更多“If they ___ to break their promises, we’ll try to punish them.A、attemptB、pretendC、thinkD、consider”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    -But then we'll have to accept a Board of Directors chosen by our stockholders. Wouldn't that limit us in many ways? -Certainly. But if you consider the massive capital investment that we'll receive, you'll understand that this could take our company ------ .

    :A from being a big firm to being one of the medium-tier players ;

    B from being a medium-tier firm to being one of the big players ;

    C from being a medium-tier firm to being one of the small players


  • 第2题:

    - We’ll have the sales meeting at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon, won’t we -()

    A、Yes. After the meeting, we’ll leave for Shanghai.

    B、It’s said the meeting is important.

    C、No. After the meeting, we’ll leave for Shanghai.


  • 第3题:

    We()your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 2 sets of the generator .

    A. find

    B. believe

    C. think

    D. suppose


  • 第4题:

    We'll have to______ how much food we'll need for the party.

    A、work out

    B、work up

    C、work in

    D、work on


  • 第5题:

    By the time the course ends, ________a lot about market economy.

    A. we’ll learn

    B. we’ll have learnt

    C. we are learning

    D. we have learnt


  • 第6题:

    We()your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for your products.






  • 第7题:

    It is fixed ________ at seven tomorrow morning.

    A、if we’ll start out

    B、that we’ll start out

    C、when we’ll start out

    D、are we going to start out


  • 第8题:

    Kicking the Habit

    What is a bad habit?The most common definition is that it is something that we do regularly,almost
    without thinking about it,and which has some sort of negative consequence.This consequence could affect
    those around us,or it could affect us personally.Those who deny having bad habits are probably lying. Bad
    habits are part of what makes us human.
    Many early habits,like sucking our thumb,are broken when we are very young.We are either told to
    stop doing it by our parents,or we consciously or subconsciously observe that others do not have the same
    habit,and we gradually grow out of it.It is when we intentionally or unintentionally pick up new habits in
    our later childhood or early adulthood that it becomes a problem.Unless we can break that habit early on,it
    becomes a part of our life,and becomes"programmed"into our brain.
    A recent study of human memory suggests that no matter how hard we try to change our habits,it is the
    old ways that tend to win,especially in situations where we are rushed,stressed or overworked.Habits that
    we thought we had got rid of can suddenly come back.During the study programme,the researchers showed
    a group of volunteers several pictures,and gave them words to associate with them.They then showed the
    volunteers the same pictures again,and gave them new words to associate with them.
    A few days later,the volunteers were given a test.The researchers showed them the pictures,and told
    them to respond with one of the words they had been given for each one.It came as no surprise that their an-
    swers were split between the first set of words and the second.Two weeks later,they were given the same test

    again.This time,most of them only gave the first set of. words.They appeared to have completely forgotten
    the second set.
    The study confirms that the responses we learn first are those that remain strongest over time.We may
    try to change our ways,hut after a while,the response that comes to mind first is usually the first one we
    learned.The more that response is used,the more automatic it becomes and the harder it becomes to respond
    in any other way.
    The study therefore suggests that over time,our had habits also become automatic,learned behavior.
    This is not good news for people who picked up bad habits early in life and now want to change or break
    them.Even when we try to put new,good intentions into practice,those previously learned habits remain
    stronger in more automatic,unconscious forms of memory.

    We can only break bad habits if others tell us to do so.
    C:Not nientioned

    文章第二段讲到,一些早期的习惯,像吮吸手指之类的习惯在我们很小的时候就戒掉 了。并没有说男孩子们在小时候通常会染上坏习惯。故选C。
    在文章第二段中,作者指出我们之所以能戒掉早期的坏习惯是因为有父母告诉我们不 要这样做,或者是我们有意或无意地观察到别人都不这样做。文章中并没有说我们戒掉坏习 惯的唯一方法是别人的告知。故选B。
    文章第三段讲到,最近一项关于人类记洲忆力的研究表明不管我们如何努力地尝试着改 变坏习惯,坏习惯还是难以戒掉,特别是在我们忙碌,紧张或是过度劳累的时候,我们认为已经 戒掉的坏习惯就会突然跑回来。故选A。
    由文章第四段第三句话“It came as no surprise that...“,可知研究者对测试结果毫不奇 怪,在他们意料之中。故选B。
    文章第四段讲到,两个星期后,这些被测试者重新做相同的测试。大多数人只能给出 第一组的单词,好像他们完全忘了第二组单词。文章中并未提到被测试者发现第二次测试要 难一些。故选C。
    文章倒数第一二段指出,这一研究证实了这一点,我们第一次学到的反应方式在一段时 间后仍然在我们脑海里留下最深印象、尽管我们试图去改变,但一段时间后,首先出现在脑海 的还是我们第一次学到的反应方式。文章中并未提到研究表明对我们最先学习的那些东西做 出反应更加困难。故选C。
    文章最后一段讲到,研究表明在一段时间后,坏习惯会变成无章识的习得性行为。这 对那些在年轻时就染上坏习惯而现在想要戒掉的人们来说不是个好消息。也就是说,年轻时 染上的坏习惯很难戒掉。故选A。

  • 第9题:

    A:Well, after my report, there’ll be a break for refreshments. B:()

    • A、The break won't be long
    • B、All right, I see
    • C、All right, I'll see it


  • 第10题:

    We are anxious to contact some Indian companies with a view () business relations with them.

    • A、to build
    • B、to building
    • C、for building
    • D、building


  • 第11题:

    We are glad that we finally managed to get into contact()them.

    • A、at
    • B、on
    • C、from
    • D、with


  • 第12题:

    Practice 11  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  It is easy to make judgments about people and their actions when we do not know anything about their circumstances or what motivated them to take those actions. But we should look beyond a person’s actions. When people do things that we consider outrageous, inconsiderate, or harmful, we should try to understand why they acted as they did.  Assignment: Is it important to try to understand people’s motivations before judging their actions? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    Why do people do the things they do? Sometimes it’s not that difficult to understand a person’s motivation; A father may choose to work a second job, which may take him away from his family for long periods of time. He doesn’t want to be an absent father, but he believes that his actions will eventually benefit his family. He is motivated by his love for his wife and children. A mother may choose to forego buying herself new clothes or jewelry so that she can be sure her children have enough to eat, nice clothes, and toys. Her motivation is also her love of her family. But when it comes to people whose motivations are a mystery to us, it is always important to try and decipher their feelings so as to help them (or keep them from hurting anyone else).
    What motivates certain people to kill? If we can answer that question, we may be able to identify such inclinations in others and so prevent them from acting out their anger. For surely it is anger that frequently leads to violence. A political assassin, for example, is typically infuriated by the way his country is being run by the current leaders. If there had been some way to know how outraged Lee Harvey Oswald was, or SirhanSirhan, or James Earl Ray, there might have been some way to prevent the deaths of John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. If only someone had been able to gain some insight into the workings of Timothy McVeigh’s maddened mind, the tragedy of Oklahoma City in 1995 might have been averted.
    In other cases, it is not anger, necessarily, but more likely despair that motivates people to commit desperate acts. In 1995, Susan Smith was convicted of the unspeakable act of drowning her two young sons by rolling her car into a lake with them strapped inside. Later, authorities found out that she herself had had a terrible childhood (she was regularly molested by her stepfather) and twice had tried to commit suicide. If anyone could have understood this tormented woman’s mentality, those two little boys might have been saved.
    It is easy to condemn a person for committing a despicable act. It is much harder to discover what their motivation was for acting in such a tragic way, but it is worth the effort.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    -Could I suggest we meet to review the issue and propose a mutually satisfactory solution? -__________________________

    A You are welcome. You can visit us any time you like. ;

    B That’s alright. I’ll wait for your reply as soon as possible. ;

    C Sure, we will try our best jointly to deal with the issue.


    解析:本句意思:我能否建议我们见面讨论一下这个问题,并提出一个双方都满意的解决方案?You are welcome. You can visit us any time you like.意思为:不客气你可以随时来拜访我们。That’s alright. I’ll wait for your reply as soon as possible意思为:好的,我会尽快等待你的回复。Sure, we will try our best jointly to deal with the issue意思为:当然,我们会共同努力解决这个问题。根据句意,选C。

  • 第14题:

    - Well, after my report, there’ll be a break for refreshments. -()

    A、All right, I’ll see it.

    B、All right, I see.

    C、The break won’t be long.


  • 第15题:

    Well, after my report, there'll be a break for refreshments.()

    A. The break won't be long

    B. All right, I see

    C. All right, I'll see it


  • 第16题:

    We had to___ the house as we had lost the key.

    A、break into

    B、break down

    C、break up

    D、break out


  • 第17题:

    We were lucky to escape ____.

    A.being punished





  • 第18题:

    By the end of this term,() a lot about Britain.

    A we'll learn

    B.we are learning

    C.we have learnt

    D.we'll have learnt


  • 第19题:

    It can be concluded from the passage that ______.

    A. we should try our best to prevent disablement

    B. we must take a proper attitude towards the disabled

    C. the able-bodied people will never fully understand the disabled

    D. both physical and mental barriers are hard to break down


    45.答案为B。根据最后一段最后一句It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully appreciate what the severely disabled go throughso it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their abilitynot their disabilitywhich counts.作出该项选择。选项ACD与原文不符。

  • 第20题:

    A:Well, after my report, there’ll be a break for refreshments. B:()

    AThe break won't be long

    BAll right, I see

    CAll right, I'll see it


  • 第21题:

    () difficulties they may come across, they"ll help one another to overcome them.

    • A、Whatever
    • B、Whenever
    • C、However
    • D、Wherever


  • 第22题:

    We employ about seven hundred full-time people. But we()causal staff when we need them.

    • A、 check in
    • B、 taken in
    • C、 check out
    • D、 take on


  • 第23题:

    They()so that we wouldn't recognize them.

    • A、disguise
    • B、disguised
    • C、were disguising
    • D、were disguised
