更多“People do not agree with each other as to what is the ____ role of government.A.quietB.properC.grandD.quick”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    () is very attractive because it is about how people make sense of each other through analyzing what they say.






  • 第2题:

    What is the relationship between the estimate and the plan?__________.

    A.The plan depends on the estimate
    B.The estimate depends on the plan
    C.The plan has nothing to do with the estimate
    D.The estimate and the plan depend on each other


  • 第3题:

    Does everyone in your office always agree all the time? When someone makes a suggestion, does everyone just smile and nod in agreement? When you bring forward an idea, do people just accept t? Well, if you answered yes" to any of these questions, you are in an extremely unusual workplace. People are people. And people butt heads.They disagree, they argue, and they fight. You can’t get around it. But you can learn to deal with it To hold your own, you need to learn how to argue effectively. If you’ve got an opinion, you need to defend it. And if you have a problem with something a colleague has done, you need to let tem know. This can make for some difficult discussions and meetings, but this is just a part of life and business skills. So how can you argue effectively? Well, you need several. "And people but head" means().

    Apeople hit you with the top of their head

    Bpeople dislike each other

    Cpeople don't always agree well with each other


  • 第4题:

    Not always()they want (to)

    Apeople can do what

    Bcan people do what

    Cpeople can not do what

    Dcan‘t people do what


  • 第5题:

    Not always()they want (to)

    • A、people can do what
    • B、can people do what
    • C、people can not do what
    • D、can‘t people do what


  • 第6题:

    With computers, people can now shop, bank, work and communicate from the home. The danger is that people could become isolated from each other and lose social skills which help them to get along with others. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Write a composition of about 400 words to discuss this topic.

    In this computer-oriented era, people can do practically everything while still at home. They can do their shopping online, pay bills online, chat online and even work online. In the light of this phenomenon, many fear that this way of tackling things might lead to social isolation, and further to the loss of men's ability to co-exist with one another in society. Personally, however, I don't agree with this view, and it is my firm belief that not only will the Internet bring the world closer together, it will enable men to co-exist better—in the cyberspace, a worldwide community.
    First, unsurprisingly, computers and modems have transformed the world into a global village. Messages are sent instantly around the world via the Internet; a bargain is made between a gentleman in Russia and a lady in Argentina; and students studying abroad send voice mails to their loved ones at home, again by using the computer. Indeed, in this fast-paced world, it is impossible to conduct every social contact in a face-to-face manner. Therefore, it is only too natural that efficient online communication is partly taking the place of the time-consuming personal encounter. And why not? This online way of life has helped people on this planet to communicate better, and the fear that people could become isolated from each other in the virtual world is groundless.
    At the same time, even if the Internet ensures better social communication, actual social contact is still necessary: Not all business can be handled online, and perfect good will can not be achieved while the parties concerned are far apart. As a matter of fact, the Internet has made people realize the need for contact in actual social settings. Furthermore, communication in the cyberspace and that in the actual world can be complementary to each other-- each shining more brilliantly in the other's company. Sometimes it is fast and efficient to communicate online, while at other times people find it better to communicate in the actual world. Given this, people's ability to co-exist with one another has actually been enhanced, I would say, in this IT era.
    In conclusion, the computer and the Internet have brought human relations closer than ever before. To better adapt to this high-tech world, one should master the basic skills of the computer, for one' own sake as well as for the sake of a better and happier co-existence with others.

  • 第7题:

    What role do old people play in families?  

    正确答案: Old people play an important role in families. Generally speaking, old people have a lot of social experience and when the young in the family have some difficulties, they can help us analyze the situation and tell us that we should do. Old people will engage in making important family decisions. Other family members all respect old people. Besides, they often take care of the young kids and help with the household chores.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第8题:

    ◆Topic 6: Is International Tourism an Effective Bridge of Different Nations?  Questions for Reference:  1. Why do you think people like to take an international tourism?  2. What kind of situation are the travelers most likely to be faced with when they get on an international tourism?  3. The international tourism does not promote understanding between people from different cultures. Do you agree?

    正确答案: 【参考答案】
    Every year, hundreds of millions of people move around to see a different part of the world. It is natural to assume that tourists who have seen other countries have a better knowledge of the people. That assumption also leads to the conclusion that international tourism promotes understanding between nations. How true is this? Let us examine what tourists do in a different country.
    First, before going abroad, tourists are often told by their travel agents of the possible hazards which sometimes include local people. They are given example of extreme cases where victims are always the travelers. Then, when they arrive, they are immediately taken to their hotels in big coaches. They flood places where local people don’t go. Their shopping, meals, entertainment all take place in secluded areas. They wear a bubble all the way. Apart from speaking to the guide and a few shop assistants, tourists rarely talk to the local people. To make it even worse, they meet pickpockets; they are ripped off by dishonest traders.
    Furthermore, very few local people bother to talk to them out of a genuine interest in the guests’ country, people and culture. Therefore, when asked how much they know about the local people, their answer is “very little”.
    If someone really wants to understand a different culture, he has to learn its language, stay there for at least a few month without wearing a bubble, learn how to curse and swear, bargain with a vegetable vendor and then he can say that he understands the people.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    Not always()they want (to)

    people can do what


    can people do what


    people can not do what


    can‘t people do what

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    In context, which of the following is the best revision of sentence 3 (reproduced below)?That thing that makes them want to do it is called an incentive, and what makes them not want to do them would be a disincentive.

    It is an incentive making someone want to do something, and a disincentive making them not want to do it.


    An incentive is what makes someone want to do something, and a disincentive is what makes someone want to avoid doing something.


    Incentives make someone want to do things, but disincentives are the things making them not want to do it.


    People are made to want to do something by incentives, and a disincentive is for not wanting to do it.


    It is incentives that make people want to do something, disincentives on the other hand being what makes people want to avoid doing something.

    正确答案: B

  • 第11题:

    What is the winner going to do with the money?    

    Give all of it to other people.


    Spend all of it on himself.


    Give some of it to other people and spend some of it on himself.

    正确答案: B
    解析: 根据结尾处Joaquim Chissano的话I would live better and also help those around me.可知,他将把奖金的一部分自己用,一部分用来帮助别人。
      The five million dollar prize financed by the African businessman Mo Ibrahim is designed to encourage better leadership on a continent where until recently dictators were almost the norm. The former leader of Mozambique, Joaquim Chissano, won the award because he steered his country out of civil war and oversaw the introduction of multi-party democracy. Mozambique, which is sandwiched between South Africa and the Indian Ocean, also plays a key role in the downfall of the white supremacist apartheid regime in South Africa. Mr. Chissano wasn’t at the ceremony in London where the prize was announced, but I met him in Mozambique a few weeks ago. When I asked him what he would do with five million dollars, he laughed and said, “I wouldn’t be shy. I would live better and also help those around me. ”

  • 第12题:

    According to the author, to be an anthropologist means we should _____.

    take interest in what we are doing


    not take interest in what other people are doing


    judge other people’s behaviors with accepted standards


    not judge other people’s behaviors with our own standards

    正确答案: C

  • 第13题:

    Communication is important because it can help people to ______.

    A.understand the world and other people better around us.

    B.teach each other to speak, write, read and draw.

    C.know what other people are thinking about

    D.learn about mountains,blue sea and other things.


  • 第14题:

    Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U.S. society.__________,it has affected the traditional role of men.

    A.Above all
    B.In all
    C.At most
    D.At last

    句意为大多数人认为女人当前的作用已经影响了美国社会,最重要的是,它已经影响了传统的男人作用。本题题干是由两个分句组成,后一个分句是对前一个分句的进一步解释。考察选项的四个词组,可以确定应该选择表示递进关系的词组above all。

  • 第15题:

    What can I do for you?()

    ANo, thanks

    BOf course not

    CI agree not



  • 第16题:

    Does everyone in your office always agree all the time? When someone makes a suggestion, does everyone just smile and nod in agreement? When you bring forward an idea, do people just accept t? Well, if you answered yes" to any of these questions, you are in an extremely unusual workplace. People are people. And people butt heads.They disagree, they argue, and they fight. You can’t get around it. But you can learn to deal with it To hold your own, you need to learn how to argue effectively. If you’ve got an opinion, you need to defend it. And if you have a problem with something a colleague has done, you need to let tem know. This can make for some difficult discussions and meetings, but this is just a part of life and business skills. So how can you argue effectively? Well, you need several. "And people but head" means().

    • A、people hit you with the top of their head
    • B、people dislike each other
    • C、people don't always agree well with each other


  • 第17题:

    Practice 8  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Some people think people have benefited from modern communications technology, but other people think some people have not benefited at all. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  You should write at least 250 words.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    Daily communication tools make the distance between people shrink. There are various ways such as mobile phones, Facebook, Twitter and E-mail which changes our life from daily life to work style. As for the dramatic and rapid changes, people in all walks of life hold different opinions. Personally, it is a must to be tolerant of the new technological innovations.
    It is undeniable that all these high-tech tools can alienate the virtual interpersonal relationship that exists between people. If we want to tell somebody something, we do not have to really see him, and we can send a short message, a E-mail, or leave one on Facebook. Regardless of the convenience, face-to-face conversations are still one of the best ways to understand each other.
    High technologies provide us with more choices which can yield higher efficiency, which can be illustrated from three perspectives. Firstly, it is a useful time-saver for people greatly enjoy social life. Social network enable them to spare the trouble of heavy traffic in rush hours when they need to have contact with friends. Secondly, it is also a money-saver. Compared with the high cost of an official visit to someone or some place, chatting on-site or through telephone is much cheaper. If each company has an E-conference system, information sharing should never be a daydream in the era of information. Lastly, and most importantly, with the great help of new inventions, people may communicate with others without being limited to geographical difference. Namely, no matter where one stays, he or she can get in touch with people on the Internet at any time.
    In summary, modem technologies are excellent assistants of our life and work, so it is wise to accept them and make full use of them properly.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第18题:

    Some people are often surprised by what other people do. According to Berger, that is mainly because _____.

    some people are more emotional than others


    some people are not aware of the fact that we will never completely know another person


    some people are sensitive enough to sense the change of other people’s attitudes


    some people choose to keep to themselves

    正确答案: B

  • 第19题:

    What do you do in the first part of the conversation?We ____ and tell each other our names or exchange name cards.

    正确答案: greet each other

  • 第20题:

    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. Write a composition of about 400 words to state your view on the issue.

    Satisfaction is only a temporary feeling of being content, for human desire, stimulated by both physical and mental needs, connects with changes in our world, our society and ourselves. It is true that people are never satisfied with what they have in the long run and they always want something more or something different. This unsatisfactory perception, together with the desire for something more or different, exists perpetually for three major reasons.
    First of all, the continuous emergence of new products constantly motivates people's desire to get things new and different for better. For example, people replace their computers with new ones that are quicker in speed and more in functions long before their machines get worn-out. This happens as a result of the rapid development of science and technology that enables improved computers and softwares to come out into the market at a much faster speed than the speed for a computer to get old. Nobody will not be satisfied with iphone4 when iphone5 appears. People are always longing for something new and better.
    Secondly, people's improvement in financial status invites their dissatisfaction with what they have. A good example of this is the purchase of a newer house on a better location with a nicer view when one has saved enough or when one gets a raise knowing that paying back a mortgage is not a problem. From this perspective, people's dissatisfaction goes along with the development of economy.
    Finally, the vanity to keep up with the neighbors and friends also spark off people's dissatisfaction with what they have. A car is originally meant to be a means of transportation. However, there are people who trade in their nice cars for a Benz, BMW, Volvo or a Luxury simply because their friends or neighbors drive these makes. When food is no longer a problem, people began to pursue a life of high quality.
    Superficially, people's endless discontents with what they have sounds greedy and unpleasant. But it is, in fact, this discontent of our humans' that pushes our society to continuously create things new and different to meet people's desire.

  • 第21题:

    Practice 5  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  If a product is of good quality and meets people's needs, people will buy it, Therefore, advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a type of entertainment, To what extent do you agree or disagree?  You should write at least 250 words.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    With the popularization of media, many manufacturers take advantage of advertisement to publicize their products. Whether you like it or not, advertisements have become an indispensable part of modern entertainment. Therefore, some believe that they have more entertaining functions instead of genuine promoting objectives. As far as I am concerned, I cannot totally agree with this argument.
    Admittedly, as more advertisements tend to invite celebrities like movie stars and pop singers to be their image spokespersons. But the questions are: who pays the bill in advertising areas and what is the intention?
    The producers invest great sums of money in the advertisements with the only ultimate purpose of selling more products at a higher price. Although some advertisements have entertaining elements, the original intentions can never change. To begin with, by effective communicative means, the advertisements can attract more audience to enlarge the customer base. In other words, people get to know a product from advertisements on channels like TV or posters on buses. The second level is more important. Advertisement can leave audience with a deeper impression. With the great help of modem media, people can easily sink into a public effect. Consumers are apt to follow trends formed by ads. Last, there is possibility that some ads may contain some false information of the product in order to exaggerate the functions and cover some shortcomings. As a saying goes, “There is no reasonable consumer, but only crazy buyer tempted by advertising.” Ads easily lead to irrational shoppers.
    In conclusion, advertisements are a vital element in the commerce for selling products or services. But the entertaining elements should be judged with sense and reason.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by _____.

    asking older people many questions


    listening to skilled people's advice


    making mistakes and correcting them


    doing what other people do

    正确答案: C

  • 第23题:

    Which of the following generalizations do you think the writer would agree?

    White people and Mexican Americans cannot get along with each other.


    Even a seemingly minor experience in the past can bother us in the present.


    People do always know how to respond to hurtful acts.


    People of other races should not watch the glamorized models of American TV mothers and fathers.

    正确答案: B
    从最后一段首句提到的“Two decades later, the memory of their gloating lives on in me”,由此可见那件看似的小事在作者的记忆里留下了深刻的印象,因此选项B(过去发生的一件看似很小的事可能会一直困扰我们到现在)符合作者的想法。