参考答案:Certificate Mania In the face of fierce competition in the job market nowadays, many university students take various training courses and sit for certificate exams to gain a competitive edge.They usually spend weekends or vacations in training camps, polishing up on their acquired skills or trying to get a new one.Certain "certificate maniacs" even aim to obtain a bunch of certificates, believing that they may come in handy someday.Several reasons may lead to this certificate mania, and the most important is that there is an increasing number of university graduates while that of job vacancies does not grow in proportion to it.Therefore, employers prefer to recruit the ones with more related experience and skills.Since exams and certificates in some way are a testimony to one's certain skills, many students tend to spare no effort to get them.Apparently, it is a good thing to be motivated to learn new things.However, "certificate mania" goes to extremes.It is not only misleading but also places a great burden on students.Some people believe that the more the better and consequently, their major studies may be neglected due to the tight schedule.In my opinion, a certificate does not necessarily reflect one's ability that really counts, so we had better keep a skeptical eye on this mania and avoid vain and burdensome efforts.
更多“(作文)1.描述大学生忙于报考各种证书的现象; 2.陈述这种现象产生的原因; 3.阐述考证热的影响, ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (英语作文)1. 大学生享有很大的自由

    2. 过多的自由对大学生来说有利有弊

    3. 我的观点

    On College Students' Freedom
    Compared with high school students, college students enjoy much more freedom. They get a lot of time at their own disposal, they have diverse courses to choose from, and they can also make decisions on their daily affairs.
    If the students can make good use of this freedom, they may benefit a lot in many aspects. For students who have particular interest in some subjects, they may pursue further study in those fields. For students who are keen in social work, they can join various organizations or associations to develop and display their abilities. And for students who want to support themselves, they may take some part-time jobs to make money.
    On the other hand, excessive freedom can also have negative influence on college students. Faced with so much free time and so many choices, some students may get puzzled. Some of them may feel overwhelmed or aimless due to too many courses they register for or various activities they get involved in. Moreover, some students even get lost in the face of too much liberty. Eventually, they will be spoiled and lose their self-control. As a result, they may become addicted to computer games or idle away their precious time in various meaningless entertainments.
    As a college student, I think two things may help us take full advantage of freedom. First, we must set up clear goals for life and study, and learn to prioritize things. Second, we should realize that freedom means responsibility. We have to be rational in every single decision that we make. In this way freedom can make our college life more colorful and more meaningful.

  • 第2题:

    简答(每题5分,共4题) 1. 简述对填方土料选择的要求。 2. 影响填土压实质量的因素有哪些? 3. 影响边坡稳定的因素有哪些? 4. 简述流砂现象产生的原因及防治措施。


  • 第3题:

    简答(共4题,总计30分) 1. 简述对填方土料选择的要求。 2. 影响填土压实质量的因素有哪些? 3. 影响边坡稳定的因素有哪些? 4. 简述流砂现象产生的原因及防治原则、途径、措施。


  • 第4题:




    1.垄断行业依靠垄断地位和国家多年的投入,赚取着超额利润,本身就比其他行业具有分配优势。垄断行业利用本属于全民所有的国家资源和行政权力赚取利润,所赚取的 利润本应该上交国家,作为税收造福全民,但却被以各种形式转化为工资或工资外收入,成为了垄断行业内部的收入。同时,由于体制僵化、分配关系混乱,垄断行业的高收入并没有反映真正的按劳分配原则。

  • 第5题:

    2. 齿轮根切现象产生的原因: 。

    用范成法加工渐开线齿轮过程中,有时刀具齿顶会把被加工齿轮根部的渐开线齿廓切去一部分,这种现象称为根切。 原因:刀具的齿顶线或齿顶圆超过啮合的极限点。 避免的措施: 1 ) 减小 h a * ; 2 )加大刀具角 α ; 3 ) 变位修正。