听力原文:W: How do you pay for your purchases with a credit card?M: Usually I sign a sales slip in the presence of the seller, and the signature is then compared to the signature on the card.Q: Where should the man sign when he pays for his goods with a credi


听力原文:W: How do you pay for your purchases with a credit card?

M: Usually I sign a sales slip in the presence of the seller, and the signature is then compared to the signature on the card.

Q: Where should the man sign when he pays for his goods with a credit card?


A.On his card.

B.On the goods.

C.On a sales slip.

D.On the invoice.


3.SECTION A MINI-LECTUREDirections: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.听力原文: Good morning, everyone. First about your second assignment. I'd like to remind you that your second assignment should be in by next Fri day. You can either put it in my pigeon hole, or leave it with the Department's secretary. Now, let's get down to the lecture.Today, the lecture is on credit, er, or to be more specific, on credit cards. I'm sure you must have heard of some credit cards, like the VI SA card, which is an internationally used card, or the Great Wall card issued by the Bank of China, In order to give a better understanding, we'll discuss it in some detail.Many businesses, such as department stores, restaurants, hotels and airline companies, use a credit system for selling their products and services. In a credit system, the seller agrees to sell something to the buyer without immediately receiving cash. He receives the goods or ser vices immediately and promises to pay for them later. This buy-now-pay later credit system is quite old.There are two types of credit cards. One type is issued directly by a store to a customer. Many large department stores issue credit cards to their customers. The store credit card can be used to make purchases only at a particular store. For example, if you have a credit card from Store A, then you can only buy things in that store. Other stores would not accept it. The other kind of credit card is issued by a credit company. Credit cards from credit companies can be used to buy things almost anywhere. If you have a major credit card, you can buy airplane tickets, stay at hotels and eat at restaurant with it. Most large credit companies are connected to large banks. So if you want a credit card from a credit company, you generally have to make an application at a bank. After an applicant receives a credit card, he or she can make purchases using thecard.The credit company sends the customer a statement of purchases at the end of each month. Generally the customer has to pay 25--50% of their credit hill every month. The customer pays directly to the credit company and the credit company pays to the store or hotel or restaurant.There are some advantages and some disadvantages to using credit cards. The biggest advantage for the consumer is expressed by the phrase "buy now, pay later". This means that the consumer can purchase what he wants when he wants it. There is no need to save up money in advance. Another advantage of having a credit card is that it protects the owner, ff a credit card is lost or stolen, the owner only has to call the credit company and the credit company will stop the credit card number. No one else can use it. So the owner doesn't have to worry about losing the card. Another advantage of the credit card system is that the consumer receives a record of his or her purchases. Every month the credit customer receives a bill. The bill has a list of all purchases from that month. This makes it easier to remember when and where purchases are made. And another advantage is that credit cards can be used when something unexpected happens. Many kinds of professional people—plumbers, taxidrivers, doctors and dentists—will accept credit cards in an emergency. This is very important if you don't have any cash with you.However, having said all that, using credit cards has one major disadvantage. That is, consumers tend to overspend their money. They spend more than they make. If a consumer buys a lot of th

4.One silly question I simply can't stand is "How do you feel". Usually the question is asked of a man in action--a man on the go, walking along the street, or busily working at his desk. So what do you expect him to say? He'll probably say, "Fine, I'm all right." But "you've put a bug in his ear" — maybe now he's not sure. If you are a good friend, you may have seen something in his face, or his walk, that he did not realize that morning. It starts him worrying a little. First thing you know, he looks in a mirror to sec if everything is all right, while you go merrily on your way asking someone else, "How do you feel?"Every question has its time and place. It's perfectly acceptable, for instance, to ask "How do you feel?" if you're visiting a close friend in the hospital. But if the fellow is walking on both legs, hurrying to make a train, or sitting at his desk working, it's no time to ask him that silly question.When George Bernard Shaw, the famous writer of plays was in his eighties, someone asked him "How do you feel", Shaw put him in his place. "When you reach my age", he said, "either you feel all right or you're dead."1).According to the writer, greetings, such as "How do you feel?" _________ .A. show one's consideration for othersB. are a good way to make friendsC. are proper to ask a man in actionD. generally make one feel uneasy2).The question "How do you feel?" seems to be correct and suitable when asked of ________ .A. a man working at his deskB. a person having lost a close friendC. a stranger who looks somewhat worriedD. a friend who is ill3).The writer seems to feel that a busy man should _________ .A. be praised for his effortsB. never be asked any questionC. not be botheredD. be discouraged from working so hard4).George Bernard Shaw's reply in the passage shows his ________ .A. cheerfulnessB. clevernessC. abilityD. politeness5)."You've put a bug in his ear "means that you've _________ .A. made him laughB. shown concern for himC. made fun of himD. given him some kind of warning

更多“听力原文:W: How do you pay for your purchases with a credit card?M: Usually I sign a sales slip in the presence of the seller, and the signature is then compared to the signature on the card.Q: Where should the man sign when he pays for his goods with a credi”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    听力原文:W: Well. I see you've got your rod and reel. Look at them, they are so nice and I guess the price is not low.

    M: Yes, and as soon as I get my bait, I'll he on my way. Also the weather is good.

    Q: What is the man most probably going to do?


    A.He is going driving.

    B.He is going shopping.

    C.He is going blowing.

    D.He is going fishing.

    解析:行动计划题。对话中女士看到男士已经准备好了鱼竿和线,男士回答只要再找到鱼饵就可以出发了(as soon as I get my bait, I'll be on my way)。可知男士将要去钓鱼。故答案为D。

  • 第2题:


    病人说:“I am the tailor .”(难过的神态)

    A man went to see his ___71___ one day , because he was surfing from pains in his _72__ . After the doctor _73_ over him carefully , he _74____ to him , “Well , there is __75____ wrong with you , don’t worry . Your only trouble is you worry too

    __76____ . Do you know , I had a man with the __77____ trouble as you here a few weeks ago , and I ___78___ him the same advice as I’m going to give you . He was worried _79_ he couldn’t pay his tailor’s(裁缝) bills . I told him not to worry about the bills any more . He took my advice and when he came to see me again two days ago , he told me that he now felt quite all right again .” “Yes ,I know all about that .” answered the patient __80____. “You see , I’m that man’s tailor



  • 第3题:


    Save Money by Understanding Why You Spend It

    To save money, you simply need to spend less than you earn. It is easy to say, but why is' it so difficult to do? To answer this question, you need to study the factors that keep you spending all the time.

    Easy access to credit

    For most people, this is the biggest reason for overspending. People can easily get a credit card, simply by filling out a short form. in a bank or jumping on their website. They can borrow money from banks to go shopping, even buy cars or houses. When you aren't physically handing someone money or a check for a purchase, you will feel you are spending free money or you aren't spending money at all. Try using cash to get your spending under control.

    Misusing credit cards

    A credit card is an interest free short-term loan. When used as planned, this can be a powerful financial tool. The problem is when you begin to let the balance continue from month to month. If you make a $200 purchase on your credit card and find out that at the end of the month you can't afford to repay the full amount, this is when the high interest rates on the cards really begin to hurt you. That is no way of saving money.

    Giving in to temptation

    We all need to enjoy life, but don't waste your financial future for a few guilty pleasures today if they aren't in your budget. When you know that you can't afford an activity, don't give in. Instead, invite your friends over for a home dinner party, game night, or some other activities where you can still enjoy time together, but without breaking your budget.

    ( ) 26. For most people, easy access to credit is the biggest reason for overspending.

    ( ) 27. Using credit card is an effective way to get your spending under control.

    ( ) 28. You have to pay for the credit card loans by the end of each month.

    ( ) 29. Using a credit card to pay is spending free money.

    ( ) 30. Always pay attention to your budget while spending.

    T TF F T

  • 第4题:

    听力原文:M: I've lost my credit card issued by your bank. What should I do, please?

    W: I am sorry for that. But you have to go to that counter over there for the card business.

    Q: Why does the customer come to the bank?


    A.He got a credit card of his friend and come to ask how to use it.

    B.He got a card and did not know whose card it is.

    C.He has lost his credit card and come to ask what to do.

    D.He has found a credit card and come to ask what to do.

    解析:录音原文中男士说:I've lost my credit card issued by your bank,即他丢失了信用卡,来银行想知道该怎么办。

  • 第5题:

    听力原文:M: Could your company accept bills of exchange payable 30 days after sight?

    W: No, we don't accept any draft; instead, we usually make payment at sight.

    Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


    A.The man will probably wait for the payment for 30 days.

    B.The man can get his payment right away.

    C.The man will send an order to the company.

    D.The woman will not pay the man at sight.

    解析:从女士所说的“make payment at sight”,即即期付款,可知B项正确。

  • 第6题:

    听力原文:M: Good morning! This is a demand draft for one thousand American dollars. May I have it discounted here?

    W: Sorry, immediate encashment of a foreign bill is not allowed. You may entrust it to us for collection. But it takes time.

    Q: What should the man do if he wants to get the payment of the draft?


    A.He has to show the clerk his passport.

    B.He has to entrust the draft for collection to the bank.

    C.He has to fill in some forms.

    D.He has to endorse the draft.

    解析:由对话可知,男士是想将一张即期汇票兑取现金,但女士的回答是将外汇汇票立即兑现成现金是不可以的,不过他可以"entrust it to us for collection",可见B为正确项。

  • 第7题:

    听力原文:M: Do you provide investment service?

    W: Yes. We are a commercial bank. We help customers with the purchase and sales of securities.

    Q: What does the man want to do?


    A.He will provide investment service.

    B.He will help the customers.

    C.He will join the commercial bank.

    D.He will purchase or sell securities.

    解析:当男士问对方是否提供投资服务时,女士回答道:"We help customers with the purchase and sales of securities."可知D项正确。

  • 第8题:

    Part A

    51. Directions:

    You are planning to ask your friend to join an outing. Express your idea clearly as follows:

    1) details about what you are going to do;

    2) when and where you will go out.

    You should write no less than 100 words and on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.

    You do not need to write the address.

    Dear Li Ying,
        Haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been? I am missing you all the time. As the weather is splendid now, Jack, Lucy and I have made a plan to go out to the countryside by hike. Each of us may take food for the picnic, which we will have at the hillside. The countryside must be very lovely, with grass and trees growing flourishingly, flowers full bloom and bright Sunshine. We can enjoy the scenery to our hearts' content, at the same time and take some pictures as a memory. It is possible for us to meet at the bus stop at 8 a.m. I am sure we will have a good time. Do come and join us.
    Yours always,

  • 第9题:

    Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods,you are not entitled( )a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery.

    entitle常用被动语态的形式表示“有权(做某事)”,即be entitled to do sth.或“被给予某种资格”,即be entitled to sth句意:如果你和保险公司没有签订为你的货物保险的合同,你无权要求偿还在运输过程中受损货物的货款。

  • 第10题:

    英译中:How would you like to pay, by credit card or in cash?


  • 第11题:

    Delivery man: I have a package here for Beverly Beaver. Beverly: That is me. ______ Delivery man: Yes, please sign here on the line. Beverly: Thank you. These must be the new drapes I ordered.

    Where is the receipt?


    Do you have the sender’s address?


    Do you take a credit card?


    Do I have to sign for it?

    正确答案: B
    解析: 从送货人的回答:“是的,请在线上签名。”可知只有选项D“我需要签名吗?”正确。

  • 第12题:

    A man is 36 years old. He asks the other man how old he is. The other man answers: “I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are today.” How old is the other man?

    正确答案: 48
    解析: 解答本题需要理解“I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are today.”,意思为:B男在A男这个年纪(36)时,B男年龄是当时A男年龄的两倍,假设B男年龄为x,则x=[36-(x-36)]*2=x,故x=48。

  • 第13题:

    听力原文:W: Hi, Sam, I hate to bother you but I wonder if I could have a word with you?

    M: Sounds so serious. What's up?

    W: Well, the landlord just informed me that he's going to increase our rent by two hundred. I'm wondering how you feel about it.

    M: How do I feel about it? No way! In our tenancy agreement, it says he will have to give us a notice three months in advance if he wants to increase the rent.

    W: Yeah, that's right! It's gotta be three months later. Well, I think he realizes his rental fee is below the market rate and he must be feeling a bit ripped off when he could be charging a couple hundred extra. What do you think Sam? Should we agree to the raise or find somewhere else?

    M: Good question. I'm not sure either. The location we're at now is quite convenient. Close to the grocery and near the subway. It'll be hard to find another location like this one.

    W: I wonder whether he'll allow room for negotiation. Perhaps a hundred dollars instead of two. Maybe he might be more willing to give a bit if we speak to him right way.

    M: Well, he seems to be a nice guy to talk to. But what if he refuses? Would you go for two then?

    W: Well, I guess I would, since it'll be hard to find such a convenient location. Besides, it's close to my school and I can sleep a little later in the mornings.

    M: Ha! I figured that's what you'd be concerned about. Well, I have to give it some serious thought. I'm not sure I can afford to cough up an extra hundred a month just to make sure I can sleep in an extra 15 minutes.

    W: Didn't you get your loan recently? That'll cover what you need. Besides, if you could just stop spending so much on cafeteria snacks you'd have lots of money to spare.

    M: Yeah, but I'm thinking of getting a new laptop.

    W: Well, I tell you, there aren't a lot of apartments that are cheaper, even with this new increase.

    M: I know, so when does he want us to come back on this?

    W: He told me to let him know this weekend.

    M: Sure, by then I should be able to make up my mind.


    A.Where they should move.

    B.How to negotiate with the landlord.

    C.How to fight the increase.

    D.Whether to accept an increase in rent or move.


  • 第14题:

    听力原文:M: I don't know why the man there said he couldn't pay my cheque.

    W: Let me see. Yes. You draw your cheque in lead-pencil. It is not recognized in the bank. You should draw it in ink.

    Q: What is the woman's suggestion?


    A.Returning the cheque.

    B.Drawing the cheque in ink.

    C.Drawing the cheque in lead-pencil.

    D.Going to the paying bank.

    解析:男士对他的薪金支票不能兑现感到不解,女士发现他是用铅笔开的支票,所以女士建议男士"draw it in ink"。

  • 第15题:

    听力原文:If you lose this credit card, you have to notify us as soon as possible, so that we can put a stop on your lost card.


    A.We are the credit card holders.

    B.We are the bank who can encash the card.

    C.We are the credit card company.

    D.We stopped your card losing.


  • 第16题:

    听力原文:M: Some credit cards are called gold cards because they offer higher credit limits and lower interest rates.

    W: But the card holders should pay a significant annual fee, perhaps as high as £ 50.

    Q: What is the disadvantage for gold cards holders?


    A.High credit limits

    B.High annual fee.

    C.Low interest rates.

    D.Monthly statements.

    解析:男士提到金卡的优点后,女士接着指出其缺点,即pay a significant annual fee,perhaps as high as £50,也就是年费高,B项正确。

  • 第17题:

    听力原文:M: Would you please tell me what I should do to have funds transferred to me here from London?

    W: The fastest way is by telegraphic transfer from your bank in London to us.

    Q: What does the man want to do?


    A.He wants to withdraw some pounds.

    B.He wants to transfer some money to London.

    C.He wants to know how to transfer money from London to him.

    D.He wants to exchange some pounds for yen.

    解析:男士问的是如何“have funds transferred to me here from London”,所以C项正确。

  • 第18题:


    听力原文:Credit card holders can charge purchases to their credit card accounts, and they receive monthly statements.


    A.Credit card holders will state if they don't buy anything.

    B.Credit card holders will receive their statements from the bank every month.

    C.Credit card holders can charge purchases to their bank accounts.

    D.Credit card holders have to make purchases every month.


  • 第19题:

    听力原文:M: I want to apply for a credit card. What are the common credit cards?

    W: Master Card, Visa, Discover, and American Express. Apply for the ones without annual fees. Some credit cards even pay you back about 1% - 2% of what you spend.

    Q: Which type of credit card is not mentioned in the conversation?


    A.Smart Card.

    B.Master Card.

    C.Visa Card.

    D.American Express.

    解析:男士问的是普通信用卡有哪些,女士的回答是“Master Card”,“Visa”,“Discover”,and “American Express”.只有A不属于这一类。

  • 第20题:

    Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university,suggesting how to improve students’physical condition.You should include the details you think necessary.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Li Ming”instead.

    审题谋篇本篇应用文仍然属于书信类型中的建议信,从话题角度看属于健康类话题。该书信的收信人为大学校长,所以属于正式文体,文中不应出现过多缩写/省略/口语表达等非正式语言。称呼处可以直接尊称“Dear Mr.President,”,正文仍然按照三段模式展开。首段需要简单地自我介绍,交代写信目的。中间段具体对如何提高大学生身体素质给出2-3条可行的建议。建议信的尾段一般是提出希望,期待回信。落款使用常见的书信落款:Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Yours truly,或Truly yours等,签名应写Li Ming,切勿出现自己真实姓名。二、参考范文Dear Mr.President,I am a student of our university.I am writing this letter to bring forward some effective suggestions to our college students about how to improve their body health.Initially,exercising,though not a student’s first priority in his/her daily life,should be stressed by all of us as well as our university,because it is vital to not only our physical health but mental health as well.Furthermore,developing a regular and healthy diet,which provides vitamins and other nutrients to our body,would,to some extent,undoubtedly benefit our body.I hope that you will find my suggestions useful and propagandas be launched among the students.I am looking forward to your earlier response.Yours sincerely,Li Ming三、万能句型1.I am writing this letter to bring forward some effective suggestions to…about….2.…should be stressed by…,because it is vital to but…as well.3.I hope that you will find my suggestions useful.4.I am looking forward to your earlier response.

  • 第21题:

    You have lost your cellphone charger at the hotel where you stayed during your vacation.Write a letter to the hotel aboul your item left behind.You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address

    Dear sir,IAst week our family had a wonderful time in your area,and stayed at your hotel during our time there.We have been home for two days,and I just realized that I had left my cellphone charger at your hotel.I realize that it could have been easily overlooked and has since been thrown with the garbage.But if you have a Lost and Found,could you ask someone to check if it might have been placedthere?I don't think anyone will have trouble identifying it.Thank you for your lime and assistance with this matter.Regards,Li Ming

  • 第22题:

    You are the administrator of your company’s network. A user named Tom in the art department wants to update his Windows 2000 Professional computer so that he can view graphics at the highest resolution. Tom downloads a video card driver from the Internet and then asks of your assistance in installing it. You are unsure of the source of driver. You want to ensure that Tom does not loose productive time because of the incompatible driver. What should you do?()

    • A、Install the driver in the computer. Save after installing the driver. Restart the computer, then  use the last known good configuration to recover the original driver
    • B、Install the driver in the computer. Save after installing the driver, use hardware troubleshooter  then use Recovery Console to recover the original driver
    • C、Display the advance attributes a parallel works for video card driver file. Install the file, if the  contents have been secured
    • D、Run file signature verification survey to verify that the driver has a digital signature. Do not  install otherwise.


  • 第23题:

    Directions: Suppose you are Li Ming. One of your roommates is getting addicted to smoking. You are going to write a letter, trying to persuade him to quit. Your letter should be persuasive. It may be advisable to include the following points in your letter.  A letter to a roommate  1) His smoking is becoming a problem for all his roommates.  2) He is ruining his health.  3) Smoking harms the health of others around him, too.  4) He can quit if he is determined.  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. Now write the letter on the Answer Sheet.

    Dear Tom,
    I am writing this letter to tell you how I think about your smoking.
    I know you are a very kind and easy-going roommate, but your newly developed habit of smoking has really become a headache for all of us. Smoking is a bad habit because it can harm your health and ruin your life.
    Smoking would make you spend much money, especially so when you are addicted to it. The cigarette contains nicotine which can hurt your lungs and windpipes directly. It is widely proved that a large percentage of people who suffer from lung cancer are smokers.
    Smoking hurts not only your health, but also that of others around you. When smoking in the dormitory, you exhale the fog which fill into the air and this fog is inhaled by the people around you. Air is important to our health. But the air becomes more unbearable due to the butts left in the ashtray. We have never had fresh air since you took up the habit.
    I hope you could quit this bad habit. It is not difficult if you are determined to do it. Forming a new habit takes only 21 days.
    Sincerely yours,
    Li Ming
    (Word Count: 199)
    解析: 暂无解析