What activities can you participate in during the trip?A Working as an advisory.B Learning German language.C Travelling with a guest familyD Enjoying sports and entertainments


What activities can you participate in during the trip?

A Working as an advisory.

B Learning German language.

C Travelling with a guest family

D Enjoying sports and entertainments

更多“What activities can you participate in during the trip?A Working as an advisory. B Lea ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    —_______ I return the book to the library this week?— No, you _______.You can keep it until the end of this month.

    A.Must; needn’t

    B.Can; can’t

    C.May; mustn’t

    D.Can; mustn’t


  • 第2题:

    资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand. Fares are more expensive during peak travel seasons like summer and to prime destinations like European capitals. So if a flight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan, you'd think that demand for Rome must be higher or supply lower.
    What's puzzling is that you can pay a high price to a given destination but a dramatically lower price for the exact same flight if you agree to go on to another destination.
    Take Alitalia to Rome, for instance, for travel in August. A round-trip, economy flight directly to Rome leaving JFK at 10:05 p.m. on Alitalia 611 on August 5 costs $1,655 when booked on April 30. Compare that to $903 for a round-trip, economy ticket to Milan (stopping in Rome) leaving JFK on the exact same Alitalia 611 flight at 10:05 p.m. on August 5. So why is Alitalia willing to fly to Rome for $752 less than it would otherwise, plus give you an extra one-and-a-half-hour flight to Milan?
    Airlines have increased their profitability in recent years by segmenting the market for air travel and charging customers different prices for the same product. In this case, the market is segmented based on demand for direct flights. Airlines know most people prefer the shortest route to their destination, so they make customers pay up for the privilege of flying direct. (They also make it a little more inconvenient if you don't pay up for a direct flight, in order to encourage you to fly direct.)
    When prices become so obviously illogical, it may be time to revisit why air tickets can't be transferred or resold just like any other normal product. If the airlines are entitled to exploit the free market, shouldn't customers be allowed to do the same thing?

    According to the passage, prices are normally determined by ___.

    A.the relationship between cost and demand
    B.peak seasons and prime attractions
    C.the relationship between supply and demand seasons and destinations

    本题考查的是细节理解 。
    【关键词】price;determine by
    【主题句】第1自然段Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand. 每个人都知道机票价格取决于供应和需求。

  • 第3题:

    资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand. Fares are more expensive during peak travel seasons like summer and to prime destinations like European capitals. So if a flight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan, you'd think that demand for Rome must be higher or supply lower.
    What's puzzling is that you can pay a high price to a given destination but a dramatically lower price for the exact same flight if you agree to go on to another destination.
    Take Alitalia to Rome, for instance, for travel in August. A round-trip, economy flight directly to Rome leaving JFK at 10:05 p.m. on Alitalia 611 on August 5 costs $1,655 when booked on April 30. Compare that to $903 for a round-trip, economy ticket to Milan (stopping in Rome) leaving JFK on the exact same Alitalia 611 flight at 10:05 p.m. on August 5. So why is Alitalia willing to fly to Rome for $752 less than it would otherwise, plus give you an extra one-and-a-half-hour flight to Milan?
    Airlines have increased their profitability in recent years by segmenting the market for air travel and charging customers different prices for the same product. In this case, the market is segmented based on demand for direct flights. Airlines know most people prefer the shortest route to their destination, so they make customers pay up for the privilege of flying direct. (They also make it a little more inconvenient if you don't pay up for a direct flight, in order to encourage you to fly direct.)
    When prices become so obviously illogical, it may be time to revisit why air tickets can't be transferred or resold just like any other normal product. If the airlines are entitled to exploit the free market, shouldn't customers be allowed to do the same thing?

    According to the example, how much should you pay if you fly to Milan from JFK and stop in Rome midway?

    A.$752 for a one-way, economy ticket.
    B.$1,655 for a round-trip, economy ticket.
    C.$827 for a one-way, economy ticket.
    D.$903 for a round-trip, economy ticket.

    【关键词】if you fly to Milan from JFK and stop in Rome midway;how much
    【主题句】第3自然段Compare that to $903 for a round-trip, economy ticket to Milan (stopping in Rome) leaving JFK on the exact same Alitalia 611 flight at 10:05 p.m. on August 5. 与之不同的是,也是8月5日下午10:05分乘坐意大利航空611次航班从纽约肯尼迪机场出发,中途经停罗马,终到米兰的经济舱往返机票为903美金。

  • 第4题:

    资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand. Fares are more expensive during peak travel seasons like summer and to prime destinations like European capitals. So if a flight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan, you'd think that demand for Rome must be higher or supply lower.
    What's puzzling is that you can pay a high price to a given destination but a dramatically lower price for the exact same flight if you agree to go on to another destination.
    Take Alitalia to Rome, for instance, for travel in August. A round-trip, economy flight directly to Rome leaving JFK at 10:05 p.m. on Alitalia 611 on August 5 costs $1,655 when booked on April 30. Compare that to $903 for a round-trip, economy ticket to Milan (stopping in Rome) leaving JFK on the exact same Alitalia 611 flight at 10:05 p.m. on August 5. So why is Alitalia willing to fly to Rome for $752 less than it would otherwise, plus give you an extra one-and-a-half-hour flight to Milan?
    Airlines have increased their profitability in recent years by segmenting the market for air travel and charging customers different prices for the same product. In this case, the market is segmented based on demand for direct flights. Airlines know most people prefer the shortest route to their destination, so they make customers pay up for the privilege of flying direct. (They also make it a little more inconvenient if you don't pay up for a direct flight, in order to encourage you to fly direct.)
    When prices become so obviously illogical, it may be time to revisit why air tickets can't be transferred or resold just like any other normal product. If the airlines are entitled to exploit the free market, shouldn't customers be allowed to do the same thing?

    What’s the author’s attitude to the present airline pricing?

    D.Not mentioned.

    【关键词】author’s attitude;the present airline pricing
    【主题句】第5自然段If the airlines are entitled to exploit the free market, shouldn’t customers be allowed to do the same thing?如果航空公司有权利用自由市场,那么乘客为什么没有权利做同样的事呢?
    【解析】题目意为“作者对现今机票的态度是什么?”选项A意为“中立的”,选项B意为“积极的”,选项C意为“消极的,反对的”,选项D意为“未提及”, 作者首先表达对较远旅程费用较少表示不解,分析了航空公司利用人们喜欢短程旅行的心理,对直飞航线收取较高费用,并故意让转机航线不方便。根据文章最后一段以及主题句,可知作者对现今机票价格的特点是持不满和反对的态度的,

  • 第5题:

    资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand. Fares are more expensive during peak travel seasons like summer and to prime destinations like European capitals. So if a flight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan, you'd think that demand for Rome must be higher or supply lower.
    What's puzzling is that you can pay a high price to a given destination but a dramatically lower price for the exact same flight if you agree to go on to another destination.
    Take Alitalia to Rome, for instance, for travel in August. A round-trip, economy flight directly to Rome leaving JFK at 10:05 p.m. on Alitalia 611 on August 5 costs $1,655 when booked on April 30. Compare that to $903 for a round-trip, economy ticket to Milan (stopping in Rome) leaving JFK on the exact same Alitalia 611 flight at 10:05 p.m. on August 5. So why is Alitalia willing to fly to Rome for $752 less than it would otherwise, plus give you an extra one-and-a-half-hour flight to Milan?
    Airlines have increased their profitability in recent years by segmenting the market for air travel and charging customers different prices for the same product. In this case, the market is segmented based on demand for direct flights. Airlines know most people prefer the shortest route to their destination, so they make customers pay up for the privilege of flying direct. (They also make it a little more inconvenient if you don't pay up for a direct flight, in order to encourage you to fly direct.)
    When prices become so obviously illogical, it may be time to revisit why air tickets can't be transferred or resold just like any other normal product. If the airlines are entitled to exploit the free market, shouldn't customers be allowed to do the same thing?

    What is puzzling about the airline pricing to the author?

    A.Price for the same flight to a nearer destination is higher.
    B.Prices for different destinations on the same flight are the same.
    C.Price for the same flight to a farther destination is higher.
    D.Prices for different destinations on the same flight are different.

    【关键词】puzzling;airline pricing
    【主题句】第2自然段What’s puzzling is that you can pay a high price to a given destination but a dramatically lower price for the exact same flight if you agree to go on to another destination. 令人困惑的是,去某个目的地,你需要支付高昂的费用;但是如果你同意再飞一段,去另一个目的地的话,费用会大大降低。
    【解析】题目意为“根据作者观点,关于机票价格很令人困惑的是什么?”选项A意为“同一班飞机到更近的目的地的价格更高”,选项B意为“同一班飞机不同目的地的价格一样”,选项C意为“同一班飞机目的地更远的价格更高”,选项D意为“同一班飞机不同目的地的价格不同”, 据主题句,再飞一段去更远的地方费用更低。下文举了例子,从纽约去罗马需要1655美元;同一航班,从纽约飞到罗马转机去米兰,需要903美元。因此飞行距离短的反而更昂贵。所以A选项正确。

  • 第6题:

    资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand. Fares are more expensive during peak travel seasons like summer and to prime destinations like European capitals. So if a flight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan, you'd think that demand for Rome must be higher or supply lower.
    What's puzzling is that you can pay a high price to a given destination but a dramatically lower price for the exact same flight if you agree to go on to another destination.
    Take Alitalia to Rome, for instance, for travel in August. A round-trip, economy flight directly to Rome leaving JFK at 10:05 p.m. on Alitalia 611 on August 5 costs $1,655 when booked on April 30. Compare that to $903 for a round-trip, economy ticket to Milan (stopping in Rome) leaving JFK on the exact same Alitalia 611 flight at 10:05 p.m. on August 5. So why is Alitalia willing to fly to Rome for $752 less than it would otherwise, plus give you an extra one-and-a-half-hour flight to Milan?
    Airlines have increased their profitability in recent years by segmenting the market for air travel and charging customers different prices for the same product. In this case, the market is segmented based on demand for direct flights. Airlines know most people prefer the shortest route to their destination, so they make customers pay up for the privilege of flying direct. (They also make it a little more inconvenient if you don't pay up for a direct flight, in order to encourage you to fly direct.)
    When prices become so obviously illogical, it may be time to revisit why air tickets can't be transferred or resold just like any other normal product. If the airlines are entitled to exploit the free market, shouldn't customers be allowed to do the same thing?

    Why may prices for direct flights be higher according to the passage?

    A.Because all people prefer the shortest route to their destination.
    B.Because airlines take advantage of people’s preference for direct flights.
    C.Because connecting flights may cause some inconvenience.
    D.Because airlines charge customers different prices for the same product.

    【关键词】direct flights; higher
    【主题句】 第4自然段Airlines know most people prefer the shortest route to their destination, so they make customers pay up for the privilege of flying direct.航空公司知道大部分人更喜欢乘坐更短航线到达目的地,因此他们利用直飞的优势让乘客多付钱。