Recently.many citizens try to use the facilities in your university due to a shortage of public sports facilities in your city.Write a letter of aboui 100 words on this issue to the city department concerned to l)give your opinions briefly,and 2)make two

Recently.many citizens try to use the facilities in your university due to a shortage of public sports facilities in your city.Write a letter of aboui 100 words on this issue to the city department concerned to l)give your opinions briefly,and 2)make two or three suggestions.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name at the end of the letter.Use"Ii Ming"instead Do not write the acldress.(10 points)

更多“Recently.many citizens try to use the facilities in your university due to a shortage of public sports facilities in your city.Write a letter of aboui 100 words on this issue to the city department c”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Part A


    You heard that one of your friends has been accepted by a foreign university. Write a letter of congratulations including (1) your congratulations; (2) some advice; (3) reminding him to keep in touch with you. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.



    Dear Sun Xiang,

        I was delighted to hear that you have been accepted by Oxford University. I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to you.

        It will be a new life for you. I admire you so much. Life abroad is very different, so you should try to accustom yourself to it as soon as possible. I believe that you will achieve a lot in your future study.

        When you get there, write to me and let me know about your life there. We should not be separated by distance, should we?

    Yours truly,

    Li Ming

  • 第2题:

    Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university,suggesting how to improve students’physical condition.You should include the details you think necessary.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Li Ming”instead.

    审题谋篇本篇应用文仍然属于书信类型中的建议信,从话题角度看属于健康类话题。该书信的收信人为大学校长,所以属于正式文体,文中不应出现过多缩写/省略/口语表达等非正式语言。称呼处可以直接尊称“Dear Mr.President,”,正文仍然按照三段模式展开。首段需要简单地自我介绍,交代写信目的。中间段具体对如何提高大学生身体素质给出2-3条可行的建议。建议信的尾段一般是提出希望,期待回信。落款使用常见的书信落款:Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Yours truly,或Truly yours等,签名应写Li Ming,切勿出现自己真实姓名。二、参考范文Dear Mr.President,I am a student of our university.I am writing this letter to bring forward some effective suggestions to our college students about how to improve their body health.Initially,exercising,though not a student’s first priority in his/her daily life,should be stressed by all of us as well as our university,because it is vital to not only our physical health but mental health as well.Furthermore,developing a regular and healthy diet,which provides vitamins and other nutrients to our body,would,to some extent,undoubtedly benefit our body.I hope that you will find my suggestions useful and propagandas be launched among the students.I am looking forward to your earlier response.Yours sincerely,Li Ming三、万能句型1.I am writing this letter to bring forward some effective suggestions to…about….2.…should be stressed by…,because it is vital to but…as well.3.I hope that you will find my suggestions useful.4.I am looking forward to your earlier response.

  • 第3题:

    You have to quit your current job due to personal reasons.Write a resignation letter to(1)explain your reasons for leaving,and(2)inform your boss of the detail of your leaving You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead Do not write your address.(10 points)

    Dear Mr Green I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving ABC one month.Although I have so enjoyed working with you and working for the company,personal reasons necessitate that I vacate my position and focus on my family.My departure date will be July 1st.Despite having to leave,I deeply appreciate the opportuni-ties you've provided with me during my working here.I will do whatever necessary to ensure a smooth transition after I move on.Please do not hesitate to contact me with what I can do Once again,thank you so much for your providing me the opportunity of becoming a part of ABC Co.I look forward to working with you again in the future should the opportunity present itself Sincerely Li ming

  • 第4题:

    You have to quit your current job due to personal reasons.Write a resignalion letter to explain your reasons for leaving,and inform your boss of the detail of your leaving.You should write about l00 words neady on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not wnte your address.

    Dear Mr Green,
    I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving one month.Although I have so enjoyed working with you and working for Lhe company,personal reasons necessitate that I vacate my position and focus on my family.My departure date will be July Ist.Despite h8ving to leave,I deeply appreciate Lhe opportunities you've provided with me during my working here.I will do whatever necessary to ensure a smooth transition after I move on.Please do not hesitate to contact me with what I can do.Once agfun,thank you so much for your providing me the opportunity of becoming a part of ABCCo.I look forward to working with you again in the future should the opportunity present itself.
    Li Min

  • 第5题:

    Suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students.Write a notice to briefly introduce the camp activities,and call for volunteers.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your name orthe name of your university.Do not write your address.

    To enrich high school students'life in summer holiday,the Students'Union of English Department is going to host a summer camp on the first weekend of the July in our campus.The camp will last for two weeks and aims to let high school students experience college life.A series of activities will be held during the camp,such as visiting the campus and holding parties,and so on.For the success of the activities,10volunteers are needed to offer services.Volunteers who are easygoing,warmhearted and be enthusiastic are welcome.Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the Students'Union before Thursday this week and the first 10 students will be selected.Hope to see you in our summer camp.The Students'Union Department of English

  • 第6题:

    Directlions:Suppose your best friend Tom is admitted by a postgraduate program.Write a letter to 1)express your congratulation,and 2)give him some suggestions based on your experience.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address.

    Dear Tom,
    Being delighted to learn ihat you got an offer from Beijing Normal University,I am writing to express my heartfelt congraiulation on your achievements.New life means new challenges and more opportunities to gain deep insights into yourself,therefore,I would like to share my experience.To begin with,you should take advantage of resources around you to foster your analytical skills and critical thinking abilities,which are vital to your growth and development.Additionally,it makes sense for you to engage in a variety of social practices,acquiring experience and interpersonal skills,wbich are beneficial to your future career development.Please accept my congratulation again.I expect you can find my suggestions useful and inspiring.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Ming

  • 第7题:

    You want to be a volunteer for the China International Environmental Protection Exhibition&Conference.Write a letter to the department concerned to express your wish to volunteer for the conference,and state why you want to be a volunteer.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your name at the end of the letter.Use Li Ming instead.Do not write your address.

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I'm writing to express my wish to volunteer for the China International Environmental Protection Exhibition&.Conrerence.I'm a senior majoring in Environmental Engineering.Through years of study in environmental science,I am increasingly aware of the fragility of our environment and the importance of its protection.As an American proverb goes."We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors,we borrow it from our children".With a strong passion for environmental sustainability and communication,I am drawn to this position as an opportunity to make a positive contribuiion to the development of the global environmental industry.I would be most grateful ir you could grant me an interview.Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Yours truly,
    Li Ming

  • 第8题:

    Directions:   You’ve heard that your good friend, Jack, got the first prize in the English Speech Contest. Write a letter to congratulate him. Your letter should cover the following information:  (1) express your congratulations;  (2) the reasons of your congratulations.  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You don’t need to write the address.

    Dear Jack,
    I am very glad to learn that you have won the first prize in the English Speech Contest held by the English Club yesterday. ②I would like to express my best wishes and sincere congratulations to you.
    You deserve this outcome. ④You earned it byyour painstaking efforts and persistent diligence, which proves “No pains, no gains.” ⑤You’ve set a very good example to us. I am really proud of you and regret very much that I was not able to watch the speech contest owing to the serious traffic jam. ⑥Please accept my heartfelt congratulations!
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Ming

  • 第9题:

    Directions:  Your friend Xiao Ming saw you off on your trip to another city. Write a letter to him. In the letter, you should  (1) express your thanks;  (2) tell him you had a pleasant trip;  (3)tell him your next plan there.  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.

    正确答案: Dear Xiao Ming,
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    Practice 7  The city government recognizes that citizens have certain new needs. To better meet your needs, we have made several changes in community facilities in 2009. Three stations for the suburbs have been added to the western train service. Broadband(宽带) cable is now available to all parts of the city. 5,000 new books were bought for the City Library. Some new facilities at the city hospitals have been installed. Next year, we will try our best to make your life even better.

      ①meet one’s needs固定搭配,译为“满足……需求”,同时表示目的。
      ②community facilities译为“社区设施”。
      ③be available to要根据场景灵活翻译,不能拘泥于字面意义。
      ④try one’s best to do sth固定句式,译为“尽某人最大努力做某事”。

  • 第11题:

    Directions:  You are a professor in a department. One of your graduates asks you to write a letter of recommendation to a company which she wants to work for. Your letter should include:  (1)an brief introduction of yourself;  (2)the student’s performance and main strengths;  (3)the main accomplishments at university.  You should write about l00 words ,Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You don’t need to write the address.

    June 26,2006
    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am aprofessor in the department of International Finance inBeijing University. ②I am very glad to have this opportunity to giveWang Fang, mystudent, a wholehearted recommendation.
    ③Wang Fang has been excellent in her academic performance from2003 to2005, and always gotscholarships in the two years. ④She has aim accumulated abundant experiencein management。becauseshe has been working as an intern manager for the sales department in a foreign investment corporation last year. ⑤Sheis good at communicating with others and has esprit de corps asthe Chairman of the Students’ Unionin our department.
    This July, she will accomplishher postgraduate’s courses. ⑦I recommend her without reservation, as I know you will find her most helpful and responsible for thejob.
    Sincerely yours,
    Li Ming
    ①主动介绍自己, 是对对方的尊重

  • 第12题:

    You wish to enroll in a PhD course (of your choice) at a UK university. You have already written a letter to the university asking for information but have received no reply.  Write a letter to the university explaining your concern, because the course starts in less than two months. You need to know if you can still enroll, and you also require further information about the course, including the cost.  Write a letter of about 100 words in an appropriate style on the answer sheet. Do not write any postal addresses. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.

    Dear school authorities,
    I’ve already written a letter applying for my enrollment in a PhD course in your prestigious university and asking for further information about it, but yet receive no reply. For the course will start in less than two months, I’m worried and eager to know whether I have the chance to be accepted. If I still can enroll, please sent me some detailed information about the course, including the subjects going to be taken, the syllabus and most importantly, the cost. I’m looking forward for your reply. Thanks a lot.
    Sincerely yours.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    Directions:You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area. Write a letter to the department concerned, asking them to help find a candidate. You should specify what kind of child you want to help and how you will carry out your plan.

    Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your name at the end of the letter; use Li Ming instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)


     To Whom It May Concern,

      I am writing to ask you whether you could help me find a child in a remote area to whom I will offer my financial aid.

      The candidate should be a girl at age 10 to 12 who is deprived of the opportunity to continue her education because of poverty. Her previous score reports should prove her potential to be an outstanding student in the future.

      I would like to give the girl my financial support annually until she graduates from college. The money will cover her tuition fee and other expenses at school. Besides, I will correspond with her frequently so that she can seek advice whenever she needs.

      I am looking forward to your reply.


      Li Ming

  • 第14题:

    Suppose you have been working at the International Students Office of your school for a year.Since you are going to graduate from school,you need to write a resignation letter of about 100 words to the office director,Mr.Wang to l)state your reason(s),and 2)make an apology.Do not use your own name at the end of the letter.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write the address.(10 points)

    Dear Mr.Wang,I truly appreciate the guidance and support you have given me in the past year.Thank you for the great skills and knowledge you've imparted to me.However,I have to submit my resignation for personal reasons,leaving my job at the International Students Office.As the recruitment season is coming,I have to spend a lot of time preparing for job interviews.Besides,I must work on my graduation thesis,reading a large amount of literature and discussing regularly with my thesis adviser.Therefore,I decide to quit this job to focus on my job hunting and thesis writing.Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience this may cause.I will do my utmost to make a smooth handover before leaving.Best regards,Li Ming

  • 第15题:

    Suppose your cousin Li Ming has just been admitted to a university.Writehim/her a letter to1)congratulate him/her,and2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life.Youshould write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use‘"Zhang Wei"instead.Do not write the address.

    Dear Li Ming,
    I heard that you had been admitted to a university.First,congratulations.I can well imagine how proud of your parents are now,since they have been anxiously hope to witness your success.And then,I would like to give you some suggestions about your preparations for university life.To begin with,you should set up your own goals about what you want to learn at the university and what you want to be after four years of learning.Then,based on your goals,you'd better start reading some books about your major and be familiar with your major.It helps you enter into a better condition early.Last but not the least,you should get used to an independent living soon.You have to cultivate a habit of independent living style.The earlier you rely on yourself,the quicker you can get a selfmotivated university life.That's all my suggestions.Hope you have a worthy summer holiday and enjoy yourself.

  • 第16题:

    You have lost your cellphone charger at the hotel where you stayed during your vacation.Write a letter to the hotel aboul your item left behind.You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address

    Dear sir,IAst week our family had a wonderful time in your area,and stayed at your hotel during our time there.We have been home for two days,and I just realized that I had left my cellphone charger at your hotel.I realize that it could have been easily overlooked and has since been thrown with the garbage.But if you have a Lost and Found,could you ask someone to check if it might have been placedthere?I don't think anyone will have trouble identifying it.Thank you for your lime and assistance with this matter.Regards,Li Ming

  • 第17题:

    Suppose the career services center of your university is collecting suggestions from students.Write a letter to the person in charge to express your thanks for the services,and make suggestions.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET Do not use your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address.

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am writing to appreciate the career services you have been providing to us.They are so timely and efficient that we have benefited a lot.Thank you for your dedication.I am glad to know that you are collecting suggestions from students and would like to make some suggestions.Firstly,except for the employment information you have been offering all the time,wonder if you could offer more diverse vocational guidance,such as providing assistance with resume writing and the interview process.Secondly,I believe mock interviews would be of great help for students,during which employers or human resources directors could be invited to conduct interviews and give advice to those students who participate in.I hope you will find the above suggestions useful.Your attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.
    Sincerely yours,
    Li Ming

  • 第18题:

    You have just come back from the member of a SinoAmerica cultural exchange program.Write a letter to your American colleague to 1)express your thanks for his/her warm reception,2)welcome him/her to visit China in due course.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Zhang Wei”instead.Do not write the address.

    Dear Joe,
    I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for your warm hospitality when I participated in an exchange program in USA.Your generosity helped to make my stay in USA a memorable memory and gave me a good chance to know American cultures better.Besides,I think it is really an honor for me to make friends with you and I will cherish the friendship forever.I do hope that you will come to China one day,so that I could have the opportunity to repay your kindness and refresh our friendship.Please allow me to give my sincere appreciations to you again.And wish to see you in China soon.Sincerely yours,
    Zhang Wei

  • 第19题:

    Directions:  You will graduate from university and are hunting for a job. After reading a job ads, write a letter to the Personnel Resources Department to  (1)state your reason to write the application,  (2)describe your relevant education background,  (3)introduce your English level, and  (4)state your way of contact.  You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address.

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am responding to your ad in the June 20th, 2012,issue of the Sunday Talent Journal for the position of production coordinator. ②I feel that my background in electronics and manufacturing will fit in well.
    I will graduate from college in June with a Bachelor of Science degree in Manufacturing Engineering. ④I have had extensive training on computers and  I am well-trained while at school. ⑤In my Production Class, I have learned about computerized production and material scheduling.
    ⑥I can also express myself effectively in both spoken and written English.⑦Besides you will find me hard-working, cooperative and innovative. ⑧I am looking forward to hearing from you. ⑨I can be reached at my resume address or by phoning (010) 23577980.
    Sincerely Yours,
    Li Ming

  • 第20题:

    Practice 1  You have read the following advertisement on the Morning Post, an English newspaper.  Write an application letter to the hotel manager. Your letter should include:  (1) reasons for your application  (2) a request for an interview  You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use “Wang Lin” instead. You do not need to write the address.

    正确答案: 【范文】
    Dear hotel manager,
    I learnt that your hotel needed a temporary hotel receptionist on the Morning Post yesterday. I write this application letter to request an interview. The following is my brief introduction.
    I am Wang Lin, a student in Cambridge University, majoring in English linguistics. I have worked as a part--time hotel receptionist when I was in China. Therefore, I am confident of my ability to assume this responsibility. Besides that, I am good at English and French. Meanwhile, I am an open-minded, easy-going girl with pleasant appearance.
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Best wishes!
    Yours’ sincerely,
    Wang Ling
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    Directions:  You are planning to study abroad. Write a letter of inquiry to  (1) give your brief personal information;  (2) ask for the terms of admission into that university;  (3) ask for the possibility of getting a scholarship.  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead. You don't need to write the address.

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am a senior student majoring in Criminal Law at a famous university, Beijing, China, expecting to graduate in the coming summer. ②Every year, I got the first-class scholarshipof our university for my excellent performance. ③I wish to go to the United States for further study in my major.④Therefore, I'm writing to consult the possibility of being enrolled in your university as a graduate student from September 2005.
    ⑤Please send meinformation in admission to your university. ⑥As I have no relative in the U.S., I would also like to know about the procedures for applying for a scholarship.
    ⑦Thank you very much. ⑧I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    Your sincerely,
    Li Ming

  • 第22题:

    Directions: The students of your university are not quite satisfied with the service of the school canteen. You are the secretary general of the student union. Write a letter to the school president to show your concern of the canteen service, which includes the quality and prices of the foods served, the environment and the service.  You should write no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. Now write the letter on the Answer Sheet.

    Dear Mr. President,
    As Secretary General of University Student Union, I am writing to you to express our concern about the canteen service on our campus.
    We think the foods served in the canteen are too highly priced for full-time students, and they need to be cheaper, and of more varieties and better quality. We also find the dining environment less than satisfactory with the noise from outside the dining hall and the stink from the kitchen sewage. Also, urgent measures need to be taken about the flies in the dining hall. We also believe that the canteen staff should be given a workshop on how to perfect their professionalism.
    Your kind consideration to this letter will be highly appreciated, and I will feel greatly obliged if you could possibly privilege me with your kind feedback.
    Li Ming
    (Word count: 139)
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Directions: English Club at your university intends to extend and take in new members, encouraging individuals to join in with their own fresh ideas. Write a letter, introduce yourself first and then explain what your ideas are, what kind of job you plan to do and how you will practice your ideas if you are lucky enough to be taken in.  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. Now write the letter on the AnswerSheet.

    Dear President of the English Club,
    I got the new that the English Club intends t extend and take in new members. I am extremely excited about this chance. I am a twenty-year old freshman, majoring in Fine Arts. I had been fascinated by English ever since I was in my primary school. My hobbies include watching musical dramas, traveling and photographing.
    I also come with my fresh ideas. As the Olympic Games are coming around, I plan to put on a music play with the theme related to the Olympics. In order to achieve this goal, we need lots of volunteers. And I have learned how to decorate the stage from my courses and from the dramas that I have watched. I am confident enough to fulfill this job well.
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Ming
    解析: 暂无解析