-Larry is the biggest airhead I've ever met. He always makes careless mistakes, and he's a pain to work with. - ________ . You'll always have some co-workers that are harder to work with than others, you know.:A I have the same feeling to you ;B You reall


-Larry is the biggest airhead I've ever met. He always makes careless mistakes, and he's a pain to work with. - ________ . You'll always have some co-workers that are harder to work with than others, you know.

:A I have the same feeling to you ;

B You really have it ;

C You shouldn't be so negative

更多“-Larry is the biggest airhead I've ever met. He always makes careless mistakes, an ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    I've _____ these lines again and again but I still keep forgetting them.

    A. gone off

    B. gone about

    C. gone over

    D. gone through


  • 第2题:

    Ted: I'm sorry. I damaged your mp3 player.

    Larry: __________

    A、Well,it's OK.

    B、No,it's all right.

    C、Oh,I'm sorry.



  • 第3题:

    I can ( ) be a teacher. I’m not a very patient person.

    A. seldom B. ever C. never D. always


  • 第4题:

    I ________ always ________ that mistakes.

    A. am, making

    B. /, make

    C. will, make

    D. /, to make


  • 第5题:

    B 宽度优先(种子染色法)


    几个定义: 顶点1为源点,n为汇点。

    a. 顶点事件最早发生时间Ve[j], Ve [j] = max{ Ve [j] + w[I,j] },其中Ve (1) = 0;

    b. 顶点事件最晚发生时间 Vl[j], Vl [j] = min{ Vl[j] – w[I,j] },其中 Vl(n) = Ve(n);

    c. 边活动最早开始时间 Ee[I], 若边I由<j,k>表示,则Ee[I] = Ve[j];

    d. 边活动最晚开始时间 El[I], 若边I由<j,k>表示,则El[I] = Vl[k] – w[j,k];

    若 Ee[j] = El[j] ,则活动j为关键活动,由关键活动组成的路径为关键路径。


    a. 从源点起topsort,判断是否有回路并计算Ve;




  • 第6题:

    The girls are afraid that being friendly to strangers could be misinterpreted by their__neighbours.

    A. ever-present
    B. ever-presented
    C. ever-presenting
    D. ever-presently

    考查形容词的用法。句意为“女孩们担心对陌生人友善会被如影随形的邻居误解”。ever-present修饰名词,表示“时时存在的”,例如,“爱是永恒的”可翻译为love is ever--present。没有B和C这类搭配。形容词修饰名词,排除D选项。所以正确答案为A。