Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique DialectIrish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.The Channel Dolphin and Wildlife Foundat


Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique Dialect

Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.

The Channel Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation (SDWF) has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle-nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalisations collected on a computer in a cow shed near the River Shannon.

As part of a research project, student Ronan Hickey digitised and analysed a total of 1,882 whistles from the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated them into six fundamental whistle types and 32 different categories. Of the categories, he found most were used by both sets of dolphins—but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.

"We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with behaviour like foraging, resting, socialising and the communications of groups with calves," project leader Simon Berrow said. "Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of words they use or sounds they make. "

Berrow, a marine biologist, said the dolphins' clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey. The whistles are communications. "They do a whole range of other sounds like barks, groans and a kind of gunshot. " He said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun their prey. "

"When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the only species who used it. We can speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales. " Berrow said.

References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and they may even have been resident there as far back as the 6th century.

They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25,000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.

The difference in eating habits between the bottle-nose dolphins and the sperm whales interested the SDWF scientists.



C.Not mentioned

解析:问题中的关键词是eating,利用问题句中的信息词bottle-nose dolphins,sperm whales,eating habits和特征词SDWF(香农海豚与野生动物基金会)scientists共同作为答案线索,对应内容在原文第二段、第三段,原文中只提到科学家们研究了啸声,而未出现eating,或相关词food食物,feed喂食等内容,因此判断为未提及。
更多“Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique DialectIrish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.The Channel Dolphin and Wildlife Foundat”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    If you're going to the club tonight, you ( ) Richard there.

    A、might meet

    B、might have met

    C、may have met

    D、may have been met


  • 第2题:

    Dolphins are said to () many humans.


    B、be saving

    C、be saved

    D、have saved


  • 第3题:

    Adaptation of Living Things
    Certain animals and plants develop characteristics that help them cope with their environment better than others of their kind.This natural biological process is called adaptation.Among the superior characteristics developed through adaptationare those that may help in getting food or shelter,in providing protection,and in producing and protecting the young.That results in the evolution of more and more organisms(微生物)that are better fitted to their environments.
    Each living thing is adapted to its way of life in a general way,but each is adapted especially to its own distinct class.A plant,for example,depends upon its roots to fix itself firmly and to absorb water and inorganic(无机的)chemicals.It depends upon its green leaves for using the sun's energy to make food from inorganic chemicals.These are general adaptations,common to most plants.In addition,there are special adaptations that only certain kinds of plants have.
    Many animals have adaptations that help them escape from their enemies.Some insects are hidden by their body color or shape,and many look like a leaf or a little branch.The coats of deer are colored to mix with the surroundings.Many animals have the ability to remain completely still when an enemy is near.
    Organisms have a great variety of ways of adapting.They may their structure,function,and genetics;in their development and production of the young;and in other respects.An organism may create its own environment,as do warm-blooded mammals(哺乳动物),which have the ability to adjust body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather.Usually adaptations are an advantage,but sometimes an organism is so well adapted to a particular environment that,if conditions change,it finds it difficult or impossible to readapt to the new conditions.

    The author cites the behavior of warm-blooded mammals in order to illustrate that______.
    A:a living thing may have the ability to create an environment of its own
    B:a living creature may have the ability to remain still when an enemy is near
    C:a living creature may have the ability to make food from its inorganic chemicals
    D:a living creature may have the ability to change the color of its skin

    根据第一段第一句可知,某些动植物进化出优越的特性,是为了比同类中的其他个体’能更好地适应环境。C项中的“adapted”是该句中“cope with”的同义转换,所以选择C项。

  • 第4题:

    You may also consider options that match your unique______.



  • 第5题:

    Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique Dialect

    Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they
    may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.
    The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation(SDWF)has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle-
    nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations(发声)collected on a computer in a cow shed near the
    River Shannon.
    As part of a research project,student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from
    the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated theni into six fundamental
    whistle types and 32 different categories.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dol-
    phins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.
    "We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with
    behavior like foraging(觅食),resting, socializing and the communications of with calves (幼
    仔),"project leader Simon Berrow said.“Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of words
    they use or sounds they mnake."
    Berrow,a marine biologist,said the dolphins'clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey.
    The whistles are communications."They do a whole range 0f other sounds like barks.groans and a kind of
    gunshot," he said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun(击昏)
    their prey.”
    "When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the onlyh species who used it. We
    can speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales,"Berrow said.
    References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and
    they may even have been residents there as far back as the 6th century.
    They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25.000 tourists every year
    take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.

    Sperm whales were the only species that can use pulses of sound to stun their prey.
    C:Not mentioned

    利用题干句的特征词sperm whales作为线索,发现文中第5、6两段与其相关。但是相 关的语句中都没有涉及题干句中关于饮食习惯差异的内容,因此判断题干句的内容在文章中 没有被提到。
    利用题干句的特征词32 categorie、和eight作为线索,找到相关句“…32 different catego-ries.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dolphins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.”这与题干句意思一致,故选A。
    利用题干句的特征词communicate、 adult和baby为线索,找到相关句“…of the different whistle types…to aggociate them with behavior like…and the communicationg of grown-ups with calves",这是说科学家正在设法将哨声与海豚的行为联系起来,如成年海豚用它来与小海豚进 行沟通。题干句的意思与原文的意思相符,所以答案是A。
    利用题干句的特征词Simon Berrow和dictionary为线索,找到相关句“…Simon Berrow said,'…we are building up what jg like a dictionary of wordc they uce or g ound、 they make'”,;坟 与题干句意思完全吻合,所以选A。
    利用题干句的特征词pulses of sound为线索,查找原文,找到“The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound.Sperm whales use it to stun their prey.”。但是是不是只有抹香鲸会用脉冲 呢?继续看下文,发现下一段说海豚也会用,所以题干句的内容不正确:
    利用6th century这个特征词在原文中可以找到相关信息,在倒数第2段,意为“……早 在公元6世纪,海豚就在香农河河口繁衍生息”,而不是“被渔民养殖”,所以答案是B
    利用特征词25,000为线索,查找原文,找到“…an estimated 25 , 000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.";还需要确定该句中的they是否指代 Irish dolphins,借助前句内容知道they指代Shannon河口的海豚,由文章开头两段可知River Shannon是爱尔兰的河流,所以答案是A。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子

  • 第6题:

    Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique Dialect

    Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they
    may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.
    The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation(SDWF)has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle-
    nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations(发声)collected on a computer in a cow shed near the
    River Shannon.
    As part of a research project,student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from
    the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated theni into six fundamental
    whistle types and 32 different categories.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dol-
    phins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.
    "We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with
    behavior like foraging(觅食),resting, socializing and the communications of with calves (幼
    仔),"project leader Simon Berrow said.“Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of words
    they use or sounds they mnake."
    Berrow,a marine biologist,said the dolphins'clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey.
    The whistles are communications."They do a whole range 0f other sounds like barks.groans and a kind of
    gunshot," he said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun(击昏)
    their prey.”
    "When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the onlyh species who used it. We
    can speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales,"Berrow said.
    References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and
    they may even have been residents there as far back as the 6th century.
    They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25.000 tourists every year
    take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.

    The difference in eating habits between the bottle-nose dolphins arid the sperm wha1c, intcrcotcd the SDWFscientists.
    C:Not mentioned

    利用题干句的特征词sperm whales作为线索,发现文中第5、6两段与其相关。但是相 关的语句中都没有涉及题干句中关于饮食习惯差异的内容,因此判断题干句的内容在文章中 没有被提到。
    利用题干句的特征词32 categorie、和eight作为线索,找到相关句“…32 different catego-ries.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dolphins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.”这与题干句意思一致,故选A。
    利用题干句的特征词communicate、 adult和baby为线索,找到相关句“…of the different whistle types…to aggociate them with behavior like…and the communicationg of grown-ups with calves",这是说科学家正在设法将哨声与海豚的行为联系起来,如成年海豚用它来与小海豚进 行沟通。题干句的意思与原文的意思相符,所以答案是A。
    利用题干句的特征词Simon Berrow和dictionary为线索,找到相关句“…Simon Berrow said,'…we are building up what jg like a dictionary of wordc they uce or g ound、 they make'”,;坟 与题干句意思完全吻合,所以选A。
    利用题干句的特征词pulses of sound为线索,查找原文,找到“The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound.Sperm whales use it to stun their prey.”。但是是不是只有抹香鲸会用脉冲 呢?继续看下文,发现下一段说海豚也会用,所以题干句的内容不正确:
    利用6th century这个特征词在原文中可以找到相关信息,在倒数第2段,意为“……早 在公元6世纪,海豚就在香农河河口繁衍生息”,而不是“被渔民养殖”,所以答案是B
    利用特征词25,000为线索,查找原文,找到“…an estimated 25 , 000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.";还需要确定该句中的they是否指代 Irish dolphins,借助前句内容知道they指代Shannon河口的海豚,由文章开头两段可知River Shannon是爱尔兰的河流,所以答案是A。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子

  • 第7题:

    Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique Dialect

    Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they
    may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.
    The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation(SDWF)has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle-
    nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations(发声)collected on a computer in a cow shed near the
    River Shannon.
    As part of a research project,student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from
    the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated theni into six fundamental
    whistle types and 32 different categories.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dol-
    phins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.
    "We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with
    behavior like foraging(觅食),resting, socializing and the communications of with calves (幼
    仔),"project leader Simon Berrow said.“Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of words
    they use or sounds they mnake."
    Berrow,a marine biologist,said the dolphins'clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey.
    The whistles are communications."They do a whole range 0f other sounds like barks.groans and a kind of
    gunshot," he said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun(击昏)
    their prey.”
    "When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the onlyh species who used it. We
    can speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales,"Berrow said.
    References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and
    they may even have been residents there as far back as the 6th century.
    They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25.000 tourists every year
    take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.

    Of the 32 categories,eight were produced only by the Irish dolphins.
    C:Not mentioned

    利用题干句的特征词sperm whales作为线索,发现文中第5、6两段与其相关。但是相 关的语句中都没有涉及题干句中关于饮食习惯差异的内容,因此判断题干句的内容在文章中 没有被提到。
    利用题干句的特征词32 categorie、和eight作为线索,找到相关句“…32 different catego-ries.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dolphins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.”这与题干句意思一致,故选A。
    利用题干句的特征词communicate、 adult和baby为线索,找到相关句“…of the different whistle types…to aggociate them with behavior like…and the communicationg of grown-ups with calves",这是说科学家正在设法将哨声与海豚的行为联系起来,如成年海豚用它来与小海豚进 行沟通。题干句的意思与原文的意思相符,所以答案是A。
    利用题干句的特征词Simon Berrow和dictionary为线索,找到相关句“…Simon Berrow said,'…we are building up what jg like a dictionary of wordc they uce or g ound、 they make'”,;坟 与题干句意思完全吻合,所以选A。
    利用题干句的特征词pulses of sound为线索,查找原文,找到“The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound.Sperm whales use it to stun their prey.”。但是是不是只有抹香鲸会用脉冲 呢?继续看下文,发现下一段说海豚也会用,所以题干句的内容不正确:
    利用6th century这个特征词在原文中可以找到相关信息,在倒数第2段,意为“……早 在公元6世纪,海豚就在香农河河口繁衍生息”,而不是“被渔民养殖”,所以答案是B
    利用特征词25,000为线索,查找原文,找到“…an estimated 25 , 000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.";还需要确定该句中的they是否指代 Irish dolphins,借助前句内容知道they指代Shannon河口的海豚,由文章开头两段可知River Shannon是爱尔兰的河流,所以答案是A。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子

  • 第8题:

    Sometimes children have trouble ______fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist. separate
    C.for separating
    D.of separating

    考查固定搭配。Have trouble in doing sth.表示“做某事有困难”,其中的介词in可以省略。句意为“有时候孩子们很难把现实与虚构区别开来,可能认为那样的事真的存在”。故选B。

  • 第9题:

    According to the passage,mathematicians present a danger to scientists for which of the following reasons?( )

    A.Mathematicians may provide theories that are incompatible with those already developed by scientists.
    B.Mathematicians may define situation in a way that is incomprehensible to scientists.
    C.Mathematicians may convince scientists that theoretical assumptions are facts.
    D.Scientists may begin to provide arguments that are convincing but imprecise.


  • 第10题:

    Which of the following is true of an index used to support a UNIQUE constraint?()

    • A、It must have the UNIQUE attribute.
    • B、It cannot be created explicitly by the user.
    • C、It must have the UNIQUE and CLUSTER attributes.
    • D、It must have the UNIQUE WHERE NOT NULL attribute.


  • 第11题:

    The dolphin may be()but it seems to want to communicate.








    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Which of the following is true of an index used to support a UNIQUE constraint?()

    It must have the UNIQUE attribute.


    It cannot be created explicitly by the user.


    It must have the UNIQUE and CLUSTER attributes.


    It must have the UNIQUE WHERE NOT NULL attribute.

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    Dolphins are very smart creatures. They learn very quickly, _______ 1) is why they, out of all sea animals, are used most often in movies and television. They can be very helpful and have helped humans in trouble without _________ 2). A dolphin can sense danger and will know _______ 3) something is not right. Often times dolphins have helped to save people in swimming accidents and such. They are very curious animals. Their _________ 4) can sometimes get them in trouble. Such cases would be getting too close to a fisherman’s net and _________ 5) tangled up within it. Along with being curious, dolphins love to play. They love humans in the respect that they love to play with the balls they might have or simply swim around with humans.
























    C、to get



  • 第14题:

    Which of the following is true of an index used to support a UNIQUE constraint?()

    A.It must have the UNIQUE attribute.

    B.It cannot be created explicitly by the user.

    C.It must have the UNIQUE and CLUSTER attributes.

    D.It must have the UNIQUE WHERE NOT NULL attribute.


  • 第15题:

    Adaptation of Living Things
    Certain animals and plants develop characteristics that help them cope with their environment better than others of their kind.This natural biological process is called adaptation.Among the superior characteristics developed through adaptation are those that may help in getting food or shelter,in providing protection,and in producing and protecting the young. That results in the evolution of more and more organisms(生物体)that are better fitted to their environments.
    Each living thing is adapted to its way of life in a general way,but each is adapted especially to its own distinct class.A plant,for example,depends upon its roots to fix itself firmly and to
    absorb water and inorganic chemicals(无机物).It depends upon its green leaves for using the sun's energy to make food from inorganic chemicals.These are general adaptations,common to most plants .In addition,there are special adaptations that only certain kinds of plants have.
    Many animals have adaptations that help them escape from their enemies.Some are hidden by their body color or shape,and many look like a leaf or a little branch.The coats of deer are colored to mix with the surroundings .Many animals .have the ability to remain completely still when an enemy is near.
    Organisms have a great variety of ways of adapting.They may adapt in their structure,func-tion,and genetics;in their development and production of the young;and in other respects.An organism may create its own environment, as do warm-blooded mammals(哺乳动物),which have the ability to adjust body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather.Usually adaptations are an advantage,but sometimes an organism is so well adapted to a particular environment that if conditions change,it finds it difficult or impossible to readapt to the new conditions.

    Which of the following is NOT directly mentioned in the passage?
    A: A living thing may adapt in its structure.
    B: An organism may adapt in its function.
    C: A living creature may adapt in its genetic makeup.
    D: A living organism may adapt in its sleeping habit.

    根据文章的第一句话“Certain animals and plants develop characteristics that help them cope with their environment better than others of their kind.”可以比较容易地得出正确答案是C。

    在不认识“environments”的情况下,我们可以通过上下文来猜侧该词的意思。根据第一段内容,主要讲什么是生物适应,其实根据常识也可以判断,适应无非是针对生存环境而言的,那么可以初步断定“environments”意为“环境”。而A项contexts意为“上下文,语境”,C项neighbors意为“邻居”,D项enemies意为“敌人”,都不符合题干要求。B项surroundings出现在倒数第二段“The coats of deer are colored to mix with the surroundings.”因此正确答案是B。

    根据第三段的第二句“Some are hidden by their body color or shape, and many look like a leaf or a little branch.”可以判断,动物一般用羽毛或者体表颜色来达到把自己隐藏在环境中的目的,因此答案是D。

    根据最后一段的第二句话“They may adapt in their structure, function, and genetics;” 可知,A、B、C三项都在文中直接被提到。

    根据最后一段的第三句“An organism may create its own environment, as do warm-blooded mammals,which have the ability to adjust body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather.”可以比较容易地得出正确答案是A。

  • 第16题:

    Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique Dialect

    Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they
    may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.
    The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation(SDWF)has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle-
    nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations(发声)collected on a computer in a cow shed near the
    River Shannon.
    As part of a research project,student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from
    the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated theni into six fundamental
    whistle types and 32 different categories.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dol-
    phins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.
    "We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with
    behavior like foraging(觅食),resting, socializing and the communications of with calves (幼
    仔),"project leader Simon Berrow said.“Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of words
    they use or sounds they mnake."
    Berrow,a marine biologist,said the dolphins'clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey.
    The whistles are communications."They do a whole range 0f other sounds like barks.groans and a kind of
    gunshot," he said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun(击昏)
    their prey.”
    "When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the onlyh species who used it. We
    can speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales,"Berrow said.
    References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and
    they may even have been residents there as far back as the 6th century.
    They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25.000 tourists every year
    take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.

    As early as the 6th century,Irish fishermen started raising dolphins in the Shannon estuary.
    C:Not mentioned

    利用题干句的特征词sperm whales作为线索,发现文中第5、6两段与其相关。但是相 关的语句中都没有涉及题干句中关于饮食习惯差异的内容,因此判断题干句的内容在文章中 没有被提到。
    利用题干句的特征词32 categorie、和eight作为线索,找到相关句“…32 different catego-ries.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dolphins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.”这与题干句意思一致,故选A。
    利用题干句的特征词communicate、 adult和baby为线索,找到相关句“…of the different whistle types…to aggociate them with behavior like…and the communicationg of grown-ups with calves",这是说科学家正在设法将哨声与海豚的行为联系起来,如成年海豚用它来与小海豚进 行沟通。题干句的意思与原文的意思相符,所以答案是A。
    利用题干句的特征词Simon Berrow和dictionary为线索,找到相关句“…Simon Berrow said,'…we are building up what jg like a dictionary of wordc they uce or g ound、 they make'”,;坟 与题干句意思完全吻合,所以选A。
    利用题干句的特征词pulses of sound为线索,查找原文,找到“The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound.Sperm whales use it to stun their prey.”。但是是不是只有抹香鲸会用脉冲 呢?继续看下文,发现下一段说海豚也会用,所以题干句的内容不正确:
    利用6th century这个特征词在原文中可以找到相关信息,在倒数第2段,意为“……早 在公元6世纪,海豚就在香农河河口繁衍生息”,而不是“被渔民养殖”,所以答案是B
    利用特征词25,000为线索,查找原文,找到“…an estimated 25 , 000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.";还需要确定该句中的they是否指代 Irish dolphins,借助前句内容知道they指代Shannon河口的海豚,由文章开头两段可知River Shannon是爱尔兰的河流,所以答案是A。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子

  • 第17题:

    Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique Dialect

    Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they
    may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.
    The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation(SDWF)has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle-
    nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations(发声)collected on a computer in a cow shed near the
    River Shannon.
    As part of a research project,student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from
    the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated theni into six fundamental
    whistle types and 32 different categories.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dol-
    phins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.
    "We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with
    behavior like foraging(觅食),resting, socializing and the communications of with calves (幼
    仔),"project leader Simon Berrow said.“Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of words
    they use or sounds they mnake."
    Berrow,a marine biologist,said the dolphins'clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey.
    The whistles are communications."They do a whole range 0f other sounds like barks.groans and a kind of
    gunshot," he said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun(击昏)
    their prey.”
    "When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the onlyh species who used it. We
    can speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales,"Berrow said.
    References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and
    they may even have been residents there as far back as the 6th century.
    They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25.000 tourists every year
    take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.

    Irish dolphins attract tourists and over 25,000 people come to see them every year.
    C:Not mentioned

    利用题干句的特征词sperm whales作为线索,发现文中第5、6两段与其相关。但是相 关的语句中都没有涉及题干句中关于饮食习惯差异的内容,因此判断题干句的内容在文章中 没有被提到。
    利用题干句的特征词32 categorie、和eight作为线索,找到相关句“…32 different catego-ries.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dolphins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.”这与题干句意思一致,故选A。
    利用题干句的特征词communicate、 adult和baby为线索,找到相关句“…of the different whistle types…to aggociate them with behavior like…and the communicationg of grown-ups with calves",这是说科学家正在设法将哨声与海豚的行为联系起来,如成年海豚用它来与小海豚进 行沟通。题干句的意思与原文的意思相符,所以答案是A。
    利用题干句的特征词Simon Berrow和dictionary为线索,找到相关句“…Simon Berrow said,'…we are building up what jg like a dictionary of wordc they uce or g ound、 they make'”,;坟 与题干句意思完全吻合,所以选A。
    利用题干句的特征词pulses of sound为线索,查找原文,找到“The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound.Sperm whales use it to stun their prey.”。但是是不是只有抹香鲸会用脉冲 呢?继续看下文,发现下一段说海豚也会用,所以题干句的内容不正确:
    利用6th century这个特征词在原文中可以找到相关信息,在倒数第2段,意为“……早 在公元6世纪,海豚就在香农河河口繁衍生息”,而不是“被渔民养殖”,所以答案是B
    利用特征词25,000为线索,查找原文,找到“…an estimated 25 , 000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.";还需要确定该句中的they是否指代 Irish dolphins,借助前句内容知道they指代Shannon河口的海豚,由文章开头两段可知River Shannon是爱尔兰的河流,所以答案是A。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子

  • 第18题:

    Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique Dialect

    Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they
    may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.
    The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation(SDWF)has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle-
    nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations(发声)collected on a computer in a cow shed near the
    River Shannon.
    As part of a research project,student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from
    the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated theni into six fundamental
    whistle types and 32 different categories.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dol-
    phins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.
    "We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with
    behavior like foraging(觅食),resting, socializing and the communications of with calves (幼
    仔),"project leader Simon Berrow said.“Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of words
    they use or sounds they mnake."
    Berrow,a marine biologist,said the dolphins'clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey.
    The whistles are communications."They do a whole range 0f other sounds like barks.groans and a kind of
    gunshot," he said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun(击昏)
    their prey.”
    "When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the onlyh species who used it. We
    can speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales,"Berrow said.
    References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and
    they may even have been residents there as far back as the 6th century.
    They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25.000 tourists every year
    take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.

    Whistles could also be used to communicate between adult dolphins and baby dolphins.
    C:Not mentioned

    利用题干句的特征词sperm whales作为线索,发现文中第5、6两段与其相关。但是相 关的语句中都没有涉及题干句中关于饮食习惯差异的内容,因此判断题干句的内容在文章中 没有被提到。
    利用题干句的特征词32 categorie、和eight作为线索,找到相关句“…32 different catego-ries.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dolphins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.”这与题干句意思一致,故选A。
    利用题干句的特征词communicate、 adult和baby为线索,找到相关句“…of the different whistle types…to aggociate them with behavior like…and the communicationg of grown-ups with calves",这是说科学家正在设法将哨声与海豚的行为联系起来,如成年海豚用它来与小海豚进 行沟通。题干句的意思与原文的意思相符,所以答案是A。
    利用题干句的特征词Simon Berrow和dictionary为线索,找到相关句“…Simon Berrow said,'…we are building up what jg like a dictionary of wordc they uce or g ound、 they make'”,;坟 与题干句意思完全吻合,所以选A。
    利用题干句的特征词pulses of sound为线索,查找原文,找到“The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound.Sperm whales use it to stun their prey.”。但是是不是只有抹香鲸会用脉冲 呢?继续看下文,发现下一段说海豚也会用,所以题干句的内容不正确:
    利用6th century这个特征词在原文中可以找到相关信息,在倒数第2段,意为“……早 在公元6世纪,海豚就在香农河河口繁衍生息”,而不是“被渔民养殖”,所以答案是B
    利用特征词25,000为线索,查找原文,找到“…an estimated 25 , 000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.";还需要确定该句中的they是否指代 Irish dolphins,借助前句内容知道they指代Shannon河口的海豚,由文章开头两段可知River Shannon是爱尔兰的河流,所以答案是A。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子

  • 第19题:

    Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique Dialect

    Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they
    may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.
    The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation(SDWF)has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle-
    nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations(发声)collected on a computer in a cow shed near the
    River Shannon.
    As part of a research project,student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from
    the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated theni into six fundamental
    whistle types and 32 different categories.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dol-
    phins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.
    "We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with
    behavior like foraging(觅食),resting, socializing and the communications of with calves (幼
    仔),"project leader Simon Berrow said.“Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of words
    they use or sounds they mnake."
    Berrow,a marine biologist,said the dolphins'clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey.
    The whistles are communications."They do a whole range 0f other sounds like barks.groans and a kind of
    gunshot," he said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun(击昏)
    their prey.”
    "When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the onlyh species who used it. We
    can speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales,"Berrow said.
    References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and
    they may even have been residents there as far back as the 6th century.
    They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25.000 tourists every year
    take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.

    According to Simon Berrow they are building up a dictionary of words dolphins use or sounds they make.
    C:Not mentioned

    利用题干句的特征词sperm whales作为线索,发现文中第5、6两段与其相关。但是相 关的语句中都没有涉及题干句中关于饮食习惯差异的内容,因此判断题干句的内容在文章中 没有被提到。
    利用题干句的特征词32 categorie、和eight作为线索,找到相关句“…32 different catego-ries.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dolphins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.”这与题干句意思一致,故选A。
    利用题干句的特征词communicate、 adult和baby为线索,找到相关句“…of the different whistle types…to aggociate them with behavior like…and the communicationg of grown-ups with calves",这是说科学家正在设法将哨声与海豚的行为联系起来,如成年海豚用它来与小海豚进 行沟通。题干句的意思与原文的意思相符,所以答案是A。
    利用题干句的特征词Simon Berrow和dictionary为线索,找到相关句“…Simon Berrow said,'…we are building up what jg like a dictionary of wordc they uce or g ound、 they make'”,;坟 与题干句意思完全吻合,所以选A。
    利用题干句的特征词pulses of sound为线索,查找原文,找到“The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound.Sperm whales use it to stun their prey.”。但是是不是只有抹香鲸会用脉冲 呢?继续看下文,发现下一段说海豚也会用,所以题干句的内容不正确:
    利用6th century这个特征词在原文中可以找到相关信息,在倒数第2段,意为“……早 在公元6世纪,海豚就在香农河河口繁衍生息”,而不是“被渔民养殖”,所以答案是B
    利用特征词25,000为线索,查找原文,找到“…an estimated 25 , 000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.";还需要确定该句中的they是否指代 Irish dolphins,借助前句内容知道they指代Shannon河口的海豚,由文章开头两段可知River Shannon是爱尔兰的河流,所以答案是A。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子

  • 第20题:

    According to the passage,mathematicians present a danger to scientists for which of the following reasons?( )

    A.Mathematicians may provide theories that are incompatible with those already developed by scientists
    B.Mathematicians may define situation in a way that is incomprehensible to scientists
    C.Mathematicians may convince scientists that theoretical assumptions are facts
    D.Scientists may begin to provide arguments that are convincing but imprecise


  • 第21题:

    You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization that contains 20 Mailbox servers.You plan to create 10 mailbox databases on each Mailbox server. You need to create a naming convention for all mailbox databases.  What should you include in your naming convention()? 

    • A、For each mailbox database, provide a database name that is unique within the organization.
    • B、For each mailbox database, provide a database name that is unique within the Mailbox server.
    • C、For each mailbox database file, provide a file name that is unique within the organization.
    • D、For each mailbox database file, provide a file name that is unique within the Mailbox server.


  • 第22题:

    As each MSI message will have a unique identity, the printing of messages already received correctly is().

    automatically suppressed


    finished by the operator


    manually suppressed


    done again

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization that contains 20 Mailbox servers.You plan to create 10 mailbox databases on each Mailbox server. You need to create a naming convention for all mailbox databases.  What should you include in your naming convention()?

    For each mailbox database, provide a database name that is unique within the organization.


    For each mailbox database, provide a database name that is unique within the Mailbox server.


    For each mailbox database file, provide a file name that is unique within the organization.


    For each mailbox database file, provide a file name that is unique within the Mailbox server.

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析