AGood morning. The program today is about music. The word “music” comes from the Greek word “muse”. The Muses are the goddesses of the arts. Music is only one of the arts. It is like the spoken language,but is uses sounds. Today's program brings together



Good morning. The program today is about music. The word “music” comes from the Greek word “muse”. The Muses are the goddesses of the arts. Music is only one of the arts. It is like the spoken language,but is uses sounds. Today's program brings together music from different corners of the world. Who invented music? Who sang the first song? No one knows exactly the answers to these questions. But we know that music plays an important part in almost everyone's life. Babies and young children love to hear people singing to them. When they are a little older, they like to sing the songs they have heard. When children go to school,their world of music grows. In the middle grades students take music lessons. When they reach high school,they become interested in listening to pop music.

The records we have chosen for you today are form. American country music,Indian music,pop music and so on. Music has meaning for everyone. It can make people happy or it can make them sad. In this program we shall study the language of music. We shall be trying to find out more about how music works. We shall try to find out how music says what people feel.

Now,here comes the music today,I shall explain why they are all good music…

66.The first paragraph is mainly about the _______________

A.styles of music B.history of music

C.taste of music D.knowledge of music

更多“AGood morning. The program today is about music. The word “music” comes from the Greek wor ”相关问题
  • 第1题:




  • 第2题:

    He()to the party if he()invited.

    A、comes; is

    B、will come; will be

    C、comes; will be

    D、will come; is


  • 第3题:

    在Dreamweaver中, 下面关于清除WorHTML 格式的说法错误的是()

    A. Microsoft 公司的字处理软件Wor也可以制作网页文件

    B. Wor制作的网页文件包含某些标准的HTML 不支持的格式

    C. 我们可以通过Dreamweaver 的Commands 菜单, 选择Clean Up WorHTML命令对Word制作的网页文件进行优化

    D. Dreamweaver 不会自动侦测当前打开的文件是使用哪个版本的Wor生成的


  • 第4题:

    There she ( )! We ( ) any longer.

    A、is coming/ don’t need to wait

    B、has come/ don't need wait

    C、comes/ needn’t wait

    D、comes/ needn’t to wait


  • 第5题:

    The four major foreign contributors to the development of Englishvocabulary are Latin, Greek, French and Scandinavian.( )



  • 第6题:

    [A] on

    [B] from

    [C] at

    [D] about

    28. A 
    Having a good self-image is based on a realistic assessment of one’s own worth and value and capabilities. 对自己的形象有积极的认识,是建立在对自己的价值和能力的符合实际的评价基础上的。