host: Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the state of Maine, it gives us great () to present Zuckerman's famous pig!A、pleasureB、funC、joyD、wonder

host: Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the state of Maine, it gives us great () to present Zuckerman's famous pig!





更多“host: Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the state of Maine, it gives us great () to present Zuckerman's famous pig! ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    下面这段程序是否能够实现安全编码: Parameter s0=0,s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4,s5=5,s6=6,s7=7; ... s5: next_state =s0; S6: next_state =s0; S7: next_state =s0; default:begin next_state =s0;


  • 第2题:


    A.always@(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if(!reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state; end

    B.always@(posedge clk ) begin if(!reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state; end

    C.always@(posedge clk t) if(reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state;

    D.always@(posedge clk or negedge reset) if(reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state;

    always@(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if(!reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state; end

  • 第3题:


    A.parameter [2:0] s0=0, s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4; reg [2:0] current_state, next_state;

    B.parameter [1:0] s0=0, s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4; reg [1:0] current_state, next_state;

    C.TYPE FSM_ST IS (s0, s1,s2,s3,s4); SIGNAL current_state, next_state: FSM_ST;

    D.typedef enum {s0, s1,s2,s3,s4} type_user; type_user current_state, next_state

    parameter [2:0] s0=0, s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4; reg [2:0] current_state, next_state;

  • 第4题:


    A.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin out = 0; if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S2; end ……#B.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S0; end ……#C.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……#D.以上答案均不正确
    always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……

  • 第5题:


    A.Parameter s0=0,s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4,s5=5,s6=6,s7=7; ... s5: next_state =s0; S6: next_state =s0; S7: next_state =s0; default:begin next_state =s0;#B.define s0=1,s1=2,s2=4,s3=4,s4=8 s5: next_state =s1; S6: next_state =s1; S7: next_state =s2; default:begin next_state =s0;#C.Parameter s0=40,s1=41,s2=42,s3=43,s4=44,s5=45,s6=46,s7=47; ... s5: next_state =s0; S6: next_state =s0; S7: next_state =s0;#D.以上都是正确选型
    Parameter s0=0,s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4,s5=5,s6=6,s7=7; ... s5: next_state =s0; S6: next_state =s0; S7: next_state =s0; default:begin next_state =s0;;define s0=1,s1=2,s2=4,s3=4,s4=8 s5: next_state =s1; S6: next_state =s1; S7: next_state =s2; default:begin next_state =s0;

  • 第6题:


    A.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin out = 0; if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S2; end ……#B.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S0; end ……#C.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……#D.以上答案均不正确
    always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……