更多“Passenger liners often take a certain amount of (). ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Taxi driver: Here you are, sir. Queens Hotel.

    Passenger: How much is it?

    Taxi driver: Three dollars and seventy-five cents.

    Passenger: Here is four dollars. _____________.

    A: It ’s not necessary to give me the coins

    B: Don’t giv e me the rest

    C: Keep the change

    D: I give up the pocket money


  • 第2题:

    有下列程序:includeUsing namespace std;Class Amount{ int amount;public; Amount(i

    有下列程序: #include<iostream> Using namespace std; Class Amount{ int amount; public; Amount(int n=O):amount(n){} Int getAmount()const{return amount;} Amount &operator+=(AmountA) {





    解析: 此题考查的是“+”运算符重载和this指针。语句amount+=a.amount;实现3和7的求和,得到amount=10,要使程序的输出结果为10,需要把amount的值作为函数的返回值,所以横线处应填入amot。

  • 第3题:

    BookStore数据库中有销售明细表OrderDetail(OrderCode, BookCode, Amount) 查询销售总量前20%的图书,并按总销量降序排列。SQL语句: SELECT TOP 20 PERCENT Bookcode As 书号, SUM(Amount)As总销量 ROM OrderDetail GROUP BY Bookcode ORDER BY ________

    A.Amount DESC

    B.SUM(Amount) DESC

    C.COUNT(Amount) DESC

    D.ADD(Amount) DESC

    INSERT INTO OrderDetail(OrderCode, Amount, BookCode) VALUES('08110801',3, '0701');INSERT INTO OrderDetail(OrderCode, BookCode, Amount) VALUES('08110801', '0701', 3);INSERT INTO OrderDetail VALUES('08110801', '0701', 3)

  • 第4题:

    The author thinks that the influence of hard times on society is____.






  • 第5题:

    7、BookStore数据库中有销售明细表OrderDetail(OrderCode, BookCode, Amount) 查询销售总量前20%的图书,并按总销量降序排列。SQL语句: SELECT TOP 20 PERCENT Bookcode As 书号, SUM(Amount)As总销量 ROM OrderDetail GROUP BY Bookcode ORDER BY ________

    A.Amount DESC

    B.SUM(Amount) DESC

    C.COUNT(Amount) DESC

    D.ADD(Amount) DESC

    SUM(Amount) DESC

  • 第6题:

    【单选题】BookStore数据库中有销售明细表OrderDetail(OrderCode, BookCode, Amount)查询销售总量前20%的图书,并按总销量降序排列。SQL语句: SELECT TOP 20 PERCENT Bookcode As 书号, SUM(Amount)As总销量 ROM OrderDetail GROUP BY Bookcode ORDER BY ________

    A.Amount DESC

    B.SUM(Amount) DESC

    C.COUNT(Amount) DESC

    D.ADD(Amount) DESC
