共用题干 Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the SeychellesThe newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal honeymoon

Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal honeymoon getaway.
After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a. m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror, which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly, they didn't want a fuss."
The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the
Seychelles' 115 islands,People magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and gotten back together.
Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama Bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan, though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

This isn't the first time for the couple to visit the Seychelles.
C:Not mentioned

更多“共用题干 Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the SeychellesThe newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal honeymoon”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    _____ after the wedding, the couple flew off to Japan for their honeymoon.

    A. immensely

    B. immediately

    C. impolitely

    D. illogically


  • 第2题:

    She is Kate.(改为同义句)

    ______ _______is kate.

     38.Her name

  • 第3题:

    Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

    The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal
    honeymoon getaway.
    After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a.m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will
    hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
    The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror,which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly,they didn't want a fuss."
    The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the Seychelles' 115 islands,People Magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and
    gotten back together.
    Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan,though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

    The royal couple left London without being noticed by the general public.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一句提到,他们“hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles”,可以确定他们周一出发,周二早晨到达,所以该判断错误。
    文章最后一句“the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance”,可以知道他们早已计划好要推迟度假,因此该判断正确。
    文章最后一段开头的“Rather than”表明,他们没有立即休假,而是开始了正常的生活,即威廉王子上班,凯特到商店购物,因此该判断错误。
    最后一段出现的“...delay was unrelated ...”表明,他们的推迟和美国追杀本?拉登无关。
    第三段最后说到他们“slipped out of the country very quietly(悄然离开英国)”,他们并不想引起人们的关注,因此,该判断正确。

  • 第4题:

    Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

    The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal
    honeymoon getaway.
    After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a.m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will
    hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
    The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror,which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly,they didn't want a fuss."
    The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the Seychelles' 115 islands,People Magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and
    gotten back together.
    Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan,though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

    They postponed their honeymoon trip because of the American's raid on Osama Bin Laden.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一句提到,他们“hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles”,可以确定他们周一出发,周二早晨到达,所以该判断错误。
    文章最后一句“the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance”,可以知道他们早已计划好要推迟度假,因此该判断正确。
    文章最后一段开头的“Rather than”表明,他们没有立即休假,而是开始了正常的生活,即威廉王子上班,凯特到商店购物,因此该判断错误。
    最后一段出现的“...delay was unrelated ...”表明,他们的推迟和美国追杀本?拉登无关。
    第三段最后说到他们“slipped out of the country very quietly(悄然离开英国)”,他们并不想引起人们的关注,因此,该判断正确。

  • 第5题:

    Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

    The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal
    honeymoon getaway.
    After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a.m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will
    hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
    The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror,which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly,they didn't want a fuss."
    The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the Seychelles' 115 islands,People Magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and
    gotten back together.
    Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan,though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

    This isn't the first time for the couple to visit the Seychelles.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一句提到,他们“hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles”,可以确定他们周一出发,周二早晨到达,所以该判断错误。
    文章最后一句“the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance”,可以知道他们早已计划好要推迟度假,因此该判断正确。
    文章最后一段开头的“Rather than”表明,他们没有立即休假,而是开始了正常的生活,即威廉王子上班,凯特到商店购物,因此该判断错误。
    最后一段出现的“...delay was unrelated ...”表明,他们的推迟和美国追杀本?拉登无关。
    第三段最后说到他们“slipped out of the country very quietly(悄然离开英国)”,他们并不想引起人们的关注,因此,该判断正确。

  • 第6题:

    Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

    The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal honeymoon getaway.
    After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a. m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
    The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror, which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly, they didn't want a fuss."
    The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the
    Seychelles' 115 islands,People magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and gotten back together.
    Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama Bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan, though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

    Duke and Duchess of Cambridge started early Tuesday for the Seychelles.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一句提到他们“hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles",可以确定他们周一出发,周二早晨到达,所以该判断错误。
    依文章最后一句“the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance”可以知道他们早已计划好要推迟度假,因此该判断正确。
    文章最后一段开头的Rather than表明,他们没有立即休假,而是开始了正常的生活,即威廉王子上班,凯特到商店购物,因此该判断错误。
    最后一段出现的…delay was unrelated…表明,他们的推迟和美国搜捕本?拉登的行动无关。
    第三段最后说到他们“slipped out of the country very quietly" (,矛肖然离开英国),他们并不想引起人们的关注,因此,该判断正确。

  • 第7题:

    Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

    The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal honeymoon getaway.
    After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a. m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
    The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror, which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly, they didn't want a fuss."
    The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the
    Seychelles' 115 islands,People magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and gotten back together.
    Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama Bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan, though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

    The time of the holiday was planned beforehand.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一句提到他们“hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles",可以确定他们周一出发,周二早晨到达,所以该判断错误。
    依文章最后一句“the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance”可以知道他们早已计划好要推迟度假,因此该判断正确。
    文章最后一段开头的Rather than表明,他们没有立即休假,而是开始了正常的生活,即威廉王子上班,凯特到商店购物,因此该判断错误。
    最后一段出现的…delay was unrelated…表明,他们的推迟和美国搜捕本?拉登的行动无关。
    第三段最后说到他们“slipped out of the country very quietly" (,矛肖然离开英国),他们并不想引起人们的关注,因此,该判断正确。

  • 第8题:

    Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

    The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal honeymoon getaway.
    After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a. m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
    The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror, which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly, they didn't want a fuss."
    The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the
    Seychelles' 115 islands,People magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and gotten back together.
    Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama Bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan, though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

    The royal couple left London without being noticed by the general public.
    A: Right
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一句提到他们“hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles",可以确定他们周一出发,周二早晨到达,所以该判断错误。
    依文章最后一句“the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance”可以知道他们早已计划好要推迟度假,因此该判断正确。
    文章最后一段开头的Rather than表明,他们没有立即休假,而是开始了正常的生活,即威廉王子上班,凯特到商店购物,因此该判断错误。
    最后一段出现的…delay was unrelated…表明,他们的推迟和美国搜捕本?拉登的行动无关。
    第三段最后说到他们“slipped out of the country very quietly" (,矛肖然离开英国),他们并不想引起人们的关注,因此,该判断正确。

  • 第9题:

    William,Duke of Normandy,fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in()






  • 第10题:

    William,Duke of Normandy,is now known as().

    • A、William the Confessor
    • B、William Lion-Heart
    • C、the father of the British navy
    • D、William the Conqueror


  • 第11题:

    William,Duke of Normandy,fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in()








    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Which of the following is NOT true according to the last paragraph?

    Professor Kate McLuskie once scolded Shakespeare in her essay.


    Professor Kate McLuskie insisted on her view on Shakespeare till now.


    Professor Kate McLuskie has changed her idea now.


    Ms. Kate thinks it was time to get away from the idea that there was “a right answer” to any question about Shakespeare.

    正确答案: B
    此题可用排除法。从最后一段第三句“Her first foray into the world of Shakespeare was to berate him as a misogynist…but she now insists this should not be interpreted as a criticism of his works”可看出,她曾痛斥莎士比亚,但她现在认为那并不是对其作品的批评,所以A,C正确,B项错误。第二句提到“it was time to get away from the idea that there was ‘a right answer’ to any question about Shakespeare”可见,D也正确。

  • 第13题:

    Christmas Day ____, Duke William was crowned in Westminster Abbey.






  • 第14题:

    _____loves them dearly.She spares no money and makes great efforts to have them well educated.

    A.Mary’s and Kate’s mother
    B.Mother of Mary’s and Kate’s
    C.Mary and Kate’s mother
    D.Mother of Mary and Kate’s


  • 第15题:

    Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

    The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal
    honeymoon getaway.
    After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a.m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will
    hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
    The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror,which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly,they didn't want a fuss."
    The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the Seychelles' 115 islands,People Magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and
    gotten back together.
    Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan,though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

    The couple was on holiday with some of their close friends.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一句提到,他们“hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles”,可以确定他们周一出发,周二早晨到达,所以该判断错误。
    文章最后一句“the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance”,可以知道他们早已计划好要推迟度假,因此该判断正确。
    文章最后一段开头的“Rather than”表明,他们没有立即休假,而是开始了正常的生活,即威廉王子上班,凯特到商店购物,因此该判断错误。
    最后一段出现的“...delay was unrelated ...”表明,他们的推迟和美国追杀本?拉登无关。
    第三段最后说到他们“slipped out of the country very quietly(悄然离开英国)”,他们并不想引起人们的关注,因此,该判断正确。

  • 第16题:

    Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

    The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal
    honeymoon getaway.
    After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a.m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will
    hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
    The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror,which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly,they didn't want a fuss."
    The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the Seychelles' 115 islands,People Magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and
    gotten back together.
    Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan,though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

    Duke and Duchess of Cambridge started early Tuesday for the Seychelles.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一句提到,他们“hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles”,可以确定他们周一出发,周二早晨到达,所以该判断错误。
    文章最后一句“the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance”,可以知道他们早已计划好要推迟度假,因此该判断正确。
    文章最后一段开头的“Rather than”表明,他们没有立即休假,而是开始了正常的生活,即威廉王子上班,凯特到商店购物,因此该判断错误。
    最后一段出现的“...delay was unrelated ...”表明,他们的推迟和美国追杀本?拉登无关。
    第三段最后说到他们“slipped out of the country very quietly(悄然离开英国)”,他们并不想引起人们的关注,因此,该判断正确。

  • 第17题:

    Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

    The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal
    honeymoon getaway.
    After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a.m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will
    hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
    The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror,which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly,they didn't want a fuss."
    The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the Seychelles' 115 islands,People Magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and
    gotten back together.
    Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan,though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

    Their honeymoon started immediately after the wedding.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一句提到,他们“hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles”,可以确定他们周一出发,周二早晨到达,所以该判断错误。
    文章最后一句“the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance”,可以知道他们早已计划好要推迟度假,因此该判断正确。
    文章最后一段开头的“Rather than”表明,他们没有立即休假,而是开始了正常的生活,即威廉王子上班,凯特到商店购物,因此该判断错误。
    最后一段出现的“...delay was unrelated ...”表明,他们的推迟和美国追杀本?拉登无关。
    第三段最后说到他们“slipped out of the country very quietly(悄然离开英国)”,他们并不想引起人们的关注,因此,该判断正确。

  • 第18题:

    Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

    The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal honeymoon getaway.
    After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a. m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
    The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror, which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly, they didn't want a fuss."
    The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the
    Seychelles' 115 islands,People magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and gotten back together.
    Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama Bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan, though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

    Their honeymoon started immediately after the wedding.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一句提到他们“hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles",可以确定他们周一出发,周二早晨到达,所以该判断错误。
    依文章最后一句“the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance”可以知道他们早已计划好要推迟度假,因此该判断正确。
    文章最后一段开头的Rather than表明,他们没有立即休假,而是开始了正常的生活,即威廉王子上班,凯特到商店购物,因此该判断错误。
    最后一段出现的…delay was unrelated…表明,他们的推迟和美国搜捕本?拉登的行动无关。
    第三段最后说到他们“slipped out of the country very quietly" (,矛肖然离开英国),他们并不想引起人们的关注,因此,该判断正确。

  • 第19题:

    Kate and William's Royal Honeymoon to the Seychelles

    The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,a. k.a. Prince William and the former Kate Middleton,hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles,arriving early Tuesday for a 10-day royal honeymoon getaway.
    After landing at the Indian Ocean destination's main airport on Mahe around 7:20 a. m.,a Seychelles tourism official confirmed,they were taken by helicopter to a private island where they will hole up in a private bungalow,the Telegraph said.
    The islands up for private hire typically include a top chef and staff,according to the Daily Mirror, which quoted a"royal insider"as saying the couple had"slipped out of the country very quietly, they didn't want a fuss."
    The couple in 2007 visited Desroches Island,indulging in snorkeling and more on one of the
    Seychelles' 115 islands,People magazine noted.That trip happened after the two had broken up and gotten back together.
    Rather than jetting off for their honeymoon immediately after their April 29 wedding,William had gone back to work and Kate was seen shopping for groceries.Their private weekend at home coincided with the U.S.decision to pursue Osama Bin Laden with a special-forces raid into Pakistan, though a Buckingham Palace spokesman told the Daily Mail that the honeymoon delay was unrelated and that the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance.

    They postponed their honeymoon trip because of the American's raid on Osama Bin Laden.
    A: Right
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一句提到他们“hopped a private jet Monday for the Seychelles",可以确定他们周一出发,周二早晨到达,所以该判断错误。
    依文章最后一句“the couple had made the decision to delay weeks in advance”可以知道他们早已计划好要推迟度假,因此该判断正确。
    文章最后一段开头的Rather than表明,他们没有立即休假,而是开始了正常的生活,即威廉王子上班,凯特到商店购物,因此该判断错误。
    最后一段出现的…delay was unrelated…表明,他们的推迟和美国搜捕本?拉登的行动无关。
    第三段最后说到他们“slipped out of the country very quietly" (,矛肖然离开英国),他们并不想引起人们的关注,因此,该判断正确。

  • 第20题:

    William,Duke of Normandy,is now known as().

    AWilliam the Confessor

    BWilliam Lion-Heart

    Cthe father of the British navy

    DWilliam the Conqueror


  • 第21题:

    Where is Kate?()

    • A、She's in England.
    • B、She's from London
    • C、She's a nurse in England.  
    • D、She is English


  • 第22题:

    William,Duke of Normandy,fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in()

    • A、1086
    • B、1066
    • C、1035
    • D、1381


  • 第23题:

    —Is that Kate’s car?—It ______ be hers. She has just gone for a meeting.








    正确答案: C
    句意:——那是Kate的车吗?——那不可能是她的。她刚刚去开会了。本题考查情态动词的用法,结合答语中的“她刚刚去开会了”可知,那不可能是Kate的车,故选A项can’t 意为“不可能”,表示否定推测。B项should“应该”。C项mustn’t意为“一定不要”,表示禁止。D项mayn’t意思是“可能不”,表示否定推测,语气较弱。