42. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything


42. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything


1.If you think you are sick, you are sick no matter what anyone else says. On the other hand, if you have belief in your doctor, and if he tells you that you’re going to feel better, you _1_ will. Take the case of Mrs. Brown for example. She was _2_ to get to sleep at night. She lacked energy and was too tired during the day even for the simple thing that she used to enjoy doing. Occasional headaches, which were becoming more frequent, _3_ reading or watching TV. The more she thought about her condition, _4_ she felt. At last, she went to see her doctor, _5_ she had known for years. The doctor listened to her complaints and gave her a fairly thorough examination. Then, he said to her, “There is _6_ seriously wrong with your physical condition, but I accept the fact that you don’t feel well. I am going to give you some pills that should _7_. I want you to take one after dinner and one a half hour before going to bed tonight. Call me tomorrow and tell me how you feel.” The next morning Mrs. Brown telephoned to say, “Doctor, it’s very nice of you. I had the first _8_ night’s sleep last night in two months. What on earth is in those pills?” The doctor said, “It’s an old formula I have used for years. Just _9_ taking them for a week.” Turning to his nurse, he said, “It’s _10_ what a little soda can do.” [共10题](1)(A) certainly (B) really (C) immediately (D) probably(2)(A) able (B) unable (C) going (D) about(3)(A) helped her with (B) separated her from(C) prevented her from (D) about(4)(A) the worse (B) the more(C) the better (D) the happier(5)(A) whose (B) whom(C) that (D) which(6)(A) everything (B) anything(C) nothing (D) something(7)(A) do (B) use (C) help (D) take(8)(A) good (B) strange (C) bad (D) short(9)(A) give up (B) remember (C) start (D) keep on(10)(A) necessary (B) wonderful (C) important (D) harmful

更多“42. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything ”相关问题
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    Roger:Hi, Kelly! What's up?

    Kelly: __________Same old thing.

    A. Nothing up.

    B. Nothing new.

    C. Everything's OK.

    D. Everything's the same.

    Roger问Kelly近来如何,Kelly回答说还是老样子(same old thing),可推断他没有新花样,因此选项B(没有什么新鲜事)符合题意,为正确答案。

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    These overdetermined entrepreneurs give ___1___ they have in __2___ of their goals and frequently end ___3__ giving everything. They heave all their possessions into the hopper and make crushing ___4____ of self in the _____5_ for material victory. They thrash _____6__ in the __7__society euphemistically terms workaholic, type-A, 4 success-oriented, ore excellent ___8___. In the __9____, control and power ____10____ from them to the goal itself.

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  • 第4题:


    You should be (A) of developing your program, using something better than the method that uses the philosophy: write (B) down and then try to get it working. Surprisingly, this method is wide used to day with result that an average programmer on an average job (C) out only between five to ten lines of correct code per day. We hope your (D) will be greater. But to improve requires that you apply some discipline to the (E) of creating programs.

    A: ① available ② capable ③ useful ④ valuable

    B: ① anything ② nothing ③ something ④ thing

    C: ① does ② looks ③ turns ④ runs

    D: ① activity ② code ③ productivity ④ program

    E: ① process ② experience ③ habit ④ idea

    正确答案:A: ② B: ③ C: ③ D: ③ E: ①
    A: ② B: ③ C: ③ D: ③ E: ①

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    B.if(I>10)throw Exceptione(“something’swrong!”);

    C.if(I>10)thrownew Exception(“something’swrong!”);

    D.if(I>10)thrownew Exceptione(“something’swrong!”);


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