听力原文:M: Have you found a roommate to share your apartment? Your place is so big that it's suitable to look for some one to share the rent bill.W: I'm still looking for someone who fits the bill, but you know it's so difficult.Q: What does the woman mean?(


听力原文:M: Have you found a roommate to share your apartment? Your place is so big that it's suitable to look for some one to share the rent bill.

W: I'm still looking for someone who fits the bill, but you know it's so difficult.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She met someone who could pay the bill.

B.She billed her new roommate for the suit.

C.She hasn't found a suitable roommate yet.

D.She's looking for someone who can lend her money.


4.Maybe it is true that we don't know what we have got until we lose it, but it is also true that we don' t know what we have been missing until it arrives. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don’t expect love in return; but be content that love has grown in your own heart.It takes an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Don’t rely on one's appearance; it can deceive. Don’t rely on wealth; even that fades away. Rely on someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts others, too. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. Happiness waits for those who cry, those who have been hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past. You can't go on well in life until you let your past failures and heartaches go off. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you are the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.(1)You should rely on someone who makes you smile_______________.A、because a smile can make your dark time easier.B、because a smile is bright.C、because you have nothing.D、because you can believe someone(2)What does the word “assurance” mean in the first paragraph?A、returnB、promiseC、maintainD、storage(3)In the third paragraph, “Always put yourself in other's shoes” means_______________.A、you should try other's shoes before you buy it.B、you should make yourself small enough.C、you should consider from another person's aspect.D、None of the above.(4) If you are the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying when you die, you areA、SatisfiedB、UpsetC、SadD、Indifferent(冷漠的)(5)What has been mentioned in the passage?A、to tell us not to demand too muchB、to warn us not to believe in appearanceC、to consider other people and learn to forgiveD、all of the above

解析:推理判断题。对话中男士问女士是否已经找到合租的室友了(a roommate to share your apartment),女士回答仍然在找,找到合适的人是很难的。可知她还没有找到合适的室友。故答案为C。
更多“听力原文:M: Have you found a roommate to share your apartment? Your place is so big that it's suitable to look for some one to share the rent bill.W: I'm still looking for someone who fits the bill, but you know it's so difficult.Q: What does the woman mean?(”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    听力原文:W: Who's your new secretary, Tom?

    M: I'm pleased with the work she's been doing so far.

    What do we know about Tom's secretary?

    A.She's not efficient.

    B.She's often late.

    C.She's capable.

    D.She's honest.

    解析:男士指出I'm pleased...由此可知答案为C。

  • 第2题:

    听力原文:W: Hi, Sam, I hate to bother you but I wonder if I could have a word with you?

    M: Sounds so serious. What's up?

    W: Well, the landlord just informed me that he's going to increase our rent by two hundred. I'm wondering how you feel about it.

    M: How do I feel about it? No way! In our tenancy agreement, it says he will have to give us a notice three months in advance if he wants to increase the rent.

    W: Yeah, that's right! It's gotta be three months later. Well, I think he realizes his rental fee is below the market rate and he must be feeling a bit ripped off when he could be charging a couple hundred extra. What do you think Sam? Should we agree to the raise or find somewhere else?

    M: Good question. I'm not sure either. The location we're at now is quite convenient. Close to the grocery and near the subway. It'll be hard to find another location like this one.

    W: I wonder whether he'll allow room for negotiation. Perhaps a hundred dollars instead of two. Maybe he might be more willing to give a bit if we speak to him right way.

    M: Well, he seems to be a nice guy to talk to. But what if he refuses? Would you go for two then?

    W: Well, I guess I would, since it'll be hard to find such a convenient location. Besides, it's close to my school and I can sleep a little later in the mornings.

    M: Ha! I figured that's what you'd be concerned about. Well, I have to give it some serious thought. I'm not sure I can afford to cough up an extra hundred a month just to make sure I can sleep in an extra 15 minutes.

    W: Didn't you get your loan recently? That'll cover what you need. Besides, if you could just stop spending so much on cafeteria snacks you'd have lots of money to spare.

    M: Yeah, but I'm thinking of getting a new laptop.

    W: Well, I tell you, there aren't a lot of apartments that are cheaper, even with this new increase.

    M: I know, so when does he want us to come back on this?

    W: He told me to let him know this weekend.

    M: Sure, by then I should be able to make up my mind.


    A.Where they should move.

    B.How to negotiate with the landlord.

    C.How to fight the increase.

    D.Whether to accept an increase in rent or move.


  • 第3题:

    听力原文:W: Henry, I understand your invoice for US $ 1,000 is due for payment at the end of this month. Please allow me to defer payment until four weeks later.

    M: That's all right. We won't press you for immediate payment. Send us your check later on when you have money.

    Q: What does the woman ask for?


    A.Immediate payment.

    B.Deferred payment.


    D.US $1,000.

    解析:女士问:亨利,我知道你的1000美元货款应该在这个月末付清,请允许我延迟四星期付款。B项中的Deferred payment即延迟付款。

  • 第4题:

    A:( ).

    B:Hi. My name's Rose. Are you from London?

    A. Hello, I'm Paul. What's your name?

    B. Hello, who are you? What's your name?

    C. Where are you from?


  • 第5题:

    Adams: You're looking so nice.

    Bill: ______

    A、Pretty good.

    B、It's very nice of you,and you are so beautiful.

    C、Sorry to hear that.

    D、Yes,I'm extremely well,thanks.


  • 第6题:

    Millions of kids and teenagers from every part of the world wet the bed every single night,it's so common that there are probably other kids in your class who do it.Most kids don't______(51)their friends,so it's easy to feel kind of alone,like you might be the only one on the whole planet who wets the bed.But you are not______(52).
    The fancy______ (53)for bedwetting is nocturnal enuresis(夜间遗尿).Enuresis runs in families.This means that if you urinate(排尿),or pee, while you are______(54) ,there's a good______(55) that a close relative also did it when he or she was a kid.Just like you may have______(56)your mom's blue eyes or your uncle's long legs,you probably inherited bedwetting,too.
    The most important thing to remember is that no one______(57)the bed on purpose.It doesn't mean that you ' re______ ( 58 ) or a slob(懒汉).It ' s something you can ' t help______( 59 ).For some reason, kids who wet the bed are not able to feel that their bladder(膀胱)is full and don't______(60)up to pee in the toilet.Sometimes a kid who wets the bed will have a realistic______(61)that he is in the bathroom peeing-only to wake up later and discover he's all wet.Many kids who wet the bed are very______(62) sleepers.Trying to wake up someone who wets the bed is often like trying to wake a log-they just stay asleep.
    Some kids who wet the bed do it every single night.Others wet some nights and are______(63)on others.A lot of kids say that they seem to be drier when they sleep at a friend's or a relative's house.That's because kids who are anxious______(64)wetting the bed may not sleep much or only very lightly.So the brain may be thinking,"Hey,you!Don't wet someone else's bed!"This can help you ______(65)dry even if you're not aware of it.


    speak意思为“谈,讲”,主要强调说话的方式;report意思为“报告,报道”; tell意思为“告诉”,指将事情或信息传达给某人;ask意思为“请求,要求”。根据文章内容可知,应选C。
    But所引导的句子和之前的句子构成转折关系。前一句话中提到the only one,则此空处应填notalone。 alone指“孤单的,孤独的”, lonely也为“孤独”之意,但强调的是心灵上的孤独。
    由文章内容可知,nocturnal enuresis是bedwetting的别名,因此答案为C。
    此处所讲的内容为夜间遗尿的现象,因此该空应选择asleep,表示“睡着的”。unknown意思为“未知的”; unaware意思为“未认识到的”; sleepy表示“昏昏欲睡的”,但并没有睡着。
    据前文中。" Enuresis runs in families."可知,果一个人发生夜间遗尿现象那么很有可能其近亲孩提时也发生过此种情况。chance表示“机会,可能性”,符合句意。
    该空处的词和or之后的a slob(懒汉)为并列关系,lazy意思是“懒惰的”,符合文意。 untidy不整洁的;unclear不清楚的,不明白的;stupid愚蠢的。
    本句中something之后的成分为定语从句,对something起修饰限定的作用。can ' t help doing something意为“情不自禁做某事”,符合文意。
    wake up为固定搭配,含义是“醒来,唤醒”,符合文意。live up to不辜负;set up建立,安排;rise up上升,起义。
    由下文破折号之后的wake up later可知,此处是表示在睡梦中,故选dream。 memory记忆;thought想法,思想;idea主意,想法。
    deep sleeper意思是“深度睡眠者”,表示睡眠程度深、不容易被唤醒的人,与下一句的意思相呼应,故选A。
    由上下文可知,该句的意思是“一些孩子有时会出现晚上遗尿现象,而有时则不会”, dry的意思是“干的”,和前面的wet对应,符合文意。bad坏的;sad伤心的;poor贫穷的。
    be anxious about为固定用法,意思是“忧虑,担心”,符合文意。
    stay意思是“保持”, stay dry即指不发生遗尿的情况,符合文意。end结束,终止;last持续;begin开始。

  • 第7题:

    "Hi there. How′ s it going?"
    "Oh, fine. Fine. How about this weather, huh?"
    "Well, I guess we can always use the rain."
    What is that? This story? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know, those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day. Maybe you′re waiting for the elevator, or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn′t do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives.
    Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It′ s so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don′t make small connection with another person, I can′ t work."
    What causes it? As a rule, you′re either trying to force something into your life, or you′re using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your introduction to more meaning conversation. The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to beat the time.
    Take the elevator, for instance. Now there′ s prime territory. Nobody knows anyone and there′ s no reason to start a conversation, but invariably, someone does. "Making conversation in such peaceful social settings," according to Oliver, "can confirm your territory. It′s a way of feeling liked and accepted."
    The topics of small talk don′t matter. In fact, you don′t want anything more taxing than the weather or the traffic. It′ s non-threatening talk in a threatening situation. However, the rules change quickly when you′re with lots of people doing lots of talking.
    Let′ s say you′ re at a party. Now it′ s time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, so don′ t look silly standing by the food table alone all night.
    According to the author, at a big party, small talk is used with the purpose of_____________.

    A.making both others and yourself feel at ease
    B.excluding those you don't like from joining you
    C.keeping your voice low so only your friends can hear you
    D.comforting those who feel lonely

    细节题。由最后一段“Now it’s time to use small talk as away of making others feel more comfortable around you”可知,A项“使他人和自己都感到轻松”与此相符,故选A。

  • 第8题:

    Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.()

    • A、Never mind  
    • B、I'm glad you like it. 
    • C、Please don't say so. 
    • D、No, It's not so good.


  • 第9题:

    Practice 5  ● You are on a business trip to one of your company’s factories in Paris to inspect some machines in trouble. You are asked to report to your Department Manager about your work progress there.  ● Write a memo  ● telling him what you have done so far,  ● stating what the trouble is,  ● saying what you are going to do next.  ● Write 40—50 words on the opposite page.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    To: Mr. Bill Gates
    From: John Black
    Date: 2 March 2009
    Subject: Work Progress
    I’ve been inspecting the machines which are reported to be in troubles since the day I arrived in Paris. It turns out that something goes wrong with the engines, so I decide to call the machine manufacturers tomorrow and ask their technicians to do something about it.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    Jane: Hello, Steve. How are you?  Steve: Oh, I’m not too bad today. Thank you, Jane. And you?_____  Jane: I’m not sure. I haven’t got all my results yet, but I’m so glad we’re coming up to the end of the semester. I really need a holiday, so I’m going camping with some friends.

    Where do you want to spend your vacation?


    Why do you look so upset?


    How did you do in the exams?


    May I have the pleasure of your presence at our party?

    正确答案: A

  • 第11题:

    Edgar: I wish my boss wouldn’t talk so loud. It gives me a headache.  Oscar: Well, why don’t you say something to him? I bet if you told him...  Edgar:______ I’m the one who has to wok with him.  Oscar: I see what you mean. I guess you’ll just have to put up with it.

    That’s easy for you to say.


    It’s a piece of cake.


    I’ll have a try.


    Could you give me some advice?

    正确答案: A

  • 第12题:

    Mother:______  Daughter: Oh, I don’t know. Anything will do.  Mother: You keep saying that. But I’ve run out of ideas.  Daughter: It’s your job to come up with the menus, so get on with it.  Mother:______  Daughter: Actually, I would like champagne, caviar, lobster soup, and to finish, a fresh melon.  Mother: That’s fine. I’ll cook, but you pay.

    Where shall we have our lunch? ; What do you mean?


    Let’s have breakfast at home. Quite right!


    What shall we have for dinner? I’m really at a loss.


    How many dishes do you want? I’ll try my best.

    正确答案: A

  • 第13题:

    Section A

    Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

    听力原文:M: Let me clean your windshield and check your water and you will be all set. They look so dirty and it's dangerous for you to drive the car.

    W: Oh, thank you. How much of them?

    Q: Where does this conversation take place?


    A.At a hamburger shop.

    B.At a parking lot.

    C.At a laundry.

    D.At a gas station.


  • 第14题:

    —What’s wrong with me, doctor? I feel quite bad.—_______

    A.I don’t know.

    B.Let me treat you some whisky.

    C.I’m not sure. Let’s take your temperature.

    D.You are a little overweight.


  • 第15题:

    --- ___________?

    --- I’m a journalist.

    A. What’s your name

    B. What’s your job

    C. Where are you from


  • 第16题:

    Woman: Does the rent include electricity bills?

    Landlord: ______

    A、What a daydream you are having!

    B、It doesn't usually include the electricity bill.

    C、I don't think so,I'm afraid.

    D、I'm not sure.I'll ask if you don't mind.


  • 第17题:


    You may not realize it,but you are doing much more than just studying,when you are at school. School is also the place where you learn to get along well with people. But this is not al-ways easy. What can you do if you just don-t like one of your classmates? If you discover that you have problems getting along with your classmates or friends,the most important thing to learn is tolerance(宽容). Tolerance is the ability(能/J ) to realize and respect(尊重) the differences in others. We can not change the way that other people do,so it is important to learn to live happily with them.

    Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other. Getting to know someone may help you understand why they do things differently. Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance teaches us to keep an even temper and open mind .

    You need to remember an old saying,"Treat others how you want to be treated". You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates,so it is important to treat them kindly too.

    If you tolerate(宽容) something,it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.

    It is important to practice tolerance,because it will make everyone's lives easier. Learn to accept(接受) people for their different abilities and interests. The world is very different,and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help you make a difference.

    21. What does the writer think of school?

    At school,students can not only study but also_________________________

    21. learn how to get on well with people 【解析】由第一段的第二句可知。

  • 第18题:

    No matter how formal orinformal theworkenvironment,the way you present yourself has an impact.This isespecially truein first impressions.According to researchfrom PrincetonUniversity,people assessyour competence,Trustworthiness,and likeability in just a tenth of a second,solelybased ontheway you look.The different between today’sworkplace and the“dress for success”era is that the range of optionsis so muchbroader.Normshaveevolvedandfragmented.In some settings,red sneakers or dress T—shirts can conveystatus;inother not somuch.Plus,whatever image we present is magnified by social—media services like LinkedIn.Chances are,your headshots are seen much more often now than adecade or two ago.Millennials,it seems,face the paradox of being the least formal generation yet the most conscious of style and personal branding.It can beconfusing.So how do we navigate this?How do we know when to invest in anupgrade?And what’s the best way to pull off one that enhances our goals?Here are some tips:
    1.As an executive coach,I’ve seen image upgrades be particularlyhelpfulduring transitions—when looking for a new job,stepping into a new or morepublic role,or changing work environments.If you’re in a period of change or just feeling stuck and in a rut,now may be a good time.If you’re not sure,ask forhonest feedback from trusted friends,colleagues and professionals.Look for cues about how others perceive you.Maybe there’s no need for an upgrade and that’s OK.
    2.Get clear on what impact you’re hoping to have.Are you looking to refresh your image or pivot it?For one person,the goal may be to be taken more seriously and enhance their professional image.For another,it may be to be perceived as more approachable,or more modern and stylish.For someone moving from finance to advertising,maybe they want to look ore“SoHo.”(It’s OK to use characterizations like that.)
    3.Look at your work environment like an anthropologist.What are the norms of your environment?What conveys status?Who are your most important audience?How do the people you respect and look up to prevent themselves?The better you understand the cultural context,the more control you can have over your impact.
    4.Enlist the support of professionals and share with them your goals and context.Hire a personal stylist,or use the free styling service of a store like Crew.Try a hair stylist instead of a barber.Work with a professional photographer instead of your spouse of friend.It’s not as expensive as you might think.
    5.The point of a style upgrade isn’t to become more vain or to spend more time discussing over what to wear.Instead,use it as an opportunity to reduce decision fatigue.Pick a standard work uniform or a few go-to opinions.Buy all your clothes once with a stylist instead of shopping alone,one article of clothing a time.

    A.Create a new image of yourself
    B.Have confidence in yourself
    C.Decide if the time is right
    D.Understand the context
    E.Work with professionals
    F.Mark it efficient
    G.Know your goals

    该段落主题句出现在转折之后,即“Instead,use it as an opportunity to reduce decision fatigue.”,其中it指代上一句中style upgrade。通过前后两句话对比指出目的是利用style upgrade作为机会来reduce decision fatigue(减少决定疲乏),从而来提高办事效率。后两句话作为论据进一步论证这一观点,因此答案选F选项。

  • 第19题:

    ――I'm looking for a shirt for my father.――____Size 40.

    A.What size do you wear?
    B.What can I do for you?
    C.How about this one?
    D.What size does your father wear?


  • 第20题:

    Thank you for your great dinner. I really enjoyed it.()you enjoyed it.

    • A、I'm so glad
    • B、I'm sorry
    • C、What a pity
    • D、Surprisingly


  • 第21题:

    Read the advertisement and email below carefully and answer questions 1to 5. Answer each question in no more than 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.  Questions1to 5 are based on the following advertisement and email.  Apartment for Rent  ● Modern studio apartment located 10 minutes from shops and subway  ● 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living / dining room, bathroom, balcony  ● Centrally heated (gas)  ● Suit young couple or professional person  ● Part furnishing can be arranged  ● Rent $985 a month plus utilities  ● Deposit + 1 month’s rent in advance  ● No pets  ● Available mid-March  Contact Karim on 555 2345  Email:  To:  From:Kelvin Adams (  I saw your advertisement in the local newspaper. I’m very interested in the apartment, for myself and my fiancé. We are currently living in Westside, but are looking for something closer to the town center, and I think your place would be ideal. I was hoping to be able to arrange a visit sometime next week. Monday would be the best day for us, but we can be flexible.  In the advertisement, you mention that the place could be partly furnished. We have a little furniture ourselves, but probably not enough for a two-bedroom place. Could you possibly tell us what inventory is likely to be included with the apartment?  I would also really appreciate it if you could send us a couple of pictures of thee bedroom and living / dining room, as well as some directions as to how to get there. Thank you very much in advance.Yours,Kelvin AdamsQuestions:  1.How much is the rent for the apartment?  2.Why does Kelvin want to move to a new apartment?  3.How many rooms are there in the apartment?  4.When is the earliest Kelvin and his fiancé can move in?  5.What does Kelvin ask for?

    1.$985 a month. 见ad倒数第四条。
    2.正确o be closer to the town center. 见e-mail第一段第三句。
    3.错误ive. 见ad第二条:2 bedrooms, kitchen, living / dining room, bathroom, balcony其中kitchen是厨房,balcony是指阳台。
    4.Mid-march. 见ad最后一条。available可用的。
    5.Photographs and directions on how to get there. 见e-mail最后一段第一句。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    A: I love your skirt. It’s so beautiful on you!  B: ______

    Thank you! It’s just an ordinary skirt.


    Oh, really? Do you like it? I bought it in Yunnan.


    Thank you! I’m glad you think so.


    Oh, no. Your dress looks more beautiful than flay skirt.

    正确答案: C

  • 第23题:

    —So, do you know where you’d like to go? ______.  —Well, from what I hear Vancouver’s great.  —Actually, I’ve heard that it’s very expensive and it’s cold all the time.

    I beg your pardon?


    Yeah, but it’s not very good.


    Do you know any good hotels?


    Do you have any suggestions?

    正确答案: D