Waitress: Yes, sir, anything the matter?Customer: , but this soup is too salty.Waitress: I'm very sorry, sir. I'll change it for you.A. I can't stand itB. Sorry to do itC. I hate to complainD. Sorry to bother you


Waitress: Yes, sir, anything the matter?

Customer: , but this soup is too salty.

Waitress: I'm very sorry, sir. I'll change it for you.

A. I can't stand it

B. Sorry to do it

C. I hate to complain

D. Sorry to bother you

更多“Waitress: Yes, sir, anything the matter?Customer:, but this soup is too salty.Wait ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Receptionist: Can I help you?

    Customer: ______. Where do I pay my fees?

    A、As you please

    B、Yes, please

    C、Thank you

    D、Yes, you can


  • 第2题:

    Passer-by: ____?

    Local resident: Yes, there's one near the end of the street behind the church.

    A、Hello,sir.Where's the bus station

    B、Excuse me,sir.How can I find the way to the police station

    C、Excuse me.Is there a parking lot anywhere around here

    D、Which building is the Department of Immigration, please


  • 第3题:

    Shop assistant:______, Sir?

    Customer. I am looking for the men's wear section.


  • 第4题:

    Shop assistant: May I help you, sir?


    A、Mind your own business

    B、Sorry.I don't need your help,thank you

    C、I'm just looking.Thanks.

    D、If you want to help me,I'll be glad to accept it


  • 第5题:

    28. —Can I help you, sir?

    —_______.I need some books about Western culture.

    A. Yes, please

    B. No, thanks

    C. Yes, you can

    D. No, you can't
