Emotional intelligence is a person's ability to understand their own emotions and those of others, and to act appropriately using these emotions. Research suggests that a person’s emotional intelligence (EQ) might be a greater predictor of success than hi


Emotional intelligence is a person's ability to understand their own emotions and those of others, and to act appropriately using these emotions. Research suggests that a person’s emotional intelligence (EQ) might be a greater predictor of success than his or her intellectual intelligence(IQ), despite an assumption that people with high IQs will naturally accomplish more in life.

The Marshmallow Test is mentioned in Emotional Intelligence, by Goleman. How a child performs on this test at the age of 4 is a better predictor of his or her future success in life than his or her IQ.

What researchers do is leave the child alone in a room with a marshmallow, telling them they can either eat the marshmallow immediately, or, if they can wait till the researchers return, they can have 5 marshmallows.

What this is testing is ―impulse control and the ability to ―delay gratification . It’s an example of ―frustration tolerance . Much of what we want later on in life requires resisting the immediate impulse, and also being able to ―delay gratification , i.e., when in college, you might have preferred to be off surfing in Hawaii, but, since you valued what a college education would do for you, you stuck with it. And it meant giving up some things you might have preferred doing at the time.

Some of the children can’t resist, and take the marshmallow immediately. Others stick it out, and what do they do? They count their fingers and toes... get up and look out the window... find a book in the room and read it... look up at the ceiling—they are very clever!

Somewhere they developed this skill... could it have been their parents?

My mom used to tell me ―When you’re angry, stop and count to ten. She was teaching me to stop and think before I spoke or took action. This is a tried-and-true way to emotional intelligence—stopping to think before you act or react.

(1) Which of the following is not included in EQ?

A、the ability to understand one’s own emotions

B、the ability to understand other people’s emotions

C、the ability to act properly using those emotions

D、the ability to wait till the researchers return

(2) The Marshmallow Test is to ().

A、test one’s IQ

B、test one’s EQ

C、test one’s patience

D、test one’s temper

(3) You stuck with a college education although you preferred to be off surfing in Hawaii. This example is to explain ().

A、both ―impulse control and the ability to ―delay gratification

B、―impulse control

C、the ability to ―delay gratification

D、neither ―impulse control nor the ability to ―delay gratification

(4) The example of the author and his mother shows ().

A、the author can resist temptations

B、the author is very clever

C、some children develop their EQ through their parents’teaching

D、when a person is angry, it is important to count from one to ten

(5) Which of the following is true?

A、If a person’s IQ is high, he will be successful.

B、If a person’s EQ is high, he will be successful.

C、A person with high IQ is more likely to be successful.

D、A person with high EQ is more likely to be successful.

更多“Emotional intelligence is a person's ability to understand their own emotions and ”相关问题
  • 第1题:





  • 第2题:







    参考答案:C, D

  • 第3题:

    The Declaration of Inspection made before oil transfer operations must be signed by the ______.

    A.Master of the vessel

    B.Captain of the Port

    C.person(s) in charge

    D.All of the above


  • 第4题:


    (1)定义类Person的私有数据成员forename、surname 和 money,forename 和 surname都是char型的指针数据,money是double型的数据。请在注释“//**1**”之后添加适当的语句。

    (2)完成类Person的带三个参数的构造函数Person(char *f, char *s,double m),分别为forename和surname申请新的空间来存储参数f和s指针指向的内容,注意空间的大小,最后把参数m的值赋给money,请在注释“//**2**”之后添加适当的语句。


    (4)完成类Person的成员函数display的定义,使其以格式“forname surname has money”的形式输出内容,请在注释“//**4*。”之后添加适当的语句。



    Richard Berk has 1000.56


    include <iostream.h>

    include <string.h>

    class Person



    //** 1 **

    double money;


    Person(char *f, char *s, double m);


    void display();


    Person::Person(char *f, char *s, double m)


    //** 2 **

    strcpy(forename, f);

    surname = new char[strlen(s)+1];

    strcpy(surname, s);



    Person: :-Person ()


    //** 3 **


    void Person:: display ( )


    //** 4 **


    void main ( )


    Person p("Richard", "Berk", 1000.56);

    p.display ( );


    正确答案:(1) char *forename; char *surname; (2) forename = new char[strlen(f)+1]; (3) delete []forename; delete []surname; (4) coutforename" "surname"has"moneyend1;
    (1) char *forename; char *surname; (2) forename = new char[strlen(f)+1]; (3) delete []forename; delete []surname; (4) coutforename" "surname"has"moneyend1; 解析:主要考查考生对于类的定义和字符指针的动态空间申请和释放的掌握,具中(2)中new关键字是动态申请空间,里面使用了函数strlen,该函数是返回参数字符串的长度,之所以加一是要加入字符串结尾标志,这一点考生切记。(3)中 delete是释放动态内存的关键字,释放一位数组占用的内存格式是先写[],之后是指针名,括号内不写数组的大小。

  • 第5题:

    给出下面不完整的类代码,则横线处的语句应该为( )。 class Person { String name,department; int age; public Person (Strings) {name=s;} public Person (String s,int

    A.{name=s;age=a;} public Person (String n,String d,intA){ __________ department=d; } }A)Person (n,A);

    B.this (Person(n,A));



    解析:本题主要考查在同一个类的不同构造方法中调用该类的其他构造方法需要使用 this(…)的形式,而且必须是在构造方法的第一行调用。这个和普通方法重载调用的方式不同,普通方法可以直接使用方法名加参数来调用,而且调用位置没有限制,因此选项A是不行的,选项B的语法就是错误的,选项D的错误在于在父类型的构造方法被调用前不能引用类的成员。构造方法是一个类对象实例化的开始,因此在构造方法中不能将成员作为参数引用。

  • 第6题:



    B.Person(Person *p){}

    C.Person(Person &p){}

    D.Person(Person p){}

    Person(const Person& p);