,whether from friends,family or school.Those with no one to share their problems were suffered the most.
    So perhaps it is best not to shelter children completely from bullying early on,suggests Newman."They may get stressed,but unhealthy coping really jumps out when they are bullied for the first time later on."The effects are likely to be related to the developing stress hormone system, which matures during adolescence,he concludes.Studies show abnormal stress responses in adult animals that experience social stress or aggression from other animals during adolescence.

    The author most probably agrees that,when a child falls victim to bullying,his parents should_______.
    A:help and comfort him right away
    B:not shelter him completely from it
    C:wait until his stress hormone system matures
    D:not interfere in until the child wants to share

    本题是细节考查题。题干是:根据这项研究,受欺辱经历开始的时间和什么相关?选A的依据是第一段第一句:"The age at which kids first fall victim to bullying(欺辱) could influence how strongly they are affected, suggests a new study.”一项新的研究表明,孩子第一次受欺辱的年龄可能影响他们受影响的强烈程度。选项A的意思是影响的强度,与原文相符。
    本题是细节考查题。题干是:参加研究的1 500名大学生被问到他们会如何应对_____。选C的依据是第三段最后一句:"The group was also questioned about how they would react to certain challenges, such as being embarrassed or provoked.”研究小组也会向这些学生提问,询问他们在面对某些挑战,如遭遇尴尬或受到挑衅时会如何应对。选项C的意思是尴尬的情况和受挑衅的局面,与原文相符。
    本题是细节考查题。题干是:在成年之前受到第一次欺辱的大学生会_____。选B的依据是第四段第一句:" People who were bullied all revealed slightly higher levels of stress.”被欺侮过的人都显得稍微紧张一些。选项B的意思是显示出某种程度的紧张感,与原文相符。
    本题是细节推理题。题干是:作者很有可能认同的一点是,当孩子被欺辱时,父母会_____。选A的依据是第五段第一句:" The best solution was strong social support, whether from friends , family or school.”最好的解决办法是加强社会支持,无论是来自朋友、家庭还是学校。该句表明“社会支持”是最好的解决办法。选项A的意思是立刻帮助并安抚他们,其中的help(帮助)和comfort(安慰)就是对孩子的支持方式,虽然原文并没有提到这些“支持”应该在什么时候提供给受伤害的小孩,但strong一词暗示给予孩子的支持越及时越好,越多越好。所以选A。
    本题是细节推理题。题干是:根据纽曼的观点,为什么在青春期开始遭受欺辱的孩子受到的影响最大?选A的依据是最后一段第三句:"The effects are likely to be related to the developing stress hormone system,which matures during adolescence,he concludes."他得出结论:这些影响可能与压力荷尔蒙系统的形成有关,而该系统往往在青春期成熟。选项 A的意思是他们的压力荷尔蒙系统在那时发育完全,与原文相符。

  • 第4题:


    The Age of being Bullied and Its Effect

    The age at which kids first fall victim to bullying(欺辱)could influence how strongly they are affected,suggests a new study.And,surprisingly,it is not the youngest kids who are hurt the most in the long term. Bullying can have long-lasting effects,but particularly when it begins in adolescence(青春期),the researchers say.
    People subjected to either oral or physical bullying are known to be at greater risk for developing depression,anxiety disorders or to behave violently.But not everyone reacts in this way.Children bullied for the first time before their adolescence seem to get over it,but those who are victimized for the first time late on in adolescence seem to become more aggressive or are more likely to turn to drink as a means of coping. These are the conclusions of psychologist Matthew Newman and his colleagues from the University of Texas at Austin,U.S.
    The team gave questionnaires to nearly 1,500 college students regarding their experience of physical and psychological bullying before adolescence一before high school一and in late adolescence一at high school.They assessed mood and mental state,judging by signs of anxiety or depression,such as sleeplessness.The group was also questioned about how they would react to certain challenges,such as being embarrassed or provoked.
    People who were bullied all revealed slightly higher levels of stress.But while those bullied earlier in life seemed to respond normally to provocation,people bullied for the first time late in adolescence are more withdrawn and sensitive to violence.
    The best solution was strong social support,whether from friends,family or school.Those with no one to share their problems were suffered the most.
    So perhaps it is best not to shelter children completely from bullying early on,suggests Newman."They may get stressed,but unhealthy coping really jumps out when they are bullied for the first time later on."The effects are likely to be related to the developing stress hormone system, which matures during adolescence,he concludes.Studies show abnormal stress responses in adult animals that experience social stress or aggression from other animals during adolescence.

    The 1,500 college students involved in the study were asked how they would deal with_______.
    B:depression and anxiety
    C:embarrassment and provocation
    D:mood and mental state

    本题是细节考查题。题干是:根据这项研究,受欺辱经历开始的时间和什么相关?选A的依据是第一段第一句:"The age at which kids first fall victim to bullying(欺辱) could influence how strongly they are affected, suggests a new study.”一项新的研究表明,孩子第一次受欺辱的年龄可能影响他们受影响的强烈程度。选项A的意思是影响的强度,与原文相符。
    本题是细节考查题。题干是:参加研究的1 500名大学生被问到他们会如何应对_____。选C的依据是第三段最后一句:"The group was also questioned about how they would react to certain challenges, such as being embarrassed or provoked.”研究小组也会向这些学生提问,询问他们在面对某些挑战,如遭遇尴尬或受到挑衅时会如何应对。选项C的意思是尴尬的情况和受挑衅的局面,与原文相符。
    本题是细节考查题。题干是:在成年之前受到第一次欺辱的大学生会_____。选B的依据是第四段第一句:" People who were bullied all revealed slightly higher levels of stress.”被欺侮过的人都显得稍微紧张一些。选项B的意思是显示出某种程度的紧张感,与原文相符。
    本题是细节推理题。题干是:作者很有可能认同的一点是,当孩子被欺辱时,父母会_____。选A的依据是第五段第一句:" The best solution was strong social support, whether from friends , family or school.”最好的解决办法是加强社会支持,无论是来自朋友、家庭还是学校。该句表明“社会支持”是最好的解决办法。选项A的意思是立刻帮助并安抚他们,其中的help(帮助)和comfort(安慰)就是对孩子的支持方式,虽然原文并没有提到这些“支持”应该在什么时候提供给受伤害的小孩,但strong一词暗示给予孩子的支持越及时越好,越多越好。所以选A。
    本题是细节推理题。题干是:根据纽曼的观点,为什么在青春期开始遭受欺辱的孩子受到的影响最大?选A的依据是最后一段第三句:"The effects are likely to be related to the developing stress hormone system,which matures during adolescence,he concludes."他得出结论:这些影响可能与压力荷尔蒙系统的形成有关,而该系统往往在青春期成熟。选项 A的意思是他们的压力荷尔蒙系统在那时发育完全,与原文相符。

  • 第5题:


    The Age of being Bullied and Its Effect

    The age at which kids first fall victim to bullying(欺辱)could influence how strongly they are affected,suggests a new study.And,surprisingly,it is not the youngest kids who are hurt the most in the long term. Bullying can have long-lasting effects,but particularly when it begins in adolescence(青春期),the researchers say.
    People subjected to either oral or physical bullying are known to be at greater risk for developing depression,anxiety disorders or to behave violently.But not everyone reacts in this way.Children bullied for the first time before their adolescence seem to get over it,but those who are victimized for the first time late on in adolescence seem to become more aggressive or are more likely to turn to drink as a means of coping. These are the conclusions of psychologist Matthew Newman and his colleagues from the University of Texas at Austin,U.S.
    The team gave questionnaires to nearly 1,500 college students regarding their experience of physical and psychological bullying before adolescence一before high school一and in late adolescence一at high school.They assessed mood and mental state,judging by signs of anxiety or depression,such as sleeplessness.The group was also questioned about how they would react to certain challenges,such as being embarrassed or provoked.
    People who were bullied all revealed slightly higher levels of stress.But while those bullied earlier in life seemed to respond normally to provocation,people bullied for the first time late in adolescence are more withdrawn and sensitive to violence.
    The best solution was strong social support,whether from friends,family or school.Those with no one to share their problems were suffered the most.
    So perhaps it is best not to shelter children completely from bullying early on,suggests Newman."They may get stressed,but unhealthy coping really jumps out when they are bullied for the first time later on."The effects are likely to be related to the developing stress hormone system, which matures during adolescence,he concludes.Studies show abnormal stress responses in adult animals that experience social stress or aggression from other animals during adolescence.

    According to the study,the age at which bullying begins is related to_______.
    A:how intense its influence is
    B:how long its influence lasts
    C:how much it influences adolescent
    D:how its influence can be eliminated

    本题是细节考查题。题干是:根据这项研究,受欺辱经历开始的时间和什么相关?选A的依据是第一段第一句:"The age at which kids first fall victim to bullying(欺辱) could influence how strongly they are affected, suggests a new study.”一项新的研究表明,孩子第一次受欺辱的年龄可能影响他们受影响的强烈程度。选项A的意思是影响的强度,与原文相符。
    本题是细节考查题。题干是:参加研究的1 500名大学生被问到他们会如何应对_____。选C的依据是第三段最后一句:"The group was also questioned about how they would react to certain challenges, such as being embarrassed or provoked.”研究小组也会向这些学生提问,询问他们在面对某些挑战,如遭遇尴尬或受到挑衅时会如何应对。选项C的意思是尴尬的情况和受挑衅的局面,与原文相符。
    本题是细节考查题。题干是:在成年之前受到第一次欺辱的大学生会_____。选B的依据是第四段第一句:" People who were bullied all revealed slightly higher levels of stress.”被欺侮过的人都显得稍微紧张一些。选项B的意思是显示出某种程度的紧张感,与原文相符。
    本题是细节推理题。题干是:作者很有可能认同的一点是,当孩子被欺辱时,父母会_____。选A的依据是第五段第一句:" The best solution was strong social support, whether from friends , family or school.”最好的解决办法是加强社会支持,无论是来自朋友、家庭还是学校。该句表明“社会支持”是最好的解决办法。选项A的意思是立刻帮助并安抚他们,其中的help(帮助)和comfort(安慰)就是对孩子的支持方式,虽然原文并没有提到这些“支持”应该在什么时候提供给受伤害的小孩,但strong一词暗示给予孩子的支持越及时越好,越多越好。所以选A。
    本题是细节推理题。题干是:根据纽曼的观点,为什么在青春期开始遭受欺辱的孩子受到的影响最大?选A的依据是最后一段第三句:"The effects are likely to be related to the developing stress hormone system,which matures during adolescence,he concludes."他得出结论:这些影响可能与压力荷尔蒙系统的形成有关,而该系统往往在青春期成熟。选项 A的意思是他们的压力荷尔蒙系统在那时发育完全,与原文相符。

  • 第6题:

    Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the author?( )

    A.Images do not always matter in public arguments more than we admit.
    B.Videos on political issues are the most popular among all.
    C.Videos carrying messages with a great emotional wallop can attract attention.
    D.Activists must use street language to appeal to the audience.


  • 第7题:

    Which of the following describes the author’s purpose in writing the passage? ______.

    Inform the reader.


    Entertain the reader.


    Disprove a concept.


    Question a concept.

    正确答案: B

  • 第8题:

    According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

    The national monument in Hawaii was created by President Bush.


    There is no objection to President Obama's decision.


    President Obama made this decision on his own.


    The establishment of the new monument will lead to new iobs.

    正确答案: B

  • 第9题:

    The author’s primary purpose in the text is to ______.

    clarify the kinds of understanding an adolescent must have in order to develop a political ideology


    dispute the theory that a political ideology can be acquired during adolescence


    explain why adolescents are generally uninterested in political arguments


    suggest various means of encouraging adolescents to develop personal political ideologies

    正确答案: D

  • 第10题:

    Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the author?

    Everyone has a right to hold his own opinion.


    Free expression of opinions often leads to confusion.


    Most people tend to be careless in forming their opinions.


    Casual use of the word “opinion” often brings about quarrels.

    正确答案: A

  • 第11题:

    According to the passage, which of the following statement is TRUE?

    Dickens loved to travel.


    Dickens'stories were mostly about his own childhood.


    Dickens made a lot of money on his reading tours.


    Dickens left school to write The Pickwick Papers.

    正确答案: B

  • 第12题:

    Which author wrote about his or her own experience in the above works?

    J. K. Rowling


    Marjane Satrapi


    George Orwell


    Harper Lee

    正确答案: C
    文章第二段第一句提到“This is a wise, funny, and heartbreaking memory of Marjane Satrapi’s years growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution, and how she dealt with life while experiencing the ruinous effects of the war with Iraq.”Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi是一本关于作者玛嘉·莎塔琵在伊朗一年生活中睿智、有趣、令人心碎感动的回忆录,以及她在受到伊拉克战争的毁灭性影响后如何面对生活。故选B。

  • 第13题:

    Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?( )

    A. Americans do not understand broken English.

    B. The author’s mother was not respected sometimes.

    C. The author’ mother had positive influence on her.

    D. Broken English always reflects imperfect thoughts.


  • 第14题:

    Former social ceremonies that used to mark adolescence have given place to ________.

    [A] graduations from schools and colleges

    [B] social recognition

    [C] socio-economic status

    [D] certain behavioral changes

    42. [A] 意为:从各类学校毕业
    第二段第二句指出:青春期的社会仪式(social ones)已经被一系列阶段(a sequence of steps)所取代。第三句说明了“一系列阶段”的具体所指—─各阶段学习的毕业。所以,[A]为正确选项。
    [B]、[C]、[D]的错误在于:social recognition、certain behavioral change 和socio-economic status 本身都不是青春期仪式的替代品,而只是和其替代品紧密相连的因素。第三句提到,行为变化和社会认可度是伴随“阶段”而存在的,而一个人的社会经济地位会影响各阶段对他的重要性。

  • 第15题:


    The Age of being Bullied and Its Effect

    The age at which kids first fall victim to bullying(欺辱)could influence how strongly they are affected,suggests a new study.And,surprisingly,it is not the youngest kids who are hurt the most in the long term. Bullying can have long-lasting effects,but particularly when it begins in adolescence(青春期),the researchers say.
    People subjected to either oral or physical bullying are known to be at greater risk for developing depression,anxiety disorders or to behave violently.But not everyone reacts in this way.Children bullied for the first time before their adolescence seem to get over it,but those who are victimized for the first time late on in adolescence seem to become more aggressive or are more likely to turn to drink as a means of coping. These are the conclusions of psychologist Matthew Newman and his colleagues from the University of Texas at Austin,U.S.
    The team gave questionnaires to nearly 1,500 college students regarding their experience of physical and psychological bullying before adolescence一before high school一and in late adolescence一at high school.They assessed mood and mental state,judging by signs of anxiety or depression,such as sleeplessness.The group was also questioned about how they would react to certain challenges,such as being embarrassed or provoked.
    People who were bullied all revealed slightly higher levels of stress.But while those bullied earlier in life seemed to respond normally to provocation,people bullied for the first time late in adolescence are more withdrawn and sensitive to violence.
    The best solution was strong social support,whether from friends,family or school.Those with no one to share their problems were suffered the most.
    So perhaps it is best not to shelter children completely from bullying early on,suggests Newman."They may get stressed,but unhealthy coping really jumps out when they are bullied for the first time later on."The effects are likely to be related to the developing stress hormone system, which matures during adolescence,he concludes.Studies show abnormal stress responses in adult animals that experience social stress or aggression from other animals during adolescence.

    According to the study,the college students who were first bullied before adolescence would_______.
    A:forget about the bullying
    B:reveal some level of stress
    C:face challenges bravely
    D:seldom provoke others

    本题是细节考查题。题干是:根据这项研究,受欺辱经历开始的时间和什么相关?选A的依据是第一段第一句:"The age at which kids first fall victim to bullying(欺辱) could influence how strongly they are affected, suggests a new study.”一项新的研究表明,孩子第一次受欺辱的年龄可能影响他们受影响的强烈程度。选项A的意思是影响的强度,与原文相符。
    本题是细节考查题。题干是:参加研究的1 500名大学生被问到他们会如何应对_____。选C的依据是第三段最后一句:"The group was also questioned about how they would react to certain challenges, such as being embarrassed or provoked.”研究小组也会向这些学生提问,询问他们在面对某些挑战,如遭遇尴尬或受到挑衅时会如何应对。选项C的意思是尴尬的情况和受挑衅的局面,与原文相符。
    本题是细节考查题。题干是:在成年之前受到第一次欺辱的大学生会_____。选B的依据是第四段第一句:" People who were bullied all revealed slightly higher levels of stress.”被欺侮过的人都显得稍微紧张一些。选项B的意思是显示出某种程度的紧张感,与原文相符。
    本题是细节推理题。题干是:作者很有可能认同的一点是,当孩子被欺辱时,父母会_____。选A的依据是第五段第一句:" The best solution was strong social support, whether from friends , family or school.”最好的解决办法是加强社会支持,无论是来自朋友、家庭还是学校。该句表明“社会支持”是最好的解决办法。选项A的意思是立刻帮助并安抚他们,其中的help(帮助)和comfort(安慰)就是对孩子的支持方式,虽然原文并没有提到这些“支持”应该在什么时候提供给受伤害的小孩,但strong一词暗示给予孩子的支持越及时越好,越多越好。所以选A。
    本题是细节推理题。题干是:根据纽曼的观点,为什么在青春期开始遭受欺辱的孩子受到的影响最大?选A的依据是最后一段第三句:"The effects are likely to be related to the developing stress hormone system,which matures during adolescence,he concludes."他得出结论:这些影响可能与压力荷尔蒙系统的形成有关,而该系统往往在青春期成熟。选项 A的意思是他们的压力荷尔蒙系统在那时发育完全,与原文相符。

  • 第16题:


    The Age of being Bullied and Its Effect

    The age at which kids first fall victim to bullying(欺辱)could influence how strongly they are affected,suggests a new study.And,surprisingly,it is not the youngest kids who are hurt the most in the long term. Bullying can have long-lasting effects,but particularly when it begins in adolescence(青春期),the researchers say.
    People subjected to either oral or physical bullying are known to be at greater risk for developing depression,anxiety disorders or to behave violently.But not everyone reacts in this way.Children bullied for the first time before their adolescence seem to get over it,but those who are victimized for the first time late on in adolescence seem to become more aggressive or are more likely to turn to drink as a means of coping. These are the conclusions of psychologist Matthew Newman and his colleagues from the University of Texas at Austin,U.S.
    The team gave questionnaires to nearly 1,500 college students regarding their experience of physical and psychological bullying before adolescence一before high school一and in late adolescence一at high school.They assessed mood and mental state,judging by signs of anxiety or depression,such as sleeplessness.The group was also questioned about how they would react to certain challenges,such as being embarrassed or provoked.
    People who were bullied all revealed slightly higher levels of stress.But while those bullied earlier in life seemed to respond normally to provocation,people bullied for the first time late in adolescence are more withdrawn and sensitive to violence.
    The best solution was strong social support,whether from friends,family or school.Those with no one to share their problems were suffered the most.
    So perhaps it is best not to shelter children completely from bullying early on,suggests Newman."They may get stressed,but unhealthy coping really jumps out when they are bullied for the first time later on."The effects are likely to be related to the developing stress hormone system, which matures during adolescence,he concludes.Studies show abnormal stress responses in adult animals that experience social stress or aggression from other animals during adolescence.

    According to Newman,why people bullied for the first time in adolescence suffer most?
    A:Their stress hormone system is fully developed then.
    B:Their parents mistakenly shelter them from bullying.
    C:They usually lack social support.
    D:They do not turn to proper solutions.

    本题是细节考查题。题干是:根据这项研究,受欺辱经历开始的时间和什么相关?选A的依据是第一段第一句:"The age at which kids first fall victim to bullying(欺辱) could influence how strongly they are affected, suggests a new study.”一项新的研究表明,孩子第一次受欺辱的年龄可能影响他们受影响的强烈程度。选项A的意思是影响的强度,与原文相符。
    本题是细节考查题。题干是:参加研究的1 500名大学生被问到他们会如何应对_____。选C的依据是第三段最后一句:"The group was also questioned about how they would react to certain challenges, such as being embarrassed or provoked.”研究小组也会向这些学生提问,询问他们在面对某些挑战,如遭遇尴尬或受到挑衅时会如何应对。选项C的意思是尴尬的情况和受挑衅的局面,与原文相符。
    本题是细节考查题。题干是:在成年之前受到第一次欺辱的大学生会_____。选B的依据是第四段第一句:" People who were bullied all revealed slightly higher levels of stress.”被欺侮过的人都显得稍微紧张一些。选项B的意思是显示出某种程度的紧张感,与原文相符。
    本题是细节推理题。题干是:作者很有可能认同的一点是,当孩子被欺辱时,父母会_____。选A的依据是第五段第一句:" The best solution was strong social support, whether from friends , family or school.”最好的解决办法是加强社会支持,无论是来自朋友、家庭还是学校。该句表明“社会支持”是最好的解决办法。选项A的意思是立刻帮助并安抚他们,其中的help(帮助)和comfort(安慰)就是对孩子的支持方式,虽然原文并没有提到这些“支持”应该在什么时候提供给受伤害的小孩,但strong一词暗示给予孩子的支持越及时越好,越多越好。所以选A。
    本题是细节推理题。题干是:根据纽曼的观点,为什么在青春期开始遭受欺辱的孩子受到的影响最大?选A的依据是最后一段第三句:"The effects are likely to be related to the developing stress hormone system,which matures during adolescence,he concludes."他得出结论:这些影响可能与压力荷尔蒙系统的形成有关,而该系统往往在青春期成熟。选项 A的意思是他们的压力荷尔蒙系统在那时发育完全,与原文相符。

  • 第17题:

    Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the author?( )

    A.Images do not always matter in public arguments more than we admit
    B.Videos on political issues are the most popular among all
    C.Videos carrying messages with a great emotional wallop can attract attention
    D.Activists must use street language to appeal to the audience


  • 第18题:

    青春期(Adolescence or Puberty)

    正确答案: 月经初潮为重要标志。全身发育,生长迅速。第一性征:卵巢发育,性激素增多,内外生殖器发育.外阴成人型,阴道变宽长,出现皱襞,子宫体增大颈:体=1:2。第二性征出现:音调高,乳房丰满,阴毛、腋毛出现,女性骨盆,女性体态一—胸、肩皮下脂肪增多。青春期激素水平的变化:雌激素水平尚不足以引起LH高峰,月经多不规律

  • 第19题:

    Which of the following is NOT an advantage of distance learning?

    The student may choose his or her own pace.


    The student may study at any time to his or her convenience.


    They can pursue their chosen career while studying.


    Their tutorial assistance comes through regular airmail, telephone, facsimile machine, etc.

    正确答案: D
    文章提到的优缺点是几种教育方式之间的比较,问题涉及哪个选项的内容不是远程教育的优点。前三个选项,A“学生可以选择自己的进度”,B“学生可以在他(或她)方便的时候学习”,C“在学习的同时还可以追求自己的事业”都是文章中提及的与另两种方式比较的优点。在文章第二段中的一句话“Tutorial assistance may be available via regular airmail, telephone, fax machine, and over the Internet”(辅导可以通过定期的航空邮件、电话、传真以及因特网等方式进行),作者只是提出了一种可能,实际上是弥补远程教育不足的一个建议,并不是远程教育(函授)的优点。因此选项D符合题意。

  • 第20题:

    Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

    There is no popularity that really counts.


    Many parents think that their children are challenging their authority.


    It is not necessarily bad for a teenager to disagree with his or her classmates.


    Most teenagers are actually doing the same.

    正确答案: B
    由文章最后两句话“Popularity will come—with the people who respect you for who you are. That’s the only kind of popularity that really counts.”可知,成为真正的自己,不追赶潮流,这是最受欢迎的表现。所以A项说法不符合题意。

  • 第21题:

    Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the author’s discussion of the role of political knowledge in the formation of political ideology during adolescence?

    He acknowledges its importance, but then modifies his initial assertion of that importance.


    He consistently resists the idea that it is important, using series of examples to support his stand.


    He wavers in evaluating it and finally uses analogies to explain why he is indecisive.


    He takes care not to make an initial judgment about it, but later confirms its critical role.

    正确答案: C

  • 第22题:

    It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about schools?

    They should present political information according to carefully planned, schematic arrangements.


    They themselves constitute part of a general socio-political system that adolescents are learning to understand.


    They are ineffectual to the degree that they disregard adolescents’ political naves.


    Because they are subsidiary to government, their contribution to the political understanding of adolescents must be limited.

    正确答案: B

  • 第23题:

    According to the passage, one of Verdi’s achievements within the framework of nineteenth-century opera and its conventions was to _____.

    limit the extent to which singers influenced the musical compositions and performance of his operas


    use his operas primarily as forums to protest both the moral corruption and dogmatic rigidity of the political leaders of his time


    portray psychologically complex characters shaped by the political environment surrounding them


    incorporate elements of folklore into both the music and plots of his operas

    正确答案: D
    文章第三段倒数第二句指出,“once he had become established, Verdi did not rewrite his music for different singers or countenance alterations or substitutions of somebody else’s arias in one of his operas, as every eighteenth-century composer had done”,由此可知A项最符合要求。B、C、D三项都是Verdi在创作方面的独特创举,而不是“conventions”,因此不符合题意。