Passage TwoAmerica put more people in prison in the 1990s than in any decade in its history. That started a debate over the wisdom of spending billions of dollars to keep nearly 2 million people locked up. According to statistics, the United States ends 1


Passage Two

America put more people in prison in the 1990s than in any decade in its history. That started a debate over the wisdom of spending billions of dollars to keep nearly 2 million people locked up. According to statistics, the United States ends 1999 with 1983084 men and women in prisons. That shows an increase of nearly 840,000 prisoners during the 1990s and makes the United States the country with the highest prisoner population in the world. With the cost of housing a prisoner at about $20,000 a year the cost in 1999 for keeping all these prisoners behind bars is about $39 billion.

Some experts argue that the money is well spent, saying the cost of keeping prisoners behind bars doesn't seem much in comparison in the 1990s coincided with (与……相一致) a steady drop in the US crime rates. It is reported that serious crime has decreased for seven years in a row. "There are noticeable number of people who don't do crimes because they don't want to go to prison," they say.

36. There is a heated debate among American experts because ______.

A. America has put 2 million people in prison

B. the cost for housing a prisoner keeps rising

C. billions of dollars has been spent on prisoners

D. the prisoner population is the largest in the world

更多“Passage Two America put more people in prison in the 1990s than in any decade in its his ”相关问题
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    考查句子重读规则。在英语连贯的说话和朗读中,有些词说得或读得又轻又快,而且较为含糊。有些词则说得或读得又重又慢,而且较为清晰。那些说得或读得响亮而清晰的词就是句子重音所在。一般来说,在句子中需重读的词都是实词,比如.名词、动词(除be动词和助动词外)、形容词、副词、指示代词等;不重读的多为虚词,比如,冠词、连词、介词、人称代词、相互代词等。但这也不是绝对的,一个词在句中重读与否,同它在句中所起的意义和作用有密切的关系。B、C、D三项中均有不属于重读范围的词。即B项one another是相互代词,C项been是be动词的过去分词形式,D项than是介词。故选A。