翻译 Follow your plan and don't stop until it's finished.A. 跟随你的计划,完成之前停下来。B. 按照你的计划进行,直到完成都不要停下来。C. 按照你的计划进行,完成之前不要停下来。


翻译 Follow your plan and don't stop until it's finished.

A. 跟随你的计划,完成之前停下来。

B. 按照你的计划进行,直到完成都不要停下来。

C. 按照你的计划进行,完成之前不要停下来。

更多“翻译 Follow your plan and don't stop until it's finished.A. 跟随你的计划,完成之 ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Your work fails to reach the standard again. Don't always take the other team members' forgiveness for granted. (翻译)


  • 第2题:

    If you go into the forests with friends,stay with them. If you don't,you may get lost.If you do get lost,this is what you should do.

    Sit down and stay where you are.'Don't try to find your friends. Let them find you. You can help them to find you by staying in one place.

    There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. Give them a signal (信号) by shouting or whistling(吹口哨) three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help.

    Keep on shouting or whistling,always three times'together. When people hear you,they will give two shouts or two whistles. When a signal is given twice,it is an answer to a call for help.lf you don-t think that you will get help before night comes,try to make a small room with branches(树枝).

    What should you do if you get hungry or need to drink water? You would have to leave your little branch room to look for something to eat and drink. Don't just walk away. Drop small branches as you walk so that you can find your way back.

    The most important thing to do when you are lost-stay in one place.

    ( )16. If you get lost in the forests,you should walk everywhere to find your friends as soon as possible.

    16.F【解析】根据短文第二段“Sit down and stay where you are. Don't try to find your friends.,.”可判断此题是错的。

  • 第3题:







  • 第4题:

    What's ( )job? Are ( ) British?

    A. your, your

    B. you, your

    C. your, you


  • 第5题:

    考虑下面文法G(S): S→a∣ᴧ∣(T) T→T,S∣S (1)消去G(S)的左递归。 (2)给出所有非终结符的FIRST()和FOLLOW()集合。

    S ->(L)| a B B -> S | ε L -> S A A -> ,S A | ε