更多“Reese: Remember you have got to show them how easy-going you are.Kent: Thanks. __________A. You did me a favor.B. You say it.C. I will keep that in mind.D. I hope so.”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    根据以下材料回答第 1~5 题:

    A.when did you get back

    B.What a surprise I got

    C.How I admire you

    D.I am Tom hold of through

    G.this is Tom

    H.tried to contact you

    第 56 题 Philip:Hello!Is that you,Tom?

    Tom:Yes, 1 .

    Philip:I can’t believe I 2 you at last.And what have you been doing?

    Tom:Yeah,I haven’t been home a lot lately.And I've had a lot of word and social

    engagements.Oh,Philip, 3 to London?

    Philip:I just came back about a week ago,I 4 by phone several times,but you

    were not in.

    Tom:Sorry,Sorry.Did you have a nice holiday,then?

    Philip:Lovely.1 went to Scotland and traveled around.

    Tom: 5 !I need a holiday indeed.

    Philip:Well,I suppose so.

    Tom:Oh,somebody’s at the door.I have to go.And I have to say“good-bye”.Nice

    talking to you.

    Philip:Same here,bye-bye.


    【参考解析】:[答案] G

    [答案]  G

  • 第2题:

    --- ______?

    --- I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future.

    A. Have you been to America

    B. Where are you going for holiday

    C. What did you do last week


  • 第3题:

    -- Do you want me to help you?

    -- _____

    A. What did you say?

    B. Repeat it.

    C. I'm sorry, but I didn't catch what you said.

    D. Please say that again.

    参考答案: C

  • 第4题:

    Could you tell me ()?

    A、how long you live here

    B、how long have you lived here

    C、how long you have lived here

    D、how long did you live here


  • 第5题:

    —My whole body feels weak and I've got a headache. — ( )?

    A. How long ago did you get it this

    B. How long have you been like this

    C. How soon have you got it

    D. How soon have you liked this


  • 第6题:

    Philip: Danny, I got fired this morning. Could you help me?

    Danny: How come? Last time I saw you, you told me it was a good job and you would like to take it as a career.

    Philip: ________________ In a word, I didn't do a good job of it. I messed up a business deal that would make several million dollars.

    A、I have many words to say.

    B、There is much to discuss.

    C、It's a long story.

    D、It's a long-time talk.


  • 第7题:

    when you are invited for a western meal, you're offered a second helping but you have already had enough. what would you say? "______"

    A、Oh, thanks. That tastes awful.

    B、No, I don't like it.

    C、No, I don't want that.

    D、That was delicious but I've already had plenty, thanks.


  • 第8题:

    ―――I feel sick,doctor.――____.
    ―――I'm not sure,but I have got a bad headache.

    A.How long have you been sick?
    B.I'm sorry to hear tha
    C.How are you feeling now?
    D.Do you have a fever?


  • 第9题:


    • A、I hope I have not kept you waiting for long.
    • B、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a short time.
    • C、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a while.
    • D、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a little time.


  • 第10题:

    Careth: Good afternoon. I’ve just joined the library. How many books can I take out?  Eunice: You can take two books, and keep them for ten days. If you haven’t finished, you can renew them.  Careth: How do I do that? ________  Eunice: No, you can telephone. Tell us the titles of the books, and the date they are due for return.  Eunice: These two books have been lended.

    Why can’t I keep them for a longer time?


    Must I visit the library?


    How much could I be fined?


    Can I lend them to my friends?

    正确答案: D

  • 第11题:

    —Mum, do you still remember your promise that you will buy me an ipad?  —Of could I do, ______

    and you will wait and see


    and I will do as I wish


    but you must pass the entrance examination


    but you have to get it alone

    正确答案: A

  • 第12题:

    Tom: Hi, Ken. How’s it going?  Ken: OK. How are things with you?  Tom: Not too bad. In fact, pretty good. Did I tell you that I got a new job?  Ken: No. you didn’t.  Tom: ______ I heard about a job opening in another company. I applied and had an interview. Three days later someone called to tell me that I got it.  Ken: ______ How do you like the job?  Tom: I like it. The salary’s a bit higher than on my last job and the benefits are very good.

    You know that I was in the hospital yesterday. I’m glad to see you.


    I was temporarily employed last year. ; It’s natural to hear that.


    I got a promotion last week. ; How lucky you are!


    Well, I was laid off last month. ; That’s good news.

    正确答案: C

  • 第13题:

    --- ____?

    一I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future.

    A.Where are you going for holiday

    B.Have you been to America

    C.What did you do last week


  • 第14题:


    一I’v never been there but I hope to go there in the future.

    A .Where are you going for holiday

    B. Have you been to America

    C. What did you do last week


  • 第15题:

    Will you show me how to use this software?()

    A. Sure. You'll master it in no time.

    B. You are welcome.

    C. Sorry, I'm too late for it.


  • 第16题:

    -- Have a nice weekend.

    A、Yes, you too.

    B、Thanks. Same to you.

    C、Me, too.

    D、So have I.


  • 第17题:

    —I can't see the words on the blackboard. —Perhaps you need _( )

    A. How long ago did you get it this

    B. How long have you been like this

    C. How soon have you got it

    D. How soon have you liked this


  • 第18题:

    Whita:How are you?

    Harrison: I'm fine. Thank you. And you?


    A、Me, too.

    B、I, too.




  • 第19题:

    Philip: Hello! Is that you, Tom?

    Tom: Yes, (56)

    Philip: I can't believe I (57) you at last. And what have you been doing?

    Tom: Yeah, I haven't been home a lot lately. And I've had a lot of work and social engagements. Oh,

    Philip, (58) to London?

    Philip: I just came back about a week ago, I (59) by phone several times, but you were not in.

    Tom: Sorry, Sorry. Did you have a nice holiday, then?

    Philip: Lovely. I went to Scotland and traveled around.

    Tom: (60) ! I need a holiday indeed.

    Philip: Well, I suppose so.

    Tom: Oh , somebody's at the door. I have to go. And I have to say " good-bye'. Nice talking to you.

    Philip: Same here, bye-bye.


    A. when did you get back

    B. What a surprise I got

    C. How I admire you

    D. I am Tom

    E. got hold of

    F. got through

    G. this is Tom

    H. tried to contact you

    56.电话用语。不能说“我是”某人。选项G 是正确的。

  • 第20题:

    I hope you have a most happy and prosperous new year!()

    • A、You are welcome! 
    • B、How smart you are! 
    • C、The same to you! 
    • D、Nice going!


  • 第21题:

    Mother: Ben, what’s this broken cup doing here.  Ben: ______ You know those big dinner plates? Mother: ______ Ben: just a couple. They slipped out of my hands into the sink and the cup got broken as well.

    I put it here after it was broken. ; Yes, I know. What have you done?


    Oh mum, please don’t be angry with me. ; Of course, I myself bought them last year.


    Sorry, mum, I had an accident when I was washing up. You haven’t broken them as well!


    How could I know? It’s not me who did it. ; Oh, I see. You must have broken them as well.

    正确答案: C

  • 第22题:

    A: What a pleasant surprise! I haven’t seen you for a long time.  B: ______

    Nice to meet you.


    Pretty good. Thanks. And you?


    I just stopped by to say hello.


    Well, how have you been?

    正确答案: A
    此题考查打招呼用语。前者说:“真叫人惊喜! 我好久没看到你了。”既然是好长时间不见了,肯定要问候对方近况,所以D项为正确答案。A项是初次见面经过介绍后的寒暄语,B项是该场景听到对方问好后的回答。C项“只是顺道过来打个招呼”使用不得体。

  • 第23题:


    I hope I have not kept you waiting for long.


    I hope I have not kept you waiting for a short time.


    I hope I have not kept you waiting for a while.


    I hope I have not kept you waiting for a little time.

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析