While proceeding to a distress site,you hear the words “Seelonce mayday” on the radiotelephone.Which action should you take ________.A.Resume base course and speed as your assistance is no longer requiredB.Acknowledge receipt and advise your course,speed,


While proceeding to a distress site,you hear the words “Seelonce mayday” on the radiotelephone.Which action should you take ________.

A.Resume base course and speed as your assistance is no longer required

B.Acknowledge receipt and advise your course,speed,and ETA

C.Relay the original distress message as no other vessel has acknowledged it

D.Monitor the radiotelephone but do not transmit

更多“While proceeding to a distress site,you hear the words “Seelonce mayday” on the radiotelep ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Suppose you are planning a tour of a historical site for a group international students.Write an email to tell them about the site,and give them some tips for the tour You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name.Use“Li Ming”instead.

    Dear students,
    I am writing this email to recommend you one of famous attractions of this city.I have lived here since 1990 and have been familiar with every corner of our city.Considering that you are the fresh visitor to our city,so it is advisable for you to have a look upon the Forbidden City.Firstly,the visit is beneficial for quickly learning the comprehensive perspective,such as the development of this city and its specific culture.What’s more,the site is the symbol of our special and sophisticated buildings,since these buildings are telling Chines peoples’the gradual changing habits and lifestyles.Thirdly,you'd better take a good sleep before the visit since the cite is large and will take you time to enjoy a rewarding tour.Once again,welcome to China.I do hope that you would find the site worthy of your visit.(149 words)
    Sincerely yours,
    Li Ming

  • 第2题:




  • 第3题:




  • 第4题:

    You copy a Web site from a development site to a staging site. You do not have the Web site in a source control application. Another developer begins to fix bugs on the staging site while the development team adds features on the development site. You need to synchronize the development site and the staging site and copy the latest version of each file to both locations. What should you do? ()

    • A、Use the Copy Web tool.
    • B、Create a Web Setup project.
    • C、Use the Publish Web tool.
    • D、Use the command line to XCOPY the files.


  • 第5题:

    International distress signal in VHF calling for help is().








    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第6题:

    “SEELONCE MAYDAY”的含义是()。








    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第7题:

    While underway,in fog,you hear a whistle signal of one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. This signal is sounded by a vessel().

    not under command


    being towed


    on pilotage duty



    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第8题:

    Practice 5  Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only once and then you will have 25 minutes to finish your summary. This part of the test carries 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    正确答案: 【文章梗概】
    综述内容应包括5个主要点信息和9个次要点信息中的5个。下划线部分为主要点, 斜体部分为次要点。
    Lie detectors, those controversial assessors of truth, are making their way into everyday life. Insurance companies use them to help catch people filing fraudulent claims. Suspicious spouses use hand-hand versions to judge whether their significant others are cheating. Interrogators for the U.S. government use them to double-check analyses of who might be terrorists.
    Polygraphs, which have been used for decades, have been joined by new systems that purportedly analyze a person's voice, blush, pupil size and even brain waves for signs of deception. The devices range from costly experimental devices that use strings of electrodes or thermal imaging to $19.95 palm-sized versions.
    No studies haVe ever proven that lie detectors work. Many show that they assess truth as accurately as a coin flip; in other words, not at all. Still, some people have come to depend on them. The recent proliferation of lie detectors has reignited a decades-old debate over the ethics and politics of when and how they should be used and whether such important questions as guilt or innocence should be left to machines.
    Mankind has looked for centuries for a physical indicator that would expose a liar. The Romans studies the entrails of suspected liars. In China, rice was shoved into the mouths of interviewees to measure how dry they were—the drier the mouth, the more likely the person was lying, it was thought. Other cultures tried various chemical concoctions, but they worked no better than chance.
    Especially since September 11, law enforcement agencies consider lie detection systems critical to their investigations. The CIA, FBI and Defense Department have spent millions of dollars on them. In an unusual plea made soon after the terrorist auacks, the government asked for the public’s help in building counterterrorism technologies, among them a portable polygraph.
    In the United States, there is a double standafd when it comes to the use of polygraphs. Although the so-called lie detector is considered an important law enforcement tool, polygraph data are inadmissible as evidence in a court of law. The U.S. Supreme Court forbade private companies from using them to screen job applicants, but allowed the government to use them for the same purpose.
    As debate about polygraphs rages, the devices are being phased out in favor of voice analyzers, which are more portable and easier to use. A voice analyzer device typically consists of a telephone and microphone attached to a computer that packs neatly in a briefcase, or attached to any PC with the proper software installed. Most of the analyzers can be used in person or over the phone. Conversations can be tested in real time or recorded for later analysis.
    First, the questioner asks an interviewee about something he or she would have no reason to lie about, such as “When’s your birthday?” Then he asks what he really wants to ask. The device makes an assessment about whether the subjects is telling the truth based on the differences between the inaudible microtremors in the voice during the first round of questioning and those in the second.
    The federal government officially says it does not use these voice lie detectors. Still, the voice technology has its true believers, among them more than 1.200 police departments nationwide and tens of thousands of consumers.
    The slightly more sophisticated Truster software program that runs on a desktop computer gives text rating of truthfulness. The companies that market these technologies say they are more than 80 percent accurate.
    Though skeptical, Rick Garloff, a 35-year-old American, still said even if the systems are not great lie detectors, they are wonderful lie deterrents. He once used the Truster on his 9-year-old son, to see if he had forgotten to close a door, accidentally letting the dog in. His son claimed no. But the lie detection system said yes. When confronted, his son confessed.
    【解 析】
    1. Lie detectors, those controversial assessors of truth, are making their way into everyday life.
    2. No studies have ever proven that lie detectors work.
    3. Mankind has looked for centuries for a physical indicator that would expose a liar.
    4. In the United States, there is a double standard when it comes to the use of polygraphs.
    5. As debate about polygraphs rages, the devices ale being phased out in favor of voice analyzers, which are more portable and easier to use.
    1. Polygraphs, which have been used for decades, have been joined by new systems that purportedly analyze a person’s voice, blush, pupil size and even brain waves for signs of deception.
    2. The recent proliferation of lie detectors has reignited a decades-old debate over the ethics and politics of when and how they should be used and whether such important questions as guilt or innocent should be left to machines.
    3. Especially since September 11, law enforcement agencies consider lie detection systems critical to their investigations.
    4. The government asked for the public’s help in building counterterrorism technologies,among them a portable polygraph.
    5. Although the so-called lie detector is considered an important law enforcement tool, polygraph data ale inadmissible as evidence in a court of law.
    6. Most of the analyzers can be used in person or over the phone. Conversations can be tested in real time or recorded for later analysis.
    7. The device makes an assessment about whether the subjects is telling the truth based on the differences between the inaudible microtremors in the voice during the first round of questioning and those in the second.
    8. The federal government officially says it does not use these voice lie detectors. Still, the voice technology has its true believers.
    9. The slightly more sophisticated Truster software program that runs on a desktop computer gives text rating of truthfulness.
    Lie detectors, those controversial assessors of truth, are making their way into everyday life. Insurance companies use them to help catch people filing fraudulent claims. Suspicious spouses use hand-hand versions to judge whether their significant others are cheating. Interrogators for the US government use them to double check analysis of who might be terrorists.
    Polygraphs, which have been used for decades, have been joined by new systems that purportedly analyze a person’s voice, blush, pupil size and even brain waves for signs of deception. The devices range from costly experimental devices that use strings of electrodes or thermal imaging to $19.95 palm-sized versions.
    No studies have ever proven that lie detectors work. Many show that they assess truth as accurately as a coin flip; in other words, not at all. Still, some people have come to depend on them. The recent proliferation of lie detectors has reignited a decades-old debate over the ethics and politics of when and how they should be used and whether such important questions as guilt or innocence should be left to machines.
    Mankind has looked for centuries for a physical indicator that would expose a liar. The Romans studied the entrails of suspected liars. In China, rice was shoved into the mouths of interviewees to measure how dry they were—the drier the mouth, the more likely the person was lying, it was thought. Other cultures tried various chemical concoctions, but they worked no better than chance.
    Especially since September 11, law enforcement agencies consider lie detection systems critical to their investigations. The CIA, FBI and Defense Department have spent millions of dollars on them. In an unusual plea made soon after the terrorist attacks, the government asked for the public’s help in building counterterrorism technologies, among them a portable polygraph.
    In the United States, there is a double standard when it comes to the use of polygraphs. Although the so-called lie detector is considered an important law enforcement tool, polygraph data are inadmissible as evidence in a court of law. The US Supreme Court forbade private companies from using them to screen job applicants, but allowed the government to use them for the same purpose.
    As debate about polygraphs rages, the devices are being phased out in favor of voice analyzers, which are more portable and easier to use. A voice analyzer device typically consists of a telephone and microphone attached to a computer that packs neatly in a briefcase, or attached to any PC with the proper software installed. Most of the analyzers can be used in person or over the phone. Conversations can be tested in real time or recorded for later analysis.
    First, the questioner asks an interviewee about something he or she would have no reason to lie about, such as “When’s your birthday?” Then he asks what he really wants to ask. The device makes an assessment about whether the subject is telling the truth based on the differences between the inaudible microtremors in the voice during the first round of questioning and those in the second.
    The federal government officially says it does not use these voice lie detectors. Still, the voice technology has its true believers, among them more than 1,200 police departments nationwide and tens of thousands of consumers.
    The slightly more sophisticated Truster software program that runs on a desktop computer gives text rating of truthfulness. The companies that market these technologies say they are more than 80 percent accurate.
    Though skeptical, Rick Garloff, a 35-year-old American, still said even if the systems are not great lie detectors, they are wonderful lie deterrents. He once used the Truster on his 9-year-old son, to see if he had forgotten to close a door, accidentally letting the dog in. His son claimed no. But the lie detection system said yes. When confronted, his son confessed.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    A vessel in distress should send by radio telephone the two tone alarm signal followed immediately by the().

    distress position


    spoken words Mayday,Mayday,Mayday


    ship's name


    ship's call letters

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    You hear on the radiotelephone the word “Securite” spoken three times. This indicates that().

    a message about the safety of navigation will follow


    a message of an urgent nature about the safety of a ship will follow


    the sender is in distress and requests immediate assistance


    you should secure your radiotelephone

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    You are proceeding to a distress site.The survivors are in liferafts.What will make your ship more visible to the survivors().

    Steering a sinuous course


    Steering a zig-zag course


    Turning on all available deck lights at night


    Dumping debris over the side to make a trail to your vessel

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Acknowledgement by you of receipt of a distress message from a vessel which,beyond any possible doubt,is not in your vicinity and is a long distance away must be made when().

    Vessels nearer the distress vessel acknowledge receipt


    Vessels nearer the distress vessel fail to acknowledge receipt


    Even you have not reveived the distress


    Even the vessel in distress expressly prohibit you from providing any salvage service

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    Teaching aims
    Knowledge aim: students will know the pronunciation of the group of letter “ear”.
    Ability aim: students can read words with “ear” when they learn vocabulary.
    Emotional aim: students will be more interested in speaking English.
    Key and difficult points:
    How to pronounce the group of letter “ear”.
    Teaching procedure:
    Step 1: Warming-up
    After greeting students, the teacher plays a game to warm up the class: I say you point. The teacher speaks out a certain part of the body and students point it quickly. For example: point your eye! Point your ear! Point your hand!
    Step 2: Presentation
    Draw a ear on the blackboard and ask students what it is. Write down the word. Then ask what ears can be used to, and they will say we use ear to hear something. Write down word “hear”. Then do the action of hearing and put hands near the ear, and write down the word “near”.
    Ask students to read the three words after the teacher, and find out the similarity among them. After discussion, they will say all these words have “ear”. Then ask students how to pronounce this group of letter. We will know it pronounce as /ir/.
    Step 3: practice
    Give students some other words with the group of letter “ear” and ask students to read them by groups. For example, a sentence “my dear, your tear is clear in my mind for years”. Then students can have a brainstorming and think of more words with “ear”.
    Play a game Hot potato to practice these words. The teacher plays a piece of music. When the music is playing, students pass the ball from one to another. When the music stops, the one who gets the ball should read words on the blackboard.
    Step4: Production
    Do a chant with students: put your ear, near my ear, and you will hear, and you will hear, and you will hear, NOTHING!


  • 第14题:




  • 第15题:




  • 第16题:

    You are working with a team of developers on a Web site. You copy the Web site from the staging server to work on it locally. While making changes, you create new C# source code files and delete old ones. You need to ensure that your changes propagate to the staging server without affecting any files that you have not modified. Which tool should you use? ()

    • A、XCOPY
    • B、the Copy Web tool
    • C、the Publish Web tool
    • D、a Web Setup project


  • 第17题:

    You are proceeding to a distress site and expect large numbers of people in the water. Which statement is TRUE?()

    You should stop to windward of the survivors in the water and only use the ship's boats to recover the survivors


    If the survivors are in inflatable rafts you should approach from windward to create a lee for the survivors


    An inflatable liferaft secured alongside can be an effective boarding station for transfer of survivors from the boats


    Survivors in the water should never be permitted alongside due to the possibility of injury from the vessel

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第18题:

    You are the first vessel to arrive at the scene of a distress. Due to the volume of traffic on the radio,you are unable to communicate with the vessel in distress. Which action should you take?()

    Switch to flag hoists


    Broadcast Seelonce Distress


    Broadcast Charlie Quebec-Mayday-Quiet


    Key the microphone three times in quick succession

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第19题:

    You are working with a team of developers on a Web site. You copy the Web site from the staging server to work on it locally. While making changes, you create new C# source code files and delete old ones. You need to ensure that your changes propagate to the staging server without affecting any files that you have not modified. Which tool should you use? ()



    the Copy Web tool


    the Publish Web tool


    a Web Setup project

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第20题:

    While underway in thick fog you are on watch and hear the cry“man overboard”.Which type of maneuver should you make().

    Figure eight turn


    Round turn


    Racetrack turn


    Williamson turn

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    While proceeding to a distress site,you hear the words “Seelonce mayday” on the radiotelephone.Which action should you take().

    Resume base course and speed as your assistance is no longer required


    Acknowledge receipt and advise your course,speed,and ETA


    Relay the original distress message as no other vessel has acknowledged it


    Monitor the radiotelephone but do not transmit

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    Upon receipt of a distress message,a merchant vessel is bound to proceed to the scene of the distress. Under which of the following cases would this NOT be true?()

    The vessel would arrive at the distress scene more than 36 hours after the receipt of the initial distress message


    There are vessels closer to the distress scene that are proceeding to assist


    The Master of the vessel in distress has requisitioned another vessel,and that vessel has accepted the requisition


    You are on a tanker and the distress involves a major fire on board the other vessel

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    A vessel in distress should send by radio telephone the two tone alarm signal followed immediately by the().

    Distress position


    Spoken words“Mayday,Mayday,Mayday”


    Ship's name


    Ship's call letters

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析