Note: requirement (a) includes 4 professional marks.A central feature of the performance measurement system at TSC is the widespread use of league tables that displayeach depot’s performance relative to one another.Required:(b) Evaluate the potential bene


Note: requirement (a) includes 4 professional marks.

A central feature of the performance measurement system at TSC is the widespread use of league tables that display

each depot’s performance relative to one another.


(b) Evaluate the potential benefits and problems associated with the use of ‘league tables’ as a means of

measuring performance. (6 marks)

更多“Note: requirement (a) includes 4 professional marks.A central feature of the performance measurement system at TSC is the widespread use of league tables that displayeach depot’s performance relative to one another.Required:(b) Evaluate the potential bene”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (c) Identify and evaluate other strategic options ONA could consider to address the airline’s current financial and

    operational weaknesses.

    Note: requirement (c) includes 2 professional marks (10 marks)


    (c) Within the strategy clock, ONA might consider both differentiation and focus. A differentiation strategy seeks to provide
    products or services that offer different benefits from those offered by competitors. These benefits are valued by customers
    and so can lead to increased market share and, in the context of ONA, higher seat utilisation. Differentiation is particularly
    attractive when it provides the opportunity of providing a price premium. In other words, margins are enhanced through
    differentiation. Air travellers may be willing to pay more to travel with an airline that offers seat allocation and free in-flight
    food and drinks.
    However, such a broad-based differentiation strategy may be inappropriate for ONA because of the need to service both
    business and leisure travellers. Consequently, the potential strategy also has to be considered in the context of the two sectors
    that the company perceives that it services. In the regional sector a focused differentiation strategy looks particularly attractive.
    Here, the strategy focuses on a selected niche or market segment. The most obvious focus is on business travel and building
    the company’s strengths in this sector. This focus on the business traveller might be achieved through:
    – Ensuring that flight times are appropriate for the business working day. This is already a perceived strength of the
    company. This needs to be built on.
    – Providing more space in the aircraft by changing the seating configuration – and the balance between business and
    standard class. ONA currently has a low seat occupancy rate and a reduction in seat capacity could be borne.
    – Fewer passengers in the aircraft may also lead to improved throughput times. Loading and unloading aircraft is quicker,
    minimising the delays encountered by the traveller.
    – Providing supporting business services – lounges with fax and internet facilities.
    – Speeding the process of booking and embarkation (through electronic check-in), so making the process of booking and
    embarkation easier and faster.
    – Providing loyalty schemes that are aimed at the business traveller.
    Although this focused differentiation is aimed at the business customer it is also likely that particular aspects of it will be
    valued by certain leisure travellers. Given the strong regional brand (people from Oceania are likely to travel ONA) and the
    nature of the leisure travel in this sector (families visiting relatives) it seems unlikely that there will be a significant fall off in
    leisure travel in the regional sector.
    In the international sector, the strategic customer is less clear. This sector is serving both the leisure and business market and
    is also competing with strong ‘no frills’ competitors. The nature of customer and competition is different. A strategy of
    differentiation could still be pursued, although perhaps general differentiation (without a price premium) may be more effective
    with the aim of increasing seat occupancy rate. This sector would also benefit from most of the suggested improvements of
    the regional sector – providing more space in aircraft, faster passenger throughput, electronic check-in etc. However, these
    small changes will not address the relatively low flight frequency in this sector. This could be addressed through seeking
    alliances with established airlines in the continental countries that it services. Simple code share agreements could double
    ONA’s frequencies overnight. Obviously, ONA would be seeking a good cultural fit – the ‘no frills’ low-cost budget airlineswould not be candidates for code shares.

    ONA’s perception of market segmentation, reflected in splitting regional from international travel and distinguishing leisure
    from business appears to be a sensible understanding of the marketplace. However, it might also be useful for them to
    consider on-line customers and commission customers (travel agents) as different segments. Perceiving travel agents as the
    strategic customer would lead to a different strategic focus, one in which the amount and structure of commission played an
    important part.
    Finally, whichever strategy ONA adopts, it must continue to review its operational efficiency. An important strategic capability
    in any organisation is to ensure that attention is paid to cost-efficiency. It can be argued that a continual reduction in costs
    is necessary for any organisation in a competitive market. Management of costs is a threshold competence for survival. ONA
    needs to address some of the weaknesses identified earlier in the question. Specific points, not covered elsewhere, include:
    – Improved employee productivity to address the downward decline in efficiency ratios.
    – Progressive standardisation of the fleet to produce economies of scale in maintenance and training. This should reduce
    the cost base.
    – Careful monitoring of expenditure, particularly on wages and salaries, to ensure that these do not exceed revenue
    Candidates may address this question in a number of ways. In the model answer given above, the strategy clock is used –
    as it uses the term ‘no frills’ in its definition and so it seems appropriate to look at other options within this structure. However,
    answers that use other frameworks (such as Ansoff’s product/market matrix) are perfectly acceptable. Furthermore, answerswhich focus on the suitability, acceptability and feasibility of certain options are also acceptable.

  • 第2题:

    (b) Discuss the relevance of each of the following actions as steps in trying to remedy performance measurement

    problems relating to the ‘365 Sports Complex’ and suggest examples of specific problem classifications that

    may be reduced or eliminated by each action:

    (i) Focusing on and improving the measurement of customer satisfaction

    (ii) Involving staff at all levels in the development and implementation of performance measures

    (iii) Being flexible in the extent to which formal performance measures are relied on

    (iv) Giving consideration to the auditing of the performance measurement system. (8 marks)

    (b) Trying to focus on and improve the measurement of customer satisfaction.
    This is a vital goal. Without monitoring and improvement of levels of customer satisfaction, an organisation will tend to
    underachieve and is likely to have problems with its future effectiveness. Positive signals from performance measures made
    earlier in the value chain are only relevant if they contribute to the ultimate requirement of customer satisfaction. Tunnel vision
    and sub-optimisation are examples of measurement problems that may be reduced through recognition of the need for a
    management focus on customer satisfaction. For example undue focus on the importance of maximising opening hours may
    lead to lack of focus on other quality issues seen as important by customers.
    Involving staff at all levels in the development and implementation of performance measures.
    People are involved in the achievement of performance measures at all levels and in all aspects of an organisation. It is
    important that all staff are willing to accept and work towards any performance measures that are developed to monitor their
    part in the operation of the organisation and in the achievement of its objectives. This should help, for example, to reduce
    gaming. At the sports complex an example of gaming might be, a deliberate attempt to understate the potential benefits of
    maintaining the buildings in order to ensure that funds would be used for other purposes such as an increased advertising
    budget. The directors of Astrodome Sports Ltd must recognise that leisure facilities that appear dated and in a poor state of
    repair will cause customers to look for more aesthetically appealing alternatives.
    Being flexible in the extent to which formal performance measures are relied on.
    It is best to acknowledge that measures should not be relied on exclusively for control. A performance measure may give a
    short-term signal that does not relate directly to actions that are taking place to improve the level of performance in the longer
    term. To some extent, improved performance may be achieved through the informal interaction between individuals and
    groups. This flexibility should help to reduce measure fixation and misrepresentation. For example the percentage increase in
    the quantity of bowling equipment purchased is seen as necessarily implying increased demand for use of the bowling greens.
    Giving consideration to the audit of the performance measurement system.
    Actions that may be taken may include:
    – Seeking expert interpretation of the performance measures in place. It is important that any audit is ‘free from bias’ and
    conducted independently on an ‘arm’s length’ basis. Thus it is essential that such audits should be ‘free from the
    influence’ of those personnel involved in the operation of the system.
    – Maintaining a careful audit of the data used. Any assessment scheme is only as good as the data on which it is founded
    and how this data is analysed and interpreted.
    The above actions should help, in particular, to reduce the incidence and impact of measure fixation, misinterpretation and
    For example, an audit may show that the directors of Astrodome Sports Ltd are fixated on equipment availability and
    misinterpret this as being the key to customer volume and high profitability. The audit may also provide evidence of gaming
    such as a deliberate attempt to underplay the benefits of one course of action in order to release funds for use on some

  • 第3题:

    (iv) critiques the performance measurement system at TSC. (5 marks

    (iv) The performance measurement system used by TSC appears simplistic. However, it may be considered to be measuring
    the right things since the specific measures used cover a range of dimensions designed to focus the organisation on
    factors thought to be central to corporate success, and not confined to traditional financial measures.
    Internal benchmarking is used at TSC in order to provide sets of absolute standards that all depots are expected to attain.
    This should help to ensure that there is a continual focus upon the adoption of ‘best practice’ at all depots. Benchmarks
    on delivery performance place an emphasis upon quality of service whereas benchmarks on profitability are focused
    solely upon profitability!
    Incentive schemes are used throughout the business, linking the achievement of company targets with financial rewards.
    It might well be the case that the profit incentive would act as a powerful motivator to each depot management team.
    However, what is required for the prosperity of TSC is a focus of management on the determinants of success as opposed
    to the results of success.
    (Alternative relevant discussion would be acceptable)

  • 第4题:

    (c) Prepare briefing notes, to be used by an audit partner in your firm, assessing the professional, ethical and

    other issues to be considered in deciding whether to proceed with the appointment as auditor of Medix Co.

    Note: requirement (c) includes 2 professional marks. (12 marks)

    (c) Briefing notes
    To: Audit partner
    From: Audit manager
    Subject: Issues to consider regarding appointment as auditor of Medix Co
    Medix Co has recently invited our firm to become appointed as auditor. These briefing notes summarise the main issues we
    should consider in deciding whether to take the appointment a stage further. My comments are based on a discussion held
    with Ricardo Feller, finance director of Medix Co, a discussion with the current audit partner, and information provided in the
    local newspaper.
    Legal actions and investigations
    There are several indications that Medix Co has a history of non compliance with law and regulations. The former finance
    director is claiming unfair dismissal, and in the past the local authority has successfully taken legal action against the
    company and has a current case pending. In addition, there have been two tax investigations in recent years hinting at noncompliance
    with relevant tax regulations.
    There are two problems for us in taking on a client with a propensity for legal actions and investigations. Firstly, the reputation
    of the company must be considered. If we become associated with the company through being appointed as auditor, we could
    be ‘tarred with the same brush’ and our own reputation also tarnished.
    Secondly, we could become quickly exposed to an advocacy independence threat, which clearly should be avoided. Our
    ethical status should not be compromised for the sake of gaining a new audit client. Mick Evans only ‘believes’ that the tax
    matter has been resolved by the directors, and we should avoid taking on a new client which is involved in an on-going
    Public interest
    The problems noted above are compounded by the bad publicity which the company is currently receiving. The local press
    contained a recent article discussing Medix Co’s past and current breach of planning regulations. Given the current level of
    public interest in environmental issues, and emphasis on corporate responsibility, it would seem that Medix Co has a poor
    public perception, which we would not want to be associated with.
    Potential liability to lender
    The company is currently negotiating a significant bank loan, and the lender will be using the audited financial statements to
    make a decision on whether to advance a loan, and the terms of any finance that might be advanced to Medix Co. This means
    that our audit opinion for the forthcoming year end will be scrutinised by the lender, and our firm is exposed to a relatively
    high risk of liability to a third party. Given that this will be our first audit, and the limited time we have available (discussed
    below) our firm may feel that the risk of this audit engagement is too high. Should the appointment be accepted, disclaimers
    should be put in place to ensure that we could not be sued in the event of the bank suffering a financial loss as a result of
    their lending decision.
    Timeframe. and resources
    It is currently the last month of the financial year. If we are appointed as auditor we need to work quickly to develop a thorough
    understanding of the business, and to begin to plan the assignment. We need to consider whether our firm has sufficient
    resources to put together an audit team so quickly without detracting from other client work currently being conducted.
    To make this matter worse, Mick Evans states that Medix Co likes ‘a quick audit’, and we need to consider how to manage
    this expectation, as first year audit procedures such as systems documentation, and developing business understanding tend
    to take a long time. We must be careful that the client does not pressure us into a ‘quick audit’, which could compromise
    Medix Co operates in a reasonably specialist and highly regulated industry, so our firm should take care to ensure we have
    expertise in this industry.
    Potentially aggressive management style
    There are several indicators that the management may take a confrontational approach, such as the unfair dismissal claim
    brought against the company by the ex-finance director. In addition, the auditors prior to Mick Evans resigned following a
    disagreement with management. This history shows that we may find it difficult to establish a good working relationship with
    the management. As the company is owner managed the presence of a dominant managing director exacerbates this problem.
    Management bias
    There is incentive for the financial statements to be manipulated in order to secure bank finance. There is considerable risk
    of material misstatement which our firm may consider to be unacceptably high.
    Internal systems and controls
    The current auditors have found systems and controls to be poor, and management has not acted upon recommendations
    made by the auditors. Of course this does not mean that we should not take on the assignment – many companies have
    weak controls. However, if we did take on the appointment, we would not be able to rely on controls or use a controls based
    approach for the audit. We would need to take a substantive approach to the audit. One practical issue here is availability of
    staff to conduct the audit testing, as substantive procedures tend to be more time consuming than if we could have taken a
    systems based approach.
    Opening balances
    In all new audit assignments, work must be conducted to verify the opening balances. Given the possible fraud and poor
    controls described above, we would need to perform. detailed testing on the opening balances as there is a high risk of fraud
    and/or error in previous accounting periods. We may also wish to consider the competence of the previous auditors, who
    appeared to disregard potential fraud indicator (two cash books) and had only one audit client.
    Mick Evans has made it clear that Medix Co’s management likes to keep a tight control on costs, and it may put pressure on
    us to charge a low audit fee. We need to bear in mind the risks associated with this engagement, as discussed above, and
    only take on this high risk audit if the audit fee is high enough to compensate.
    We should also consider the cash flow problems being experienced by the company. As a business we need to ensure that
    we only take on clients with a good credit rating, and it seems that Medix Co, operating with an overdraft, may not be able
    to pay our invoices.
    Indication of fraud or money laundering
    Surely the most serious issue to consider is that Jon Tate, the managing director, has kept two cash books. We need further
    detail on this, but it clearly could indicate a fraud being perpetrated at the highest level of management. The fact that he has
    maintained two cash books could indicate money laundering activites taking place, especially when considered in the context
    of an owner-managed business with overseas operations. If this were the ONLY problem discovered it could be deemed
    serious enough to bring to an end our appointment process. It would be reckless for our firm to take on a client where the
    managing director is a fraudster.
    Further information is needed in many areas before a final decision is made. However, from the information we have gathered
    so far, it appears that Medix Co would represent a high risk client, and our firm must therefore be very careful to assess each
    problem noted above before deciding whether to proceed with the appointment.

  • 第5题:

    To assess how well a student is performing relative to his or her own previous performance,a teacher would use_________ assessment.



  • 第6题:

    The deliverable from this phase also includes the ( ) for the proposed system.

    A.hardware and software specification
    B.system performance specification
    C.formal requirements definition
    D.general problem statement

    A.软硬件规格 B.系统性能规范 C.正式需求定义 D.通用问题说明

  • 第7题:

    A university researcher needs a large server with high numeric computing capacity to do computational fluid dynamics calculations.  The pSeries technical specialist has a recent pSeries and RS/6000 Performance Report.  Which of the following tables should be consulted to advise the customer concerning relative performance of various models?()

    • A、rPerf
    • B、ROLTP
    • C、SPECfp
    • D、SPECint


  • 第8题:

    You are using flat files as the data source for one of your data warehousing applications. To optimize the application performance, you plan to move the data from the flat files to clustered tables in an Oracle database.While migrating the data, you want to have minimal impact on the database performance and optimize the dataload operation.  Which method would you use to load data into the Oracle database()

    • A、Use the external table population.
    • B、Use the Oracle Data Pump export and import utility.
    • C、Use the conventional path data load of the SQL*Loader utility.
    • D、Use the INSERT INTO...SELECT command to load the data


  • 第9题:

    A customer wants to purchase an IBM System Storage DS8700 to support a high-performance database environment.  Which technical solution gives the customer the best relationship between I/O performance at the machine’s backend vs. capacity installed in the machine()

    • A、additional installation of the first and second expansion frame will increase the backend performance capability
    • B、the usage of 300 GB/15k FC disks will give the server a high-performance backend capability
    • C、performance Accelerator restricts the number of disks connected to one device adapter pair to 32 disks
    • D、the second RIO-G loop between the base frame and the first expansion increases the backend performance


  • 第10题:

    You are one of the network administrators for All network servers run Windows Server 2003. TestKing operates a total of four offices. The office where you work has 15 servers. You are responsible for supporting and maintaining all of these servers. You need to design a monitoring plan that will achieve the following goals: 1. Track all performance changes on the servers. 2. Record performance data to anticipate the need for future upgrades. What should you do?()

    • A、On each server in your office, use Performance Logs and Alerts to create a baseline log. Configure the log to collect data every five minutes for one day. Use the same counters for each server to create a log file. Schedule the log to run weekly.
    • B、From a monitoring computer, use Performance Logs and Alerts to create a baseline log for each server in your office. Configure the log to collect data every five minutes for one day. Use the same counters for each server to create a log file. Schedule the log to run weekly.
    • C、On each server in your office, use Performance Logs and Alerts to create threshold-based alerts. Configure the alerts to send a message to your monitoring computer when they are triggered. Set each alert to start a new scan when the alert finishes.
    • D、From a monitoring computer use Performance Logs and Alerts to create a new counter set in System Monitor. Configure the counters to run continuously.


  • 第11题:

    A user named Tom reports that an application on his Windows 2000 Professional computer is running slowly. You notice Tom’s computer has 64 MB of RAM and 100 MB of free disk space. What should you do to improve the performance of his system? ()

    • A、Add Tom to the Power user group.
    • B、Set the total paging file to 75 % of physical memory.
    • C、Perform a disk analysis and use the disk defragmenter if recommended.
    • D、Use Disk cleanup to delete temporary files and unnecessary program files.
    • E、Ensure that the Performance Options windows is optimized for background services.


  • 第12题:

    In one of your online transaction processing (OLTP) applications, most users frequently modify the values, including the key values, of the application tables. Some users generate application reports by using multiple application tables.  What is the best table structure that you can use to gain optimal performance?()

    heap table


    object table


    external table


    clustered table


    global temporary table


    index­organized table (IOT)

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    (c) Discuss the ethical and social responsibilities of the Beth Group and whether a change in the ethical and

    social attitudes of the management could improve business performance. (7 marks)

    Note: requirement (c) includes 2 professional marks for development of the discussion of the ethical and social

    responsibilities of the Beth Group.

    (c) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is concerned with business ethics and the company’s accountability to its stakeholders,
    and about the way it meets its wider obligations. CSR emphasises the need for companies to adopt a coherent approach to
    a range of stakeholders including investors, employees, suppliers, and customers. Beth has paid little regard to the promotion
    of socially and ethically responsible policies. For example, the decision to not pay the SME creditors on the grounds that they
    could not afford to sue the company is ethically unacceptable. Additionally, Beth pays little regard to local customs and
    cultures in its business dealings.
    The stagnation being suffered by Beth could perhaps be reversed if it adopted more environmentally friendly policies. The
    corporate image is suffering because of its attitude to the environment. Environmentally friendly policies could be cost effective
    if they help to increase market share and reduce the amount of litigation costs it has to suffer. The communication of these
    policies would be through the environmental report, and it is critical that stakeholders feel that the company is being
    transparent in its disclosures.
    Evidence of corporate misbehaviour (Enron, has stimulated interest in the behaviour of companies. There has
    been pressure for companies to show more awareness and concern, not only for the environment but for the rights and
    interests of the people they do business with. Governments have made it clear that directors must consider the short-term
    and long-term consequences of their actions, and take into account their relationships with employees and the impact of the
    business on the community and the environment. The behaviour of Beth will have had an adverse effect on their corporate
    CSR requires the directors to address strategic issues about the aims, purposes, and operational methods of the organisation,
    and some redefinition of the business model that assumes that profit motive and shareholder interests define the core purpose
    of the company. The profits of Beth will suffer if employees are not valued and there is poor customer support.
    Arrangements should be put in place to ensure that the business is conducted in a responsible manner. The board should
    look at broad social and environmental issues affecting the company and set policy and targets, monitoring performance and

  • 第14题:

    5 GE Railways plc (GER) operates a passenger train service in Holtland. The directors have always focused solely on

    the use of traditional financial measures in order to assess the performance of GER since it commenced operations

    in 1992. The Managing Director of GER has asked you, as a management accountant, for assistance with regard to

    the adoption of a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement within GER.


    (a) Prepare a memorandum explaining the potential benefits and limitations that may arise from the adoption of

    a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement within GER. (8 marks)

    (a) To: Board of directors
    From: Management Accountant
    Date: 8 June 2007
    The potential benefits of the adoption of a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement within GER are as
    A broader business perspective
    Financial measures invariably have an inward-looking perspective. The balanced scorecard is wider in its scope and
    application. It has an external focus and looks at comparisons with competitors in order to establish what constitutes best
    practice and ensures that required changes are made in order to achieve it. The use of the balanced scorecard requires a
    balance of both financial and non-financial measures and goals.
    A greater strategic focus
    The use of the balanced scorecard focuses to a much greater extent on the longer term. There is a far greater emphasis on
    strategic considerations. It attempts to identify the needs and wants of customers and the new products and markets. Hence
    it requires a balance between short term and long term performance measures.
    A greater focus on qualitative aspects
    The use of the balanced scorecard attempts to overcome the over-emphasis of traditional measures on the quantifiable aspects
    of the internal operations of an organisation expressed in purely financial terms. Its use requires a balance between
    quantitative and qualitative performance measures. For example, customer satisfaction is a qualitative performance measure
    which is given prominence under the balanced scorecard approach.
    A greater focus on longer term performance
    The use of traditional financial measures is often dominated by financial accounting requirements, for example, the need to
    show fixed assets at their historic cost. Also, they are primarily focused on short-term profitability and return on capital
    employed in order to gain stakeholder approval of short term financial reports, the longer term or whole life cycle often being
    The limitations of a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement may be viewed as follows:
    The balanced scorecard attempts to identify the chain of cause and effect relationships which will provide the stimulus for
    the future success of an organisation.
    Advocates of a balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement suggest that it can constitute a vital component
    of the strategic management process.
    However, Robert Kaplan and David Norton, the authors of the balanced scorecard concept concede that it may not be suitable
    for all firms. Norton suggests that it is most suitable for firms which have a long lead time between management action and
    financial benefit and that it will be less suitable for firms with a short-term focus. However, other flaws can be detected in
    the balanced scorecard.
    The balanced scorecard promises to outline the theory of the firm by clearly linking the driver/outcome measures in a cause
    and effect chain, but this will be difficult if not impossible to achieve.
    The precise cause and effect relationships between measures for each of the perspectives on the balanced scorecard will be
    complex because the driver and outcome measures for the various perspectives are interlinked. For example, customer
    satisfaction may be seen to be a function of several drivers, such as employee satisfaction, manufacturing cycle time and
    quality. However, employee satisfaction may in turn be partially driven by customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction
    may partially drive manufacturing cycle time. A consequence of this non-linearity of the cause and effect chain (i.e., there is
    non-linear relationship between an individual driver and a single outcome measure), is that there must be a question mark
    as to the accuracy of any calculated correlations between driver and outcome measures. Allied to this point, any calculated
    correlations will be historic. This implies that it will only be possible to determine the accuracy of cause and effect linkages
    after the event, which could make the use of the balanced scorecard in dynamic industries questionable. If the market is
    undergoing rapid evolution, for example, how meaningful are current measures of customer satisfaction or market share?
    These criticisms do not necessarily undermine the usefulness of the balanced scorecard in presenting a more comprehensive
    picture of organisational performance but they do raise doubts concerning claims that a balanced scorecard can be
    constructed which will outline a clear cause and effect chain between driver and outcome measures and the firm’s financial

  • 第15题:

    A new internal auditor, Daisy Rosepetal, has recently joined Bluebell Co. She has been asked by management to

    establish and to monitor a variety of social and environmental Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Daisy has no

    experience in this area, and has asked you for some advice. It has been agreed with Bluebell Co’s audit committee

    that you are to provide guidance to Daisy to help her in this part of her role, and that this does not impair the

    objectivity of the audit.

    (c) Recommend EIGHT KPIs which could be used to monitor Bluebell Co’s social and environmental

    performance, and outline the nature of evidence that should be available to provide assurance on the

    accuracy of the KPIs recommended. Your answer should be in the form. of briefing notes to be used at a

    meeting with Daisy Rosepetal. (10 marks)

    Note: requirement (c) includes 2 professional marks.



  • 第16题:

    A requirement is a feature of the system or a description of something the system is capable of doing in order to fulfill the system's(71).






  • 第17题:

    To assess how well a student is performing relative to his or her own previous performance,a teacher should use_________assessment.


    考查教学评价。教学评价可分为目标参照性评价、常模参照性评价和个体参照性评价。目标参照性评价(Criterion-referenced assessment)是以具体体现教学目标的标准作为依据,确定学生是否达到标准以及达到的程度如何的一种评价方法。常模参照性评价(Norm-referenced assessment)是依据学生个人的成绩与规定的一群人(如班级、年级、全国的同龄人等)中其他人的成绩相比较来评价和决定学生成绩优劣的一种方法。而不考虑他是否达到教学目标的要求。个体参照性评价(Individual-referenced assessment)是将一个学生的表现与其之前的表现相比所作出的评价。故选B。

  • 第18题:

    Which phase includes the activity of assisting the customer to monitor their Cisco Unified Communications system performance and to respond to trouble reports()

    • A、Maintain
    • B、Deploy
    • C、Operate
    • D、Optimize


  • 第19题:

    In one of your online transaction processing (OLTP) applications, most users frequently modify the values, including the key values, of the application tables. Some users generate application reports by using multiple application tables.  What is the best table structure that you can use to gain optimal performance?()

    • A、heap table
    • B、object table
    • C、external table
    • D、clustered table
    • E、global temporary table
    • F、index­organized table (IOT)


  • 第20题:

    A customer is trying to remotely upgrade their system BIOS firmware on their xSeries server through their RSA adapter.  What feature would best fit the requirement?()

    • A、Use the remote update feature of the RSA
    • B、Use the remote diskette/CD feature on the RSA
    • C、Insert the diskette in the server, flash the BIOS, and reboot the server.
    • D、Use the remote POST function of the RSA to flash the BIOS


  • 第21题:

    You are using flat files as the data source for one of your data warehousing applications. You plan to move the data from the flat file structures to an Oracle database to optimize the application performance. In your database you have clustered tables. While migrating the data, you want to have minimal impact on the database performance and optimize the data load operation. Which method would you use to load data into Oracle database?()

    • A、use the external table population
    • B、use the Oracle Data Pump export and import utility
    • C、use the conventional path data load of SQL*Loader utility
    • D、use the direct path data load of Oracle export and import utility


  • 第22题:

    You are the administrator of's network.  Your Windows 2000 Professional computer has a Pentium II 400-MHz processor, 64 MB of RAM, and an IDE hard disk. After installing a new video editing application you notice that yo ur computer is responding very slowly and you are experiencing long delays in processing video files. You want to evaluate the performance of the hard disk to determine if it is a bottleneck. What should you do?()

    • A、Use Task Manager to view the running applications.
    • B、Use Task Manager to view the running process.
    • C、Use System Monitor to view the physical disk object counters.
    • D、Use System Monitor to view the logical disk object counters.


  • 第23题:

    Consider the events_% tables in performance Schema. Which two methods will clear or reset the collected events in the tables?()

    Using DELETE statements, for example, DELETE FROM performance_schema.events_watis_current


    Using the statement RESET PERFORMANCE CACHE


    Using the statement FLUSH PERFORMANCE CACHE


    Using TRUNCATE statements, for example, TRUNATE TABLE performance_schema.events_waits_current


    Disabling and re-enabling all instruments


    Restarting Mysql

    正确答案: D,E
    解析: 暂无解析