( )in the earth’s crust,the rock may be subjected to temperatures high enough to melt it. A.DeepB.DeeperC.DeepestD.Deeply

( )in the earth’s crust,the rock may be subjected to temperatures high enough to melt it.



2.Passage ThreeMany theories about the origin of the ocean have been proposed by scientists. The most widely accepted one is that the earth at some time in its very early history became hot enough to melt the materials from which it was formed. While in this molten state, lighter rock-forming materials (造岩材料) floated on the surface of the heavier ones. Then, between four and a half four billion (十亿) years ago, the molten earth cooled sufficiently to form. a crust of rock that was many miles thick.Surrounding the earth was an unbroken canopy of clouds miles thick and made up mostly of water vapor. Rain falling toward the still-hot earth was heated to steam and rose to the clouds again. After many millions of years, as the earth continued to cool, its surface temperature fell below the boiling point of water. Rainwater could now remain on the earth, covering its whole surface except for the higher places on earth that had been formed from the lighter rock materials.In 1970, scientists had pieced together evidence that the lighter rock materials had formed one huge continent by a vast ocean. Then, about 200 million years ago, the great continent began to break up, the pieces moving slowly apart.The onrushing waters of the single huge ocean now entered and filled the spaces between the separating continents--and became the several oceans and seas we know today.41. This passage mainly talks about ______.A. the origin of the earthB. the origin of the oceanC. the history of the earthD. the forming of the earth's crust

更多“( )in the earth’s crust,the rock may be subjected to temperatures high enough to melt it.”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    The earthquakes leave scars in the earth’s crust.(英译汉)


  • 第2题:

    It is _______ to tell which is earth and which is sky.

    A: enough easy

    B: easily enough

    C: easy enough

    D: enough easily


  • 第3题:

    A bypass line provided around a waste heat auxiliary boiler in a diesel engine exhaust system, may be used to avoid boiler ______.

    A.corrosion at low engine loads

    B.erosion at high engine loads

    C.overload at high engine loads

    D.scaling at all exhaust temperatures


  • 第4题:

    Earth's Inner Core

    Scientists have long struggled to understand what lies at the planet's center.Direct
    observation of its center is impossible,so researchers must_________(1)to other evidence.
    In 1889,a German scientist detected a severe earthquake in Japan.Geophysicists
    concluded that shock waves_________(2) jolts(晃动)from one side of Earth through
    the center to the other side.Then in 1936,Danish geophysicist lnge Lehmann studied the
    waves' __________ (3) to determine that within Earth's core of molten(熔化了的)iron
    lies a solid inner core一but_________(4) that core was made of eluded(难倒)her.
    Other geophysicists quickly determined that Lehmann's inner core was composed mostly
    _________(5) iron.Since then,Lehmann's discovery has _________(6)
    conventional Earth science.
    But now scientists are challenging traditional theory with new and radical_________
    (7).For example,Earth's center could actually contain an"inner core within the inner
    core."claim lshii and colleague Adam Dziewonski.
    Analyzing hundreds of thousands of earthquake wave _________(8),they
    maintain that the inner core has at its heart a tiny, even more solid sphere(球体).This
    sphere"may be the oldest fossil_________(9)from the formation of Earth,"says Dziewonski.
    Dziewonski and Ishii speculate that shortly _________(10)Earth formed around
    4.8 billion years ago,a giant asteroid(小行星)smashed into the young planet and nearly
    melted it.But Earth's center didn't quite melt;it_________(11)mass as the planet
    cooled. The core within a core may be the kernel(核心)that endured. " Its presence
    could change our basic ideas about the_________(12)of the planet,"Dziewonski
    Dziewonski's idea is tame(温和的)compared to the_________( 13 ) theories of
    independent geophysicist J. Marvin Herndon.Earth's inner core is made not of iron,he
    claims,but a_________(14)of nickel and silicon.Herndon has a truly revolutionary
    notion : Within the nickel silicide(硅化物)inner core is also an "inner" inner core一an
    8km-wide ball of the element uranium.Uranium is radioactive.Herndon thinks the uranium
    releases heat energy as its atoms_________(15)fission-split and crash into one
    another in a chain reaction.In other words,we may live on top of a gigantic, "natural"
    nuclear power plant.



  • 第5题:

    Earth Rocks on

    Most of the time,the ground feels solid beneath our feet. That{S comforting. But it's also misleading
    because there's actually a lot going on underground.Masses of land(called plates)slip,slide,and bump
    against each other,slowly changing the shape of continents and oceans over millions and billions of years.
    Scientists know that Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago.They also know that our planet was hot at
    first. As it cooled , its outermost layer , called the crust(地壳), eventually formed moving plates. Exactly
    when this shift happened,however,is an open question.
    Now,an international group of researchers has an answer. They'ye found new evidence suggesting that
    Earth's crust started shifting at least 3.8 billion years ago.The new estimate is 1.3 billion years earlier than
    previous ones.
    Not long before 3. 8 billion years ago,lots of asteroids(小行星)were hitting Earth,keeping its crust in
    a hot,melted state.After the hard crust formed,much of it sank at various times into the planet's hot in-
    sides.There,it melted before returning to the surface.
    In some places,however,the crust never sank.One of the oldest such places is in Greenland,in an area
    called the Isua supracrustal(上地壳) belt. The rocky crust there is between 3. 7 and 3. 8 billion years old.
    The belt was once part of the seafloor,but now it is exposed to air.
    The researchers recently took a close look at the Isua supracrustal belt. They noticed long,parallel
    cracks in the rock that have been filled in with a type of volcanic rock.
    To explain this structure,the scientists propose that tension in the crust caused the seafloor to crack
    open long ago. Hot , liquid rock , called magma(岩浆),flowed up slowly from deep inside Earth to fill the
    cracks.Finally,the whole area cooled,forming what we see today.
    That explanation,plus chemical clues inside the rock,suggests that the Isua supracrustal belt was once
    part of a plate under the ocean,beginning around 3.8 billion years ago.

    Earth cooled down shortly after it was formed.
    C:Not mentioned

    由第一段的前三句话可知,大部分时间我们认为地球是固定的这种想法是错误的。所 以该判断错误。
    由第一段最后一句话可知,陆地和海洋是很多年前由于板块运动而形成的,所以此判 断正确。
    由第一段最后一句话可知,并不是地球一冷却下来就形成了,地球是经过板块成千上 万亿年的运动慢慢形成的。

  • 第6题:

    Earth Rocks on

    Most of the time,the ground feels solid beneath our feet. That{S comforting. But it's also misleading
    because there's actually a lot going on underground.Masses of land(called plates)slip,slide,and bump
    against each other,slowly changing the shape of continents and oceans over millions and billions of years.
    Scientists know that Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago.They also know that our planet was hot at
    first. As it cooled , its outermost layer , called the crust(地壳), eventually formed moving plates. Exactly
    when this shift happened,however,is an open question.
    Now,an international group of researchers has an answer. They'ye found new evidence suggesting that
    Earth's crust started shifting at least 3.8 billion years ago.The new estimate is 1.3 billion years earlier than
    previous ones.
    Not long before 3. 8 billion years ago,lots of asteroids(小行星)were hitting Earth,keeping its crust in
    a hot,melted state.After the hard crust formed,much of it sank at various times into the planet's hot in-
    sides.There,it melted before returning to the surface.
    In some places,however,the crust never sank.One of the oldest such places is in Greenland,in an area
    called the Isua supracrustal(上地壳) belt. The rocky crust there is between 3. 7 and 3. 8 billion years old.
    The belt was once part of the seafloor,but now it is exposed to air.
    The researchers recently took a close look at the Isua supracrustal belt. They noticed long,parallel
    cracks in the rock that have been filled in with a type of volcanic rock.
    To explain this structure,the scientists propose that tension in the crust caused the seafloor to crack
    open long ago. Hot , liquid rock , called magma(岩浆),flowed up slowly from deep inside Earth to fill the
    cracks.Finally,the whole area cooled,forming what we see today.
    That explanation,plus chemical clues inside the rock,suggests that the Isua supracrustal belt was once
    part of a plate under the ocean,beginning around 3.8 billion years ago.

    It took a long time for the melted crust to become hard.
    C:Not mentioned

    由第一段的前三句话可知,大部分时间我们认为地球是固定的这种想法是错误的。所 以该判断错误。
    由第一段最后一句话可知,陆地和海洋是很多年前由于板块运动而形成的,所以此判 断正确。
    由第一段最后一句话可知,并不是地球一冷却下来就形成了,地球是经过板块成千上 万亿年的运动慢慢形成的。

  • 第7题:

    土石坝(earth-rock dam)

    正确答案: 用土、砂、砂砾石、卵石、块石、风化岩等当地材料填筑而成的坝。

  • 第8题:

    Practice 1  How does an earthquake start?  What makes an earthquake happen? The rock of the earth’s crust (地壳) may have a “fault”, a kind of break in the surface. The blocks which make up the earth move, and sometimes this may cause the sides of the fault to move up and down or lengthways (纵向地) against each other. When one piece of rock starts to rub on another with great force, a lot of energy is used. This energy is changed into vibrations (振动) and it is these vibrations that we feel as an earthquake. The vibrations can travel thousands of kilometers and so an earthquake in Turkey may be felt in Greece.  What to do during an earthquake?  At school  As soon as the earthquake starts, students should get under the desks immediately and wait until the teacher tells them it is safe to come out. The teacher should, at the same time, go immediately to the teacher’s desk, get underneath (在……下面) it and stay there till the danger is over. Students must not argue with the teacher or question instructions.  As soon as the tremors (震动) stop, all students should walk towards the exit and go straight to the school playground or any open space such as a square or a park. They must wait there until the teacher tells them it is sale to go.  At home  If you are at home when the earthquake occurs, get immediately under the table in the living room or kitchen. Choose the biggest and strongest table you can find. You must not go anywhere near the window and don’t go out onto the balcony (阳台). Once the tremors have stopped, you can come out from under the table, but you must leave the building straight away. You should walk down the stairs and should not use the lift—there may be a power cut as a result of the earthquake and you could find yourself trapped inside the lift for hours.  In the street  If you are in the street when the earthquake takes place, do not stand near buildings, fences or walls—move away as quickly as possible and try to find a large open space to wait in. Standing under trees could also be dangerous.

    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    In this passage the author argues that______.

    more and more evidence shows college education may not be the best thing for high school graduates


    college education is not enough if one wants to be successful


    college education benefits only the intelligent, ambitious, and quick-learning people


    intelligent people may learn quicker if they don’ t go to college

    正确答案: A
    本题考查作者的观点态度。综观全文尤其是最后一段首句“college may not be the best,the proper,the only place for every young person after the completion of high school”,表明上大学并不是高中毕业生最佳的、最合适的惟一的出路,且越来越多的证据表明了此观点的正确性,故选项A正确。

  • 第10题:

    A diesel engine exposed to widely varying ambient temperatures should use to a lubricating oil with ()

    a high viscosity index


    a low viscosity index


    neutralize acids


    resist oxidation at high temperatures

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    On the pole side of the high pressure belt in each hemisphere,the pressure diminishes. The winds along these gradients are diverted by the Earth’s rotation toward the east and are known as the().

    geostrophic winds




    horse latitudes


    prevailing westerlies

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ().

    a worn water pump


    not enough coolant


    air in the cooling system


    all of the above

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    Everything on earth is subjected _____ the laws of nature.






  • 第14题:

    The best title for the text may be_____ .

    [A] The Green Threat [B] Protecting Forests [C] Earth’s Liberation [D] Terrorism Defeated


  • 第15题:

      1 Since heat naturally moves from hotter regions to cooler ones, the heat from the earth's center flows outwards towards the surface. In this way, it transfers to the next layer of rock. If the temperature is high enough, some of this rock melts and forms magma(岩浆). The magma ascends in its turn towards the earth's surface. It often remains well below the earth's surface, creating vast areas of hot rock. In such regions, there are deep cracks, which allow rainwater to descend underground. Some of the heated rainwater travels back up to the earth's surface where it will appear as a hot spring. However, if this ascending hot water reaches a layer of impermeable(不可渗透的)rock, it remains trapped, forming a geothermal reservoir. If geothermal reservoirs are close enough to the surface, they can be reached by drilling wells. Hot water and steam shoot up the wells naturally, and can be used to produce electricity in geothermal power plants.
      2.A few geothermal power plants depend on dry-stem reservoirs which produce steam but little or no water. In these cases, the steam is piped up directly to provide the power to spin a turbine generator. The first geothermal power plant, constructed at Lardarello in Italy, was of this type, and is still producing electricity today.
      3.Most currently operating geothermal power plants are either "flash" steam plants or binary(双重的)plants. Flash plants produce mainly hot water ranging in temperature from 300° to 700°Fahrenheit. This water is passed through one or two separators where released from the pressure of the underground reservoir, it "flashes" or boils into steam Again, the force of this steam provides the energy to spin the turbine and produce electricity. The geothermal water and steam are then reinjected directly back down into the earth to maintain the volume and pressure of the reservoir. Gradually they will be reheated and can then be used again.
      4.A reservoir with temperatures below 300° Fahrenheit is not hot enough to flash steam but it can still be used to generate electricity in binary fluid. The steam from this is used to power the turbines. As in the flash steam plant, the geothermal water is recycled back into the reservoir.


    A.Dry steam plants
    B.Binary plants
    C.Origin of geothermal energy
    D.Generation of electricity
    E.Flash steam plants
    F.Recyclable water and steam


  • 第16题:

    Earth Rocks on

    Most of the time,the ground feels solid beneath our feet. That{S comforting. But it's also misleading
    because there's actually a lot going on underground.Masses of land(called plates)slip,slide,and bump
    against each other,slowly changing the shape of continents and oceans over millions and billions of years.
    Scientists know that Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago.They also know that our planet was hot at
    first. As it cooled , its outermost layer , called the crust(地壳), eventually formed moving plates. Exactly
    when this shift happened,however,is an open question.
    Now,an international group of researchers has an answer. They'ye found new evidence suggesting that
    Earth's crust started shifting at least 3.8 billion years ago.The new estimate is 1.3 billion years earlier than
    previous ones.
    Not long before 3. 8 billion years ago,lots of asteroids(小行星)were hitting Earth,keeping its crust in
    a hot,melted state.After the hard crust formed,much of it sank at various times into the planet's hot in-
    sides.There,it melted before returning to the surface.
    In some places,however,the crust never sank.One of the oldest such places is in Greenland,in an area
    called the Isua supracrustal(上地壳) belt. The rocky crust there is between 3. 7 and 3. 8 billion years old.
    The belt was once part of the seafloor,but now it is exposed to air.
    The researchers recently took a close look at the Isua supracrustal belt. They noticed long,parallel
    cracks in the rock that have been filled in with a type of volcanic rock.
    To explain this structure,the scientists propose that tension in the crust caused the seafloor to crack
    open long ago. Hot , liquid rock , called magma(岩浆),flowed up slowly from deep inside Earth to fill the
    cracks.Finally,the whole area cooled,forming what we see today.
    That explanation,plus chemical clues inside the rock,suggests that the Isua supracrustal belt was once
    part of a plate under the ocean,beginning around 3.8 billion years ago.

    The formation of the Isua supracrustal belt is thought to have started about 3.8 billion years ago.
    C:Not mentioned

    由第一段的前三句话可知,大部分时间我们认为地球是固定的这种想法是错误的。所 以该判断错误。
    由第一段最后一句话可知,陆地和海洋是很多年前由于板块运动而形成的,所以此判 断正确。
    由第一段最后一句话可知,并不是地球一冷却下来就形成了,地球是经过板块成千上 万亿年的运动慢慢形成的。

  • 第17题:

    Earth Rocks on

    Most of the time,the ground feels solid beneath our feet. That{S comforting. But it's also misleading
    because there's actually a lot going on underground.Masses of land(called plates)slip,slide,and bump
    against each other,slowly changing the shape of continents and oceans over millions and billions of years.
    Scientists know that Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago.They also know that our planet was hot at
    first. As it cooled , its outermost layer , called the crust(地壳), eventually formed moving plates. Exactly
    when this shift happened,however,is an open question.
    Now,an international group of researchers has an answer. They'ye found new evidence suggesting that
    Earth's crust started shifting at least 3.8 billion years ago.The new estimate is 1.3 billion years earlier than
    previous ones.
    Not long before 3. 8 billion years ago,lots of asteroids(小行星)were hitting Earth,keeping its crust in
    a hot,melted state.After the hard crust formed,much of it sank at various times into the planet's hot in-
    sides.There,it melted before returning to the surface.
    In some places,however,the crust never sank.One of the oldest such places is in Greenland,in an area
    called the Isua supracrustal(上地壳) belt. The rocky crust there is between 3. 7 and 3. 8 billion years old.
    The belt was once part of the seafloor,but now it is exposed to air.
    The researchers recently took a close look at the Isua supracrustal belt. They noticed long,parallel
    cracks in the rock that have been filled in with a type of volcanic rock.
    To explain this structure,the scientists propose that tension in the crust caused the seafloor to crack
    open long ago. Hot , liquid rock , called magma(岩浆),flowed up slowly from deep inside Earth to fill the
    cracks.Finally,the whole area cooled,forming what we see today.
    That explanation,plus chemical clues inside the rock,suggests that the Isua supracrustal belt was once
    part of a plate under the ocean,beginning around 3.8 billion years ago.

    Scientists once estimated that Earth's crust started shifting three billion years ago.
    C:Not mentioned

    由第一段的前三句话可知,大部分时间我们认为地球是固定的这种想法是错误的。所 以该判断错误。
    由第一段最后一句话可知,陆地和海洋是很多年前由于板块运动而形成的,所以此判 断正确。
    由第一段最后一句话可知,并不是地球一冷却下来就形成了,地球是经过板块成千上 万亿年的运动慢慢形成的。

  • 第18题:

    Where Did the Earth's Water Come From?

    Earth is located within the"snow line"of the solar system,the region closest to the Sun where H2 0 is primarily in liquid or gaseous form,if at all.______(46)The snow line phenomena is reflected in the water content of planets like Mercury,Venus,and Mars. Water is absent on Mercury.On Venus,H2O only exists as a trace element in the atmosphere.Mars only has a thin veneer of ice in its polar regions.In general,water is rare within the snow line.
    Why does Earth have so much water relative to the other inner planets?71%of the surface is covered in the oceans,more than half of which is deeper than 3,000 meters,with an approximate total volume of 1.3 billion cu km.______(47)
    There are various theories as to where all the Earth's water came from,but several theories have fared better than the others.______(48)When the Earth was in the process of forming,with a radius just 40%smaller than at present,it would have had enough gravity to hold on to a tenuous atmosphere with water vapor. The first water vapor on the planet would have come from the planet's internals,where volatile(low weight)chemicals would have a tendency to float to the top,and heavy chemicals(iron and nickel)would sink.
    Though the first of Earth's water came about through volcanism,this alone probably didn't produce enough to form stable pools on the surface.______(49)Comparing the isotope ratios of water on Earth and water from comets and asteroids has revealed that the majority of the Earth's water comes from asteroids.
    Throughout its history,Earth's water has increased in volume due to biological processes. In the early seas of Earth,hydrogen sulfide would have been in great supply,which,when reacted with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis in sulfide-reducing bacteria,would have produced hydrogen,sulfur,and water.______(50)

    A: More water was added to the planet during several hypothesized large impacts from asteroids from the outer asteroid belt.
    B:We know that the oceans existed as early as 100 million years after the formation of the Earth.
    C:Still,the oceans only make up 0.023%of the Earth's total mass.
    D:Astronomers say Earth s water may have come from space.
    E:The snow line is located in the outerasteroid belt,between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
    F: Many geologists believe that the majority of Earth's water generated through this process.

    文中第一段第一句提到了snow line,接下来的依据肯定还是要对snow line进行进一步说明,而选项中,只有E选项提到了snow line,所以选择E。
    根据后一句When the Earth was in the process of forming可以得知,该段是在讲述地球的形成历史,B选项We know that the oceans existed as early as 100 million years after the formation of the Earth也是在讲述地球形成的历史,所以选择B。
    后一句:Comparing the isotope ratios of water on Earth and water from comets and asteroids has revealed that the majority of the Earth's water comes from asteroids.通过把地球上水的同位素和小行星以及彗星上的水的同位素进行比较,发现地球上的水主要来自小行星。可以推断出,该句要讲述地球上的水与太空中小行星的关系,所以A选项正确。
    文中的最后一段主要是讲地球上水的来源。前一句:In the early seas of Earth,hydrogen sulfide would have been in great supply,which,when reacted with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis in sulfide-reducing bacteria,would have produced hydrogen , sulfur , and water.在地球早期的海洋中,硫氢化合物非常丰富,在去硫细菌的光合作用的影响下,它与大气层中的二氧化碳产生化学反应,产生大量的氢、硫,以及水。这是地球自身产生的水,而F选项Many geologists believe that the majority of Earth's water generated through this process(许多地理学家认为地球上水的产生主要通过这一进程实现)正好承接前一句,所以F选项正确。

  • 第19题:

    Migratory birds may rely on the earth’s magnetic field for guidance while traveling during cloudy days.


    逻辑推理和判断。录音中指出“On cloudy nights, they may be using the earth’s magnetic field…”,可知,多云的夜晚,迁徙的鸟类在飞行时会依靠地球磁场的指引,而非题干中所提到的during cloudy days。因此该题表述有误。
    Migratory birds use several ways to help them navigate. While traveling on a clear night they use the stars as guides. On cloudy nights, they may be using the earth’s magnetic field or the wind to help them navigate accurately. While flying during the day, the sun provides help for their precise flight.

  • 第20题:

    When an earthquake occurs, _____.

    people are killed and injured


    rocks are breaking and shifting


    destructive waves flood the coasts for miles


    large sections of the earth's rock)r outer shell suddenly break and shift

    正确答案: C

  • 第21题:

    The tendency for lubricating oil to thin out at high temperatures and thicken at low temperatures will be characterized by a ().

    low viscosity index


    high viscosity index


    high neutralization number


    low demulsibility quality

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    The direction of the surface wind is().

    directly from high pressure toward low pressure


    directly from low pressure toward high pressure


    from high pressure toward low pressure deflected by the earth's rotation


    from low pressure toward high pressure deflected by the earth's rotation

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    If the firing pressures in a diesel engine are high, although the exhaust temperatures are normal, the cause may be()

    early injection timing


    worn orifices in the injection nozzles


    worn or scored cylinder liners


    using a fuel with too low of a cetane number

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析