更多“(b) The tax relief available in respect of the anticipated trading losses, together with supporting calculations anda recommended structure for the business. (16 marks)”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (ii) Illustrate the benefit of revising the corporate structure by calculating the corporation tax (CT) payable

    for the year ended 31 March 2006, on the assumptions that:

    (1) no action is taken; and

    (2) an amended structure as recommended in (i) above is implemented from 1 June 2005. (3 marks)



  • 第2题:

    (b) Assuming that the income from the sale of the books is not treated as trading income, calculate Bob’s taxable

    income and gains for all relevant tax years, using any loss reliefs in the most tax-efficient manner. Your

    answer should include an explanation of the loss reliefs available and your reasons for using (or not using)

    them. (12 marks)

    Assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this part of the question.



  • 第3题:

    (b) Explain the advantages from a tax point of view of operating the new business as a partnership rather than

    as a company whilst it is making losses. You should calculate the tax adjusted trading loss for the year

    ending 31 March 2008 for both situations and indicate the years in which the loss relief will be obtained.

    You are not required to prepare any other supporting calculations. (10 marks)


    (b) The new business
    There are two tax advantages to operating the business as a partnership.
    (i) Reduction in taxable income
    If the new business is operated as a company, Cindy and Arthur would both be taxed at 40% on their salaries. In
    addition, employer and employee national insurance contributions would be due on £105 (£5,000 – £4,895) in respect
    of each of them.
    If the new business is operated as a partnership, the partners would have no taxable trading income because the
    partnership has made a loss; any salaries paid to the partners would be appropriations of the profit or loss of the
    business and not employment income. They would, however, each have to pay Class 2 national insurance contributions
    of £2·10 each per week.
    (ii) Earlier relief for trading losses
    If the new business is operated as a company, its tax adjusted trading loss in the year ending 31 March 2008 would
    be as follows:

  • 第4题:

    (ii) Explain, with reasons, the relief available in respect of the fall in value of the shares in All Over plc,

    identify the years in which it can be claimed and state the time limit for submitting the claim.

    (3 marks)



  • 第5题:

    (ii) Assuming the relief in (i) is available, advise Sharon on the maximum amount of cash she could receive

    on incorporation, without triggering a capital gains tax (CGT) liability. (3 marks)

    (ii) As Sharon is entitled to the full rate of business asset taper relief, any gain will be reduced by 75%. The position is
    maximised where the chargeable gain equals Sharon’s unused capital gains tax annual exemption of £8,500. Thus,
    before taper relief, the gain she requires is £34,000 (1/0·25 x £8,500).
    The amount to be held over is therefore £46,000 (80,000 – 34,000). Where part of the consideration is in the form
    of cash, the gain eligible for incorporation relief is calculated using the formula:
    Gain deferred           =                    Gain x value of shares issued/total consideration
    The formula is        manipulated on the following basis:
    £46,000                    =                     £80,000 x (shares/120,000)
    Shares/120,000     =                     £46,000/80,000
    Shares                     =                     £46,000 x 120,000/80,000
    i.e. £69,000.
    As the total consideration is £120,000, this means that Sharon can take £51,000 (£120,000 – £69,000) in cash
    without any CGT consequences.

  • 第6题:

    (b) (i) Advise Andrew of the income tax (IT) and capital gains tax (CGT) reliefs available on his investment in

    the ordinary share capital of Scalar Limited, together with any conditions which need to be satisfied.

    Your answer should clearly identify any steps that should be taken by Andrew and the other investors

    to obtain the maximum relief. (13 marks)

    (b) (i) Andrew may be able to take advantage of tax reliefs under the enterprise investment scheme (EIS) provided the
    necessary conditions are met. The conditions that have to be satisfied before full relief is available fall into three areas,
    and broadly require that a ‘qualifying individual’ subscribes for ‘eligible shares’ in a ‘qualifying company’.
    ‘Qualifying Individual’
    To be a qualifying individual, Andrew must not be connected with the EIS company. This means that he should not be
    an employee (or, at the time the shares are issued, a director) or have an interest in (i.e. control) 30% or more of the
    capital of the company. These conditions need to be satisfied throughout the period beginning two years before the share
    issue and three years after the ‘relevant date’. Where the relevant date is defined as the later of the date the shares were
    issued and the date on which the company commenced trading.
    Andrew does not intend to become an employee (or director) of Scalar Limited, but he needs to exercise caution as to
    how many shares he subscribes for. If only three investors subscribe for 100% of the shares, each will hold 33% of the
    share capital. This exceeds the 30% limit and will mean that EIS relief (other than deferral relief) will not be available.
    Therefore, Andrew and the other two investors should ensure not only that the potential fourth investor is recruited, but
    that s/he subscribes for sufficient shares, such that none of them will hold 30% or more of the issued share capital, as
    only then will they all attain qualifying individual status.
    ‘Eligible shares’
    Qualifying shares need to be new ordinary shares which are subscribed for in cash and fully paid up at the time of issue.
    The shares must not be redeemable for at least three years from the relevant date, and not carry any preferential rights
    to dividends. On the basis of the information provided, the shares of Scalar Limited would qualify as eligible shares.
    ‘Qualifying Company’
    The company must be unquoted, not controlled by another company, and engaged in qualifying business activities. The
    latter requires that the company engage in a trading activity, which is carried on wholly or mainly in the UK, throughout
    the three years following the relevant date. While certain trading activities, such as dealing in shares or trading in land,
    are excluded, the manufacturing trade Scalar Limited proposes to carry on will qualify.
    However, it is also necessary for at least 80% of the money raised to be used for the qualifying business activity within
    12 months of the relevant date and the remaining 20% to be so used within the following 12 months. Andrew and the
    other investors will thus have to ensure that Scalar Limited has not raised more funds than it is able to employ in the
    business within the appropriate time periods.
    Reliefs available:
    Andrew can claim income tax relief at 20% income tax relief on the amount invested up to a maximum of £200,000
    in any one tax year. The relief is given in the form. of a tax reducing allowance, which can reduce the investor’s income
    tax liability to nil, but cannot be used to generate a tax refund. If the investment is made prior to 6 October in the tax
    year, then 50% of the amount invested (up to a maximum of £25,000) can be treated as having been made in the
    previous tax year.
    Any capital gains arising on the sale of EIS shares will be fully exempt from capital gains tax provided that income tax
    relief was given on the investment when made and has not been withdrawn. If the EIS shares are disposed of at a loss,
    capital losses are still allowable, but reduced by the amount of any EIS relief attributable to the shares disposed of.
    In addition, gains from the disposal of other assets can be deferred against the base cost of EIS shares acquired within
    one year before and three years after their disposal. Such gains will, thus, not normally become chargeable until the EIS
    shares themselves are disposed of. Further, for deferral relief to be available, it is not necessary for the investment to
    qualify for EIS income tax relief, i.e. deferral is available even where the investor is not a qualifying individual. Thus,
    Andrew could still defer the gain arising on the disposal of the residential property lease made in order to raise part of
    the funds for his EIS investment, even if no fourth investor were to be found and his shareholding were to exceed 30%
    of the issued share capital of Scalar Limited. Does not require the existence of income tax relief in order to be claimed.
    Withdrawal of relief:
    Any EIS relief claimed by Andrew will be withdrawn (partially or fully) if, within three year of the relevant date:
    (1) he disposes of the shares;
    (2) he receives value from the company;
    (3) he ceases to be a qualifying individual; or
    (4) Scalar Limited ceases to be a qualifying company.
    With regard to receiving value from the company, the definition excludes dividends which do not exceed a normal rate
    of return, but does include the repayment of any loans made to the company before the shares were issued, the provision
    of benefits and the purchase of assets from the company at an undervalue. In this regard, Andrew and the other
    subscribers should ensure that the £50,000 they are to invest in Scalar Limited as loan capital is appropriately timed
    and structured relative to the issue of the EIS shares.

  • 第7题:

    (ii) Analyse the effect of delaying the sale of the business of the Stiletto Partnership to Razor Ltd until

    30 April 2007 on Clint’s income tax and national insurance position.

    You are not required to prepare detailed calculations of his income tax or national insurance liabilities.

    (4 marks)


    (ii) The implications of delaying the sale of the business
    The implications of delaying the sale of the business until 30 April would have been as follows:
    – Clint would have received an additional two months of profits amounting to £6,920 (£20,760 x 1/3).
    – Clint’s trading income in 2006/07 would have been reduced by £13,015 (£43,723 – £30,708), much of which
    would have been subject to income tax at 40%. His additional trading income in 2007/08 of £19,935 would all
    have been taxed at 10% and 22%.
    – Clint is entitled to the personal age allowance of £7,280 in both years. However, it is abated by £1 for every £2
    by which his total income exceeds £20,100. Once Clint’s total income exceeds £24,590 (£20,100 + ((£7,280
    – £5,035) x 2)), his personal allowance will be reduced to the standard amount of £5,035. Accordingly, the
    increased personal allowance would not be available in 2006/07 regardless of the year in which the business was
    sold. It is available in 2007/08 (although part of it is wasted) but would not have been if the sale of the business
    had been delayed.
    – Clint’s class 4 national insurance contributions in 2006/07 would have been reduced due to the fall in the level
    of his trading income. However, much of the saving would be at 1% only. Clint is not liable to class 4 national
    insurance contributions in 2007/08 as he is 65 at the start of the year.
    – Changing the date on which the business was sold would have had no effect on Clint’s class 2 liability as he is
    not required to make class 2 contributions once he is 65 years old.

  • 第8题:

    (ii) Any increase or decrease in the group’s budgeted corporation tax liability for the year ending 30 June

    2008 due to the restructuring on the assumption that trading losses will be used as efficiently as

    possible. (8 marks)


    (ii) The budgeted corporation tax liability for the year ending 30 June 2008
    Following the proposed restructuring, Rapier Ltd will be carrying on four separate trades. The current year loss arising
    in the Dirk trade can be offset against its total profits. Its three subsidiaries will be dormant and will not be associates
    for the purpose of determining the rate of corporation tax.

  • 第9题:

    (c) Calculate and explain the amount of income tax relief that Gerard will obtain in respect of the pension

    contributions he proposes to make in the tax year 2007/08 and contrast this with how his position could be

    improved by delaying some of the contributions that he could have made in 2007/08 until 2008/09. You

    should include relevant supporting calculations and quantify the additional tax savings arising as a result of

    your advice.

    You should ignore the proposed changes to the bonus scheme for this part of this question and assume that

    Gerard’s income will not change in 2008/09. (12 marks)



  • 第10题:

    (c) The inheritance tax payable by Adam in respect of the gift from his aunt. (4 marks)

    Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the memorandum and

    the effectiveness with which the information is communicated. (2 marks)

    Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 will continue to apply for the

    foreseeable future.

    (c) Inheritance tax payable by Adam
    The gift by AS’s aunt was a potentially exempt transfer. No tax will be due if she lives until 1 June 2014 (seven years after
    the date of the gift).
    The maximum possible liability, on the assumption that there are no annual exemptions or nil band available, is £35,216
    (£88,040 x 40%). This will only arise if AS’s aunt dies before 1 June 2010.
    The maximum liability will be reduced by taper relief of 20% for every full year after 31 May 2010 for which AS’s aunt lives.
    The liability will also be reduced if the chargeable transfers made by the aunt in the seven years prior to 1 June 2007 are
    less than £285,000 or if the annual exemption for 2006/07 and/or 2007/08 is/are available.

  • 第11题:

    (ii) Explain how the inclusion of rental income in Coral’s UK income tax computation could affect the

    income tax due on her dividend income. (2 marks)

    You are not required to prepare calculations for part (b) of this question.

    Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and for the financial year to

    31 March 2007 will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.

    (ii) The effect of taxable rental income on the tax due on Coral’s dividend income
    Remitting rental income to the UK may cause some of Coral’s dividend income currently falling within the basic rate
    band to fall within the higher rate band. The effect of this would be to increase the tax on the gross dividend income
    from 0% (10% less the 10% tax credit) to 221/2% (321/2% less 10%).
    Tutorial note
    It would be equally acceptable to state that the effective rate of tax on the dividend income would increase from 0%
    to 25%.

  • 第12题:

    (b) Calculate the amount of input tax that will be recovered by Vostok Ltd in respect of the new premises in the

    year ending 31 March 2009 and explain, using illustrative calculations, how any additional recoverable input

    tax will be calculated in future years. (5 marks)

    (b) Recoverable input tax in respect of new premises
    Vostok Ltd will recover £47,880 (£446,500 x 7/47 x 72%) in the year ending 31 March 2009.
    The capital goods scheme will apply to the purchase of the building because it is to cost more than £250,000. Under the
    scheme, the total amount of input tax recovered reflects the use of the building over the period of ownership, up to a maximum
    of ten years, rather than merely the year of purchase.
    Further input tax will be recovered in future years as the percentage of exempt supplies falls. (If the percentage of exempt
    supplies were to rise, Vostok Ltd would have to repay input tax to HMRC.)
    The additional recoverable input tax will be computed by reference to the percentage of taxable supplies in each year including
    the year of sale. For example, if the percentage of taxable supplies in a particular subsequent year were to be 80%, the
    additional recoverable input tax would be computed as follows.
    £446,500 x 7/47 x 1/10 x (80% – 72%) = £532.
    Further input tax will be recovered in the year of sale as if Vostok Ltd’s supplies in the remaining years of the ten-year period
    are fully vatable. For example, if the building is sold in year seven, the additional recoverable amount for the remaining three
    years will be calculated as follows.
    £446,500 x 7/47 x 1/10 x (100% – 72%) x 3 = £5,586.

  • 第13题:

    (ii) State, giving reasons, the tax reliefs in relation to inheritance tax (IHT) and capital gains tax (CGT) which

    would be available to Alasdair if he acquires the warehouse and leases it to Gallus & Co, rather than to

    an unconnected tenant. (4 marks)

    (ii) Apart from the fact that Alasdair can keep an eye on his tenant, the main advantages are twofold:
    IHT: If the firm are the tenants, the property will be land and buildings used in a business carried on by a partnership
    in which the donor is a partner. Thus, Alasdair will be able to claim business property relief (BPR) at a rate of 50%
    so long as he remains a partner in the firm. However, this relief would not be available until Alasdair has owned
    the property for at least two years from his firm taking up the tenancy.
    CGT: As Alasdair is a partner in the firm using the building, it will also be a qualifying asset for the purposes of rollover
    relief on any gains arising from the disposal of the property. Assuming that Alasdair acquires a replacement asset
    which will be used in the trade, the gain on sale can be deferred against the tax base cost of the replacement asset.
    In the event that rollover relief cannot be used, any gains on disposal will be subject to business asset taper relief.

  • 第14题:

    3 On 1 January 2007 Dovedale Ltd, a company with no subsidiaries, intends to purchase 65% of the ordinary share

    capital of Hira Ltd from Belgrove Ltd. Belgrove Ltd currently owns 100% of the share capital of Hira Ltd and has no

    other subsidiaries. All three companies have their head offices in the UK and are UK resident.

    Hira Ltd had trading losses brought forward, as at 1 April 2006, of £18,600 and no income or gains against which

    to offset losses in the year ended 31 March 2006. In the year ending 31 March 2007 the company expects to make

    further tax adjusted trading losses of £55,000 before deduction of capital allowances, and to have no other income

    or gains. The tax written down value of Hira Ltd’s plant and machinery as at 31 March 2006 was £96,000 and

    there will be no fixed asset additions or disposals in the year ending 31 March 2007. In the year ending 31 March

    2008 a small tax adjusted trading loss is anticipated. Hira Ltd will surrender the maximum possible trading losses

    to Belgrove Ltd and Dovedale Ltd.

    The tax adjusted trading profit of Dovedale Ltd for the year ending 31 March 2007 is expected to be £875,000 and

    to continue at this level in the future. The profits chargeable to corporation tax of Belgrove Ltd are expected to be

    £38,000 for the year ending 31 March 2007 and to increase in the future.

    On 1 February 2007 Dovedale Ltd will sell a small office building to Hira Ltd for its market value of £234,000.

    Dovedale Ltd purchased the building in March 2005 for £210,000. In October 2004 Dovedale Ltd sold a factory

    for £277,450 making a capital gain of £84,217. A claim was made to roll over the gain on the sale of the factory

    against the acquisition cost of the office building.

    On 1 April 2007 Dovedale Ltd intends to acquire the whole of the ordinary share capital of Atapo Inc, an unquoted

    company resident in the country of Morovia. Atapo Inc sells components to Dovedale Ltd as well as to other

    companies in Morovia and around the world.

    It is estimated that Atapo Inc will make a profit before tax of £160,000 in the year ending 31 March 2008 and will

    pay a dividend to Dovedale Ltd of £105,000. It can be assumed that Atapo Inc’s taxable profits are equal to its profit

    before tax. The rate of corporation tax in Morovia is 9%. There is a withholding tax of 3% on dividends paid to

    non-Morovian resident shareholders. There is no double tax agreement between the UK and Morovia.


    (a) Advise Belgrove Ltd of any capital gains that may arise as a result of the sale of the shares in Hira Ltd. You

    are not required to calculate any capital gains in this part of the question. (4 marks)

    (a) Capital gains that may arise on the sale by Belgrove Ltd of shares in Hira Ltd
    Belgrove Ltd will realise a capital gain on the sale of the shares unless the substantial shareholding exemption applies. The
    exemption will be given automatically provided all of the following conditions are satisfied.
    – Belgrove Ltd has owned at least 10% of Hira Ltd for a minimum of 12 months during the two years prior to the sale.
    – Belgrove Ltd is a trading company or a member of a trading group during that 12-month period and immediately after
    the sale.
    – Hira Ltd is a trading company or the holding company of a trading group during that 12-month period and immediately
    after the sale.
    Hira Ltd will no longer be in a capital gains group with Belgrove Ltd after the sale. Accordingly, a capital gain, known as a
    degrouping charge, may arise in Hira Ltd. A degrouping charge will arise if, at the time it leaves the Belgrove Ltd group, Hira
    Ltd owns any capital assets which were transferred to it at no gain, no loss within the previous six years by a member of the
    Belgrove Ltd capital gains group.

  • 第15题:

    (c) (i) Compute Gloria’s capital gains tax liability for 2006/07 ignoring any claims or elections available to

    reduce the liability. (3 marks)



  • 第16题:

    (b) (i) Compute the corporation tax liability of Speak Write Ltd for its first trading period on the assumption

    that the IR 35 legislation applies to all of its income. (2 marks)



  • 第17题:

    (ii) Calculate the corporation tax (CT) payable by Tay Limited for the year ended 31 March 2006, taking

    advantage of all available reliefs. (3 marks)



  • 第18题:

    (ii) Advise Clifford of the capital gains tax implications of the alternative of selling the Oxford house and

    garden by means of two separate disposals as proposed. Calculations are not required for this part of

    the question. (3 marks)

    (ii) The implications of selling the Oxford house and garden in two separate disposals
    The additional sales proceeds would result in an increase in Clifford’s capital gains and consequently his tax liability.
    When computing the gain on the sale of the house together with a small part of the garden, the allowable cost would
    be a proportion of the original cost. That proportion would be A/A + B where A is the value of the house and garden
    that has been sold and B is the value of the part of the garden that has been retained. Principal private residence relief
    and taper relief would be available in the same way as that set out in (i) above.
    When computing the gain on the sale of the remainder of the garden, the cost would be the original cost of the property
    less the amount used in computing the gain on the earlier disposal. Principal private residence relief would not be
    available as the land sold is not a dwelling house or part of one.

  • 第19题:

    (iii) The extent to which Amy will be subject to income tax in the UK on her earnings in respect of duties

    performed for Cutlass Inc and the travel costs paid for by that company. (5 marks)

    Appropriateness of format and presentation of the report and the effectiveness with which its advice is

    communicated. (2 marks)


    You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and the corporation tax

    rates and allowances for the financial year 2006 apply throughout this questio

    (iii) Amy’s UK income tax position
    Amy will remain UK resident and ordinarily resident as she is not leaving the UK permanently or for a complete tax year
    under a full time contract of employment. Accordingly, she will continue to be subject to UK tax on her worldwide income
    including her earnings in respect of the duties she performs for Cutlass Inc. The earnings from these duties will also be
    taxable in Sharpenia as the income arises in that country.
    The double tax treaty between the UK and Sharpenia will either exempt the employment income in one of the two
    countries or give double tax relief for the tax paid in Sharpenia. The double tax relief will be the lower of the UK tax and
    the Sharpenian tax on the income from Cutlass Inc.
    Amy will not be subject to UK income tax on the expenses borne by Cutlass Inc in respect of her flights to and from
    Sharpenia provided her journeys are wholly and exclusively for the purposes of performing her duties in Sharpenia.
    The amounts paid by Cutlass Inc in respect of Amy’s family travelling to Sharpenia will be subject to UK income tax as
    Amy will not be absent from the UK for a continuous period of at least 60 days.

  • 第20题:

    (iii) The effect of the restructuring on the group’s ability to recover directly and non-directly attributable input

    tax. (6 marks)

    You are required to prepare calculations in respect of part (ii) only of this part of this question.

    Note: – You should assume that the corporation tax rates and allowances for the financial year 2006 apply

    throughout this question.


    (iii) The effect of the restructuring on the group’s ability to recover its input tax
    Prior to the restructuring
    Rapier Ltd and Switch Ltd make wholly standard rated supplies and are in a position to recover all of their input tax
    other than that which is specifically blocked. Dirk Ltd and Flick Ltd are unable to register for VAT as they do not make
    taxable supplies. Accordingly, they cannot recover any of their input tax.
    Following the restructuring
    Rapier Ltd will be carrying on four separate trades, two of which involve the making of exempt supplies such that it will
    be a partially exempt trader. Its recoverable input tax will be calculated as follows.
    – Input tax in respect of inputs wholly attributable to taxable supplies is recoverable.
    – Input tax in respect of inputs wholly attributable to exempt supplies cannot be recovered (subject to the de minimis
    limits below).
    – A proportion of the company’s residual input tax, i.e. input tax in respect of inputs which cannot be directly
    attributed to particular supplies, is recoverable. The proportion is taxable supplies (VAT exclusive) divided by total
    supplies (VAT exclusive). This proportion is rounded up to the nearest whole percentage where total residual input
    tax is no more than £400,000 per quarter.
    The balance of the residual input tax cannot be recovered (subject to the de minimis limits below).
    – If the de minimis limits are satisfied, Rapier Ltd will be able to recover all of its input tax (other than that which is
    specifically blocked) including that which relates to exempt supplies. The de minimis limits are satisfied where the
    irrecoverable input tax:
    – is less than or equal to £625 per month on average; and
    – is less than or equal to 50% of total input tax.
    The impact of the restructuring on the group’s ability to recover its input tax will depend on the level of supplies made
    by the different businesses and the amounts of input tax involved. The restructuring could result in the group being able
    to recover all of its input tax (if the de minimis limits are satisfied). Alternatively the amount of irrecoverable input tax
    may be more or less than the amounts which cannot be recovered by Dirk Ltd and Flick Ltd under the existing group

  • 第21题:

    (d) Evaluate the effect on Gerard of the changes to be made by Fizz plc to its performance related bonus scheme.

    You should ignore the effect of any pension contributions to be made by Gerard in the future, consider both

    the value and timing of amounts received by Gerard and include relevant supporting calculations.

    (5 marks)

    Note: – You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 apply throughout

    this question.

    (d) Implications for Gerard of the changes to Fizz plc’s bonus scheme
    Value received
    Under the existing scheme Gerard receives approximately £4,500 each year. This is subject to income tax at 40% and
    national insurance contributions at 1% such that Gerard receives £2,655 (£4,500 x 59%) after all taxes.
    Under the proposed share incentive plan (SIP), Gerard expects to receive free shares worth £3,500 (£2,100 + £1,400).
    Provided the shares remain in the plan for at least five years there will be no income tax or national insurance contributions
    in respect of the value received. Gerard’s base cost in the shares for the purposes of capital gains tax will be their value at
    the time they are withdrawn from the scheme.
    In addition, the amount he spends on partnership shares will be allowable for both income tax and national insurance such
    that he will obtain shares with a value of £700 for a cost of only £413 (£700 x 59%).
    Accordingly, Gerard will receive greater value under the SIP than he does under the existing bonus scheme. However, as noted
    below, he will not be able to sell the free or matching shares until they have been in the scheme for at least three years by
    which time they may have fallen in value.
    Timing of receipt of benefit
    Under the existing scheme Gerard receives a cash bonus each year.
    The value of free and matching shares awarded under a SIP cannot be realised until the shares are withdrawn from the
    scheme and sold. This withdrawal cannot take place until at least three years after the shares are awarded to Gerard.
    Accordingly, Gerard will not have access to the value of the bonuses he receives under the SIP until the scheme has been in
    operation for at least three years. In addition, if the shares are withdrawn within five years of being awarded, income tax and
    national insurance contributions will become payable on the lower of their value at the time of the award and their value at
    the time of withdrawal thus reducing the value of Gerard’s bonus.

  • 第22题:

    (c) Explanatory notes, together with relevant supporting calculations, in connection with the loan. (8 marks)

    Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the schedules, the

    effectiveness with which the information is communicated and the extent to which the schedules are structured in

    a logical manner. (3 marks)

    Notes: – you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and for the financial year

    to 31 March 2007 apply throughout the question.

    – you should ignore value added tax (VAT).

    (c) Tax implications of there being a loan from Flores Ltd to Banda
    Flores Ltd should have paid tax to HMRC equal to 25% of the loan, i.e. £5,250. The tax should have been paid on the
    company’s normal due date for corporation tax in respect of the accounting period in which the loan was made, i.e. 1 April
    following the end of the accounting period.
    The tax is due because Flores Ltd is a close company that has made a loan to a participator and that loan is not in the ordinary
    course of the company’s business.
    HMRC will repay the tax when the loan is either repaid or written off.
    Flores Ltd should have included the loan on Banda’s Form. P11D in order to report it to HMRC.
    Banda should have paid income tax on an annual benefit equal to 5% of the amount of loan outstanding during each tax
    year. Accordingly, for each full year for which the loan was outstanding, Banda should have paid income tax of £231
    (£21,000 x 5% x 22%).
    Interest and penalties may be charged in respect of the tax underpaid by both Flores Ltd and Banda and in respect of the
    incorrect returns made to HMRC
    Willingness to act for Banda
    We would not wish to be associated with a client who has engaged in deliberate tax evasion as this poses a threat to the
    fundamental principles of integrity and professional behaviour. Accordingly, we should refuse to act for Banda unless she is
    willing to disclose the details regarding the loan to HMRC and pay the ensuing tax liabilities. Even if full disclosure is made,
    we should consider whether the loan was deliberately hidden from HMRC or Banda’s previous tax adviser.
    In addition, companies are prohibited from making loans to directors under the Companies Act. We should advise Banda to
    seek legal advice on her own position and that of Flores Ltd.

  • 第23题:

    5 Crusoe has contacted you following the death of his father, Noland. Crusoe has inherited the whole of his father’s

    estate and is seeking advice on his father’s capital gains tax position and the payment of inheritance tax following his


    The following information has been extracted from client files and from telephone conversations with Crusoe.

    Noland – personal information:

    – Divorcee whose only other relatives are his sister, Avril, and two grandchildren.

    – Died suddenly on 1 October 2007 without having made a will.

    – Under the laws of intestacy, the whole of his estate passes to Crusoe.

    Noland – income tax and capital gains tax:

    – Has been a basic rate taxpayer since the tax year 2000/01.

    – Sales of quoted shares resulted in:

    – Chargeable gains of £7,100 and allowable losses of £17,800 in the tax year 2007/08.

    – Chargeable gains of approximately £14,000 each tax year from 2000/01 to 2006/07.

    – None of the shares were held for long enough to qualify for taper relief.

    Noland – gifts made during lifetime:

    – On 1 December 1999 Noland gave his house to Crusoe.

    – Crusoe has allowed Noland to continue living in the house and has charged him rent of £120 per month

    since 1 December 1999. The market rent for the house would be £740 per month.

    – The house was worth £240,000 at the time of the gift and £310,000 on 1 October 2007.

    – On 1 November 2004 Noland transferred quoted shares worth £232,000 to a discretionary trust for the benefit

    of his grandchildren.

    Noland – probate values of assets held at death: £

    – Portfolio of quoted shares 370,000

    Shares in Kurb Ltd 38,400

    Chattels and cash 22,300

    Domestic liabilities including income tax payable (1,900)

    – It should be assumed that these values will not change for the foreseeable future.

    Kurb Ltd:

    – Unquoted trading company

    – Noland purchased the shares on 1 December 2005.


    – Long-standing personal tax client of your firm.

    – Married with two young children.

    – Successful investment banker with very high net worth.

    – Intends to gift the portfolio of quoted shares inherited from Noland to his aunt, Avril, who has very little personal



    (a) Prepare explanatory notes together with relevant supporting calculations in order to quantify the tax relief

    potentially available in respect of Noland’s capital losses realised in 2007/08. (4 marks)
