更多“— It’s the office! So you know eating is not allowed here.— Oh, sorry.A. must B. will C ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    A: I haven't sat down all day.

    B: You _____be very tired.

    A. could

    B. have to

    C. must


  • 第2题:

    3.—__________ 1 go out for a while?

    —No,you __________ You must finish your homework first.

    A. Must,needn't

    B. Can,may

    C. May,mustn't

    D. May,must


  • 第3题:


    A.Al2S3+ Na2SO4

    B.Al(OH)3 + S+ Na2SO4

    C.Al(OH)3 + H2S

    D.Al2S3+ Na2S2O3+ S

    Al(OH) 3 + H 2 S

  • 第4题:

    —_______ I return the book to the library this week?— No, you _______.You can keep it until the end of this month.

    A.Must; needn’t

    B.Can; can’t

    C.May; mustn’t

    D.Can; mustn’t


  • 第5题:

    用所给的词和词组写出符合逻辑的句子。 are not/you/a license/allowed/electronic equipment/to import/without
    You are not allowed to import electronic equipment without a license.

  • 第6题:


    A.Na2SO4#B.Na2SO3#C.Na2S#D.Na2S2O3< xmlnamespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" >
    Na 2 SO 4