更多“He just couldn't ___what in the world she had been talking about all the time. ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    He ( ) so hurriedly that day, actually there was still more than half an hour left.

    A、oughtn't to leave

    B、needn't have left

    C、needn’t leave

    D、couldn’t leave


  • 第2题:

    A:What’s the extent of the delay? B: ( )



    C.About 2 hours



  • 第3题:

    Topic: My Friends
    A: She's short and thin. She has two big eyes. She's cute.
    B: What's her name? She's short and she has long hair. She has an orange schoolbag.
    C: It's me, Sarah.
    B: Guess! He's strong and he has two big eyes. He's very friendly.
    C: It's Zhang Peng.
    B: Who's he?
    C: Wu Yifan! He's tall and thin. He has glasses.
    J: Mum, I have a new friend.
    M: Really? A Chinese friend?
    J: Yes, he's very friendly.
    M: What's his name?
    J: His name is Zhang Peng.
    J: Look! He's tall and strong.
    M: Yes, he is.
    ① Knowledge objectives:
    Students can recognize, read and use some adjectives about describing friends.
    Students can master the sentence pattern: What's his name? His name is ..., He's ...
    ② Ability objectives:
    Students can introduce friends to others by practicing the sentences.
    Students can improve their ability of speaking.
    ③ Emotional objectives:
    Students can find the beauty of others and learn to cherish friendship.
    Key words: tall, strong, short, thin, friendly, quiet
    Target language: What's his name? His name is ... He is ...
    How to use these words and sentences to introduce others?
    Step 1 Warming-up
    Greet the students.
    Ask the whole class to stand up, sing and act the song "Friend Together".
    Step 2 Leading-in
    Show the pictures of two cartoon figures: Peter and Lily.
    Tell students Peter is our friend, write "friend" on the blackboard, and ask students to greet Peter. Then tell them Peter and Lily are our friends, plus "s" in the blackboard. Students read "friends" 3 times.
    Lead in today's class and write down the topic "My Friends" on the blackboard.
    Step 3 Presentation and Practice
    ① Words learning and practice
    ② Sentence learning and practice
    Step 4 Consolidation
    Step 5 Summary & Homework
    One student acts as an assistant teacher to guide all the students to read the words and sentences together.
    Ask students to finish the following homework.
    ① Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.
    ② Introduce one classmate to your parents.



  • 第4题:

    She ___here a minute ago.

    B. was

    D. been


  • 第5题:

    T: Hi, Lily. What does your mother do
    S: He ...
    T: Oh, no. Not "he", your mother is a woman. You should use "she" instead of "he". OK
    S: ... Er ... Mm ... (不知所措)
    T: Go on! What′s your mother′s job
    S: He is a ...

    (1)该教师采用的是直接纠错法。直接纠错是指学习者出现错误时,教师打断其语言训练或实践活动.对其错误予以正面纠正(说出正确的语言形式,并让学生改正)。效果:没有起到纠错的作用。依据:教师纠错后,学生表现得很紧张、不知所措,并没有吸收正确的表达方式。这导致学生在第二次作答时,仍不能正确组织语言,错误仍然没有改正。 (2)该教师在对话的过程中不断打断学生进行语法的纠正,过于关注语法的准确性,会导致学生因为常犯错误而自信心下降.并影响口语表达的流利性。

  • 第6题:

    Topic: My Friends
    A: She's short and thin. She has two big eyes. She's cute.
    B: What's her name? She's short and she has long hair. She has an orange schoolbag.
    C: It's me, Sarah.
    B: Guess! He's strong and he has two big eyes. He's very friendly.
    C: It's Zhang Peng.
    B: Who's he?
    C: Wu Yifan! He's tall and thin. He has glasses.
    J: Mum, I have a new friend.
    M: Really? A Chinese friend?
    J: Yes, he's very friendly.
    M: What's his name?
    J: His name is Zhang Peng.
    J: Look! He's tall and strong.
    M: Yes, he is.
    ① Knowledge objectives:
    Students can recognize, read and use some adjectives about describing friends.
    Students can master the sentence pattern: What's his name? His name is ..., He's ...
    ② Ability objectives:
    Students can introduce friends to others by practicing the sentences.
    Students can improve their ability of speaking.
    ③ Emotional objectives:
    Students can find the beauty of others and learn to cherish friendship.
    Key words: tall, strong, short, thin, friendly, quiet
    Target language: What's his name? His name is ... He is ...
    How to use these words and sentences to introduce others?
    Step 1 Warming-up
    Greet the students.
    Ask the whole class to stand up, sing and act the song "Friend Together".
    Step 2 Leading-in
    Show the pictures of two cartoon figures: Peter and Lily.
    Tell students Peter is our friend, write "friend" on the blackboard, and ask students to greet Peter. Then tell them Peter and Lily are our friends, plus "s" in the blackboard. Students read "friends" 3 times.
    Lead in today's class and write down the topic "My Friends" on the blackboard.
    Step 3 Presentation and Practice
    ① Words learning and practice
    ② Sentence learning and practice
    Step 4 Consolidation
    Step 5 Summary & Homework
    One student acts as an assistant teacher to guide all the students to read the words and sentences together.
    Ask students to finish the following homework.
    ① Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.
    ② Introduce one classmate to your parents.
    根据上述案例中的教学目标要求,进行呈现和操练环节(Presentation and Practice)及巩固(Consolidation)环节的教学设计,并分别说明设计意图。

    Step 3 Presentation and Practice
    ① Words learning and practice
    A. Use Peter, Lily and flashcards to teach "tall, short Peter is tall" and "Lily is short". Students read them after the teacher.
    B. Teacher acts as "strong" and asks one girl to show "thin". Teacher reads them first, and then ask some students to read the words. Teacher corrects the pronunciation, especially the pronunciation of "thin".
    C. Teacher sets a scene with a video to explain the meaning of "friendly".
    D. "Voice game": Teacher reads the words in a high voice and the students have to repeat them in a low voice. Divide the class into two groups and ask them to have a competition. All the members have to read the words together for three times if someone makes a mistake.
    ② Sentence learning and practice
    A. Use the new words to describe Peter and Lily. Write down the sentence on the blackboard.
    B. Ask students to listen to the tape and read the dialogue.
    Then ask them to work in pairs to act out the dialogue. Two pairs show the dialogue to the whole class.
    Step 4 Consolidation
    ① Use "touch game" to practice and consolidate these adjectives. Students should touch the flashcards and read the words loudly.
    ② Students take out their pencil and paper, draw their best friends, and then work in groups to introduce their best friends to members in the group. Choose two representatives to introduce their best friends to the whole class.